New Nordic Exceptionalism Jeuno JE Kim and Ewa Einhorn s The United Nations of Norden and other realist utopias

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Journal of Aesthetics & Culture

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New Nordic Exceptionalism: Jeuno JE Kim and Ewa

Einhorn's The United Nations of Norden and other
realist utopias

Mathias Danbolt

To cite this article: Mathias Danbolt (2016) New Nordic Exceptionalism: Jeuno JE Kim and
Ewa Einhorn's The United Nations of Norden and other realist utopias, Journal of Aesthetics &
Culture, 8:1, 30902, DOI: 10.3402/jac.v8.30902

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© 2016 M. Danbolt

Published online: 08 Nov 2016.

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Vol. 8, 2016

New Nordic Exceptionalism: Jeuno JE Kim and

Ewa Einhorn’s The United Nations of Norden and
other realist utopias
Mathias Danbolt*
Section for Art History, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen,

Abstract Mathias Danbolt is assistant professor

At the 2009 Nordic Culture Forum summit in Berlin that of art history at the University of
centered on the profiling and branding of the Nordic region in Copenhagen, Denmark. He holds a
a globalized world, one presenter stood out from the crowd. PhD in art history, and his work has
The lobbyist Annika Sigurdardottir delivered a speech that a special focus on queer, feminist,
called for the establishment of ‘‘The United Nations of antiracist, and decolonial perspectives
Norden’’: A Nordic union that would gather the nations and on art and culture. The present article
restore Norden’s role as the ‘‘moral superpower of the world.’’ is part of a larger research project on the effects and affects
Sigurdardottir’s presentation generated such a heated debate of Nordic colonialism within the field of art and culture
that the organizers had to intervene and reveal that the speech entitled Colorblind? Theorizing Race in Danish Contemporary
was a performance made by the artists Jeuno JE Kim and Ewa Art and Performance, supported by The Danish Council of
Einhorn. This article takes Kim and Einhorn’s intervention as Independent Research (DFF) and Sapere Aude: DFF-
a starting point for a critical discussion of the history and Research Talent Grant.
politics of Nordic image-building. The article suggests that the
reason Kim and Einhorn’s speech passed as a serious proposal
was due to its meticulous mimicking of two discursive
formations that have been central to the debates on the
branding of Nordicity over the last decades: on the one hand,
the discourse of ‘‘Nordic exceptionalism,’’ that since the 1960s
has been central to the promotion of a Nordic political, socio-
economic, and internationalist ‘‘third way’’ model, and, on the
other hand, the discourse on the ‘‘New Nordic,’’ that emerged
out of the New Nordic Food-movement in the early 2000s,
and which has given art and culture a privileged role in the
international re-fashioning of the Nordic brand. Through
an analysis of Kim and Einhorn’s United Nations of
Norden (UNN)-performance, the article examines the his-
torical development and ideological underpinnings of the
image of Nordic unity at play in the discourses of Nordic
exceptionalism and the New Nordic. By focusing on how the
UNN-project puts pressure on the role of utopian imaginaries
in the construction of Nordic self-images, the article describes
the emergence of a discursive framework of New Nordic

*Correspondence to: Mathias Danbolt, Section for Art History, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of
Copenhagen, Karen Blixens Vej 1, DK-2200 Copenhagen S, Denmark. Email:

#2016 M. Danbolt. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://, allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format and to remix, transform, and
build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
Citation: Journal of Aesthetics & Culture, Vol. 8, 2016
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M. Danbolt

Keywords: Nordic exceptionalism; new Nordic; performance art; branding; image-building; autostereotypes;

In November 2009, the Nordic Council of Minis- The Nordic image that unites us stems from
ters of Culture organized a 2-day Nordic Culture the times when the cold war polarized the
world, and we remained unaligned, choosing
Forum summit at the Nordic embassy complex a third way, a necessary neutral zone. It is
in Berlin. The seminar sought to examine ‘‘the role vital that we hold onto our specialness since
of the Nordic Region in a globalized world,’’ this is our unique position. The world needs
by discussing ‘‘the profiling and presentation of a neutral north onto which it can project
utopian ideals, and hopes for the possibility
Nordic art and culture.’’1 The forum gathered
of another world.
‘‘representatives of the whole ‘food chain’’’ of
We can be proud of our achievements, our
cultural production in order to share knowledge history, and our role as mediators. Together
on the ‘‘profiling, launching, presenting, branding, we have built a nation that is prosperous and
publicizing, exporting, competing with and evalu- safe, being a society of moderation, both in
ating the impact of Nordic art and culture.’’2 One production and consumption. It is a place
that is open and diverse, and it is a federation
of the speakers at the event was Annika Sigurdar- that is respected, both in Europe and in
dottir, the Officer of Internal Missions in the the world. And with this acknowledgment,
lobby-organization The United Nations of Norden we can finally end the competition between
(UNN). I start this article with a transcript of our nations about who is the most Nordic
country among us.
Sigurdardottir’s presentation in full length, as her
‘‘United Nations of Norden Recruitment Speech’’ When the world was polarized, Norden
remained outside of that. Now the world is
is one of my main objects of analysis in the globalized and has no ideological poles,
following: except for the West and the Islamic poles,
and we need to remind ourselves that we
The United Nations of Norden (UNN) is
were always beyond the poles. We existed as
a lobby organization, working to articulate
hope for something else to be possible, and
and shape the common destiny of the Nordic
this is why we cannot escape the question of a
Nations. The goal is to erase the national
unified interest since the world needs a new
borders between our countries and let go of
voice of reason that can guide through the
our archaic attachment to the fatherland.
crisis. Let us keep our eyes on the future and
We are currently at a critical time, where the head toward the potential of a borderless and
challenges facing us now are more challen- a United Nations of Norden.3
ging than ever. There are three challenges in
the world. One, the crisis*the financial, the According to a report from the event, Sigurdar-
political and ecological. Two, the physical dottir’s recruitment speech for the UNN was met
battles*the continued territorial disputes with a set of mixed responses, with a notable
causing bloodshed. And three, another kind
of warfare fought with softer weapons and a
difference between the Nordic and German dele-
global scramble for larger political influence gates. While a prominent German professor
through culture, sports and tourism. pointed out that this summoning of ‘‘solidarity
Our role as the UNN is not to be a military based on a common cultural past and the claim
superpower. Our role is to be a moral super- for moral superiority [. . .] would be scandalous if
power, and to be that we have to shine as an spoken by a German person,’’ the responses from
example of what can be achieved when
people cooperate with one another, united Nordic delegates were in contrast marked by
in a common purpose and a common destiny. curiosity and interest, inspiring queries such as,
Ours is a community based on common- ‘‘‘do we really want a United Nations of Norden?’
sense ideas of being good citizens; sharing and if so ‘how can we start this?’’’4 The serious
values of feminism, environmentalism, secu-
larized Lutheranism, corporate transparency,
discussion that ensued about the potential of a
stable public policies, and an avoidance of new Nordic federation prompted the organizers of
conflict. the forum to intervene and restore order by

