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Winning Bid

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandoms: 내가 키운 S급들 - 근서 | S-Classes that I Raised - Geunseo, 내가 키운
S급들 | The S-Classes That I Raised (Webcomic)
Relationships: Han Yoojin/Sung Hyunjae, Han Yoojin & Sung Hyunjae
Characters: Sung Hyunjae, Han Yoojin, Han Yoohyun, Moon Hyuna (S-Classes that I
Additional Tags: Charity Auctions, Auction, Jealousy, Romantic Comedy
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-07-22 Words: 4,315 Chapters: 1/1
Winning Bid
by bananamilkk


The last thing Han Yoojin expected at a charity auction hosted by Sung Hyunjae, the guild
leader of Seseong, was the last bid... A date with the man himself!

See the end of the work for notes
The chandeliers hung high in the moderately-sized hall, casting shifting sparkles over the
congregation of individuals dressed in ballroom attire. Men were dressed tightly in black
penguin tuxedos, while women wore an array of colourful dresses that sway as they flounced
about, interacting with each other. Cocktail tables were placed all over the hall, forming
cliques of people as they dine on small bites provided by the servers roaming around and
wine on tall champagne flutes. With a live orchestra, the whole event screamed posh. On
closer inspection, the prices of the participants’ clothing were in the thousands. From the
exquisitely designed stage at the north end of the hall, it was no small event.

A black-haired male, no older than 30, fiddled with the bowtie that sat uncomfortably on his
Adam’s apple. He was used to pre-tied bow tie straps rather than the expensive black silk one
he was currently wearing– and rather than swanky tuxedo suits lined with gold thread, he was
more used to second-hand suits from the thrift store that were a little too big for him. Looking
down at the invitation printed on cardstock and handwritten in gold ink, he suddenly felt the
colour was too much. Down to the smallest detail, the event emphasized gold– for example,
the white tablecloths on the cocktail tables were lined with gold lace, and even the rims of the
drinking glasses were painted with gold. It was as if the event organizer wanted everyone to
know it was him that had created this event. Him, being, Sung Hyunjae, the top S-Rank in
Korea, and guild leader of Seseong Guild.

Han Yoojin tucked the invitation into the pocket of his jacket, wishing he was home,
snuggling with Peace on the couch with Singles Inferno on the TV. A hand patted his lower
back lightly, giving him minute comfort. Han Yoohyun was standing taller than his older
brother, stature totally different from his shorter blood relative. The two shared somewhat
similar facial features, yet looked completely contrasting. Han Yoohyun held a permanent
deadpan, giving a rather unapproachable aura. The only break in his cold demeanour would
only be when he was alone with his brother.

“I miss Peace already,” Yoojin sighed, taking a step forward, away from the entrance cum
reception area. “Let’s get this done and over with.”

“We can go now if you’d like, Hyung.” Yoohyun widened his step to catch up with the elder.
His eyes were trained on his hyung, eyebrows drawn in with worry– a look reserved just for
his loved one.

“Yoohyun ah, we just arrived. You’re the head of Haeyeon Guild. The press is attending this
charity event too. You need to show your face, even for a little.” Yoojin happily accepted a
flute of champagne that a waitress offered. Taking a sip, he could feel the delightful bubbles
sizzle on the tip of his tongue. He had downed it quicker than he realised; before he knew it,
he was swapping the empty glass with another.

“But it’s that stupid blonde’s event…” Yoohyun mumbled under his breath, so quiet Yoojin
almost missed it. The latter gave him a warning glance, before heading into the flock of
participants. He spotted a familiar redhead amongst the crowd. With his hyung heading
deeper into the hall, Han Yoohyun could only tail along like a kicked puppy.

Moon Hyuna was wearing a sleeveless cocktail dress covered in silver sequins that would
reflect the warm lighting of the hall. The dress had a long trail that was currently pooled at
her feet. With her bronzed skin, she looked gorgeous– the silver brought out the glitter in her
skin. Red hair cascaded down her back like a river of fire. Spotting the Han brothers, she
raised a glass in acknowledgement.

