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Question - 1
The energy consumption keeps increasing due to the growing population. The given figure 1 shows the various
sources of energy present in the environment. Use the given information and figure 1 to answer the following

Figure -1 Energy sources

(i) Infer the figure -1 and identify the following sources of energy based on the ability to regenerate.
i) Conventional energy source
ii) Non - conventional energy source

Conventional energy source: Figure-1 likely refers to fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural
gas. These are considered conventional sources because they are finite and non-renewable,
taking millions of years to form and not regenerating within a human timeframe.

Non-conventional energy source: This typically includes renewable energy sources such as
solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, and geothermal energy. These sources are considered
non-conventional because they are naturally replenished on a human timescale or are essentially
inexhaustible (e.g., sunlight, wind). They regenerate relatively quickly compared to fossil fuels,
making them sustainable alternatives for energy production.

(ii) Refer the figure 1 and identify the energy sources for the following influencing factors:

S.No Influencing factors Energy sources

1 Time and Pressure Fossil Fuels
2 Weather and Temperature Solar and Wind
3 Collision of tectonic plates Geothermal
(iii) Interpret the state of environment for the following cases:
i) Consumption of resources is more than nature’s ability to replenish

Overconsumption: Resources are being used faster than nature can replenish, leading to
environmental degradation.

ii) Consumption of resources is equal to nature’s ability to replenish

Sustainable Balance/Environment: Resource consumption

matches nature's ability to replenish, promoting environmental

iii) Consumption of resources is less than nature’s ability to replenish

Underutilization/ unsustainable situations: Resources are consumed less than nature's

replenishment rate, indicating potential for sustainable resource management and

Question - 2

Check out the ability by answering the following question:

(i) Identify the appropriate combination of renewable energy sources would be most effective for the

i) Remote island community experiences high levels of solar radiation and has strong ocean
ii) A mountainous region with fast-flowing river and significant temperature differences between
day and night.

1) For the remote island community, a combination of solar power and marine energy (tidal
and wave) would be most effective.
2) For the mountainous region, a mix of small-scale hydropower, solar power, and thermal
energy storage would provide a reliable and balanced energy supply.
Question -3
An extreme winter storm has swept across Texas, USA, causing widespread power outages. The state's power
grid, heavily reliant on natural gas, struggled to meet the surge in heating demand. It highlights the complexities
of balancing energy security, sustainability, and economic viability. Use the given information and figure-2 to
answer the following questions.

Figure 2 Texas Power grid

(i) Identify the factors contributed to the vulnerability of the Texas power grid during the winter storm.

Heavy Reliance on Natural Gas

○ Supply disruptions due to freezing temperatures.

○ Surge in heating demand overwhelmed supply.

Limited Winterization

○ Insufficient preparation for extreme cold leading to equipment failures.

Grid Inflexibility

○ Lack of energy source diversification.

○ Limited interconnections with other grids.

Regulatory and Market Factors

○ Focus on economic efficiency over grid resilience.

○ Lack of mandates for infrastructure upgrades.

Physical and Operational Challenges

○ Generation failures due to frozen equipment and fuel constraints.

○ Transmission and distribution network issues.

These factors collectively led to widespread power outages during the extreme winter storm.
(ii) Suggest the ways to integrate renewable energy sources to enhance grid stability and sustainability in

Diversify Renewable Sources: Expand beyond wind to include solar, hydro, and potentially
geothermal energy.
Battery Storage: Invest in large-scale battery storage systems to store excess renewable energy
for peak demand periods.
Smart Grid Technology: Implement advanced grid management tools to efficiently integrate
fluctuating renewable energy outputs.
Demand Response Programs: Encourage consumers to adjust electricity usage during peak
times to align with renewable energy availability.
Interconnection: Enhance transmission infrastructure to connect remote renewable energy
sources to population centers.

(iii) Analyze the economic considerations of transitioning to a more sustainable energy grid in Texas.

Transitioning to a sustainable energy grid in Texas involves upfront costs for infrastructure but
offers long-term economic benefits such as stable energy prices, job creation, and reduced
environmental impacts. Policy support and technological advancements are key to optimizing
economic outcomes.

Question -4
A country with abundant sunlight is considering options to boost its energy independence and reduce
carbon emissions. The government is contemplating a massive investment in solar power infrastructure.
What potential economic and environmental benefits are associated with this decision?