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New Nordic Exceptionalism

revealing that the UNN was not a real organization, own at the Nordic Culture Forum*regardless of its
and that Annika Sigurdardottir was an actor artistic nature*invites a number of questions. Kim
delivering a performance text made by artists Jeuno and Einhorn raised some of these in a recent article
JE Kim and Ewa Einhorn. about their intervention:
The ‘‘United Nations of Norden Recruitment Why was UNN received without hesitation
Speech’’ is part of Kim and Einhorn’s long-term by some of the audience? Were some parts
artistic examination of Nordic political and of the speech reasonable and ‘‘real’’ enough
cultural history, and especially the effects and to strike a chord in the listener to be an
affects connected to the branding of Norden as attractive political movement? If so, which
an exceptional region politically, economically,
and culturally. In their work, Kim and Einhorn This article seeks to shed light on these ques-
often create fictive organizations, institutions, and tions by analyzing the UNN-performance in
utopian scenarios that function as a framework relation to the context of its reception. As I was
for their critical interventions in political debates not present at the Nordic Culture Forum where
and discourses. The ‘‘United Nations of Norden Sigurdardottir delivered her speech, and only
Recruitment Speech’’ has later been included in know the event through documentation provided
a video trilogy that Kim and Einhorn presented by the artists, I am not seeking to answer why
at their exhibition Allt för alla [Everything for the specific audience reacted the way they did. By
Everyone] at Gävla Konstcentrum in Sweden, in reception, then, I am pointing to the broader
2010. The UNN-video was not a documentation conditions that enabled the idea of UNN to appear
of the Nordic Culture Forum-intervention, but legible as a political proposal worthy of debate.
a sale’s pitch speech made for camera by the This means that my analysis remains less invested
‘‘Director of Internal Affairs’’ at the UNN. The in situating the UNN-project within the field of
work was presented together with a video docu- contemporary art than the political discourses
mentation of a lecture by Kim-Eric Wiliams, the performance works with and within. One of
the Governor of the Swedish Colonial Society, a the main reasons that the UNN-speech could pass
real organization that works to celebrate the history as a serious project at the gather in Berlin, I argue,
and legacy of the New Sweden Colony in the is that Kim and Einhorn’s performance mobilize
United States between 1638 and 1655, as well as two discursive formations that have been central
an interview with a researcher from the ‘‘Global to the debates about the branding and identity
Think Tank for Nordic Studies,’’ a forum under of ‘‘Nordicity’’ over the last decades. On the
the (fictional) organization New Sweden Associate one hand, the speech draws on the discourse of
that works to turn ‘‘Sweden’’ into a transferrable ‘‘Nordic exceptionalism,’’ that developed in the
‘‘idea’’ and ‘‘mode of life’’ that can work as a model early 1960s in the attempt to describe and promote
against the polarization of the world.5 the so-called Nordic ‘‘third way’’ in the then
Enmeshment of the factual and the fictional is polarized world order divided between capitalism
a central starting point for Kim and Einhorn’s and communism. On the other hand, the per-
engagement with the politics and poetics of ‘‘ima- formance invokes the recent discourse of the
gined communities’’ in Norden in a globalized ‘‘New Nordic,’’ that from its emergence in rela-
world.6 In this article, I’m interested in mining tion to the so-called New Nordic Food (NNF)-
the potential in this confusion between truth and movement a decade ago, has given art and culture
fiction generated by Kim and Einhorn’s UNN- a central role in the attempt to re-fashion the
intervention at the Nordic Culture Forum. My Nordic brand internationally.
interest in this has less to do with the fact that parts In the following, I seek to recap some of the main
of the audience at the event seemed to be ‘‘tricked’’ touchstones in the discursive history of Nordic
by the artistic ‘‘fiction,’’ but more to do with the exceptionalism in order to ground my analysis of
ways in which the speech calls attention to the how the utopian rhetoric of the UNN-project
performative power of fictions, imaginations, and draws upon and responds to the century-long
utopian visions in political thinking more broadly. investment in ideologies of ‘‘Scandinavianism’’
The fact that the UNN took on a brief life of its and ‘‘Nordism.’’ As part of my larger research

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project on the conceptualizations of colonialism Global North and the Global South.13 Sweden’s
and racism in the Nordic region, this article seeks Prime Minister Olof Palme was perhaps the most
to shed light on how the idea of Nordic unity and outspoken advocate for this version of internation-
uniqueness contributes to the shaping of contem- alism with his ‘‘stand for national freedom and
porary political imaginaries. In Kim and Einhorn’s independence’’ for all peoples, as he stated it in
project I thus hear not only a fictitious summoning his 1980 article ‘‘Sweden’s Role in the World.’’14
for the creation of a UNN but, more importantly, Sweden’s exceptional activist foreign policy*
a call for questioning and analyzing the ideolo- which included a relentless critique of the US
gical underpinnings and performative effects of intervention in Vietnam, as well as economic and
the discourses of Nordic exceptionalism and the moral support of anti-imperialist movements in
New Nordic. Approaching UNN with this call in countries including Nicaragua, South Africa, and
mind, I suggest that Kim and Einhorn’s inter- Namibia*became an important symbol of the
vention point to the ascending framework of a Nordic self-described role as the ‘‘moral super-
New Nordic Exceptionalism. power’’ of the world, to borrow the Swedish
Undersecretary of state in the 1980s, Pierre
A BRIEF HISTORY OF NORDIC Schori’s own term.15
EXCEPTIONALISM Parallel to the focus on Nordic Balance in
foreign and security politics research, the discourse
The discourse of Nordic exceptionalism is often of Nordic exceptionalism also had a different
traced back to the period following World War II, strand in the discussions of the social and econom-
when researchers within the fields of International ic policies of the so-called Nordic Model.16 The
Relations and Security Policy caught interest in the Nordic Model became a central organizing figure
Nordic region as an example of what Karl W. in describing, theorizing, and promoting the
Deutsch in 1957 described as a unique ‘‘security- unique mixture of socialist redistributive justice
community’’ in a time of global unrest and polar- and capitalist market economy in the social demo-
ization.8 With reference to the alleged ‘‘mutual cratic welfare states. While the Nordic Model
sympathy and loyalty’’ between the Nordic has been key to theorizations of the welfare state,
nations*the so-called ‘‘we-feeling’’*researchers the concept has also had an important ideational
argued that the Nordic region stood out for its and normative function in establishing an image of
unique ability to resolve problems, domestically as Norden as an international symbol of generosity,
well as internationally, by means of ‘‘peaceful equality, and care-taking.17
change.’’9 The Norwegian political security ana- In Kazimierz Musiał’s discourse analysis of
lysts Johan Jørgen Holst and Arne Olav Brundtland Nordic exceptionalism, he highlights the role that
introduced the term ‘‘Nordic Balance’’ in the early these ‘‘images of reality’’ (which he distinguishes
1960s to describe the Nordic strategy of ‘‘reduced from ‘‘experiences of reality’’) have played in
great power involvement’’ in relation to the conflict turning the history of Nordicity into ‘‘a compelling
between the superpowers of the West and East.10 narrative for the international public.’’18 Reading
Politicians as well as researchers in the Nordic across the internationalist Nordic Balance litera-
countries thus effectively sought to establish the ture and the welfare state debates on the Nordic
reputation of Norden as ‘‘norm entrepreneurs’’ in Model, Musiał highlights the importance of what
the larger field of global politics.11 Despite*or he terms ‘‘autostereotypes’’ in the discourse of
rather because of*its economical dependencies Nordic exceptionalism. Defined as the ‘‘discursive
and weak militaries, the Nordic countries became construction of self-images,’’ the central autoster-
known for its ability to develop alternative models eotypes used in the fashioning of Nordic identity
of engagement within the areas of political media- have included ‘‘progressiveness, peacefulness, the
tion, conflict resolution, and global cooperation.12 egalitarian society, solidarity with the Third World
While the Nordic Region took on the role as the and environmentalism.’’19 These autostereotypes
symbol of ‘‘bridge-building’’ between communism have been advanced in a number of different ways
in the East and capitalism in the West, the Nordic and venues, including through the work of inter-
countries also positioned themselves as fron- parliamentary forums such as the Nordic Council
trunners of international solidarism between the (NC), established in 1952. Although the NC’s role

