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ac,ih Phone : 91-731-3240041

inf o@trubainstitute.ac.in oftice : 91-731-3240042. 2906946


xallod Kartal, By-Pass Road, Indore (M.P.\ 452 o2o
(Approved by : AICTE, New Delhi, Affiliated to : RGPV, Bhopal. Recognized by: DTE, Govt. of MP, Bhopal)

Letter of Recommendation
Mr. Ankush Nalwaya was one of the bright students I have taught in my teaching
career. He was my student in 3rd SEM of "Data Structure and Algorithms" and 4th
SEM of "Analysis Design of Algorithms".

He was a brilliant student in his class. His confidence level and aptitude were his
pillars of strength. He had a strong grip and understanding of liis subjects and was
always out to do something different and with novelty. He was always in his heels to
learn something new. His learning appetite was always obvious during his interactions
with his peers a:rd teachers.

Iwas protbundly impressed by his conceptual clarity and analytical acumen. His
academic skills complement his interpersonal skills. His behavior in class was mature
and immaculate and his leadership skills are remarkable. He secured 80oZ marks irr
'Analysis and Design of Algorithms'. He always caries a notion of putting his best
efforts in doing the smallest task entrusted upon him.

I am sure he will live up to the expectations of your prestigious university if given a

chance to be a parl of it. I firmly believe that Ankush is a hardworking, dedicated, and
sincere individual who leaves no stone unturned in the pursuit ofhis goals.
I wish him all the best in his future endeavors and strongly recommend him with
financial aid to your esteemed university.

Prof. Savit64{athod.
Lecturer, Information Technology Department,
Truba College of Enggineering & Technology, Indore (M.P)
Contact No.(+91 07 313240042)

TRUBA Enuclrlou Socrnry

Cor. Add. Truba Solutions,215, zone-1, l!1.P. Nagar.
BHOPAL (lll.P) Ph.: 91-755-422004O. 3Oa3222

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