Economic Benefits:

1. Job Creation: Building and maintaining solar power infrastructure can create jobs in
construction, manufacturing of solar panels, and maintenance.
2. Energy Independence: Reducing reliance on imported fossil fuels enhances energy security
and reduces exposure to international price fluctuations.
3. Long-Term Cost Savings: Solar power has no fuel costs and lower operating costs once
infrastructure is in place, potentially stabilizing energy prices over time.
4. Technological Innovation: Investment in solar can drive technological advancements and
improvements in solar efficiency and storage technologies.

Environmental Benefits:

1. Reduced Carbon Emissions: Solar power generates electricity without producing greenhouse
gases, reducing the carbon footprint and contributing to climate change mitigation.
2. Improved Air Quality: Solar energy reduces air pollution compared to fossil fuel-based power
generation, leading to cleaner air and better public health outcomes.
3. Conservation of Resources: Solar energy utilizes abundant sunlight, a renewable resource,
thereby conserving finite fossil fuel reserves.
4. Biodiversity Preservation: Less reliance on fossil fuels can reduce habitat destruction
associated with extraction and transportation.
Question - 1
A historic two-story brick building in a cold climate is being converted into a modern art gallery. The building's
beautiful brick facade have to be preserved, but significant renovations are needed to create functional exhibition
spaces, improve energy efficiency, and ensure accessibility. Use the given information and figure 1 to answer the
following questions.

Figure 1 Energy efficient building

(i) Identify key strategies for to be incorporated in making a energy efficient building.

1. Reduce the demand and consumption of fossil fuels in electricity generation.

2. Improve comfort levels by making buildings more thermally comfortable.
3. Improve energy security by reducing our reliance on imported energy.
4. Reduce overall energy demand load on the grid, which would help to lower energy prices.
5. Make buildings more affordable to operate, which would lower costs for the end user.
6. Improve the resale value of buildings, as energy efficient buildings are in high demand.
7. And most importantly, help to mitigate climate change through lower greenhouse gas

(ii) Predict strategies for the given scenario to enhance energy efficiency while considering the existing brick

To enhance energy efficiency in the historic brick building while preserving its facade:
● Insulate interior walls.
● Upgrade windows with energy-efficient options.
● Seal air leaks.
● Install efficient HVAC systems.
● Optimize lighting with LEDs and controls.
● Use passive solar design.
● Consider renewable energy integration.
(iii) Identify the additional factors to be considered when renovating a historic building.

Compliance with preservation guidelines and building codes.

Preservation of structural integrity and original materials.
Accessibility solutions that respect the building's character.
Cultural and community engagement.
Environmental sustainability and long-term maintenance planning.

Question - 2
Identify the planning principle that should be prioritized when the project is emphasized on the importance
of natural light and ventilation.

The planning principle that should be prioritized when emphasizing the importance of
natural light and ventilation in a project is **sustainable design** or **biophilic
design**. This principle focuses on integrating natural elements into the built
environment to enhance occupant well-being, energy efficiency, and environmental
sustainability. It involves strategic placement of windows, skylights, and ventilation
systems to maximize daylighting and natural airflow, reducing reliance on artificial
lighting and mechanical ventilation.

Question - 3
A large office building is under construction in a temperate climate. The company building the office is
committed to sustainability and wants to achieve a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)
certification for the building.

Figure 2 LEED Certification

(i) Predict the ways to incorporate green building principles to qualify for LEED certification.

Sustainable sites
Water efficiency
Energy and atmosphere
Materials and resources
Indoor environmental quality
Locations and linkages
Awareness and education
Innovation and design
Regional priority

(ii) Identify the specific benefits that the company could experience by achieving LEED certification for the
office building.

Achieving LEED certification for an office building can result in cost savings, improved
employee productivity, enhanced brand reputation, higher property value, regulatory
compliance, resource efficiency, and market differentiation.

