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Dark Elves
Dark Elves move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 7 3 0 2 1 1
Racial trait:​ None
The Hero may make a move, and then push away a defender as a normal break away, but the hero who
use the feat can’t make the free strike (but if another model can make the free strike do so), the hero
can make another move at a die roll, if the hero reach another defender he may attack with one die less
and if he kills the defender he may attack again with one less die and so on, repeat till the hero got 2
dice’s left.
ability choice:
lvl 1 Nimble

lvl 2 +1 move

lvl 3 Frenzy

lvl 4 Nimble

lvl 5 Dubious Character

lvl 6 +1 shooting Dice (short)

lvl 7 Frenzy

lvl 8 +1 shooting Dice (short)

lvl 9 stealth

lvl 10 Frenzy

High Elves
High Elves move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 8 2 0 3 1 1
Racial trait:​ Starts with 1 minor petty spell, can only cast that one and make a combat attack with ­1 combat
dice (not ranged attack), increase cooldown with 90*, if the Hero has spellcaster rule they may instead choose 1
minor petty spell after spell selection.
If a Overlord plays a interrupt card, the Hero may respond before that is played, as the normal
activation, can’t be used if the hero is already activated.
ability choice:
lvl 1 Nimble

lvl 2 +1move

lvl 3 Sure shot

lvl 4 Spell Seals

lvl 5 May choose a new minor spell from a new school


(not Druidism, Divinity, Necromancy, Sorcery) this

replaces the first petty spell.
If spellcaster­> New School of magic

lvl 6 Magick resistances

lvl 7 +1 move

lvl 8 Teller of Tales

lvl 9 Relentless

lvl 10 Stealth

Wood Elves
Wood elves move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 8 2 0 3 1 1
Racial trait:​ None
see the book page 37.
ability choice:
lvl 1 Nimble

lvl 2 +1move

lvl 3 sure shot

lvl 4 +1 shooting dice (long)

lvl 5 Evade

lvl 6 Speed of a bullet

lvl 7 sure shot

lvl 8 +1move

lvl 9 speed of a bullet

lvl 10 +1 shooting dice (long)

Dwarf move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 6 2 0 4 1 2
Racial trait:​ None
Racial FEAT:​ None shall pass!
see the book page 35.
ability choice:
lvl 1 Teller of Tales


lvl 2 Stalwart

lvl 3 Slam

lvl 4 Tough

lvl 5 Frenzy

lvl 6 +1 combat dice

lvl 7 Speed of a Bullet

lvl 8 Stalwart

lvl 9 Slam

lvl 10 Teller of Tales

race name move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 7 2 0 3 1 1
Racial trait:​ Versatile
Racial FEAT:​ Chameleon.
see the book page 36.
ability choice:
lvl 1 Dubious Character

lvl 2 Teller of tales

lvl 3 Stalwart

lvl 4 Teller of Tales

lvl 5 Dubious Character

lvl 6 Sure Shot

lvl 7 Nimble

lvl 8 +1 move

lvl 9 Frenzy

lvl 10 Tough

Halfling move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 6 2 0 3 1 1
Racial trait:​ Small
Racial FEAT:​ Making it look easy.
see the book page 38.


ability choice:
lvl 1 Dubious Character

lvl 2 Teller of tales

lvl 3 Stealth

lvl 4 Dubious Character

lvl 5 Stalwart

lvl 6 +1 move

lvl 7 Sure Shot

lvl 8 Lockpicking

lvl 9 +1 short range dice

lvl 10 Stealth

Gladewalker move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 6 2 0 3 1 2
Racial trait:​ Earth
Racial FEAT:​ Take Root.
see the book page 39.
ability choice:
lvl 1 Stalwart

lvl 2 Tough

lvl 3 +1 short range dice

lvl 4 +1 move

lvl 5 Nimble

lvl 6 Stalwart

lvl 7 Tough

lvl 8 Slam

lvl 9 Teller of Tales

lvl 10 Slam

Naiad move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 8 2 0 3 1 1
Racial trait:​ Water


Racial FEAT:​ Cool Waters.

see the book page 40.
ability choice:
lvl 1 Stealth

lvl 2 Nimble

lvl 3 +1 move

lvl 4 Sure Shot

lvl 5 Nimble

lvl 6 +1 move

lvl 7 +1 short range dice

lvl 8 +1 move

lvl 9 Relentless

lvl 10 Nimble

Salamander move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 6 3 0 2 1 1
Racial trait:​ Fire
Racial FEAT:​ Firestorm.
see the book page 41.
ability choice:
lvl 1 Tough

lvl 2 Stalwart

lvl 3 Relentless

lvl 4 Frenzy

lvl 5 Swoop

lvl 6 Slam

lvl 7 +1 combat dice

lvl 8 Stalwart

lvl 9 Hammer Time or Smash!

lvl 10 Slam

Sylph move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds


Stats 8 2 0 3 1 1
Racial trait:​ Air
Racial FEAT:​ Sudden Storm.
see the book page 42.
ability choice:
lvl 1 +1 move

lvl 2 Nimble

lvl 3 +1 short range dice

lvl 4 Sure Shot

lvl 5 Swoop

lvl 6 Nimble

lvl 7 +1 move

lvl 8 +1 short range dice

lvl 9 Stealth

lvl 10 Nimble

Deamonkin move combat ranged defence Armour Wounds

Stats 7 2 0 2 1 2
Racial trait:​ Fire
Racial FEAT:​ Halo of Flame.
see the book page 85.
ability choice:
lvl 1 +1 move

lvl 2 Nimble

lvl 3 Relentless

lvl 4 Hypnotic Gaze (doesn't work vs. undead)

lvl 5 Swoop

lvl 6 Nimble

lvl 7 Frenzy

lvl 8 Stealth

lvl 9 Frenzy

lvl 10 Nimble

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