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10/9/2019 Test Generator

Roll No. : Time -

Date : MM - 393

1. Two masses are in the ratio 1 : 5. What is the ratio of their inertia ? 1

Ans : Mass is a measure of inertia. ∴ 1 : 5.

2. Give the magnitude and direction of the net force acting on 1

(a) a drop of rain falling down with a constant speed.
(b) a cork of mass 10 g floating on water.
(c) a kite skillfully held stationary in the sky.
(d) a car moving with a constant velocity of 30 km/h on a rough road.
(e) a high-speed electron in space far from all gravitating objects, and free of electric and magnetic

Ans : (a) Because the water drop is falling with constant velocity, no net force acts on it. Hence
weight of drop is balanced by the force due to viscosity.
(b) Net force acting on cork is zero as it is not moving. Here weight of cork is balanced
by upthrust of water on it.
(c) Because kite is held stationary, hence no net force acts on it. Here force exerted by
air on the kite is balanced by tension produced in the string.
(d) Since car is moving with a constant velocity, the net force on the car is zero.
(e) Since the high speed electron in space is far from all gravitating objects and free of
electric and magnetic fields, the net force on electron is zero.

3. Name the quantity that remains conserved in rocket propulsion. 1

Ans : Momentum, since no external force acts.

4. When a bomb explodes in mid-air, at its highest point, what is the direction of motion of its core ? 1

Ans : Vertically downward, since it was at rest at the highest point.

5. Passengers in a bus fall back as it accelerates. Why ? 1

Ans : Due to inertia of rest.

6. A stone breaks the window glass into pieces, while a bullet pierces through the same. Why ? 1

Ans :

The velocity of bullet being large, the bullet remains in contact with window glass for a
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10/9/2019 Test Generator
7. A cricket player, while catching the ball, pulls his hand back. Why ? 1

Ans : To reduce the force experienced, by increasing the time of contact.

8. Sudden motion on a blanket, removes dust. How ? 1

Ans : Due to inertia.

9. How many newtons make one kg wt ? 1

Ans : 1 kg wt. = 9.8 newton.

10. Which law is to be used by a man stranded at the middle of a pond, when no friction is 1
experienced by the boat ?

Ans : Third law of Motion.

11. Action and reaction are equal and opposite. Why do they not balance each other ? 1

Ans : They always act on the two bodies in contact and not on the same body.

12. When will a moving body be in equilibrium ? 1

Ans : When the net force on it is zero.

13. What is the weight felt by a person in a lift when it has free fall ? 1

Ans : Zero, since there will be no reaction.

14. Why do we use shock absorbers in automobiles ? 1

Ans : To reduce the effect of any force by increasing the time of experience.

15. Why do aeroplanes having wings fly at low altitudes ? 1

Ans :

The wings of aeroplane push the air backwards and the reaction of the air pushes the
plane forward. At low altitudes, air is dense and as such the reaction of the air on plane
is large.

16. State the law of conservation of momentum. 1

Ans :

When no external force acts on a body, there is no change in momentum or momentum

10/9/2019 Test Generator
w ill remain conserved.

17. How is the motion of parachute different from a stone dropped from certain height ? 1

10/9/2019 Test Generator

Ans :
Acceleration is g (m/s2) for free fall for stone and not for a parachute.

18. Name the weakest and strongest force in nature. 1

Ans :

Weakest – Gravitational force.

Strongest – Nuclear force.

19. A mass m moving with a velocity u hits a surface at an angle θ with the normal at the point of 1
hitting. How much force does it exerts, if no energy is lost ?

Ans :

mu cos θ is momentum along the normal at the point of incidence.

20. Is static friction a self-adjusting force ? 1

Ans : Yes. It rises up to limiting friction.

21. What is the acceleration associated with a mass ‘m’ moving up an inclined plane (θ) with friction 1

Ans :

Forces acting are mg sin θ and μ mg cos θ, both in the downward direction, as the mass
moves up.

22. Why do we use ball-bearings ? 1

Ans : To reduce friction under rolling.

23. Proper inflation reduces fuel consumption. Give reason. 1

Ans :

Friction depends on the hardness and smoothness of the surfaces in contact. So proper
inflation is required.

24. A mass m moving with a speed u collides on a similar stationary mass and sticks to it. What is 1
the velocity after collision ?
10/9/2019 Test Generator
Ans : Applying conservation of momentum, we have

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25. Why wheels are made circular in automobiles ? 1

Ans :

It is easier to roll a body, than to bring sliding motion in it because μ r < μk

26. Why do we say friction is independent of area of contact ? 1

Ans :

Any change in area, leads to only variation in the pressure experienced, but the force to
be balanced remains the same.

27. Name two absolute units of force. How are they related ? 1

Ans :

newton and dyne are absolute units in MKS and CGS system.
1 newton = 105 dynes.

28. A lift is accelerated upward. Will the apparent weight of a person inside the lift increases, 1
decreases or remains the same relative to its real weight ? If the lift is going with uniform speed,
then ?

Ans :

Apparent weight increases, when the lift is accelerated upward and is same as original
weight if it has uniform speed.

29. The two ends of a spring balance are pulled each by a force of 10 kg wt. What will be the reading 1
of the balance ?

Ans : The reading will be only 10 kg wt, since one end will act as a rigid support.

30. What is the ratio of the SI to the CGS units of momentum ? 1

Ans :

105 : 1 is the ratio of the SI to CGS unit of momentum.

31. In the study of rocket propulsion cannot be applied. Why ? 1

Ans : Mass varies at every moment.

32. The nucleus is at rest in the laboratory frame of reference. Show that if it disintegrates into two 1
smaller nuclei, the products must be emitted in opposite directions.

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Ans :
Applying principle of conservation of momentum

The negative sign indicates that the products move in opposite direction.

33. When several passengers are standing in a moving bus, it is said to be dangerous. How will you 1
justify this statement ?

Ans : It is dangerous because :

When the passengers are standing in the bus, the centre of gravity of the system is
raised and as such the whole system is in an unstable equilibrium.
When the running bus suddenly stops due to inertia of motion, the passengers fall
forward on each other and this will cause a stampede.

34. Which is greater : nuclear force or electrostatic force ? 1

Ans : Nuclear force is the strongest of all forces.

35. When a wheel is rolling on a level road, what is the direction of frictional force between the wheel 1
and the road ?

Ans :

Friction, a tangential force provides the necessary torque to roll the body. This has to act
opposite in the direction of motion to bring necessary motion.

36. Is the large brake on a bicycle wheel more effective than a small one ? Explain. 1

Ans : No, because the frictional force is independent of area of contact.