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New Nordic Exceptionalism

as a consulting forum gives it no direct political of ‘‘terminal crisis.’’24 The image of Nordic
license, it has been crucial for inter-Nordic co- exceptionalism had been dependent on a bipolar
operation to bolster the image of Nordic cohesion world order where the perpetual conflicts and
internationally.20 The Nordic decision to act as tensions elsewhere enabled the Nordic countries
a single unity in the UN and UNESCO is central to appear different with their alleged balanced
in this regard, as these forums became important security policies, generous international solidarity
platforms for the promotion and ‘‘export [of] work, and egalitarian socio-economic welfare sys-
Nordic values’’ internationally, as researchers tem. That large parts of the political establishment
have made clear.21 The Finnish diplomat and in the Nordic countries reacted to these world
former Ambassador to the UN Max Jakobson’s changing events less with enthusiasm than ‘‘skepti-
1987 speech to the UN General Assembly gives an cism, frustration and attempt to limit the impact
indication of this: of change,’’ is thus not surprising.25 In the 1992
article, ‘‘Nordic Nostalgia: Northern Europe After
[This] little [Nordic] group of politically
the Cold War,’’ Danish International Relations
stable, socially advanced, prosperous coun-
tries which have no major international theorist Ole Wæver claimed that ‘‘Nordic identity
claims to press or to counter, no present or is in crisis. With the European revolution of
recent colonial record, and no racial pro- 19891990, the meaning of ‘Norden’ has become
blems, represents moderation and rationality unclear.’’26 According to Wæver, ‘‘Nordic identity
in an assembly often swayed by fanatic or is about being better than Europe’’*as well
neurotic forces.22
as ‘‘being better off than Europe’’*and since this
Jakobson’s idealized description of the Nordic no longer seemed to be the case, Wæver reported
exceptional difference in political, social, and on a growing doubt in the Nordic countries ‘‘as to
economical terms is but one examples of the whether ‘Norden’ is at all a useful symbol any-
long legacy of hyperbolic rhetoric in the promo- more.’’27 This sudden doubt about the status of
tion of Nordicity internationally. the Nordic Model was also evident in much
It is this rhetorical tradition that Kim and political rhetoric in the early 1990s, including in
Einhorn invoke in Sigurdardottir’s recruitment statements by state leaders such as the Swedish
speech for the UNN, where she mobilizes many Prime Minister Carl Bildt, who in 1991 made clear
of the autostereotypes mentioned above*including that ‘‘no one wants to be a compromise between
Schrod’s concept of ‘‘moral superpower,’’ and a system which has turned out to be a success
Jakobson’s whitewashed version of the Nordic and another that has turned out to be a historic
non-involvement in the unfinished histories of catastrophe.’’28 The Finnish Prime Minister Esko
racism and colonialism. While the UNN-speech Aho was more direct, proclaiming ‘‘The Nordic
reiterates this glorified history of Norden, Sigur- Model is dead.’’29
dardottir also makes clear that ‘‘the Nordic image With the rapid growth of the economies in
that unites us stems from the times when the cold Central Europe following the fall of the Iron
war polarized the world.’’23 And new times call Curtain, the political, economical, and interna-
for new images and imaginaries. The UNN is thus tionalist narratives of the Nordic social democra-
framed as a solution to a series of challenges cies lost much of its appeal*domestically as well as
and crisis that threaten the ‘‘destiny’’ of Norden. internationally. The efforts to reboot the image of
One of these includes the co-called crisis of the the Nordic region have been manifold and varied.
discourse of Nordic exceptionalism. One of the most important attempts to rejuvenate
the interest in the Nordic region can be seen in the
THE CRISIS OF NORDIC venture to redraw the territorial boundaries of
EXCEPTIONALISM Norden to include the new Baltic states. While
researchers in the 1990s predicted that the invest-
While the 1970s and 1980s have been described as ment in Nordism would be replaced by ‘‘Baltism,’’30
‘‘the ‘golden age’ of the ‘Nordic model’,’’ the end discourse analyses of debates on Norden in the
of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall 1990s and 2000s demonstrate that the Nordist
challenged the narrative of Nordic exceptionalism approach and the idea of Nordic exceptionalism
to the degree that it was understood to be in a state did not disappear.31 Even though the geographies

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of the Baltic*and more recently, the Arctic*have and appeal of the idea UNN at the Nordic Culture
been important to the attempted economical, Point seminar? And, more importantly, to the
political, and ideational refashioning of Norden, existence of gatherings such as Nordic Culture
the search for new anchor points to bolster Nordic Forum in the first place, with its focus precisely on
identity and the Nordic Region have continued.32 ‘‘the profiling and presentation of Nordic art and
In his 2007 article ‘‘Branding Nordicity: Mod- culture?’’37
els, Identity and the Decline of Exceptionalism,’’
Christopher S. Browning suggests the importance FROM SCANDINAVIANISM TO NORDISM
of distinguishing between identity and branding in
analyzing the history of Nordic exceptionalism. When Sigurdardottir delivered the ‘‘United Na-
Although Browning affirms that ‘‘the ‘Nordic tions of Norden Recruitment Speech’’ at the
brand’ is losing its marketability,’’ he disagrees Nordic Culture Forum, her presentation was
with the claims that this should endanger Nordic accompanied by a PowerPoint show. The first
identity.33 Pointing to the difference between image in the series presented the flag of the United
identities (that are constructed through intersub- Nations of Norden, made by Kim and Einhorn
jective negotiations that makes them fundamen- (Figure 1). Combining elements of all the Nordic
tally changeable, multiple, and fluid) and brands cross flags, the UNN-flag takes the white cross from
(that operate through more stable and specific the Danish flag, while the four quarters follow the
forms of reference in the marketplace of commod- color schemes of the Norwegian, Finnish, Icelandic
ities and ideas), Browning suggests that the and Swedish flags respectively. This blending of
demise of Nordic exceptionalism is not necessarily different flags in order to symbolize the unity
a negative thing. The narrative of Nordic excep- between nations has visual connotations to the
tionalism has from the start been marked by a disputed union mark, better known as sildesalaten/
paradox, Browning explains: On the one hand, it sillsalladen [herring salad], that was introduced in
has been hailed as an identitarian concept that the canton of the Swedish and Norwegian national
marks the Nordic difference from Europe. On the flags in 1844 to symbolize the union between the
other hand, it has been promoted as a brand and kingdoms that lasted between 1814 and 1905. This
model to be copied and implemented by others.34 visual allusion to the history of unions between
If the Nordic brand no longer holds a compelling Nordic countries is but one example of how the
power internationally, Browning argues, can also UNN-project taps into the unfinished history of
be seen as a result of the ‘‘staggering success for the ideologies of Scandinavianism and Nordism. In
[the branding of] Nordic ideals and the Nordic order to get a better sense of this, a quick recap of
model*especially to the extent that [its] inter- the history of Scandinavianism is necessary.
nationalist and solidarist elements have become The union between Sweden and Norway was
Europeanized and accepted as a part of the EU’s not based on consensus, but resulted from the
international profile.’’35 Breaking with the ubiqui- Napoleonic wars where Denmark, after the Treaty
tous crisis narratives in the debates about Norden
after the Cold War, Browning argues that Nordic
identity has the potential of reconstituting itself
around other elements than its ‘‘exceptionalism.’’
This reorientation might already be on its way,
he suggests, by noting that the Nordic countries
‘‘appear to have lost interest in even selling a
Nordic brand anymore.’’36
While Browning’s distinction between the iden-
tity and brand of Nordicity is helpful in nuancing
the discursive construction of Nordic exception-
alism, his claim about the alleged declining
investment in the branding of Norden appears
less grounded, as I will return to. For how does Figure 1. Jeuno JE Kim and Ewa Einhorn, United Nations
this latter claim, for instance, relate to the interest of Norden flag (2009). Courtesy of the artists.