“You look cute today, Hyungnim,” She broke into a mischievous grin. Her pearly white
canines reminded everyone of her usual untamed demeanour. “I see you’re loving the
champagne.” She wiggled her eyebrows, eyeing Yoojin’s, again, empty champagne flute.

“Oh, well– my first glass. Gotta have some in me for this crazy posh event.” He laughed,
covering up a lie with ease. Yoohyun stood behind him like a towering watchdog, his only
greeting a curt nod to the older woman.

“I can’t believe that Sung Hyunjae would create an event like this. A charity auction? He’s
trying to outshine all of us! That man, really…” She huffed, and a piece of her red hair
framing her face fluttered from her breath.

“Well, it is a great cause.” Yoojin shrugged, bringing his lips to his drink, only to remember it
was empty. A soft nudge from behind had Yoojin turning. Yoohyun had offered him his, an
untouched glass, still fizzling away. Wordlessly, Yoojin graciously accepted a new flute.

“Hm… You don’t usually defend Sung Hyunjae that snake… What’s going on with you
two?” Hyuna’s eyes squinted in suspicion. She did catch on quickly– for a person that Yoojin
rarely meets. A business smile pulled at his lips as he shook his head in denial. “Nothing. All
for the poor children. Let’s cheers to that.” He raised his glass, but before Hyuna could retort,
he clinked his flute against hers, downing it as if he were on a college MT.
Before Moon Hyuna could give her say any further, the lights in the hall dimmed except for
the bright spotlights on the stage. Yoojin cringed. Even if the stage decorations were
expensive, they looked slightly ‘too much’ from how sparkly it was.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Seseong’s first-ever Fundraising Event!” Kang Soyoung,
in a beautiful pink tulle dress, stepped up from the side of the raised stage. She was adorned
with pearls and Swarovski crystals, and her hair was tied up in a cute bun. In her hands, were
an emcee speaker’s card and a microphone. “Today, we have invited an exclusive group of
individuals that are the backbone of today’s society– and we’ll be doing an auction for
various dungeon items!

“All our proceeds are going to help low-income families with minors, so, I hope everyone
will be bidding high! The items are sponsored by our one and only Guild Leader, Sung
Hyunjae-ssi!” A round of applause erupted from the crowd. A lone spotlight shone near the
stage, exposing the blonde with a drink in hand. He was beautiful– almost god-like with the
white suit lined, similarly to Yoojin’s, in gold. A black rose with gold chains accentuated his
breast pocket. The said person gave a short wave, his lips curving into a business smile.

“Isn’t he dashing! For our items today, we have special alchemized potions and pills,
accessories that can boost stats, as well as, ancient relics!” With that, hushed murmurs broke
out amongst the crowds. Ancient relics were a rare commodity and very expensive– the fact
that Sung Hyunjae had some in possession illustrated the power he holds. Yoojin had a slight
insight as to why Hyunjae would hold this event. It was not only good PR for his guild, but it
also flaunted his own wealth and the power he holds over the country. The F-Rank felt a
tremble brought by his realization down his spine. Sung Hyunjae was no easy man. The poor
children? As if the privileged prick cared about children. He had food served to him on a gold
spoon since he was little!

“Now, now, settle down everyone. Let me explain the rules. Everyone has received a
numbered card as you entered this room, yes? The card will be used to put in your bids.

“There will be a starting price for the specific item– and once bidding starts, bidders may
raise their numbers to state a price. Opposing bidders will then have to raise their number
card, and bid at a higher price.
“The decision for the final price– and whom the item goes to, will be decided after a 30-
second countdown of the last highest bid.” A mirage, probably a skill, showcased an example
of an auction being carried out. After the explanation, it flickered out.

Han Yoojin looked over to see the ornate wooden card that was assigned to Han Yoohyun and
himself, in the latter’s hands. The card was no bigger than a hotel key card, with the number
93 engraved and filled with familiar gold ink.