37. What is the angle between frictional force and instantaneous velocity of the body moving on a 1
rough road ?

Ans : The angle between the frictional force and instantaneous velocity is 180o.

38. What type of friction is involved when an axle rotates in a sleeve ? 1

Ans : Sliding friction.

39. Why does a child in a merry-go-round press the side of his seat radially outwards ? 1

Ans : Due to the accelerated nature of the frame, a pseudo force acts outward radially.

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40. Two boys on ice skates hold a rope between them. One boy is much heavier than the other. 1
Discuss their motion when one of the boys pulls on the rope.

Ans :

The initial momentum of the boys holding the rope is zero. When one of the two pulls the
other they move towards each other. To conserve momentum in the absence of external
force the heavier of the two boys will move slower than the other.

41. A retarding force is applied to stop a motor car. If the speed of the motor car is doubled, how 1
much more distance will it cover before stopping under the same retarding force ?

Ans :

Retarding force is same. For the same car, the mass is same. So the deceleration is
same. We know that v = 0, u ≠ 0.

So doubling the speed will make the distance increase to four times.

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42. A body is dropped from the ceiling of a transparent cabin falling freely towards the earth. 1
Describe the motion of the body as observed by an observer (a) sitting in the cabin (b) standing on

Ans :

(a) appears stationary in the lift.

(b) appears to fall freely (a = g m/s2)

43. A thief jumps from the roof of a house with a box of weight on his head. What will be the weight 1
of the box as experienced by the thief during jump ?

Ans :

The thief is accelerated down by g (m/s2).

∴ Apparent weight = m(g − a) = m(g − g) = 0. Weight experienced is zero.

44. If friction can provide necessary centripetal force, why should the road be banked ? 1

Ans :

Friction depends on the nature of the surface and so is highly varying and not

45. For uniform circular motion does the direction of the centripetal force depend on the sense of 1
rotation (i.e., clockwise or anti-clockwise) ?

Ans : No, centripetal force always acts towards the centre.

46. If a string of a rotating stone breaks, in which direction will the stone move ? 1

Ans : The stone will move along the tangent at the point of breaking.

47. The casting of a rocket in flight burns up due to friction. At whose expense is the heat energy 1
required for burning obtained ? The rocket or the atmosphere or both.

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Ans : From the kinetic energy of rocket.

48. One often comes across the following kind of statement concerning circular motion. A particle 1
moving uniformly along a circle experiences a force directed towards the centre and an equal and
opposite force directed away from the centre. The two forces together keep the particle in
equilibrium. Explain, what is wrong with this statement?

Ans :

This statement is wrong relative to any inertial frame of reference that we normally use
(e.g., laboratory frame that is approximately inertial). The particle in circular motion is not
in equilibrium, it has a centripetal acceleration. Centrifugal force does not exist relative to
an inertial frame. The statement is correct relative to the (non-inertial) frame rotating with
the particle.

49. What is the source of centripetal force, when an electron revolves around the nucleus? 1

Ans : The electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and the electrons.

50. A bob of mass 0.1 kg hung from the ceiling of a room by a string 2 m long is set into oscillation. 1
The speed of the bob at its mean position is 1 ms . What is the trajectory of the bob if the string is
cut when the bob is (a) at one of its extreme positions. (b) at its mean position ?

Ans :

(a) At each extreme position, velocity of the bob is zero. If the string is cut at the extreme
position, it is only under the action of ‘g’. Hence the bob will fall vertically downwards.
(b) At the mean position, velocity of the bob is 1 ms–1 along the tangent to the arc, which
is in the horizontal direction. If the string is cut at mean position, the bob will be a
horizontal projectile. Hence it will follow a parabolic path.

51. A constant retarding force of 50 N is applied to a body of mass 20 kg moving initially with a 1
speed of 15 ms–1. How long does the body take to stop ?

Ans :

52. A body of mass 5 kg is acted upon by two perpendicular forces 8 N and 6 N. Give the magnitude 1
and direction of the acceleration of the body.

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Ans :

53. It is easier to maintain the motion of a body than to start it. Why ? 1

Ans : We have to overcome static friction, which is more than kinetic friction.

54. What is the apparent weight of a man of mass 60 kg who is standing on a lift which is moving up 1
with a uniform speed ? (g = 10 ms−2)

Ans :

When lift moves with uniform speed acceleration is zero.

Apparent weight = mg = 60 × 10 = 600 N.

55. What happens to coefficient of friction, when weight of body is doubled ? 1

Ans : Remains constant.

56. Give an example of Pseudo force. 1

Ans : Centrifugal force.

57. A body of mass 25 g is moving with a constant velocity of 5m/sec on a horizontal frictionless 1
surface in vacuum. What is the force acting on the body ?

Ans : Zero.

58. Explain why does a cyclist bend inwards while riding along a curved road ? 1

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Ans : To make use of a component of normal reaction to negotiate the curve.

59. It is easier to catch a table tennis ball than a cricket ball even when both are moving with same 1
velocity. Why ?

Ans : Momentum transferred depends on mass and time in which it is brought to rest.

60. What are the changes force can bring on a body ? 2

Ans :

Force can change the magnitude of speed, the direction of motion and the shape of the

61. State Impulse-momentum theorem. 2

Ans :

The change in momentum associated with a body can be produced by a large force for
small time or a small force for large time.

62. Write the three laws of motion. 2

Ans :

(i) A body at rest or uniform motion will continue to maintain the status, till an unbalanced
force acts on it.
(ii) The rate of change of momentum is a measure of the force acting on the body.


The total unbalanced external force acting on a body is the product of its mass and
(iii) For every action there exists an equal and opposite reaction.

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63. What is the apparent weight felt by a person in an elevator, when it is accelerating (i) upward by 2
‘a’ (ii) downward by ‘a’ ?

Ans : (i) Apparent weight = m(g + a),

(ii) Apparent weight = m(g − a).

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64. Why does a gun recoil ? Derive the recoil velocity of a gun. 2

Ans :

Since no external force acts on gun, the momentum has to be conserved. So the gun
recoils. If mg and mb are the mass of gun and bullet with velocity of bullet being vb, then
mg vg + mb vb = 0,

−ve sign means that the gun moves opposite to the direction of the bullet.

65. A tennis ball of mass ‘m’ strikes a massive wall with a velocity V and traces back the same path. 2
Calculate the change in momentum of the ball due to the wall.