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of Kiel in 1814, was forced to cede Norway to for national identifications but as a central feature
Sweden. While the union was controversial on of ‘‘what it meant to be a Dane, Swede, Norwe-
both sides of the border, this did not stop the gian, Finn or Icelander.’’43
bourgeoning debate and interest in establishing a With Finland’s independence from the Russian
union that would encompass all three Scandina- Empire following the Russian Revolution of
vian nations at the time. Students, scholars, and 1917, and the recognition of Iceland as a sovereign
authors were the central proponents of the move- state in union with Denmark in 1918, the Scandi-
ment known as Scandinavianism that developed navianst framework took a Nordist turn. This
as an ‘‘alternative nationalist ideology’’ in the is visible in the reappearance of the idea of a
early 1800s.38 Advanced as a cultural as well as specifically Nordic union during World War II.
a political program in a time where Sweden faced In journals such as the anti-totalitarian Nordens
threats from Russia in the East and Denmark from Frihet [Nordic Freedom] and debate books, in-
Prussia in the South, the proponents of Scandi- cluding the influential 1942 Nordens förenta stater
navianism frequently invoked images of a com- [The United States of Norden], the idea of a
mon Nordic heritage of language, culture and Nordic federation was promoted as a solution to
politics*such as the Viking Age and the Kalmar the totalitarian attacks on the so-called Nordic
Union (13971523)*in order to demonstrate the traditions of freedom, justice, and democracy.44
natural unity of the region.39 The advocates for The proponents for a union were well aware,
Scandinavianism included leading scholars and as Tora Byström has noted, ‘‘that the conditions
thinkers, such as the Danish clergyman, poet, and for a United Nations of Norden did not exist in a
political philosopher N.F.S. Grundtvig, who in his time where three of the states were occupied,
1810 pamphlet ‘‘Er Nordens Forening ønskelig? and the fourth, Finland, was engaged in the war
Et Ord til det svenske folk’’ [Is Nordic Unification on the same side as the occupier of Norway and
Desirable? A Word to the Swedish People] stated Denmark.’’45 But the planning of a future union
his ‘‘warmest desire and brightest hope in Nordic was motivated by the contention that it was
unification,’’ that he saw as the ‘‘Region’s des- important to be prepared for the end of the war,
tiny.’’40 The Danish author H.C. Andersen even when a new political system might be imminently
wrote a national anthem for a unified Scandinavia needed. Although the UNN never came to fruition
in 1837, ‘‘Jeg er en Skandinav!’’ [I am a Scandi- in the aftermath of World War II, the ideological
navian!]; a song brimming with mythical autoster- support for this ‘‘utopian thought,’’ as Byström
eotypes of the region’s unity and uniqueness, as calls it, lingered on.46
the opening lines suggests: ‘‘Vi er eet Folk, vi kaldes
Skandinaver/I trende Riger er vor Hjemstavn THE NEOLIBERAL TURN IN NORDIC
deelt;/Men mellem Nutids store Himmel-Gaver/ CULTURAL POLICY
Er den: vort Hjerte voxer til et Heelt!’’ [We are
one people, we are called Scandinavians/In three Research literature often describes the legacy of
realms our homeland is divided;/But between Scandinavianism and Nordism as the ‘‘ideological
the great heavenly gifts of the present/It lies: our roots’’ of the establishment of the Nordic coop-
heart grows into one].41 The romantic image of erative initiatives from the 1950s and onwards.47
Scandinavian oneness came to a serious halt with Including the establishment of the 1952 NC,
the Danish defeat in 1864 in the war against and signing of the Helsinki Treaty of 1962,
PrussiaAustria in Schleswig, where the Swedish that delineated the intergovernmental strategy to
Norwegian union refused to deliver military sup- ‘‘promote and strengthen the close ties existing
port. While this did not terminate the interest between the Nordic peoples in matters of culture,
and investment in a common Nordic unity, the and of legal and social philosophy.’’48 The inter-
political visionary pan-Scandinavianism receded Nordic unity was further formalized with the
in the latter part of the century to be replaced by establishment of the Nordic Councils of Ministers
what historian Marja Jalava terms a more ‘‘prac- (NCoM) in 1971, as well as funding initiatives such
tical Scandinavianism or Nordism.’’42 Here Nor- as the Nordic Culture Fund, that supports artistic
dicity was promoted as a ‘‘meso-regional identity,’’ and cultural projects with participants from at least
where Norden was figured not as a replacement three Nordic countries. This intergovernmental

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investment in buttressing Nordic cooperation and circulating in the discussions on the branding
unity did not cede following the so-called crisis of of Nordicity. Instead of criticizing this commer-
Nordic exceptionalism in the 1990s, as Browning cialized discourse head on, Kim and Einhorn’s
seems to suggest. Within the realm of arts and UNN-project probes the critical potential of over-
culture, for instance, new structures have been identifying with the glossy tropes of Nordic
established to promote the Nordic framework, exceptionalism. Following the tradition of political
including the influential NIFCA: Nordic Institute culture jamming,53 Kim and Einhorn’s critical
for Contemporary Art (19972006), and its strategy operates not by ‘‘speak[ing] truth to
successor Nordic Culture Point (2007).49 power,’’ but by ‘‘speaking the truth of power,’’
Yet, the Nordic cooperation since the 1990s has to borrow Brian Holmes’ description of the
been increasingly shaped by the neoliberal turn in art activist collective The Yes Men’s approach.54
European economic politics.50 In the case of By utilizing the established idioms of Nordic
Nordic cultural policies, this is visible in the ways exceptionalism*albeit in an arguably embellished
in which ‘‘economical objectives have replaced and amplified way*Kim and Einhorn created a
educational and aesthetic objectives’’ in the sup- rupture in the Nordic Culture Forum not by
port of arts and culture, as cultural policy theorist obstructing but by fitting too perfect into the debate.
Peter Duelund explains.51 According to Duelund, Their successful simulation of the political rheto-
the Nordic cultural policies have from the 1990s ric of Nordic exceptionalism made their call for
and onwards been through a period of ‘‘political an imaginary Nordic Union appear real enough
colonization,’’ that has involved a strengthening to merit interest and attention; real enough to
of the connections between arts and business, an make the organizers interrupt the conversation by
expansion of private and business sponsorship, attempting to reassert the difference between art
a reduction in the state regulations of cultural and politics, fiction and truth.
industries, an increased political regulation of
‘‘earmarked’’ funds to politically defined purposes, GUNNAR WETTERBERG’S THE UNITED
and a revitalization of a national dimension in NORDIC FEDERATION
cultural politics in response to migration and
globalization.52 This commercialized focus in The distinction between fiction and truth is
Nordic cultural policies is on display in the framing difficult to parse when dealing with the discourse
of the 2009 Nordic Culture Forum summit in on Nordic exceptionalism, which has been guided
Berlin where Kim and Einhorn presented their less by descriptive and explanatory concerns than
UNN-project. This contextual framing needs to be by promotional interests in advancing an idealized
taken into account when discussing how Sigurdar- image of Nordicity.55 By successfully exploiting
dottir’s UNN-speech could appear as a serious the performative power of the airbrushed images
proposal from a real lobby organization. After all, of Nordicity at play in this discourse, Kim and
the UNN-speech included not only a series of Einhorn’s UNN-project underlines the central
well-known autostereotypes from the discourse role that images and imaginaries play in political
of Nordic exceptionalism, in a narrative that narratives. The main difference between the
tapped into the historical desire for Nordist unity. UNN-speech and other so-called ‘‘earnest’’ poli-
Sigurdardottir also presented this package in the tical speech acts is in short not to be found in its
effective visual and rhetorical style of a corporate discursive means, but in the question of its
sale’s pitch. intentional ends.
While the UNN-speech’s idealist rhetoric of The UNN-project puts pressure on the inter-
Nordic eminence might appear too pompous dependence of aesthetic and politics, fiction and
to pass as credible for listeners unfamiliar with truth, in the discursive construction of Nordic
this lingo*such as the German delegates at the exceptionalism. This point can be substantiated
Nordic Culture Forum*it is perhaps less surpris- further if we approach the UNN-project in per-
ing that it could be heard as a proper contribution spective of the debates that took place in Swedish
to the debate on the future of Norden among newspapers in the weeks leading up to the Nordic
the Nordic delegates. After all, the speech does Culture Forum in Berlin. During the annual
not include any motifs that haven’t already been Session of the NC in Stockholm in the end of