“Hyung, let me know if there’s anything you’d like. I’d get it for you.” Yoohyun leaned over
to whisper in Yoojin’s ears.

“Ai, Hyung doesn’t need to spend his dongsaeng’s money. Don’t worry, I have enough.” He
patted his chest in confidence. With the influx of Kiseungsu requests and the down payments
he has been receiving, his bank account was at its fullest in all his life.

“Oh, and we have a big surprise bid at the end! Hope everyone looks forward to it– and with
that, our first item…” Kang Soyoung waved her hands, and the middle of the raised stage
descended. A few seconds later, a chestnut wood baroque table appeared, along with a
sapphire crystal that had an array of colours, on a red velvet pillow. The mirage once again
appeared at the side of the stage, showing an enlarged view of the item on display. Yoojin
dully noted the event must have cost a lot if they were even willing to pay a person that had a
visualization skill to be a projector at an auction event for the rich.

The auction droned on. Items coming out in waves. People were fierce at bidding for items
that seemed worthless. Their end goal was probably to proclaim their victory against
opposing forces and brandish their wealth in everyone’s faces– and Sung Hyunjae, that snake
of an organizer, definitely knew of the fact. In fact, most of the people in the event were
stakeholders in medium, to large guilds. They invest money like playing slots in a casino.
Money to them was nothing but weapons in the business world. A standard potion– that was
only, at best, slightly better than a high-grade potion sold for triple its price. It went to a
Breaker guild’s executive. However, the real players were still silent, waiting to pounce once
a big fish appears. For the first half an hour, the items were one of many in the market– but
when the event hit the 45-minute mark, things got interesting.

“Next, we have a very rare item– one not seen in the market. From its appearance, it may
look like a normal pair of shoes, but in fact, this pair of sneakers facilitate the ability to fly
for bursts of 30 seconds! This is Korea’s first-ever flight item!” The crowd was thrown into a
greater frenzy. Han Yoojin hummed in admiration for the inconspicuous pair of shoes.

“Does Hyung want it?”

“What? No, it’s fine. I have Noah.” Yoojin shrugged. With his poison resistance and Noah’s
ability to fly in dragon form, they were unstoppable in the dungeons. Albeit, Noah had to
shift into his bestial form every time Yoojin wants to fly.

“But it can be a good item for fleeing. You never know.”

“I’ll be okay. Don’t I have the bracelet Myeongwoo made for me?” Despite Yoojin’s protests,
Yoohyun raised the number card, raising the bid by another five hundred thousand won. An
imaginary shard embedded itself in Yoojin’s heart. Perhaps it was due to their humble
beginnings, but even with the huge amount of money he earns from the Kiseungsu taming,
Yoojin always had a tight hold over his finances. Upping the price another 500K when it was
already 1 million won had him shaking in the knees. He could only silently pray someone
was willing to one-up his bid. However, perhaps it was due to Yoohyun’s reputation, not a
single bidder had tried to overturn the ill-tempered guild leader’s bid– which Yoojin could
only cry bitter tears for that.

The auction had entered its final stages when ancient relics started showing up. The crowd
was getting rowdy, loud chatter could be heard amongst different groups as hands shot up
rapidly. With the fast-paced bidding, the last ancient relic soon emerged from under the stage.
Nothing had caught the Han brothers’ eyes so far, however, the last item had a certain allure–
evident from the fascinated oohs and ahs from the audience.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is our final ancient relic for today! I’m sure many of you are
dying to know what this beautiful necklace is! As you can see, it’s an aquamarine crystal the
size of a coin. It may be small, but please check out the information window of this
accessory,” An appraiser, standing just shy of Soyoung’s left, used his appraisal skill, and a
blue window popped up. The raucous crowd quietened down, rendered speechless. Even
Yoohyun, who rarely showed interest in anything, tightened his grip around the bidding card.

