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GSE level: 67 - 71 CEFR level: B2+ Word count: 205 Sentence count: 8

Vocabulary above the level of your text

targeted | vandalism | gladly | mural | surveillance | developing | mentoring | integrity

| controlling | peer

To: Suject:Our responsibility towards vandalism Vandalism is a problem but can be
prevented in many ways : developing motives, tackling the problem, and controlling the system. The causes of
vandalism are peer pressure and family problems within the society. The most effective ways to prevent school
vandalism include enhancing supervision of school property, promoting a sense of ownership within the school
community, and implementing risk management strategies through active mentoring. Other ways to overcome
vandalism, 1) Connect with the Local Police Department presence of a patrol car driving by on a regular basis is
often enough to deter potential vandals. 2) Set Up Video Surveillance Monitoring Installing a video surveillance
system 3) Have Students Paint a Mural If there s a particular building or outside of wall that s being targeted with
graffiti, consider having the students paint a mural over it. 4) Connect with the Community Last but not least,
seek help from the community in protecting your school from vandalism. It s in the community s best interest to
preserve the integrity of the educational system, so most citizens will gladly offer their assistance. Connecting
with the local community is a step towards creating a safer learning environment for everyone.

Other readability measures

ARI Coleman Liau Flesch Kincaid FOG SMOG

16.3 14.1 16.1 20.0 17.4

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GSE Learning Objectives © Pearson Education Ltd 2019

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