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Ans :
Let m1 = mass of ball
v1 = velocity of ball = v
m2 = mass of wall
v2 = velocity of wall = 0
m2 >> m1 (m1 can be neglected)
∴ Change in momentum of ball = final momentum – initial momentum = m [v – (–v)] = 2

66. Why is it necessary to keep the rate of fuel consumption in a rocket constant ? 2

Ans :

If the rate of fuel consumption is not kept the same, the energy produced every moment
will be different and may lead to problem of controlling large energy or accelerating the

67. Is earth an inertial frame of reference ? 2

Ans :

Since earth rotates about its own axis and also revolve round the sun, there will be
acceleration associated. So earth cannot be taken as an inertial frame of reference

68. A monkey is ascending a branch with constant acceleration. If the breaking strength is 160% of 2
the monkey’s weight, what is the maximum acceleration permitted for the monkey ?

Ans :

69. Give the magnitude and direction of the net force acting on a stone of mass 0.1 kg 2
(a) just after it is dropped from the window of a stationary train.
(b) just after it is dropped from the window of a train running at a constant velocity of 30 km/h.
(c) just after it is dropped from the window of a train accelerating with 1 ms–2.
(d) lying on the floor of a train which is accelerating with 1 ms–2, the stone being at rest relative to
the train. Neglect air resistance throughout.

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Ans :
(a) Here g = 9.8 ms– 2. When stone of mass 0.1 kg is dropped from the window of a
stationary train, the net force acting on it just after it is dropped, will be
F = weight of stone
F = mg = 0.1 × 9.8 = 0.98 N (Vertically downwards)
(b) When the stone is dropped from the window of a train running at a constant velocity
no force acts on the stone due to motion of the train. Thus,
Force on stone = mg = 0.98 N (Vertically downwards)
(c) In the train, accelerating with 1 ms–2, the stone experiences an additional force F′
(also horizontal) given by
F′ = ma = 0.1 × 1 = 0.1 N
As the stone is dropped, the force F′ no longer acts and the net force acting on the stone
is given by
F = mg
F = 9.8 N (Vertically downwards)
(d) In this case, weight of the stone is balanced by the normal reaction. The net force on
the stone is given by
F = ma
F = 0.1 × 1 = 0.1 N (along horizontal)

70. Explain why : 2

(a) a horse cannot pull a cart and run in empty space.
(b) passengers are thrown forward from their seats when a speeding bus stops suddenly.
(c) it is easier to pull a lawn mower than to push it.
(d) a cricketer moves his hand backward while holding a catch.

Ans : (a) A cart moves on being pulled by a horse because of the forward component of the
reaction of the ground to the feet of the horse. In an empty space, no reaction can be
there and hence a horse cannot pull a cart and run in empty space.
(b) It is because of inertia of uniform motion. When the speeding bus stops suddenly, the
lower part of body in contact with the seat of the bus comes to rest whereas the upper
part of the body still tends to remain in motion. Due to this passengers are thrown from
their seats.
(c) When we pull lawn mower, the vertical component of the applied pull acts opposite to
the weight of the mower and it reduces its effective weight. On the other hand, when a
lawn mower is pushed, the vertical component of the applied push adds to the weight of
the mower and therefore its effective weight increases. As the effective weight is lesser,
when the lawn mower is pulled, it is easier to pull the lawn mower than to push it.
(d) The impulse received by the hand, while holding a catch is equal to product of force
applied and the time taken to complete the catch. By moving his hand backwards, a
cricketer increases the time for completing the catch and accordingly the force that acts
on his hands (F = impulse/time) becomes much smaller and it does not hurt him.

71. A mass m is at rest on a rough surface. Draw the variation of the force of friction experienced 2
with the force applied on it.

Ans :

72. Find the acceleration with a mass sliding down an inclined plane (θ) with coefficient of friction μ. 2 1
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Ans : As the mass slides down, the force of friction, will act in the upward direction along the
plane. The net force acting will be, (mg sin θ − μ mg cos θ). Therefore, the acceleration
is g(sin θ − μ cos θ).

73. Find the minimum force required to pull a body up a rough inclined plane (θ, μ). 2

Ans :

As the mass has to be pulled up, the component of force of gravity and the force of
friction act downward. Therefore, the minimum force required is, (mg sin θ + μ mg cos θ).

74. What is the principle behind the launch of rockets ? 2

Ans :

The principle behind the launch of rockets is the law of conservation of momentum. The
change in momentum with the burnt fuel provides momentum to the rocket.

75. Is friction a necessary evil ? Justify. 2

Ans :

Friction opposes the motion and brings wear and tear. But without friction one cannot
stop any body.

76. A body is accelerating with ‘a’ m/s2 while its mass is increasing at the rate of ‘m’. What will be the 2
force experienced by it ?

Ans :

Force required to keep the acceleration is F = ma. Due to variation in mass the

momentum changes. So the extra force needed is the instantaneous

velocity. The net force required is,

77. Name the fundamental forces of nature. 2

Ans : Gravitational force, Nuclear force, Electromagnetic force and weak forces.

78. Give some ways by which the friction can be reduced. 2

Ans :

(i) Polishing the surfaces, (ii) Lubricating the surfaces, (iii) Streamlining of bodies, (iv)
Use of ball bearings.

79. How does the lubricants help in reducing friction ? 2

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Ans :

Lubricants spread over the surface and fill the irregularities. The contact between the
lubricant and the wheel reduces the friction.

80. A soda water bottle is falling freely. Will the bubbles of gas rise in the water of the bottle ? 2

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Ans :
Bubbles will not rise in water. This is because water in freely falling bottle is in the state
of weightlessness. No reactional upward force acts on the bubbles.

81. Air is thrown on a sail attached to a boat from an electric fan placed on the boat. Will the boat 2
start moving ?

Ans :

No, when the fan pushes the sail by air, then air also pushes the fan in the
oppositedirection. Since fan is placed on the boat, the vector sum of linear moments of
fan and the boat is zero. The boat can move only under the force of reaction from some
external agency.

82. A bird is sitting on the floor of a wire cage and the cage is in the hands of a boy. The bird starts 2
flying in the cage. Will the boy experience any change in the weight of the cage ?

Ans :

In a wire cage, air inside is in free contact with atmospheric air. Therefore, when the bird
starts flying inside the cage the weight of bird is no more experienced. Hence the cage
will appear lighter than before.

83. A spring weighing machine inside a stationary lift reads 10 kg, when a man stands on it. What 2
would happen to the scale reading, if the lift is moving upward with (i) constant velocity and (ii)
constant acceleration ?