“We can get it for Yerim! This will boost Haeyeon’s reputation and ranking.” Yoojin
whispered, feeling excitement bubble up in him. He had to make sure he didn’t sound too
eager on eavesdroppers’ ears, however, he was sure there would be plenty of competition for
this item.

“As you can see, this is the Tears of Amphitrite– an item great for hunters with water skills! It
boosts the ATK and DEF of a water skill user four times for 8 seconds, and what’s even
better, the cooldown only lasts 30 minutes!

“The starting price is six billion won!”

“Six billion won,” Yoojin sucked in a sharp breath. Where do these wealthy get their money
from? One of the said wealthy people, standing beside him. “Hyung, don’t worry.” He
nodded resolutely, raising his card.

The price soon shot up to 10 billion. Yoojin grimaced internally. It was definitely a good
item, but was 10 billion worth it? He could get thousands of Peace’s favourite snacks with
that amount of money. Moon Hyuna had joined the fight halfway through the bid for the
necklace– head to head with his younger brother. 10 billion was nothing for Haeyeon Guild,
the second in the country, however, it still hurt– and the price was still climbing rapidly!

“Going for 19 billion in, 3, 2…1! And the item goes to Guild Leader Han Yoohyun-ssi!
Congratulations!” Kang Soyoung beamed and applause erupted from the audience. The item
descended back into the stage for later collection.

“Congrats, Yoohyun ah,” Yoojin smiled at his brother, reaching up to ruffle his brother’s hair.
The latter had not let his stylist touch his hair, hence, he was wearing his usual tousled hairdo.
His hyung was the only one allowed to touch his head. Leaning towards Yoojin’s touch like a
loving puppy, he cracked a slight smile.

“Han Yoohyun, I’ve let you win this time, you owe me.” Hyuna, who was standing near them
disrupted the brothers’ moment which earned her a glare from the younger male. However,
before Yoojin could cut in to break up the rising tension, Kang Soyoung beat him to it.

“By the way, I hope everyone remembered the surprise bid at the end! Now, let us welcome
our Guild Leader, Sung Hyunjae-ssi to present the last item!” Kang Soyoung bowed and her
dress flounced around her. Making her way down the stage, the blonde swapped places with
her. With the light on him, he looked dazzling. His gold eyes were like topazes from where
Yoojin was standing. The latter could feel his heart squeeze in consternation.

The S-Rank had the power to command an entire hall’s worth of participants to get their eyes
on him. With a raise of the microphone and a smile, cameras from the press clicked away,
flashing from the side of the stage and reflecting off the gold decorations on stage.

“Good evening everyone, I hope you’ve all enjoyed the auction so far. For the last ‘item’,”
He trailed off, building anticipation. His eyes seemed to know where Yoojin stood. Golden
orbs pierced into his muddy brown irises. The obscure smile pulling at his lips hid something
behind them. The black-haired male could feel a sense of impending dread creeping up the
back of his neck. “is, a 3-hour date with the Guild Leader of Seseong– also known as, me.
The starting price for the bid is 6.5 million won.”

Laughter erupted from the crowd, though there were quite a number of serious bidders
discussing it amongst themselves. Sung Hyunjae was the epitome of beauty. His sharp
features from his Western characteristics paired with his fair skin and golden hair that flowed
like rays of morning sunshine put him high above the rest. It was no doubt that he was the
most beautiful person Yoojin ever laid his eyes upon. His looks aside, he was the most
powerful man in the whole of Asia– and Yoojin had an inkling he holds great power on the
other side of the globe as well. Needless to say, there were plenty of suitors lined up, waiting
for a chance to date the man… that is, if he let them. Sung Hyunjae was always enigmatic
about his dating life, rejecting men and women alike, the reason being, the blonde was
actually dating someone. However, with his sudden stunt, Han Yoojin didn’t know whether
Sung Hyunjae would still be dating that certain ‘someone’ soon.

