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My undergraduate research project topic is "Contributions of Street Vended Foods to Food

Security in Time of Inflation in Ondo Town, Ondo State, Nigeria"
My keywords are: Street Vended Foods (SVF), Food Security (FS) and Inflation
Generate table of contents as follows with other headings in chapter two

Title Page




Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

Abstract 250 words

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background to the Study

1.2 Statement of the Problem

13 Research Questions

1.4 Objectives of the Study

1.5 Hypothesis of the Study (if any)

1.6 Significant of the study

1.7 Scope of the Study

1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

Chapter II: Literature Review

21 Review of Conceptual Literature

22 Review of Theoretical Literature

2.3 Review of Empirical Literature

2.4 Gaps in Literature

Chapter III: Research Methodology

3.1 Area of Study (if any)

32 Research Design

33 Sources of Data

34 Population, Sample Size and Sampling Techniques

3.5 Measurement of Variables

3.6 Research Instrument (s)

3.7 Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument (s)

38 Method of Data analysis

Chapter IV:

Data Analysis and Interpretation of Results

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation




Chapter four, Analysis of results

Chapter Five, Summary, conclusion, and recommendations


Font type: Times New Roman, Font Size: 12pt, Line Spacing: Single 2.0 Justify, Page number:
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Memory updated
Table of Contents
Title Page




Table of Contents

List of Tables

List of Figures

Abstract (250 words)

Chapter I: Introduction
1.1 Background to the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.5 Hypothesis of the Study (if any)
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope of the Study
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms

Chapter II: Literature Review

2.1 Review of Conceptual Literature

Concept of Street Vended Foods (SVF)

Concept of Food Security (FS)
Concept of Inflation
Relationship Between SVF, FS, and Inflation
2.2 Review of Theoretical Literature

Theories of Food Security

Theories of Informal Food Markets
Theories of Inflation and Economic Stability
2.3 Review of Empirical Literature

Empirical Studies on Street Vended Foods

Empirical Studies on Food Security in Nigeria
Empirical Studies on the Impact of Inflation on Food Security
2.4 Gaps in Literature

Chapter III: Research Methodology

3.1 Area of Study (if any)
3.2 Research Design
3.3 Sources of Data
3.4 Population, Sample Size, and Sampling Techniques
3.5 Measurement of Variables
3.6 Research Instrument(s)
3.7 Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument(s)
3.8 Method of Data Analysis

Chapter IV: Data Analysis and Interpretation of Results

Chapter V: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations



Generate 1.1 Background to the Study in nothing less than 15 paragraphs with citations and
year between 2019-2024 only covering global, Africa, West Africa, Nigeria, Different States of
Nigeria, Ondo State, and Ondo town


Chapter I: Introduction
1.1 Background to the Study
Food security, a condition where all people have physical, social, and economic access to
sufficient, safe, and nutritious food, remains a global challenge (FAO, 2020). Despite efforts to
combat hunger, various factors such as economic instability, climate change, and population
growth continue to exacerbate food insecurity worldwide. Inflation, defined as the general
increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money, significantly affects the affordability
and accessibility of food (World Bank, 2021).

In many developing countries, street-vended foods (SVF) play a critical role in urban food
supply chains. These foods are often affordable, readily available, and cater to the dietary
needs of low-income urban populations. SVFs are particularly important in times of economic
downturns or inflation, as they provide a cost-effective alternative to higher-priced food products
in formal markets (FAO, 2019). In sub-Saharan Africa, street food vending has become a
ubiquitous part of urban life, contributing to food security and providing livelihoods for millions
(Tinker, 2019).

Africa faces significant food security challenges, with approximately one in five people facing
hunger in 2020 (FAO, 2020). The continent's reliance on imported food, coupled with currency
devaluations and inflation, has exacerbated the situation. Street-vended foods have emerged as
a critical component of urban food systems, providing an accessible and affordable source of
nutrition (Akinyele, 2021). The informal nature of SVF allows for flexibility in pricing and
sourcing, making it resilient to economic shocks.

West Africa, a region characterized by rapid urbanization and economic volatility, sees a
substantial reliance on street-vended foods. In countries like Ghana and Senegal, SVFs are
integral to daily food consumption, especially among urban poor populations (Otoo et al., 2020).
These foods are often more affordable than those in formal markets, providing a buffer against
the effects of inflation and food price volatility (Yeboah, 2022).

