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Title: “Jigme Namgyal and his Times 1866-1881”

1. Jigme Namgyal (JN) – The central figure, a determined and resourceful leader.
2. Trongsa Poenlop (TP) – Jigme Namgyal’s earlier role, a strategist.
3. Desis (D1, D2) – Successive weak rulers before Jigme Namgyal.
4. Wangduephodrang Dzongpoen (WD) – An important ally of Jigme Namgyal.
5. Paro Poenlop (PP) – A rebellious figure against Jigme Namgyal.
6. Punakha Dzongpoen (PD) – Another rebel against Jigme Namgyal.
7. Various Soldiers (S1, S2) – Soldiers loyal to different leaders.
8. Narrator (N) – Provides context and narration.

Scene 1: The Struggle for Supremacy

[Setting: Bhutan, 1866, a council meeting]

N: (Narrating) In the 1800s, Bhutan was a land of challenges and changes. The Duar War had officially
ended in 1865, but peace was yet to be found in all corners of the country. In the wake of the Duar War,
Bhutan remained in turmoil. Trongsa Poenlop Jigme Namgyal sought to unify the factions.

JN: (Acting determined) with few people around; “We must bring rival factions together to establish a
strong central power! The Duars were our lifeline, and we cannot let any threat jeopardize it.”
Zipmpon enters in panic; jigme Namgyal la! Wangdue phodrang dzongpon Kinley, supported by his uncle
darlung Tobgay and Thimphu dzongpon kawang Mangkhel was against Punakha dzongpon Tashi and
Tashi is here for your help la. Tashi wants our help to defeat them and restore power and peace in western
Bhutan la.
JN; Okay then, I think I have to teach them nice lesson and unify leaders of every region. Zimpon!
Prepare our solders for the war and send the letter to the those opposing party that we are ready for war.
Zimpon; As you wish my lord!(all of them Exit and prepare for wars)

Scene 2: Civil War Breaks Out

Narrator (Voiceover): However, his political career was far from over. In 1869, civil war erupted as
different factions sought supremacy. Jigme Namgyal played a crucial role, and with his help, certain
parties emerged victorious.
[Setting: Bhutan, 1869, a civil war meeting]
N: (Narrating) In 1869, a civil war breaks out when factions opposed to Jigme Namgyal.
(scenes of war between Jigme Namgyal, his supporters and Punakha dzongpon Tashi on one side with
Thimphu dzongpon, Draling Tobgay and Kawang mangkhel. At the end of the war jigme namgyel
defeated the opposing part and some running away from war.
Scene 3: Jigme Namgyal Becomes Desi
[Setting: Bhutan, 1870, Jigme Namgyal’s enthronement]
N: (Narrating) Jigme Namgyal becomes the 49th Desi and appoints key officials. Jigme Namgyal's power
grew, and in 1870, he was enthroned as the 49th Desi. He appointed loyal officials to support his
Few lamas(Central Monastic body) and few other leaders appoint JN as desi. Scene of appointing him as
desi. Offering khaders and wishing Tashi delek; tashi Delek! For being 49 th Druk Desi, we want to see
Bhutan peaceful and people living in harmony under your leadership.
JN: (Acting authoritative) I will lead Bhutan towards unity and independence.
JN; (appointing trusted people in key position); From today, Kawang Singye will be new
Wangdiphodrang Dzongpon, Wang chogal will be zhung droner, and my brother Kiltshepa dorji Namgyal
will be new Gonzim. I hope you all will serve for the wellbeing of the country with dedication and
loyalty. (Everyone comes Infront, and JN offers them Khader)

Scene 4: The Paro Poenlop Rebels

N: (Narrating) Paro Poenlop, wangduphodrang dzongpon, punakha dongpoen got together and planned
revolts against Jigme Namgyal. However, Jigme Namgyel, his son Ugyen Wangchuk, Phuntsho Dorji and
brother Kitshelpa Dorji Namgyal and Thimphu dzongpon defeated all the opposition and restore the
Scene of fighting with paro poenlop, punaha dzongpon, and wangdue phodrang dzongpon and defeated
them. Some were bitten, killed and some ran away from scene.

Scene 5: Jigme Namgyal’s Legacy

[Setting: Bhutan, 1881, Jigme Namgyal’s final years]
Narrator; Jigme Namgyal showed his determination by capturing those responsible and maintaining his
control over Bhutan. The struggle for unity and power continued as Jigme Namgyal faced rebels and
opposition. He remained a central figure in Bhutan's politics until his death in 1881, leaving behind a
legacy as the "Father of a Unified Bhutan." Bhutan's history was marked by these challenges and the
unwavering determination of Jigme Namgyal to see his country united and strong.
JN: (Acting visionary) Bhutan will remain strong and united!
N: (Narrating) We can truly call him the “Father of a Unified Bhutan.”
Thank you all!

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