“8 million!” A woman, probably old enough to be his mother, raised her card. Yoojin felt a
vein in his temple throb.

“9 million!” Another, this time, a man raised his auction card. The price soon rose to 15
million, a far cry from the ancient relic that was just auctioned off, but still a steep price tag
for a 3-hour date with the blonde. Yoojin felt himself gnashing his teeth. The man in question
still had his eyes on him, a smug smile on his lips as he hear the price climb steadily. Yoojin
was lost for words facing the confident man on stage.
“Y-Yoohyun ah.” The price had just hit 20 million. There were much more participants
bidding for Hyunjae’s time than Yoojin expected. Panic started settling in his stomach like a
bad tuna sandwich. Hearing no reply from his younger brother, Yoojin broke the gaze from
Sung Hyunjae. “Yoohyun? Yoohyunie…? Hyunhyun?” Yoojin looked over at his stoic
brother. A face of disgust marring his handsome looks. A trembling hand, white-knuckled,
was holding the card– with Yoohyun’s S-Rank strength, Yoojin was surprised the card had
not splintered into pieces. It must have taken a lot of self-control on his younger brother’s
part to not obliterate the plaque– or either, Sung Hyunjae had actually taken this into

“Yes, hyung?”

“Erm, c-can you please… help Hyung out for a moment? Maybe… raise the card? You know
why,” Yoojin heard a nervous laughter bubble out of him. His brother stood still.

“You know… Hyun… and I… are… ing…”

“Know what?”

“Know we’re dating!” Yoojin clicked his tongue, his face already aflame with humiliation.
This younger brother of his was normally well-behaved but when it comes to matters
involving Yoojin and Sung Hyunjae, he’d become so stubborn. Yoojin grumbled internally.
Looking around, he made sure no one had overheard their conversation. The paparazzi would
lose their shit and sell their souls for this piece of information. Imagine– the younger brother
of the 2 nd strongest guild is dating the guild leader of the 1 st strongest guild in Korea?
Furthermore, said person dating the Sung Hyunjae was the only kiseungsu tamer in the
world? Han Yoojin could only pray the press would be kind to him if this piece of news ever
leaked out.

In the end, despite Yoohyun’s unwillingness and distaste, Yoojin managed to win Hyunjae’s
date– for 40 million won. Yoojin felt his wallet in his pants pocket ache– not that he’d ever
let Sung Hyunjae get away with it. Han Yoohyun would never ask his brother to pay back the
40 million, but it was likened to asking your younger brother to pay for your date with your
boyfriend! Han Yoojin’s face was aflame, whether from embarrassment, or anger at a certain
‘someone’, Yoojin did not know. The participants were whispering (rather loudly, might
Yoojin add), about the fact that Han Yoohyun had just spent 40 million on a date with Sung
Hyunjae. It was a well-known fact in the industry that the two hated each other.

“Congratulations Mr Han Yoohyun for winning a date with our guild leader!” Kang Soyoung
sounded as if she could barely hold her laughter in. Chuckles erupted from the crowd.
Everyone could admit it was a special way to end the bid. Not Han Yoojin though. His eyes
were trained on the man on stage. If looks could kill, the man would already be impaled to
death by the daggers coming out of his eyes. The receiver of the glare stared back at Yoojin,
only endearment in those golden orbs of his, clueless to the temper coming his way.

After the auction, it was dinner. Everyone was to move from the ballroom to the central
dining area of the event building. Yoohyun was ticked off enough throughout the night (from
socializing and the stunt Hyunjae pulled) and was ready to leave the event, but was stopped
by his older brother. Han Yoojin had initially urged his dongsaeng to leave first since he had
some unfinished business to attend to, but the stubborn younger brother insisted on following
him to finish said business. Han Yoojin had no choice but to acquiesce. It wasn’t rare that
their dates had a third wheel aka, Han Yoohyun. This time was no different.