Nigeria, Africa's most populous country, faces significant food security challenges. With over
200 million people, the country grapples with issues such as poverty, conflict, and economic
instability, which exacerbate food insecurity (World Bank, 2022). Inflation rates in Nigeria have
been high, particularly affecting food prices. In 2021, food inflation reached 18%, impacting the
ability of many Nigerians to afford basic food items (NBS, 2022). Street-vended foods have
become an essential part of the urban food landscape, providing affordable meal options for
many Nigerians (Olowosegun, 2023).

In various states of Nigeria, the importance of street-vended foods is evident. For instance, in
Lagos, the commercial hub of Nigeria, SVFs are a staple for many residents. The affordability
and accessibility of these foods make them a crucial component of food security in the city
(Ogunniyi, 2022). Similarly, in states like Kano and Kaduna, street foods provide vital nutritional
sources for urban populations, especially during periods of economic hardship (Abubakar,

Ondo State, located in the southwestern region of Nigeria, is not immune to the challenges of
food security and inflation. The state's economy, primarily agrarian, has been affected by
fluctuating commodity prices and inflation (Adeoye, 2020). Street-vended foods in Ondo State
offer a critical alternative for residents, providing affordable and readily available food options.
The role of SVFs in Ondo State's food security landscape is significant, especially for low-
income households (Ajayi, 2021).

Ondo town, a major urban center in Ondo State, illustrates the vital role of street-vended foods
in ensuring food security during times of inflation. The town's population, like many other urban
centers in Nigeria, relies heavily on informal food markets. SVFs in Ondo town are diverse,
catering to various dietary preferences and providing an essential buffer against the high prices
of formal market food products (Ogunmola, 2023). The affordability and accessibility of SVFs
make them indispensable, especially for the economically disadvantaged segments of the

The interplay between street-vended foods and food security in Ondo town is a reflection of
broader trends observed across Nigeria. The informal nature of street vending allows for rapid
adaptation to economic changes, making SVFs a resilient source of nutrition during inflationary
periods (Oloruntoba, 2021). This adaptability is crucial in maintaining food security for urban
populations who might otherwise be unable to afford basic necessities.

Recent studies highlight the nutritional importance of street-vended foods. Despite concerns
over food safety, SVFs often provide essential nutrients and calories that contribute to the
dietary needs of urban populations (Bello-Bravo et al., 2022). In Ondo town, SVFs include a
variety of local dishes made from staple foods such as maize, cassava, and rice, which are
integral to the region's diet. These foods not only meet nutritional requirements but also support
local agricultural production (Adebanjo, 2023).

The economic impact of street-vended foods in Ondo town cannot be overstated. SVFs create
employment opportunities for many individuals, particularly women, who dominate the street
food vending sector (Oluwatayo, 2021). This informal employment contributes to household
incomes, enabling families to afford basic needs, including food, education, and healthcare. The
economic benefits of SVFs thus extend beyond food security, supporting broader socio-
economic stability in Ondo town.

Addressing the food security challenges in Ondo town requires a multi-faceted approach that
includes supporting street-vended foods. Policies aimed at enhancing the safety, quality, and
accessibility of SVFs can significantly improve food security outcomes (Adebayo, 2022).
Additionally, measures to control inflation and stabilize food prices are essential to ensure that
SVFs remain affordable for the urban poor.

In conclusion, street-vended foods play a critical role in ensuring food security in Ondo town,
particularly during times of inflation. The accessibility, affordability, and nutritional value of SVFs
make them indispensable for urban populations facing economic challenges. Understanding
and supporting the SVF sector can contribute significantly to addressing food security issues in
Ondo town and similar urban centers across Nigeria.
Generate 1.2 Statement of the Problem in two paragraphs stating the problems of the study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
The persistence of high inflation rates in Nigeria has significantly impacted the affordability and
accessibility of food, exacerbating food insecurity, particularly in urban areas such as Ondo
town. Despite the critical role that street-vended foods (SVFs) play in providing affordable and
accessible nutrition to low-income populations, there is limited empirical research on their
contributions to food security in the context of inflation. This gap in the literature hampers the
development of effective policies and interventions to support the SVF sector and address food
insecurity. The increasing cost of living has made it difficult for many residents to afford
nutritious food from formal markets, pushing them to rely more heavily on SVFs. However, the
informal nature of street food vending raises concerns about food safety, quality control, and
regulatory oversight, which further complicates the ability of SVFs to reliably contribute to food

Moreover, while SVFs offer a critical buffer against food insecurity during economic downturns,
there is insufficient understanding of their impact on the nutritional status and overall well-being
of urban populations in Ondo town. The lack of comprehensive data on the role of SVFs in
mitigating the effects of inflation on food security limits the capacity of local governments and
stakeholders to develop targeted strategies that enhance the sustainability and safety of this
vital food source. This study aims to fill this knowledge gap by examining the contributions of
street-vended foods to food security in Ondo town during periods of inflation, thus providing
valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners working to improve food security and urban
resilience in Nigeria.

