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Good afternoon everyone

I hope your’re all doing well

It’s a pleasure to be here with all of you today
My name is PA and I’m excited to have this opportunity to introduce to you all the topic
“Exposure Triangle”
Our group consists of 6 outstanding individuals named: PA, Hmy, Tvy, Klinh, Mnhu and Xly
And I hope that you will find my presentation I am delivering today useful and beneficial for you.
And our presentation also includes 4 parts: ….. So
now we move to the first part: Definition of ET
As you’ve already known that ET consists of three variables that adjust how a camera captures
light: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Together, these three elements properly expose a shot.

When you combine them together, you control the amount of light entering the camera from any
light source.

How does the exposure triangle work? To better understand the exposure triangle, let’s examine
each variable one by one starting with aperture. The literal definition of aperture means
“opening” or “hole.” The aperture of a camera lens is a hole that regulates how much light passes
through to the film or sensor.

As you can see from the picture, the width of a camera lens’ aperture is measured in f/stops
written in numbers like 1.8, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, and 22.

Smaller apertures, like f/22, let in less light. Larger apertures like f/1.8 let in more light.

Additional Tips:

• Combine these techniques! For example, you can use a wide aperture for shallow depth of
field and a slow shutter speed to capture a moving subject with a blurred background,
adding a layer of artistic expression.
• Experiment and practice! The best way to master the creative applications of the Exposure
Triangle is to try different settings and see how they impact your images.

By understanding these creative applications, you can use the Exposure Triangle not just for
technical accuracy, but also to express your artistic vision and create truly impactful photographs.

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