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Create layout viewports

You will learn how to place viewports onto a

layout for printing.

o Plotting a drawing

Learning Objectives:

• Create a layout viewport.

• Place viewports onto a layout.

The completed exercise

1. Open the file PRINT_02.dwg.

Figure 1. Opening the drawing file in AutoCAD

2. On the Layout ribbon, in the Layout

Viewports panel, expand the Rectangular
Figure 2. Expanding the viewport type

3. Hover the cursor over the Insert View

tool to display the tooltip to create a new
viewport containing a named view.

Figure 3. Displaying the Insert View tooltip

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4. On the Home ribbon, in the Layers panel,
click Layer Properties.

Figure 4. Selecting Layer Properties

5. In the Layer Properties Manager palette,

click New Layer.

Figure 5. Adding a new layer

6. Name the layer VIEWPORTS.

Figure 6. Naming the new layer VIEWPORTS

7. Click Set Current.

Figure 7. Setting the VIEWPORTS layer as the

current layer

8. Click the color swatch.

Figure 8. Selecting the layer color

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9. In the Select Color dialog, select Red and
click OK. Collapse or close the Layer
Properties Manager palette.

Figure 9. Setting the layer color to Red (Color


10. On the Layout ribbon, in the Layout

Figure 10. Selecting the Rectangular
Viewports panel, click Rectangular. Press
viewport type
F3 to toggle off object snap.

11. Select a point in the lower-left corner of

the sheet.

Figure 11. Selecting the first point for the

rectangular viewport

12. Select a point near the middle of the

sheet to specify the opposite corner. The
viewport is created.

Figure 12. Selecting the second point for the

rectangular viewport

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13. On the Layout ribbon, in the Layout
Viewports panel, expand the
Rectangular split-button and select

Figure 13. Selecting the Polygonal viewport


14. Select a point just above the upper-left

corner of the first viewport.

Figure 14. Starting the polygonal viewport

15. Track to the right along the 0-degree

alignment line and pick a point about 4
units to the right.

Figure 15. Placing the next point of the


16. Track up along the 90-degree alignment

and pick a point approximately 1 unit up.

Figure 16. Placing the next point of the


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17. Track to the right along the 0-degree
alignment line and pick a point
approximately 2 units to the right.

Figure 17. Placing the next point of the


18. Track up along the 90-degree alignment

and pick a point near the top border.

Figure 18. Placing the next point of the


19. Toggle object snap on and use object

snap tracking to track to the left along
the 180-degree alignment. Select a point
directly above the starting point.

Figure 19. Placing the next point of the


20. Right-click and select Close to end the


Figure 20. Closing the polygonal viewport

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21. On the Home ribbon, in the Draw panel,
click Circle.

Figure 21. Selecting the CIRCLE command

22. Create a circle in the upper-right corner

of the layout.

Figure 22. Placing a circle in the layout

23. From the Layout ribbon, in the Layout

Viewports panel, expand the split-
button and select Object.

Figure 23. Selecting the Object viewport type

24. Select the circle and it becomes a


Figure 24. Converting the circle object to a

circular viewport

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