Ans :

The apparent weight, W = m(g + a), where a is the acceleration with which the lift moves
(i) when lift moves with constant velocity, a = 0, Therefore, W = m(g + 0) = mg = 10 kg.
(no changes)
(ii) when lift moves with acceleration a in upward direction, then W = m(g + a) = mg (1 +
a/g) ≥ 10 kg (Apparent weight will increase).

84. It is known that polishing a surface beyond a certain limit increases the frictional force rather than 2
decreasing it. Explain.

Ans : When the surfaces are highly polished the area of contact between them increases.
A large number of atoms and molecules lying on both the surfaces start exerting strong
attractive forces on each other consequently friction increases.

85. To what angle a cyclist has to bend to negotiate a curved path ? Derive an expression. 2

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Ans :
As the cyclist leans by an angle θ with the vertical, the normal can be acting as shown. If
v is the speed of the cyclist, the necessary centripetal force is provided by the
component N sin θ of normal reaction and N cos θ provides balancing for weight.

86. Show that Newton’s second law is the Real Law of Motion. 2

Ans : According to Newton’s law, force is the rate of change of momentum. This law,
(i) expresses the need for a force to accelerate a body.
(ii) give an estimate of force and its outcome.
So it is the basic law of force.

87. Define force of friction. How does the use of ball bearing reduce friction ? 2

Ans :

The force parallel to the surface of contact which opposes relative motion between the
two surfaces. By using ball bearings, the wheel rolls on balls instead of sliding on axle.
So the sliding friction is converted into rolling friction which is much less.

88. A monkey is descending from the branch of a tree with constant acceleration. If the breaking 2
strength is 75% of the weight of the monkey, what is the minimum acceleration with which monkey
can slide down without breaking the branch ?

Ans :

89. The adjoining figure shows the position – time graph of a particle of mass 4 kg. What is the (a) 2
force on the particle for t < 0, t > 4 s, 0 < t < 4 s ? (b) impulse at t = 0 and t = 4 s ? [Consider one-
dimensional motion only.]

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Ans : (a) For t < 0 and t > 4 s, the particle is at rest as the position does not change with
respect to time ; clearly, no force on the particle during these intervals.
Further, for 0 < 1 < 4 s, the position of the particle continuously changes with respect to
time. As the position–time graph is a straight line, it represents uniform motion and there
is no acceleration. Hence it is also clear that no force acts on the particle during this
(b) Because the velocity is uniform from O to A, hence velocity at O = velocity at A =
slope of the graph OA = (3/4) ms–1
Impulse (at t = 0) = change in momentum
= Final momentum – Initial momentum

Impulse (at t = 4 s) = change in momentum

= final momentum – initial momentum
= 0 – mv = – 4(3/4) = – 3 kgms– 1.

90. For ordinary terrestrial experiments, which of the observers below are inertial and which are non- 3
inertial :
(a) a child revolving in a giant wheel.
(b) a driver in a sports car moving with a constant high speed of 200 kmh−1 on a straight road.
(c) the pilot of an aeroplane which is taking off.
(d) a cyclist negotiating a sharp turn.
(e) the guard of a train which is slowing down to stop at a station.

Ans : (a) A giant revolving wheel has accelerated(radially) motion. Therefore, a child revolving
in a giant wheel is noninertial.
(b) The sports car is moving with a constant speed on a straight road. Therefore, the
driver in a sports car moving with a constant high speed (200 kmh−1) on a straight road
is inertial.
(c) As the aeroplane takes off, it has accelerated motion. Therefore, the pilot of an
aeroplane, which is taking off is non-inertial.
(d) While negotiating a sharp turn, there is change in the direction of motion of the cyclist
and hence the motion is accelerated. Therefore, a cyclist negotiating a sharp turn is non-
(e) When a train is slowing down to stop at a station, its motion is retarding. Therefore
the guard of a train which is slowing down to stop at a station acts as non-inertial

91. Ten one-rupee coins are put on top of each other on a table. Each coin has a mass ‘m’. Give the 3
magnitude and direction of
(i) the force on the 7th coin (counted from the bottom) due to all the coins on its top.
(ii) the force on the 7th coin by the eighth coin.
(iii) the reaction of the 6th coin on the 7th coin.

Ans : (i) The seventh coin will experience force equal to the sum of the weights of the three
coins above it. As each coin is of m kg. Therefore. force on 7th coin = (3m) kgf = (3mg)N.
Vertically downwards. where g is acceleration due to gravity.
(ii) The eight coin supports the weights of two coins above it. Therefore, force on seventh
coin due to the eighth coin willbe equal to the sum of the weights of the eighth coin and
the two coins above it. Therefore, force on 7th coin due to 8th coin = m + 2m = (3m) kgf
= (3mg)N. Vertically downwards.
(iii) The 6th coin experiences force equal to weights of the four coins above it. Hence,
reaction due to 6th coin on the 7th coin R = – F = – 4 m kgf = (4mg)N. Vertically upwards
opposite to weight.
10/9/2019 Test Generator
92. The driver of a three-wheeler moving with a speed of 36 km/h sees a child standing in the middle 3
of the road and brings his vehicle to rest in 4 s just in time to save the child. What is the average
retarding force on the vehicle ? The mass of the three-wheeler is 400 kg and the mass of the driver
is 65 kg.

Ans :

93. State the law of conservation of momentum. Establish the same for a ‘n’ body system. 3

Ans :
When no external force acts on a system the momentum will remain conserved.
Consider a system of n bodies of masses m1, m2, m3 ... mn. If p1, p2, p3 ... pn are the
momentum associated then the rate of change of momentum with the system,

94. Two billiard balls each of mass 0.05 kg moving in opposite directions with speed 6 ms–1 collide 3
and rebound with the same speed. What is the impulse imparted to each ball due to the other ?

Ans : Mass of each billiard ball, m = 0.05 kg

Speed of each ball before collision, v1= 6ms–1
Speed of each ball after collision, v2 = 6 ms–1
Hence, initial mmentum of each ball before collision = mv1 = 0.05 × 6 = 0.3 kg ms–1
Final momentum of each ball after collision = mv2 = 0.05 × 6 = – 0.3 kg ms–1
Impulse imparted to each ball due to other = Final momentum – Initial momentum
= – 0.3 kg ms–1 – 0.3 kg ms–1
= – 0.6 kg ms–1 = 0.6 kg ms–1 (In magnitude).

95. Two masses m1 and m2 are connected to the ends of a string passing over a pulley. Find the 3
tension and acceleration associated.

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Ans :
The pulley is frictionless, massless and fixed. The free body diagram for the two masses
are shown along with the equation.

