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Certainly! Let’s dive into the details of the GFP-GAN architecture step by step:

1. Input Image (X): The process begins with an input facial image labeled ‘X’. This image
may have undergone some degradation due to noise, compression, or other factors.

2. Degradation Removal: The input image passes through a ‘Degradation Removal’ block.
This step aims to remove the degradations and enhance the features of the facial image.
The specifics of this process are not shown in the diagram, but it could involve
denoising, super-resolution, or other restoration techniques.

3. Pretrained GAN as Prior Latent Codes (W): The output from the degradation removal
stage is split into two pathways. The first pathway leads to a block labeled ‘Pretrained
GAN as prior latent codes W’. Here, a pretrained Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
generates latent codes (W) based on the improved facial image. These latent codes serve
as a prior for subsequent steps.

4. Spatial and Channel-Split Identity Channels:

The second pathway involves splitting the output into two channels: ‘Spatial’ and
‘Channel-Split Identity’.
The spatial channel undergoes an operation (indicated by an orange circle with an
arrow). This operation likely involves spatial feature transformations.
The identity channel passes through a neural network labeled ‘FGAN’, followed by
another operation similar to the one in the spatial channel. FGAN may be a
specialized network for preserving facial identity features.

5. Combined Spatial & Channel-Split Feature Transformation (SFT):

The processed spatial and identity channels are combined in a block labeled
‘Combined Spatial & Channel-Split Feature Transformation (SFT)’.
This combined feature representation captures both spatial and identity-related

6. Enhanced Facial Image (Y):

The combined feature representation enters another neural network structure,

which outputs an enhanced facial image labeled ‘Y’.
This final output should ideally be a high-quality, restored version of the original
input image.

7. Feedback Loops and Loss Functions:

The architecture includes several feedback loops and loss functions for training:
A loopback from the GAN output back to its input suggests iterative
A dotted line connects from somewhere between FGAN and SFT blocks back
towards their input, indicating additional feedback or regularization.
Three types of losses are used: Global Loss, Adversarial Loss (for GAN
training), and ROI (Region Of Interest) Facial Component Loss (localized
attention on eyes and mouth regions).

8. Identity Preservation:

To preserve facial identity, the architecture incorporates a Face Recognition

Feature Extractor and an Identity Preserving Loss.
These components ensure that the restored image maintains essential identity

Remember that this diagram provides an overview, and the actual implementation details
may involve complex neural network architectures, training procedures, and

hyperparameters. GFP-GAN aims to restore facial images while considering both spatial
details and identity preservation.

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