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October 2009, the Swedish former diplomat and he stresses that the Nordic states need to join
historian Gunnar Wetterberg published a series of forces if they are to be able to retain and promote
debate articles in the Swedish newspaper Dagens them in a new global order.62 In order for this
Nyheter, where he summoned the Nordic politi- ‘‘realistic utopia’’ to materialize, as Wetterberg
cians to establish a ‘‘new Kalmar Union’’ that called it, the NC and NCoM should start com-
could gather the five Nordic countries and three missioning proper feasibility studies that could act
autonomous territories in a ‘‘United Nordic Fed- as a stepping stone for the drastic policy decisions
eration’’ (UNF).56 Such a federation, Wetterberg to come.63
explained, would give the Nordic countries ‘‘an In the Foreword to The United Nordic Federation,
international position of power’’ as the ‘‘world’s the then Secretary-General of the NC, Jan-Erik
tenth largest economy, in reality bigger than Russia Enestam, and the then Secretary-General of the
and Brazil’’; a fact that would give Norden a NCoM, Haldór Ásgrı́msson explain that the
central positions in all international political and Nordic prime ministers all found Wetterberg’s
economic councils and committees.57 Inspired by proposal ‘‘dramatic but unrealistic.’’64 But since
the federal government structure of Switzerland the NC and NCoM want to support debates that
and Canada, the UNF would secure the individual can ‘‘provide ammunition for new arguments,
states political autonomy on domestic issues, new attitudes and new directions for Nordic co-
while a Nordic Parliament would be in charge of operations,’’ they wanted to give Wetterberg a
foreign and security policies, financial and labor chance to develop his proposal.65 Given the con-
politics, education and research strategies, as well tinuing legacies of Nordist thinking central to
as jurisdiction.58 Wetterberg’s proposal, it might be difficult to see
Wetterberg’s suggestion for a Nordic union the radical newness of his ideas. But one of the
generated a lively and enthusiastic debate in the things that indeed can be said to be novel here is
papers, and a poll by Oxford Research suggested his earnest attempt to position the idea of a Nordic
that 42% of the Nordic population supported union as a starting point for a ‘‘New Nordic’’ way
the idea.59 The broad interest in the proposal of a that can pull the region out of the crisis caused by
Nordic Federation made the NC and NCoM the faltering narrative of Nordic exceptionalism.
commission Wetterberg to expand on his idea.
This resulted in the book-length study, The United THE NEW NORDIC: FROM A CULINARY
Nordic Federation, published as NCoM’s annual TO A CULTURAL MOVEMENT
yearbook in 2010. Wetterberg’s pitch for a UNF
has striking resemblance to the idealized language When Wetterberg and Kim and Einhorn presented
of Kim and Einhorn’s UNN-speech. Although their parallel ideas of a Nordic union in the fall
Wetterberg’s proposal is primarily motivated by of 2009, the idea of the ‘‘New Nordic’’ had
the prospect of how a Nordic union could be a already become a circulating trademark and opera-
‘‘catalyst for economic development,’’ and thereby tive framework for the branding of Nordic culture,
be a stepping stone to the establishment of a including food, art, architecture, film and litera-
‘‘new Nordic economy,’’ he makes clear that the ture. While the notions of ‘‘Nordic art’’ and
‘‘essential precondition’’ for the establishment of a ‘‘Nordic design’’ have long and complex histories
union is the historically strong-rooted ‘‘cultural of their own,66 the concept of ‘‘New Nordic’’ both
community’’ between the nations.60 This cultural draws on the strategic essentialism operative in the
community is known for its ‘‘deep-seated attach- tradition for speaking of a ‘‘Nordic aesthetic,’’ while
ment to equality and love of nature,’’ and ‘‘im- suggesting that something new and different is in
pressive openness to the outside world,’’ a fact play. The use of ‘‘New Nordic’’ as a novel brand
allegedly demonstrated by the Nordic acknowl- emerged in particular from the discussions around
edgement of ‘‘migration [. . .] as a basis for the so-called NNF-movement in the early 2000s.
progress,’’ and consensus on the fact that ‘‘xeno- The current Secretary-General of the NCoM,
phobia conflicts with the forces that underpin Dagfinn Høybråten, describes this phenomenon
Nordic affluence.’’61 While Wetterberg notes that as ‘‘a bottom up movement that started with a
these ‘‘Nordic conditions and values may well be group of food aficionados and chefs who had a
different from those of so many other countries,’’ love for Nordic food and food products,’’ in his

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introduction to a special issue on ‘‘The Future of Einhorn’s UNN-project. In the language of

New Nordic Food’’ in the NCoM-journal Green New Nordic, Norden appears as a strong brand
Growth: The Nordic Way.67 The most central of and cohesive national identity, bolstered by an
these ‘‘food aficionados’’ is the Danish entrepre- image of healthy attitudes, values, and practices
neur and chef Claus Meyer, who together with chef of living. The investment in presenting the
René Redzepi opened the restaurant Noma in New Nordic as an all-encompassing ‘‘social move-
Copenhagen in 2003. In 2004 Meyer took initiative ment’’*to borrow General Secretary Høybråten’s
to a New Nordic Cuisine Symposium, supported description of NNF*is on show in articles such as
by NCoM, where 12 male chefs from the Nordic ‘‘Do We All Live in a New Nordic Food World?’’
countries signed ‘‘The New Nordic Food Manifes- (2015), published at, the main website
to’’ that outlined the ideological program for this of NC and NCoM:
bourgeoning movement.68 The 10-point manifesto Food culture and gastronomy function like
is well-stocked with autostereotypes of Nordicity, tasty glue, making people feel attached and
as seen in the first paragraph that describes how alike in spite of other factors that could divide
the NNF-movement seeks to ‘‘express the purity, them. Agreeing on what is ‘‘our food’’ and
freshness, simplicity and ethics we wish to associate ‘‘our eating habits’’ creates strong unspoken
bonds. With the New Nordic Food (NNF)
to our region.’’69 movement turned into an intergovernmental
The NCoM was quick to support this new vehicle for gastrodiplomacy, the Nordic re-
entrepreneurial engagement with Nordicity, as gion united under one gastronomic banner
demonstrated by their 2005 ‘‘Århus Declaration has gained an impressive reputation and
on New Nordic Food.’’ The declaration details overwhelming adoration from the world,
making us Nordics assess the bounty of our
NCoM’s commitment in promoting ‘‘New Nordic
homeland in a new light.72
Food’’ regionally and internationally as a project
that shall offer ‘‘the consumer a better quality of The description of how the NNF-movement
life through healthy and tasty food based on Nordic operates as an ‘‘intergovernmentalvehicle for gas-
ingredients,’’ as well as represent ‘‘a forward- trodiplomacy’’ underscores the politicized nature
looking answer to increased international competi- of this so-called ‘‘bottom-up’’ cultural movement.
tion in the global food market.’’70 As an ideological This mythical construction of the ‘‘we-feeling’’ of
program operating across the cultural, biopolitical, the Nordic region, to borrow Karl Deutsch’s term,
and economical fields, the NNF-movement stands where food culture works as a ‘‘tasty glue’’ that
out as a perfect exemplification of Duelund’s brings people together, also runs through the self-
argument about the increasing ‘‘political coloniza- presentation of the NNF-movement by figures
tion’’ in Nordic cultural policies that privilege such as René Redzepi and Claus Meyer. While
commercial initiatives that aid the branding of Redzepi frequently references the fact that ‘‘we
Norden. NCoM’s numerous strategy plans and were Vikings’’ in his description of the ‘‘authenti-
branding initiatives for the NNF over the last city’’ of the NNF, Meyer emphasizes the crucial
decade has not only been central in making role played by the Nordic soil or ‘‘terroir,’’ that is
New Nordic Cuisine into a celebrated trademark not only pure and unique, but also marked by a
internationally, it has also turned the ‘‘New Nor- ‘‘soul [. . .] which has remained nearly untouched
dic’’ into a brand that has aided the promotion of by time.’’73 The NNF-movement seeks in short
contemporary art, architecture, design, performing to bind the Nordic nations together aesthetically,
arts, films, TV-shows, and other realms of cultural geographically, and historically by calling for a
production from the Nordic region internationally. return to the imagined roots of a Nordic spirit.
The numerous exhibitions, conferences, publica- These appraisals of the ‘‘bounty of our home-
tions, events, and strategy plans sporting the phrase land’’ Norden clearly exhibits what critics have
‘‘New Nordic’’ in their titles speak to this.71 called the ‘‘gastronationalist’’ inflection of the
NNF-movement.74 In an analysis of the NNF-
movement from a critical whiteness-perspective,
Rikke Andreassen points out that the search for the
The discourse on the New Nordic bear resem- purity of the Nordic terroir ‘‘reflects an earlier
blance to the utopian language of Kim and historical investment in (or obsession with) finding