96. Explain how momentum conservation explains explosion of a mass at rest. 3

Ans : Exploding mass is initially at rest. The momentum is zero. When the explosion takes
place, since there is no external force acting, the momentum associated with all parts
should vectorially add up to zero. The velocity associated with each part is due to the
conversion of internal energy into kinetic energy.

97. Prove that the coefficient of static friction is ‘‘tangent’’ of the angle of repose. 3

Ans :

The angle of repose is defined as the maximum inclination of the plane for which the
mass kept over it can stay at rest. Let φ be the angle of repose. Then,

Since the body is at rest, the friction is static friction and the coefficient is for static case.

98. State law of conservation of momentum and prove it using third law of motion. 3

Ans :

When no external force acts on the body, the momentum remains conserved.
According to third law, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if dp1
and dp2 are change in momentum of two masses m1 and m2 then,

10/9/2019 Test Generator
99. Define the term ‘coefficient of limiting friction’ between two surfaces. A body of mass 10 kg is 3

placed on an inclined surface of angle 30o. If the coefficient of limiting friction is find the force
required to just push the body up the inclined surface. The force is being applied parallel to the
inclined surface.

10/9/2019 Test Generator

Ans : Coefficient of limiting friction between two surfaces in contact is defined as the ratio of
force of limiting friction and normal reaction between them.

Force required to push the body up inclined surface = (49 + 49) = 98 N

100.Name a varying mass system. Derive an expression for velocity of propulsion of a rocket at any 3

Ans : Rocket propelled up in space.

Let u be the velocity of exhaust gas (burnt) and be the rate at which fuel is burnt.
Let M be the mass at any instant and dv be the change in velocity of the rocket at that
From conservation of momentum, we have, Change in momentum of rocket = Change in
momentum of burnt gases.

Integrating we get, v = – u loge M + C where C is a constant.

101.A helicopter of mass 1000 kg rises with a vertical acceleration of 15 ms–2. The crew and the 3
passengers weigh 300 kg. Give the magnitude and direction of the
(a) force on the floor by the crew and passengers,
(b) action of the rotor of the helicopter on the surrounding air, and
(c) force on the helicopter due to the surrounding air.

10/9/2019 Test Generator

Ans :
m = 103 kg a = 15 ms–2, mc + mp = 3 × 102 kg.
(a) Force on the floor = F = Mass × (g + a) since a is directed upwards.

directed downward on to the floor.

(b) Action of rotor on helicopter

(c) For every action, there exists an equal and opposite reaction. So the force on the
helicopter due to the surrounding air is 32,500 N directed upward vertically.

102.A man of mass 70 kg stands on a weighing scale in a lift which is 3

(a) moving upwards with a uniform speed of 10 m/s.
(b) moving down with a uniform acceleration of 5 m/s2.
(c) freely falling under gravity.
What would be reading on the scale in each case ?

Ans :

103.Distinguish between static friction, limiting friction and kinetic friction. How do they vary with the 3
applied force, explain by diagram.

Ans : Static friction exists as long as the body stays at rest. It increases with the force applied.
Limiting friction is the maximum value of static friction.
Kinetic friction is the friction when the body is on the move. This will be a constant and
depends on the nature of surface only.
The variation of frictional force is shown below.

104.A person of mass m is standing in a lift. Find his apparent weight when the lift is: 3
(i) moving upward with uniform acceleration a.

10/9/2019 Test Generator
(ii) moving downward with uniform acceleration a (< g).
(iii) falls freely. (g is the acceleration due to gravity).

Ans :

(i) apparent weight = mg + ma

(ii) apparent weight = mg – ma
(iii) apparent weight = 0

105.A cricket ball of mass 150 g is moving with a velocity of 12 ms–1, and is hit by a bat, so that the 3
ball is turned back with a velocity of 20 ms–1. The force of the blow acts for 0.01 second on the ball.
Find the average force exerted by the bat on the ball.

Ans :

106.Discuss graphical method for the measurement of impulse in the following case : 3
(i) When constant force acts on the body.
(ii) When a variable force acts on the body.

Ans :

F1 for curve (a) is greater than F2 for curve (b). The time t2 for which F2 acts is greater
for curve (b) than time t1 in case of curve (a).

107.A block is gently placed at the top of an inclined plane 6.4 m long. Find the time taken by the 3
block to slide down to the bottom of plane. The plane makes an angle 30° with the horizontal.
Coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is 0. 2. Take g = 10 m/sec 2.

10/9/20 Test

Ans :

108.Define impulse. A cricket ball of mass 150 gm moving with speed of 12 m/s is hit by a bat so 3
that the ball is turned back with a velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate the impulse received by the ball.

Ans : The product of force and the time on which it acts or change in momentum is called

109.A bomb at rest explodes into three parts of the same mass. The momenta of the two parts is –2 3
pi and pj. What will be themomentum of the third part ?

Ans : Since initial momentum is zero, the final momentum should also be zero. Let the
momentum of third part be p3

110.A string of length L and mass M is lying on a horizontal table. A force F is applied at one of its 3
end. What is the tension in string at a distance x from the end at which force is applied ?

10/9/20 Test

Ans : If r is the mass per unit length of the string, mass of entire string m = Lρ.
Acceleration produced in the string,

Force acting on the length (L – x) of the string = mass of (L – x) length of string ×

acceleration (a)

111. Figure shows the position-time graph of a body of mass 0.04 kg. Suggest a suitable physical 3
context for this motion. What is the time between two consecutive impulses received by the body ?
What is the magnitude of each impulse ?

Ans : Since x changes at every 2 sec interval, the time between the consecutive impulses is 2

112. Figure shows a man standing stationary with respect to a horizontal conveyor belt that is 3
accelerating with 1 ms–2. What is the net force on the man ? If the coefficient of static friction
between the man’s shoes and the belt is 0.2, up to what acceleration of the belt can the man
continue to be stationary relative to the belt ? (Mass of the man = 65 kg.)

10/9/20 Test

Ans :
Acceleration of conveyor belt a = 1 ms–2
Force on man = ma = 65 N
Force of friction = μs mg
= 0.2 × 65 × 10
= 130 N
The man can continue to be at rest till the force equals the frictional (limiting) force.

113. For three moving objects the distances are found to be directly proportional to the times t, t2 and 3
t3. What is the nature of the net force on each object ?

Ans :

∴ Net force on the object is inversely proportional to t.

Similarly, when x ∝ t2,
∴ Net force on the object is independent of t.
when x ∝ t3
So, net force F on the object is directly proportional to the time.

