Prayer Update 120511

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Thank you for raising these to the Father with us! Pray for our Sunday Night youth meetings. That God is gloried and worshiped. Pray that Andys stone surgery goes well and as planned. Pray for a group of youth leaders meeting to look for direction from God as to what he desires of each of us in our ministry together. Pray for Robert and his family as they battle ooding that their focus stays on the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Pray for Ricky and Maria as they go through this health battle for their grandpa that they seek the glory of Christ always even with they see pain. Pray for our volunteers that they do not become discouraged as we walk this path of service to Christ together. Pray for The Center for Whitley County Youth as they battle ooding issues. Pray for many of our youth as they grow to be men and women of God while being surrounded by hurts of this world. Pray for Quinton as he continues to have testing done to help him live a happier and healthier life for the glory of Jesus Christ. Pray for Logan Tuttle that God may grant him the ability to see. Pray for Landon as well that he may come to know a true relationship with Jesus Christ. Pray for Leah to feel comfort from God. Pray for Monica Gilraine that she may come to understand this trial set before her and how it can and will glorify our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


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Pray over the starting of a bus ministry here at Trinity. There are people who desire to come to church but do not have transportation. This prayer is obviously for youth but also for adults as well. Whether its because they are elderly or in work release or just without a vehicle. I pray we will be that tool used by Christ to share the Gospel message to them. Pray for our student leaders, Kohltin, Kurstyn, Carley, Angel, Buddy and Drew that they come to understand the ministry they have been given by God now to do the work of Jesus Christ. Pray that Kohltin and Kurstyn Hoeppner continue to help their mother and nd joy in the privilege of sharing the Christmas Story in this years pageant. Pray for the new kids coming out to youth group that our kids and church family will reach out to them and make them feel as comfortable in our church as we all feel. Pray for all our kids that have nished conrmation class that they may grow more in love with the God who loves them immeasurably. Pray for guidance with the upcoming planning of spring retreats/conferences and this summer mission trip opportunities. Pray that we are faithful to listen to the calling from Christ not our desire.

CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR.... Buddy as he goes through physical therapy for his shoulder. Drew as he heals from his eye injury. Emily Franks and her family as there have been some setbacks with her mothers surgery. Jenny and Buddy that they see areas they can help their mother heal from her kidney stone surgery. Carley, Madison and Austin as they continue to look to Christ to nd the joy they have in their time with their grandparents. Riley and Keaton that they continue to take advantage of their time with their grandfather. For the family needing a roof, that God will reveal to Trinity how we are to come along side this local family in need.

Scripture Focus

Ephesians 5:20-21

giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.

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