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the pure authentic Nordic race’’ among Nordic utopia,’’ as British journalist Michael Booth
racial theorists in the period between the early 19th phrases it in the subtitle to his popular travelogue
century and World War II.75 Andreassen argues The Almost Nearly Perfect People (2014): ‘‘[O]nce
that the discourse of NNF contributes to the you go beyond the Western media’s current
continuing (re)production of a racialized ideal of Scandinavian tropes,’’ Booth explains, ‘‘a more
Nordic whiteness: ‘‘In a time where the Nordic complex, often darker, occasionally quite trou-
society is becoming increasingly racial and ethni- bling picture begins to emerge [. . .]: the racism and
cally diverse, the New Nordic Kitchen turns the Islamophobia, the slow decline of social equality,
opposite way and call for a narrow focus on the the alcoholism.’’79
Nordic as mono-cultural and mono-racial.’’76 The retro-utopian framework of New Nordic
Despite the positive affective connotations that Exceptionalism is not void of ‘‘darker’’ images like
cling to the term ‘‘new’’ then, the discourse of the these, but the political problems implicated herein
New Nordic have clear conservative functions. are often repackaged and presented in the style of
Analogous to Håkan Wiberg’s description of how the popular so-called ‘‘New Nordic Noir’’-crime
the term Nordic Balance more than anything thrillers, that as the name suggests, are known for
worked to conserve the status quo in the 1960s by presenting the ‘‘dark underside’’ of the ‘‘cradle-to-
‘‘offer[ing] a suitable vehicle for expressing the idea grave welfare system’’ in a simple and precise style
that [the Nordic countries] were cooperating in one of gritty realism.80 The deployment of these
sense*while not cooperating in another sense,’’ the ‘‘dark’’ images and imaginaries of New Nordic
New Nordic sells an image of a novel and innovative art and culture in the reenergizing of Norden as a
Nordic brand and identity rooted in a nostalgic political and economical brand is explicitly in play
image of a mythical past of racial, cultural, and in NCoM’s most recent strategy report, Strategy for
political unity.77 International Branding of the Nordic Region 2015
2018 (2015). The strategy reports aims at turning
NEW NORDIC EXCEPTIONALISM the phrase ‘‘The Nordic Perspective’’ into a brand
The investment in the New Nordic has enabled the that can bring ‘‘the Nordic countries [together]
advancement of what I suggest to call the frame- under a single and unified concept.’’81 The
work of New Nordic Exceptionalism. By this phrase 30-page document takes its starting point in
I seek to capture how the discourse of the New the ‘‘characteristically Nordic cuisine, design,
Nordic has mobilized the fields of art and culture films, music and literature [that] have been bring-
to reenergize the narrative of Nordic exceptional- ing the Nordic region international recognition’’
ism domestically and internationally in a time over the last decade.82 The ‘‘distinctly Nordic
where the image of a Nordic Model of political element*a Nordic trademark’’*that connects
bridge-building, internationalist solidarism, and these cultural and artistic ‘‘successes’’ are, accord-
social welfare policies seem increasingly fractured. ing to the strategy plan, grounded in the ‘‘Nordic
The radical changes that has taken place in the governance and welfare model.’’ In the strategy
political and socio-economic landscape across plan the discourse of Nordic exceptionalism and
the Nordic countries over the last decades*with the New Nordic are thus effectively mapped on
the ‘‘variegated neoliberalization’’ of the Nordic to each other. While the Nordic Model is posi-
welfare states, and the dramatic influence of tioned as the secret behind New Nordic art and
anti-immigrant right-wing parties as some key culture, the rhetoric of the New Nordic is deployed
examples*have troubled the idea of the Nordic to describe how the Nordic Model has ‘‘renewed
states as the political, financial and ethical ‘‘norm itself’’ following of the financial crisis, so much
entrepreneurs’’ of the world.78 Events such as so that ‘‘countries all over the world’’ have once
the Muhammad cartoon crisis of 20052006 in again started to ‘‘discuss whether our model could
Denmark, the terror attacks by the white right- serve as a possible buffering and stabilizing factor
wing terrorist Anders Behring Breivik in Norway in in an increasingly uncertain global economy.’’83
2011, and the racist school killings in Trollhättan The role that artistic and cultural imaginaries play
in Sweden in 2015, have called international media in the description of this ascendant New Nordic
to look ‘‘behind the myth of the Scandinavian Exceptionalism is especially visible when the

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strategy plan references the potential obstacles interconnectedness of the discourses on Nordic
ahead: exceptionalism and the New Nordic, the UNN-
We in the Nordic region are also facing a project exhibits how a Nordic framework both has
number of serious challenges. We are far been and still can be used to legitimize and naturalize
from perfect, and it is perhaps this imperfec- a nationalist safeguarding of the purity and authen-
tion that makes us fascinating. At the same ticity of the Nordic ‘‘terroir’’ against foreign influ-
time, we are always at the top of international
ences. The nationalism of the New Nordic seems in
rankings regarding openness, trust, equality,
environment and happiness. These are the short to follow in the tradition of how Nordism, in
values we want to share with the rest of the Ole Wæver’s description, has historically functioned
world, along with our pragmatic politics, less as a ‘‘tool against separate nationalism, but
dark thrillers, and the strong role of wo- rather as a pooling of nationalisms’’; ‘‘a collabora-
tive nationalism with the effect of putting itself
In NCoM’s neoliberal language, problems turn morally above other nationalism.’’85 The idealized
into challenges, failures appear as assets, and the autostereotypes of Nordic excellence and ethics
troubling political images*such as the main- thus work to make the nationalist inflection of
streaming of racist and Islamophobic discourses and New Nordic Exceptionalism to appear not only
politics, to invoke Booth’s examples*appear as different from the historical ‘‘troubling’’ national-
‘‘fascinating’’ episodes of a Nordic ‘‘dark thriller.’’ isms of the world, but also as a model for others
to follow.
CONCLUSION: THE LIMITS OF THE Kim and Einhorn’s UNN-intervention calls on
NORDIC ‘‘REALIST UTOPIA’’ us to reflect further upon the issues and problems
that have to be neglected and forgotten for
Kim and Einhorn’s UNN-project presented the
the narrative of New Nordic Exceptionalism to
audience at the Nordic Culture Forum with a
work, including the unfinished histories of Nordic
discursive mirror that aimed at distorting the
colonialism, the political mainstreaming of racist
Nordic self-image perpetuated by the discursive
and Islamophobic discourses, the mushrooming of
framework I have termed New Nordic Exception-
depression and stress-related illnesses, and more.
alism. The fact that the UNN-intervention seems
Kim and Einhorn’s examination of mechanisms at
to have been largely forgotten in the years follow-
ing the Nordic Culture Forum, and has left few play in the discursive nationalization of Norden
marks even in the debates on contemporary art, also raise questions to whether the Nordic branding
could be read as a sign that the performance initiatives will be able to uphold the image of unity
misfired. Yet, whether the intervention was suc- in the face of the increasing antagonistic nationalist
cessful or not depends on our expectations and politics at play in the different Nordic states in
measurements of success of a work like this. To the wake of the rising influence of nationalist
fault Kim and Einhorn’s critical redeployment of right-wing parties in the last decades. The tempor-
the utopian language of Nordism for not jamming ary re-introduction of border control between
the discursive machinery of New Nordic Excep- several of the Nordic countries in January 2016 in
tionalism more thoroughly would in my view be response to the global refugee crisis is but one
off-target. For as I have hoped to show in this example of the growing discrepancies between
article, the value of Kim and Einhorn’s UNN- the ‘‘image of reality’’ and ‘‘experience of reality’’
project is located less in its (dis)ability to rupture (to use Musiał’s terms) of a Nordic unity today.
than in its precise display of the troubling traditions The conspicuous absence of any mentioning of
and continuities at work in the discursive frame- these antagonistic nationalisms from the discus-
work of New Nordic Exceptionalism. sions on the future of Norden suggests that some
The UNN-intervention demonstrates the re- ‘‘imperfections’’ might be too difficult to reframe
markable resilience of the idealized Nordist narra- as ‘‘fascinating’’*even for the branding machinery
tive of unity and uniqueness*a resilience that of New Nordic Exceptionalism. Some aspects of
seems able to neutralize even the most exag- the Nordic ‘‘realist utopia,’’ to borrow Gunnar
gerated attempts at exhibiting its hyperbolic self- Wetterberg’s term, seems just too real to be dealt
images and nationalist logics. By highlighting the with.86