114.A pebble of mass 0.05 kg is thrown vertically upwards. Give the direction and magnitude of the 3
net force on the pebble
(a) during its upward motion.
(b) during its downward motion.
(c) at the highest point where it is momentarily at rest. Do your answers change if the pebble was
thrown at an angle of say 45° with the horizontal direction ? Ignore air resistance.

Ans : (a) When the pebble moves vertically upwards, the net force on the pebble is given by F
= mg = 0.05 × 9.8 = 0.49 N (Vertically downwards)
(b) In this case, the net force on the pebble is F = mg = 0.49 N (Vertically downwards)
(c) Even in this, the net force is F = mg = 0.49 N (Vertically downwards)
If the pebble were thrown at an angle of 45° with horizontal, the pebble will have
components of velocity along horizontal and vertical. These components of velocity
along horizontal or along vertical do not lead to any force on the pebble. Therefore, if the
pebble were thrown at some angle with the horizontal, the answer in cases
(a), (b) and (c) will not change.

115.Discuss how the principle of conservation of momentum is used in the launching of rockets. 5
Deduce an expression for, (i) velocity at any instant and (ii) acceleration of the rocket and force

10/9/20 Test

Ans :
Consider of a rocket with initial mass Mi burning dM amount of fuel in a time dt, to be
released with a constant velocity u in the form of fumes. If the mass at any instant of the
rocket is M then applying the conservation of momentum, we have,
(change in momentum of burnt fuel)
= − (Change in momentum of rocket and its contents.)
∴ udM = −Mdv, where dv refers to change in velocity of rocket.

Therefore, the force or thrust experienced

10/9/20 Test

116.(i) Define friction. 5

(ii) Show that kinetic friction is less than the static friction.
(iii) Establish that static friction is a self-adjustable force.
(iv) Write the basic laws of limiting friction.

10/9/20 Test

Ans : (i) Friction – It is an opposing force acting tangentially on a body.

(ii) Plotting a graph between applied force and frictional force (see figure), we have
OL = static friction = F1
OP = limiting friction = F2
MN = kinetic friction = F3
F1 goes on increasing with applied force at L the static friction is maximum beyond L the
frictional force decreases slightly. As the portion MN of the curve is parallel to OX
therefore, kinetic friction does not change with applied force. Also kinetic friction is
always slightly less than limiting friction as once motion actually starts irregularities of
one surface are not able to get locked into irregularities of another surface.
(iii) Magnitude and direction of the static friction force adjust themselves according to
applied force. When we change the applied force, force of static friction changes
accordingly in the direction opposite to the applied force.

(iv) Laws of limiting friction:

(a) Magnitude of force of limiting friction (F) between any two bodies in contact is directly
proportional to normal reaction (R), i.e. F ∝ R.
(b) Direction of force of limiting friction is always opposite to the one in which the body
starts moving over another.
(c) As long as normal reaction between two bodies in contact remains same the force of
limiting friction is independent of area of contact.
(d) Force of limiting friction only depends upon the material and nature of the surfaces in

117. Consider a mass ‘m’ attached to a string of length ‘l’ performing vertical circle. Find an 5
expression for the
(i) velocity at any point,
(ii) tension at any point,
(iii) velocity minimum at the lower-most point for a vertical circle.

10/9/20 Test

Ans : Consider the mass m attached to a string of length l. Let the lower most and top most
point be marked A and B respectively. Consider any point P where the length l has
turned by θ from the vertical line through A. Centripetal force is provided by the tension
and mg cos θ acting in opposite directions. From the diagram, OA = OP = l, OT = l cos θ,
AT = l (1 − cos θ)

(i) If vA and vP are velocities at A and P respectively, using

118. What do you understand by friction? Discuss about static friction, limiting friction, kinetic friction 5
and rolling friction.

10/9/20 Test

Ans : Friction is an opposing force acting tangentially on the body as relative motion exists.
Due to interlocking static friction is the greatest. The maximum value of static friction
where from the body moves is called limiting friction. Till this particular value the frictional
force is equal to the applied force to move the body. Once the body begins to move, the
friction will be slightly less than the static value as no perfect interlockings are present. In
rolling motion, the wheel moves up from one hill to another in the imperfections of the
surface and do not get locked. So rolling friction is less than even the kinetic friction.
Frictional force depends on:
(i) the nature of the surface and
(ii) Normal reaction. Ff = μN.
Since N is same for a given body and as Ffs > Ffk > Ffr, the value of coefficient of friction
μ satisfies the relation, μs > μk > μr

119. Derive expression for velocity of a car on a banked circular road having coefficient of frictions. 5
Hence write the expression for optimum velocity.

Ans : From the forces acting on the vehicle in a banked curve (θ).

120. State Newton’s Second law of motion. Prove that second law is the real law of motion. 5

10/9/20 Test

Ans :
Newton’s II Law :
The total unbalanced external force acting on a mass is the product of its mass (m) and
acceleration (a), i.e,. F = ma.
I Law and II Law. According to II law, force experienced is the product of mass and
acceleration. When there is no force, the mass does not accelerate and retains the same
status. So the view of I law, i.e., when there is no force the body maintains the status of
III Law and II Law. Consider two masses m1 and m2 exerting force on each other
(internal forces). If their change in momentum are dp1 and dp2 then,
dp1 + dp2 = 0. Since no external force acts on the system of two masses.

i.e., force experienced by m1 due to m2 and by m2 due to m1 are equal and opposite,
confirming action and reaction.
Since both laws can be derived from second law, so it is real law of motion.

121. Explain : 5
(i) Why are ball bearings used in machinery ?
(ii) Why does a horse have to apply more force to start a cart than to keep it moving ?
(iii) What is the need for banking the tracks ?
(iv) State two advantages and two disadvantages of friction.

10/9/20 Test

Ans : (i) Ball bearings are used to reduce friction under rolling as it is easier to roll a body than
to slide as μr < μk.


(iii) Banking is necessary because :

(a) Force of friction providing centripetal force is not reliable one.
(b) It prevents skidding.
(c) The speed can be more without skidding.
(d) Wear and tear can be reduced.
(iv) Advantages of friction :
• Had there been no friction it would have been impossible for us to walk.
• It would have been impossible to transmit power with help of belts.
Disadvantages of friction :
• It causes wear and tear of machinery.
• Reduces speed of vehicles.

122.A machine gun has a mass of 20 kg. It fires 35 g bullets at the rate of 400 bullets per second 4
with a speed of 400 ms−1. What force must be applied to the gun to keep it in position ?

