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Theme CSL’24

‫تزےدليمویہاکوشااجنماھب‬ ‫ذعررپہزہپاتہکےہڑگبرکاسیقےہ‬
‫ي‬ ‫پيہ‬
‫تزیمزاںےہامشررحسواشماھب‬ ‫یعس مےہرتازوےئمکوکيفحات‬
The theme of this year’s Chasing Snow Leopard embodies the famous verses from a ghazal from
the works of the Poet of East: Allama Muhammad Iqbal. The ghazal starts from Iqbal instructing
himself to further mature his own ideas and declarations before instilling them in the Muslims of
the Indian Sub-continent. But they are as applicable to us, as they were in the times of the
struggle of freedom against the colonial rule of the British empire. After eloquently writing the
differences between love and intellect; heart and mind; and the complete, instant obedience of
a lover for the beloved, Iqbal moves on to giving wise advice regarding the attitude that every
freedom loving revolutionary should adopt:

• Firstly, it is imperative that we strive not looking to achieve destination or the goal in
foreseeable future, but rather strive for the sake of striving. Only then shall one be able
to take adequate risks in the name of freedom and not be concerned with even living to
see the results of one’s lifelong work. A perfect example is that of Iqbal himself. He
fought so hard for the creation of Pakistan, even in the darkest days. But he did not live
to see the fruits of his struggle.
• Secondly, it is the journey that is more heroic and worthy of praise than achieving the
goal itself. The beauty of a journey lies in the moments of discovery, growth, and
experience along the way. While reaching a destination may bring a sense of
accomplishment, it is the journey itself that weaves a tapestry of memories and lessons.
The process of overcoming challenges, embracing the unknown, and appreciating the
subtle nuances of the path is where true fulfillment is found. The journey invites us to
savor each step, fostering personal development and creating a rich narrative that shapes
our character. Unlike the destination, which is a finite point, the journey is an infinite
source of inspiration, offering opportunities for self-reflection and connection with the
world around us. In the end, it is the journey that enriches our lives with depth and
meaning, making it a valuable and transformative experience.
• Additionally, we are advised that the real metric by which our lives are judged is the
struggle that we put into it. The nature of existence is defined by the challenges and
obstacles one encounters. Iqbal admonishes that you still measure your life by how long
you lived while true commitment to the journey involves being so engrossed in the
struggle that the counting of days and nights becomes secondary or even forgotten.

Hence, to this end, the objectives of this year’s CSL 2024 are defined:
1. Ability to love the journey itself and struggles that the said journey presents. Participants
will be able to come up with unique and innovative solutions to their challenges
throughout the expedition.
2. Participants would learn to be resilient in the face of adversity and failures, for they know
that achieving the goal is not true purpose, but to keep moving forward is. The true
purpose is to keep being better every step of the way.

“A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept.
It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those
around us. But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fall, the journey ends.
That failure becomes our destination. To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have
found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is
always the next one.”
- Brandon Sanderson
3. Inculcate resourcefulness and the ability to survive.
4. Develop adaptability in the participants so that they remain focused and calm in every
5. With hands-on activities and leadership development, CSL will help develop self-belief
and self-sufficiency in the minds and souls of the participants.

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