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Notes Age’,’’ Cooperation and Conflict 42, no. 1 (2007):

926. doi:
1. ‘‘Nordic Culture Forum to Discuss Profiling,’’ Norden. 73474
org (November 2009). 17. Ibid., 16.
en/news-and-events/news/culture-forum-to-discuss- 18. Kazimierz Musiał, ‘‘Reconstructing Nordic Signifi-
profiling (accessed November 21, 2015). cance in Europe on the Threshold of the 21st
2. Ibid. Century,’’ Scandinavian Journal of History 34, no.
3. Jeuno J.E. Kim and Ewa Einhorn, ‘‘Everything for 3 (2009): 287. doi:
Everyone,’’ African and Black Diaspora: An Interna- 8750903134723
tional Journal 7, no. 1 (2014): 2223. doi:http://dx. 19. Ibid., 289, 297. 20. Ibid., 295.
4. Ibid., 24. 21. Browning, ‘‘Branding Nordicity,’’ 35; and Heidi
5. For a discussion of the exhibition, see Niels Hebert, Haggrén, ‘‘The ‘Nordic Group’ in UNESCO:
‘‘Massiv attack på varumärket Sverige’’ [Massive Informal and Practical Cooperation within the
Attack at the Swedish Brand], Arbetarbladet (Octo- Politics of Knowledge,’’ in Regional Cooperation and
ber 2010), International Organizations: The Nordic Model in
attack-pa-varumarket-sverige (accessed November Transnational Alignment, eds. Norbert Getz and Heidi
30, 2015). Recently, Kim and Einhorn has devel- Haggrén (London: Routledge, 2009), 88111.
oped their UNN-concept within the framework of 22. Max Jacobson quoted in Browning, ‘‘Branding
an animated TV-series entitled Krabstadt (2013). Nordicity,’’ 36.
See Jeuno J.E. Kim and Ewa Einhorn, Civilisation 23. Kim and Einhorn, ‘‘Everything for Everyone,’’ 22.
& Provocation*The Ultimate Krabstadt Fanbook 24. Kuisma, ‘‘Social Democratic Internationalism,’’
(Malmö: Förlaget, 2016). 18; and Marja Jalava, ‘‘The Nordic Countries as a
6. Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflec- Historical and Historiographical Region: Towards
tions on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, rev. ed. a Critical Writing of Translocal History,’’ História da
(London: Verso, 2006). historiografia 11 (2013): 251.
7. Kim and Einhorn, ‘‘Everything for Everyone,’’ 24. 25. Ole Wæver, ‘‘Nordic Nostalgia: Northern Europe
8. Karl W. Deutsche et al., ‘‘Political Community and after the Cold War,’’ International Affairs 68, no. 1
the North Atlantic Area,’’ in The European Union: (1992): 77.
Readings on the Theory and Practice of European 26. Ibid., 77.
Integration, 3rd ed., eds. Brent F. Nelsen and 27. Ibid., 77, 78.
Alexander Stubb (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1957/ 28. Carl Bildt quoted in Browning, ‘‘Branding Nordi-
2003), 123; and Christopher Browning, ‘‘Branding city,’’ 42.
Nordicity: Models, Identity, and the Decline 29. Esko Aho quoted in Ibid., 42.
of Exceptoinalism,’’ Cooperation and Conflict 42, 30. Jalava, ‘‘The Nordic Countries,’’ 250. For examples
no. 1 (2007): 32. doi: of the proposal of the shift toward Baltism, Ole
0836707073475 Wæver, ‘‘Nordic Nostalgia,’’ 96102; and Ole
9. Deutsch et al., ‘‘Political Community and the North Wæver, ‘‘From Nordism to Baltism,’’ in The Baltic
Atlantic Area,’’ 124. Sea: A Region in the Making, ed. Sverre Jervell et al.
10. For a discussion on the ‘‘Nordic Balance,’’ see Arne (Karlskrona: Baltic Institute, 1992). For an analysis
Olav Brundtland, ‘‘The Nordic Balance: Past and of the role of the Baltic in the reconceptualization of
Present,’’ Cooperation and Conflict 2, no. 2 (1967): Norden since the 1990s, see Musiał, ‘‘Reconstruct-
3063. doi: ing Nordic Significance.’’
0100403 31. Kuisma, ‘‘Social Democratic Internationalism,’’ 18.
11. Christine Ingebritsen, ‘‘Norm Entrepreneurs: Scan- 32. The category of the Arctic has similar to the Baltic
dinavia’s Role in World Politics,’’ Cooperation and become central to the discussions of the future of
Conflict 37, no. 1 (2002): 1123. doi:http://dx.doi. Nordic politics and economy, especially following
org/10.1177/0010836702037001689 the establishment of the Arctic Council in 1996,
12. Ibid., 11. when Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark (repre-
13. Browning, ‘‘Branding Nordicity,’’ 35. senting the Faeroes and Greenland), Iceland,
14. Olof Palme, quoted in Ibid., 34. Russia, Canada and the USA signed the Ottawa
15. Ann Sofie-Dahl, ‘‘Sweden: Once a Moral Super- Declaration. For a critical discussion on the rising
power, Always a Moral Superpower?,’’ International discourse of ‘‘Arctic exceptionalism,’’ see Juha
Journal 61, no. 4 (2006): 896. doi: Käpylä and Harri Mikkola, On Arctic Exceptionalism:
10.1177/002070200606100408 Critical Reflections in the Light of the Arctic Sunrise
16. For a discussion of the relationship between these Case and the Crisis in Ukraine (Helsinki: The Finnish
different disciplinary takes on Nordic exceptional- Institute of International Affairs, 2015).
ism, see Mikko Kuisma, ‘‘Social Democratic Inter- 33. Browning, ‘‘Branding Nordicity,’’ 28.
nationalism and the Welfare State After the ‘Golden 34. Ibid., 27.