1.4 objectives of the study stating one broad objectives and list four specific objectives
1.4 Objectives of the Study
Broad Objective:

To assess the contributions of street-vended foods to food security during periods of inflation in
Ondo town, Ondo State, Nigeria.

Specific Objectives:

To analyze the availability and affordability of street-vended foods in Ondo town during periods
of inflation.
To examine the nutritional value of street-vended foods and their impact on the dietary intake of
residents in Ondo town.
To evaluate the economic significance of street-vended foods in providing livelihoods and
supporting household incomes in Ondo town.
To identify the challenges and potential risks associated with the consumption of street-vended
foods in terms of food safety and quality control.

1.3 research questions that aligns with the specific objectives

1.3 Research Questions
How do street-vended foods contribute to the availability and affordability of food in Ondo town
during periods of inflation?
What is the nutritional value of street-vended foods, and how do they impact the dietary intake
of residents in Ondo town?
What is the economic significance of street-vended foods in terms of providing livelihoods and
supporting household incomes in Ondo town?
What are the challenges and potential risks associated with the consumption of street-vended
foods in terms of food safety and quality control in Ondo town?

1.5 hypothesis of the study

List one Null and alternate hypothesis
1.5 Hypothesis of the Study
Null Hypothesis (H0):
Street-vended foods do not significantly contribute to food security during periods of inflation in
Ondo town, Ondo State, Nigeria.

Alternate Hypothesis (H1):

Street-vended foods significantly contribute to food security during periods of inflation in Ondo
town, Ondo State, Nigeria.


Generate 1.6 Significant of the study

In three paragraphs
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study is significant as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the role street-vended
foods (SVFs) play in enhancing food security during periods of inflation in Ondo town, Ondo
State, Nigeria. By highlighting the availability, affordability, and nutritional value of SVFs, this
research offers valuable insights into how these informal food sources can buffer against the
adverse effects of inflation on food security. This understanding is crucial for policymakers and
development practitioners who aim to develop effective strategies to combat food insecurity,
particularly in urban areas experiencing economic instability.

Furthermore, the study sheds light on the economic importance of SVFs in providing livelihoods
and supporting household incomes. This aspect is particularly significant given the high levels of
unemployment and poverty in many urban centers in Nigeria. By documenting the economic
contributions of SVFs, the research underscores the need for policies that support the informal
food sector, recognizing it as a vital component of urban resilience and economic stability. This
information can guide local governments and non-governmental organizations in designing
interventions that bolster the sustainability and safety of street food vending, thereby enhancing
its positive impact on food security.

Additionally, by identifying the challenges and potential risks associated with the consumption of
SVFs, particularly in terms of food safety and quality control, this study provides a basis for
developing regulatory frameworks that ensure the safety and reliability of street-vended foods.
Addressing these challenges can help mitigate public health risks and improve consumer
confidence in SVFs. The findings from this study can therefore inform targeted actions to
improve the regulatory environment, support capacity building for vendors, and promote safe
food handling practices, ultimately contributing to better health outcomes for the urban
population in Ondo town.

Generate 1.7 Scope of the Study

In one paragraph stating it's limitations to Ondo town, Ondo state Nigeria and the questionnaire
will be used for the study will be via Google forms using t-test and standard deviation as means
of data analysis of results which will include 200 respondents from Ondo town


1.7 Scope of the Study
This study is limited to examining the contributions of street-vended foods to food security
during periods of inflation specifically within Ondo town, Ondo State, Nigeria. The research will
employ a questionnaire distributed via Google Forms to collect data from 200 respondents
residing in Ondo town. The data analysis will be conducted using t-tests and standard deviation
to interpret the results. This focused approach ensures a detailed understanding of the local
context, although it may limit the generalizability of the findings to other regions.

Generate 1.8 Operational Definition of terms

Using only the words in the topic
1.8 Operational Definition of Terms
Street Vended Foods (SVF): Foods sold and prepared in public places, typically on streets or
other public areas, often by informal vendors.
Food Security (FS): The state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable,
nutritious food.
Inflation: The sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy
over a period of time, leading to a decrease in purchasing power.

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