10/9/20 Test


123.Weights of 50 g and 40 g are connected by a string passing over a smooth pulley. If the system 4
travels 2.18 m in the first 2 seconds, find the value of g.

Ans :

hammer of mass 1 kg moving with a speed of 6 ms−1 strikes a wall and comes to rest in 0.1 s. 4
(i) the impulse of force.
(ii) the retardation of the hammer, and
(iii) the retarding force that stops the hammer.

10/9/20 Test


125. An electron and a proton are detected in a cosmic ray experiment, electron with kinetic energy 4
10 keV and proton with kinetic energy 100 keV. Which is faster : the electron or the proton? Obtain
the ratio of their speeds.
(Take mass of electron = 9.11 × 10–31 kg, mass of proton = 1.67 × 10–27 kg, l eV = 1.60 × 10–19 J)

Ans :

126. Two masses 8 kg and 12 kg are connected at the two ends of a light inextensible string that 4
goes over a frictionless pulley. Find the acceleration of the masses and the tension in the string
when the masses are released.

Ans :

10/9/20 Test
127.A ball moving with a momentum of 5 kg ms–1 strikes against a wall at an angle of 45° and is 4
reflected at the same angle and with same speed. Find the change in momentum of the ball.

Ans :

128.A cricket ball of mass 150 g is moving with a velocity of 12 ms−1, and is hit by a bat, so that the 4
ball is turned back with a velocity of 20 ms−1. The force of the blow acts for 0.01s on the ball. Find
the average force exerted by the bat on the ball.

Ans :

129.A block of wood of mass 3 kg is resting on the surface of a rough inclined surface, inclined at an 4
angle q as shown in the figure :

(a) Name the forces (1, 2, 3).

(b) If the coefficient of static friction is 0.2, calculate the value of all the three forces. (may use g =
10 m/s2)

10/9/20 Test

Ans :

130.An object is first sliding down an inclined plane of inclination θ with same constant velocity. It is 4
next projected up the plane with an initial velocity u. Calculate the distance upto which it will rise
before coming to rest. What will happen to the object after it come to rest ?

10/9/20 Test

Ans : Let the mass of the object be m.

Case (a). The force acting on it when it is moving down. As the object slides down with a
constant velocity, the net force acting on the object is zero.

Case (b). When the body is projected upwards with an initial velocity u, it experiences a
downward acceleration given by

Once the object comes to rest, the frictional force to be overcome with that of static
The object will therefore, slide down the plane if its inclination is tan−1 (μs), where μs is
the coefficient of static friction.
As μs > μk and the plane has an inclination of tan−1 μk, the object will stay at rest, and
will not slide down the plane again.

131.A block of mass 25 kg is raised by a 50 kg man in two different ways as shown. What is the 4
action on the floor by the man in the two cases? If the floor yields to a normal force of 700 N, which
mode should the man adopt to lift the block without the floor yielding ?

10/9/20 Test

Ans :

Since the action of the man on the floor in case (ii) is less than case (i), and since the
floor can yield to a normal force of 700 N, therefore, the man should prefer mode (ii) to
lift the weight.

132.A truck of mass 1000 kg is pulling a trailer of mass 2000 kg as shown. The retarding (frictional) 4
force on the truck is 500 N and that on the trailer is 1000 N. The truck engine exerts a force of 6000
N. Calculate
(i) the acceleration of the truck and the trailer, and
(ii) the tension in the connecting rope.

Ans :
(i) The net force f1 exerted on the trailer in the direction of f1 = (T − 1000)N, where T is
tension in the connecting rope.

(ii) Putting the value of ‘a’ in (i) we have,

133.A horizontal force of 500 N pulls two masses 10 kg and 20 kg (lying on a frictionless table) 4
connected by a light string as shown. What is the tension in the string ? Does the answer depend
on which mass the pull is applied ?

10/9/20 Test

Ans :

134. Compute the acceleration of the block and trolley system as shown. If the coefficient of kinetic 4
friction between the trolley and the surface is 0.04, what is the tension in the string ?

Ans : Let a be the acceleration produced in the block-trolley system. Considering forces acting
on the weight 30 kg

135. Consider the bodies of mass m1 and m2 in contact placed on a frictionless table as shown. 4
When force F is applied on mass m1, calculate the acceleration produced, and the force of contact
between the bodies. What will be the force of contact when the force F is applied on mass m2 ?

10/9/20 Test

Ans : Case (a). Let F be applied on m1 and f is the force of contact between the two bodies.

Case (b). Similarly, in the 2nd case

10/9/20 Test

136. Consider the case of two bodies of mass m1 and m2 connected by a string and placed on a 4
smooth horizontal surface as shown. Calculate the acceleration of the system, and tension in the
string when the force F is applied on m2.

10/9/20 Test

Ans :
When force is applied on m2, the system moves forward with acceleration a and tension
T is produced in the thread.
The forces acting on the two bodies are shown separately in second figure :
N1 = m1 g and N2 = m2 g, where N1 and N2 are normal reactions on m1 and m2

Thus, the acceleration (a) and tension (T) are given by expressions (iii) and (iv)

137. Three blocks are connected as shown on a horizontal frictionless table, and pulled to the right 4
with a force of T3 = 60 N.

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138.A truck tows a trailer of mass 1200 kg at a speed of 10 ms−1 on a level road. The tension in the 4
coupling is 1000 N. What is the power extended on the trailer ? Find the tension in the coupling
when the truck ascends a road having an inclination of 1 in 6. Assume that the frictional resistance
on the inclined plane is the same as that on the level road.

10/9/20 Test


When the truck ascends a road having an inclination of 1 in 6, i.e., if OB = 1, AB = 6,

then it has to apply not only a forward force of 1000 N to overcome friction, but also will
have to overcome downward component of weight, i.e., mg sin θ.

139.A body of mass 60 kg is dragged with just enough force to start moving on a rough surface with 4
coefficients of static and kinetic friction 0.5 and 0.4 respectively on applying the same force. What is
the acceleration ?

Ans :

140.A ball moving with a momentum of 15 kg ms–1 strikes against the wall at an angle of 30° and is 4
reflected with the same momentum at the same angle. Calculate impulse. 40
10/9/20 Test


The two x-components are in opposite direction so they cancel out.

141. The force required to just move a body up an inclined plane is double the force required to 4
prevent the body from sliding down. Find the coefficient of friction.

Ans :

142. In the given arrangement, if the points P and Q move down with a velocity u, find the velocity of 4

10/9/20 Test


143.A batsman deflects a ball by an angle of 45° without changing its initial speed which is equal to 4
54 km h–1. What is the impulse imparted to the ball ? Mass of the ball is 0.15 kg.