Sung Hyunjae was amongst the crowd, mingling with some potential investors. With
Yoohyun’s presence, the sea of people easily let them through. Perhaps, it was the aura
Yoohyun always carried around. The blonde man spotted them from the corner of his eyes.
Eyebrows raised, a doting smile tugged at his lips- which was returned by Yoojin’s glower.

Shifting his attention to the Han brothers, Sung Hyunjae raised his glass of champagne in

“Haeyeon’s young master! Never pegged you as a tsundere!” Hyunjae teased, a mischievous
glint in his eyes. He would revel in any dig and jab he could get into the third wheel.

“Tsu–” The glass of champagne Yoohyun was holding shattered, the crisp glass showered
bystanders like sparkly confetti. The drink drenched his fist, spilling like nectar on the
pristine marble flooring. A vein throbbed on his forehead as his deep-set eyes looked at the
man across him with so much disgust, anyone would have thought Yoohyun was looking at a
vile carcass or something of the like.
“Sung Hyunjae! Stop teasing my dongsaeng!” People around them had already cleared,
scuttering away from the disaster that was about to happen. Whenever the two guild leaders
were to congregate, something dreadful would unfold… evident from the shattering of glass.
No one was sane enough to stand close to them, afraid their heads would be one shattering
next. The only abnormal being would be Han Yoojin, who had come to stand in front of the
black-haired beast. If passersby were to chance upon this scene, it would be like seeing a
bunny protect a wolf from a leopard. It was laughable.

“H-hyung…” The wolf whined behind the black bunny.

“You’re in big trouble Mr Sung Hyunjae! Date? What date do you want to go on with the
winning bidder when you’re already in a relationship?!” Yoojin whisper-yelled at the gold
leopard. He had to make sure no one was straining their ears to listen in on their

“Babe! It’s just sweet talk! I need people to bid high! That’s how an auction works.” Sung
Hyunjae reasoned, though not a shred of apologetic tone in his words. His eyes were staring
straight into Yoojin’s obsidian pupils, seemingly testing his little lover that was made out of
his socks.

“Ah! Sweet talk, is it? Then you can sweet talk my brother for 2 weeks then, ‘cause you
won’t see a single hair of mine for the next 2 weeks!”

“Babe, Jinnie-ya. I was going to let you know before the auction started but things were
hectic. And you know… the date wasn’t my idea, it was Ms Soyoung’s–”

“Don’t you dare drag Ms Kang Soyoung into it! She would never!”

“B-but don’t you want to get your money’s worth? Let’s go on a date, babe.” For the first
time since Han Yoojin laid his eyes upon Sung Hyunjae, this was a new experience- seeing
the almighty Seseong guild leader look flustered. He was trying his best not to show it, of
course, but what is Yoojin’s eyes for if he could not pick up this minute detail in his hard-to-
crack boyfriend? Yoojin could always pick up Hyunjae’s true intentions behind the cocky
mask he puts on and this time, he could see the twitch in his left eye and the falter in his
smile on the right corner of his lip. Unexpected joy bubbled up in Han Yoojin. Sung Hyunjae
always had the upper hand in their relationship and their business dealings. This was perhaps
the first time he ever held something over his boyfriend.

“Hm, you think going to a stupid restaurant and some stinky roses will make up for this? Oh,
no Mr Sung Hyunjae. No, no, no… If you think this is how this matter ends.” A smirk crept
up on Yoojin’s lips. “I expect lobster, caviar, and truffles in every bite!” The bunny haughtily
stepped up onto the leopard. Its feet thumping on the predator’s head.

Han Yoojin would never, in a million years, miss a chance like this. And the blonde knew as
well. If this were someone else, the leopard would have already had his prey in his mouth,
crunching on its bones like chewing gum. His gold pupils darkened as Sung Hyunjae bowed.

“Nothing but the best for you, babe.”

End Notes

Hope you've enjoyed the fic! It's just a short fic, where there may or may not be a part two.

Please drop by the Archive and comment to let the creator know if you enjoyed their work!

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