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35. Ibid., 44. Browning also points out that the so- perspective, see Stuart Burch, ‘‘Norden, Reframed,’’
called ‘Europeanization’ of the Nordic model has Culture Unbound 2, (2010): 574ff.
also entailed important losses, including the invest- 50. I use ‘‘neoliberal’’ here in line with David Harvey’s
ment in developing social democratic alternatives to definition of neoliberalism as a ‘‘theory of political
current liberalist agendas of deregulated markets economic practices that proposes that human well-
and individualists concepts of the social order. being can be best advanced by liberating individual
36. Ibid., 30, 44. entrepreneurial freedoms and skills within an in-
37. ‘‘Nordic Culture Forum to Discuss Profiling,’’ n.p. stitutional framework characterized by strong pri-
38. Bo Stråth, ‘‘Nordic Modernity: Origins, Trajec- vate property rights, free markets, and free trade.
tories, Perspectives,’’ in Nordic Paths to Modernity, The role of testate is to create and preserve an
ed. Jóhann Páll Árnason and Björn Wittrock institutional framework appropriate to such prac-
(New York: Berghan Books, 2012), 26. tices.’’ David Harvey, A Brief History of Neoliberalism
39. Ibid. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005), 2.
40. N.F.S. Grundtvig quoted in Gunnar Wetterberg, 51. Peter Duelund, ‘‘Nordic Cultural Policies: A Cri-
The United Nordic Federation (Stockholm: The tical View,’’ International Journal of Cultural Policy
Nordic Councils of Ministers, 2010), 30. 14, no. 1 (2008): 18.
41. Hans Christian Andersen, ‘‘Jeg er en skandinav!’’ 52. Ibid., 17.
(1937), 53. Margaret E. Farrar and Jamie L. Warner, ‘‘Specta-
skandinav.htm (accessed November 30, 2015). cular Resistance: The Billionaires for Bush and the
The English translation is a modified version of Art of Political Culture Jamming,’’ Polity 40, no.
the translation of ‘‘I Am a Scandinavian!’’ at Le 3 (2008): 27396. doi:
Traveling Students Blog, March 24, 2013, https:// palgrave.polity.2300104 (accessed 54. Brian Holmes, ‘‘Do-It-Yourself Geopolitics: Carto-
December 1, 2015). graphies of Art in the World,’’ in Collectivism after
42. Jalava, ‘‘The Nordic Countries,’’ 250. Modernism: The Art of Social Imagination after 1945,
43. Ibid., 251. ed. Blake Stimson and Gregory Sholette (Minnea-
44. Karl Petander, Willy Kleen and Anders Örne, polis, MN: Minnesota University Press, 2007), 281.
Nordens förenta stater [The United Nations of 55. I’m drawing here on Håkan Wiberg’s discussion of
Norden] (Stockholm: Natur och Kultur, 1942). In how the concept ‘‘Nordic Balance’’ has been less
her analysis of the debates following the publication descriptive and explanatory than performative in its
of Nordens förenta stater, Tora Byström notes that creation of an image of a balanced region. See
over 20 books were published on the subject in Wiberg, ‘‘The Nordic Countries,’’ 10.
Sweden alone in the period between 1942 and 1944. 56. Gunnar Wetterberg, ‘‘De fem nordiska länderna bör
See Tora Byström, ‘‘Nordens förenta stater: Debat- gå ihop i en ny union’’ [The Five Nordic Countries
ten under andra världskriget om en nordisk union’’ Should Come Together in a New Union], Dagens
[The United Nations of Norden: The Debate About Nyheter (October 27, 2009),
a Nordic Union During Second World War], in debatt/de-fem-nordiska-landerna-bor-ga-ihop-i-en-
Forskningsfronten flyttas fram: nordiska perspektiv, ed. ny-union (accessed November 14, 2015). My
Hans Albin Larsson (Bromma: HLF Förlag, 2005), translation.
14566. 57. Ibid. My translation.
45. Byström, ‘‘Nordens förenta stater,’’ 155. My trans- 58. Gunnar Wetterberg, ‘‘Historisk möjlighet att skapa
lation. en ny nordisk union’’ [Historical Possibility to
46. Ibid., 163. My translation. Establish a New Union], Dagens Nyheter (December
47. See for instance Browning, ‘‘Branding Nordicity,’’ 2009),
30; and Håkan Wiberg, ‘‘The Nordic Countries: A att-skapa-en-ny-nordisk-union/ (accessed November
Special Kind of System?’’ Current Research on Peace 20, 2015).
and Violence 9, no. 12 (1986): 4. 59. Mikael Bondesson, ‘‘Många vill se Sverige i ny
48. ‘‘Preamble to the Treaty of 23 March 1962’’ förbundsstat’’ [Many Want to See Sweden in a
(1962),, New Federation], Dagens Nyheter (November
om-samarbejdet-1/nordic-agreements/treaties-and- 2010),
agreements/basic-agreement/the-helsinki-treaty (acces- se-sverige-i-ny-forbundsstat (accessed November
sed November 30, 2015). 13, 2015).
49. For a discussion of the importance of NIFCA to 60. Wetterberg, The United Nordic Federation, 18, 19,
the promotion of Nordic art internationally, see 24.
Cecilia Gelin, ‘‘The Utopian Institution?,’’ in Art 61. Ibid., 24, 25, 26.
and Its Institutions: Current Conflicts, Critique and 62. Ibid., 9.
Collaborations, ed. Nina Möntmann (London: Black 63. Ibid., 63.
Dog, 2006), 67. For a discussion of NIFCA and 64. Haldór Ásgrı́mson and Jan Erik Enestam, ‘‘Fore-
its successor Nordic Culture Point in a broader word,’’ in The United Nordic Federation, ed. Gunnar

(page number not for citation purpose)
New Nordic Exceptionalism

Wetterberg (Stockholm: The Nordic Councils of 73. René Redzepi in: Ursula Heinzelmann, ‘‘An Inter-
Ministers, 2010), 7. view with René Redzepi: Noma Copenhagen,’’
65. Ibid. Gastronomica 10, no. 3 (Summer 2010): 99.
66. See, for instance, Bodil Marie Stavning Thomsen doi:; and
and Kristin Ørjasæter, eds., Globalizing Art: Nego- Claus Meyer in: René Redzepi and Claus
tiating Place, Identity and Nation in Contemporary Meyer, Noma: Nordisk mad [Noma: Nordic Food]
Nordic Art (Aarhus: Aarhus University Press, 2011). (Copenhagen: Politiken Forlag, 2006), 177. For a
67. Dagfinn Høybråten, ‘‘The Future of New Nordic discussion of the use of the Viking figure in NNF,
Food: Introduction,’’ Green Growth: The Nordic Way see Ulla Holm, ‘‘Noma er fascisme i avantgardis-
(March 2015), (accessed tiske klæ’r’’ [Noma is Fascism in the Clothes of the
November 30, 2015). Avant-Garde], Politiken, May 8, 2011, http://pol.
68. The Nordic Council of Ministers. For a history of dk/1275730 (accessed November 30, 2015); and
the New Nordic Food-movement from the perspec- Rikke Andreassen, ‘‘Gastronationalisme*en nostal-
tive of NC and NCoM, see The Emergence of A New gisk søgen efter det nordiske’’ [Gastronationalism*
Nordic Food Culture: Final Report from the Program A Nostalgic Search for the Nordic], Social Kritik
New Nordic Food II, 20102014 (Copenhagen: 144 (2015): 615.
Nordic Council of Ministers & Nordpub, 2015); 74. See Andreassen, ‘‘Gastronationalisme,’’ 10.
and Susanne Kolle et al., Ny Nordisk Mad: 10 år efter 75. Ibid., 10.
[New Nordic Food: 10 Years After] (Aarhus: 76. Ibid., 14.
DCA*Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug, 77. Wiberg, ‘‘The Nordic Countries,’’ 10.
2014). 78. For a discussion of the ‘‘variegated neoliberaliza-
69. ‘‘The New Nordic Food Manifesto,’’ New Nordic tion’’ of the Nordic welfare states, see Toni Ahlqvist
Food, and Sami Moisio, ‘‘Neoliberalization in a Nordic
nordic-kitchen-manifesto/ (accessed November 20, State: From Cartel Polity towards a Corporate
2015). Polity in Finland,’’ New Political Economy 19, no. 1
70. ‘‘Aarhus Declaration on New Nordic Food’’ (2014): 25. doi:
(2005), in: The Nordic Council of Ministers, The 467.2013.768608
Emergence of A New Nordic Food Culture: Final Report 79. Michael Booth, The Almost Nearly Perfect People:
from the Program New Nordic Food II, 20102014 Behind the Myth of the Scandinavian Utopia, iBooks
(Copenhagen: Nordic Council of Ministers & Edition (London: Jonathan Cape, 2014).
Nordpub, 2015), 67. 80. The Economist, ‘‘Inspector Norse: Why Are Nordic
71. The examples of the use of how the phrase ‘‘New Detective Novels so Successful?’’ The Economist
Nordic’’ has been deployed and disseminated within (March 10, 2010),
the different realms of art and culture are to node/15660846 (accessed June 10, 2016).
multiple to be mentioned here, and deserves a study 81. NCoM, Strategy for International Branding of the
on its own. Notable examples in recent years within Nordic Region 20152018 (Copenhagen: NCoM,
the field of art and design include exhibitions such 2015), 5. The strategy plan is also accompanied
as ‘‘North by New York: New Nordic Art’’ (2011) by a five minute commercial video, available at
curated by Robert Storr and Francesca Pietropaolo
at the Scandinavia House: The Nordic Center in the-nordic-perspective (accessed November 30,
America in New York, USA, ‘‘New Nordic: Archi- 2015). For a general presentation of the strategy plan,
tecture and Identity’’ at Lousiana Museum of see Michael Funch, On Top of the World (Norden.
Modern Art in Denmark in 2012, and ARoS: org, 2015),
Aarhus Art Museum’s series ARoS FOCUS//NEW 201con-top-of-the-world201d (accessed November
NORDIC (2015ongoing). 30, 2015).
72. Edith Salminen, ‘‘Do We All Live in a New Nordic 82. NCoM, Strategy for International Branding, 5.
Food World?,’’ (March 2015), http:// 83. Ibid. 84. Ibid.
a-new-nordic-food-world (accessed November 24, 85. Wæver, ‘‘Nordic Nostalgia,’’ 88.
2015). 86. Wetterberg, The United Nordic Federation, 63.

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