Ans :

144.A curved road of diameter 1.8 km is banked, so that no friction is required at a speed of 30 m 4
s−1. What is the banking angle ?

10/9/20 Test


145.A motor car is travelling at 30 m/s on a circular road of radius 500 m. It is increasing its speed at 4
the rate of 2 m s2. What is the acceleration ?

Ans :

146. Two blocks 3 kg and 2 kg are suspended from a rigid support by two inextensible wires, each of 4
length 1 m and having linear mass density 0.2 kg/m. Find the tension at the mid-point of each wire
as the arrangement gets an upward acceleration of 2 m/s2.

10/9/20 Test

Ans : Since the strings carry mass there will be varying tension at different points. At the
middle of the string attached to the roof, the forces are as shown.

147. The centre of gravity of a loaded taxi is 1.5 m above the ground, and the distance between 4
wheels is 2 m. What is the maximum speed with which it can go round an unbanked curve of radius
100 m without being turned upside down ? What minimum value of coefficient of friction is needed
at this speed ?

Ans :

148. An aircraft executes a horizontal loop at a speed of 720 km/hr with its wings banked at 15o. 4
What is the radius of the loop ?

Ans :

10/9/20 Test
149.A rocket with a lift off mass 20,000 kg is blasted upwards with an initial acceleration of 5.0 ms –2. 4
Calculate the initial thrust (force) of the blast.

Ans :

150.A cyclist goes round a circular track of 440 metres length in 20 seconds. Find the angle that the 4
cycle makes with the vertical.

Ans :

151.A body of mass 0.4 kg moving with a constant speed of 10 ms–1 to the north is subjected to a 4
constant force of 8 N directed toward the south for 30 s. Take, the instant the force is applied to be t
= 0 and the position of the particle at that time to be x = 0, predict its position at t = 5 s, 25 s and
100 s.

10/9/20 Test


During the next 70 s, there is no force and the particle moves with the uniform velocity of
590 ms–1.

152.A 70 kg man stands in contact against the wall of a cylindrical drum of radius 3 m rotating about 4
its vertical axis with 200 rev/min. The coefficient of friction between the wall and his clothing is 0.15.
What is the minimum rotational speed of the cylinder to enable the man to remain stuck to the wall
(without falling), when the floor is suddenly removed ?

10/9/20 Test


153.A truck starts from rest and accelerates uniformly at 2.0 m s–2. At t = 10 s, a stone is dropped 4
by a person standing on the top of the truck (6 m high from the ground). What are the (a) velocity,
and (b) acceleration of the stone at t = 11 s ? (Neglect air resistance).

Ans :

154.A shell of mass 0.020 kg is fired by a gun of mass 100 kg. If the muzzle speed of the shell is 80 4
m s–1, what is the recoil speed of the gun ?

Ans :

155.A stone ‘m’ tied to the end of a string is whirled round in a circle of radius r with a speed ω in a 4
horizontal plane. If the speed of the stone is increased beyond the maximum permissible value, and
the string breaks suddenly, which of the following correctly describes the trajectory of the stone
after the string breaks :
(a) the stone moves radially outwards.
(b) the stone flies off tangentially from the instant the string breaks,
(c) the stone flies off at an angle with the tangent whose magnitude depends on the speed of the
particle ?

Ans : (b) The stone will move along the direction of the velocity at the time of getting out of the
string the tangent to the path at the moment of getting cut.

10/9/20 Test
156.A train runs along an unbanked circular track of radius 30 m at a speed of 54 km/h. The mass of 4
the train is 106 kg. What provides the centripetal force required for this purpose – The engine or the
rails ? What is the angle of banking required to prevent wearing out of the rail ?

Ans :

157.A monkey of mass 40 kg climbs on a rope which can stand a maximum tension on 600 N. In 4
which of the following cases will the rope break : the monkey

(a) climbs up with an acceleration of 6 m s–2

(b) climbs down with an acceleration of 4 m s–2
(c) climbs up with a uniform speed of 5 m s–1
(d) falls down the rope nearly freely under gravity ?
(Ignore the mass of the rope).

Ans :

158.Two bodies A and B of mass 5 kg and 10 kg in contact with each other rest on a table against a 4
rigid wall. The coefficient of friction between the bodies and the table is 0.15. A force of 200 N is
applied horizontally to A. What are (a) the reaction of the partition (b) the action-reaction forces
between A and B ? What happens when the wall is removed ? Does the answer to (b) change,
when the bodies are in motion ? Ignore the difference between μs and μk.

10/9/20 Test

Ans :

159.A block of mass 15 kg is placed on a long trolley. The coefficient of static friction between the 4
block and the trolley is 0.18. The trolley accelerates from rest with 0.5 m s for 20 s and then
moves with uniform velocity. Discuss the motion of the block as viewed by (a) a stationary observer
on the ground, (b) an observer moving with the trolley.

Ans :

(a) Since force applied is only 7.5 N, the static frictional force has to be 7.5 N and the
body does not move. As the trolley is accelerated, the block appears to be at rest relative
to trolley. When the trolley does not accelerate or have a uniform velocity, friction does
not exist due to the absence of relative motion.
(b) An observer in the trolley has accelerated motion and so the law of inertia is not valid.

160.The rear side of a truck is open and a box of 40 kg mass is placed 5 m away from the open end 4
as shown in adjoining figure. The coefficient of friction between the box and the surface below it is
0.15. On a straight road, the truck starts from rest and accelerates with 2 m s –2. At what distance
from the starting point does the box fall off the truck ? (Ignore the size of the box).

10/9/20 Test

Ans :

Distance covered by the truck by the time the mass drops down is,

161. 4
A disc revolves with a speed of rev/min, and has a radius of 15 cm. Two coins are placed at 4
cm and 14 cm away from the centre of the record. If the co-efficient of friction between the coins and
the record is 0.15, which of the coins will revolve with the record ?

Ans :

162.Two pulleys of masses 12 kg and 8 kg are connected by a fine string hanging over a fixed pulley 4
as shown. Over the 8 kg pulley is hung a fine string with masses 4 kg and M. Over the 12 kg pulley
is hung another fine string with masses 3 kg and 6 kg. Calculate M so that the string over the fixed
pulley remains stationary.

10/9/20 Test

Ans : P is a fixed pulley. The pulleys Q and R have masses 12 kg and 8 kg respectively. The
different tensions and accelerations are shown. Various equations can be written as,


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