(iii) Predict how the company ensures the building project adheres to LEED’s principles during the
construction phase.
● Use Sustainable Materials: Specify materials meeting LEED criteria (recycled content, local
sourcing, low-emission).
● Implement Energy-Efficient Systems: Install HVAC, lighting, and controls meeting LEED
energy performance standards.
● Monitor Indoor Air Quality: Maintain and monitor air quality with ventilation and low-VOC
● Water Efficiency Measures: Install water-saving fixtures and manage water use during
● Waste Management: Implement recycling and reuse plans for construction waste.
● Site Management: Control erosion, manage stormwater, and protect natural habitats.
● Commissioning and Testing: Ensure systems are commissioned to meet LEED performance
● Documentation: Maintain detailed records of materials, systems, and processes.
● Continuous Monitoring: Regularly monitor construction activities to uphold LEED standards.

Question - 4
A building is to be established in a temperate climate region with moderate temperature variations
throughout the year. It is located in an urban area with limited space for mechanical systems. Which
natural ventilation strategy would be most suitable for this building?

For a building in a temperate climate with limited space for mechanical systems,
*cross-ventilation* is the most suitable natural ventilation strategy. It utilizes openings on
opposite sides of the building to facilitate airflow, enhancing indoor air quality and temperature
regulation without relying on extensive mechanical equipment.
Question - 1
It is planned to build a new restaurant for a desert climate with scorching summers and mild winters. The
ultimate aim of the restaurant is to create a net-zero energy building, relying on natural ventilation and day
lighting while minimizing solar heat gain. Use the given information and figure 1 to answer the following

Figure 1 Position of sun

(i) The figure 2 shows different positioning of AC unit. Mention the figure number of correct position of AC
unit in a building and justify the same.

2 (a) 2 (b)
Figure 2 Position of AC Unit

Figure 2(b) is the correct position of AC unit in a building.

This placement allows the cool air to descend naturally and circulate more effectively throughout the
room, providing more efficient and uniform cooling.
(ii) Analyze the challenges associated by the desert climate and the Sun's position in achieving net-zero

Challenges to achieve a net-zero energy

​High Heat Gain
​High Cooling Demand
​Building Codes and Regulations
​Limited Vegetation and Biomass Resources
​Water Scarcity and Conservation
​Solar Panel Performance and Durability
​Technological Limitations
​Grid Integration and Infrastructure

(iii) Identify ways to ensure monitoring and adjustments to maintain its energy efficiency goals

Building automation systems: Implementing a building automation system can monitor

energy consumption, lighting levels, and indoor temperature, allowing for real-time
adjustments and optimization.
Occupant behavior: Educating staff and encouraging guests on energy-saving practices like
switching off lights, maintaining comfortable thermostats, and responsible water use can
contribute significantly.
Regular maintenance: Scheduling regular maintenance for equipment like air filters and
ventilation systems ensures optimal performance and efficiency.

Question -2

Check out the ability by answering the following question:

A manufacturing company aims at improving its energy efficiency and conservation practices to become
more environmentally friendly and reduce operational costs. They have implemented various measures
and are now evaluating their employees’ understanding of these initiatives.
As part of their energy conservation efforts, the industry has implemented a waste heat recovery system.
Identify the primary purpose of this system.

The primary purpose of implementing a waste heat recovery system in a manufacturing company is to
capture and utilize excess heat generated during industrial processes that would otherwise be wasted.
This recovered heat can serve several key purposes:
1. Energy Efficiency: By reusing waste heat, the system reduces the overall energy consumption
of the manufacturing process, thereby improving energy efficiency and reducing operational
2. Cost Savings: Utilizing waste heat reduces the need for additional energy inputs (such as fuel
or electricity) to heat water, generate steam, or provide space heating, resulting in significant cost
savings over time.
3. Environmental Impact: Waste heat recovery helps to lower greenhouse gas emissions and
other pollutants associated with conventional energy production, contributing to environmental
4. Process Optimization: The recovered heat can be used to preheat incoming feedstock or air,
optimize process temperatures, or support other industrial operations, enhancing overall process
efficiency and productivity.
5. Regulatory Compliance: Some industries are subject to regulations regarding energy efficiency
and emissions reductions. Waste heat recovery can help companies meet these regulatory
requirements more effectively.

Question - 3

The demand and usage of fresh air depends largely on the number of occupants of a house and the nature of
their activities during different times of the day. The given figure 3 shows various ventilation system. Use the
given information and figure to answer the following questions.

Figure 3 Various Ventilation System

(i) Identify the factors to be considered beyond prevailing wind direction while designing for natural

Factors beyond prevailing wind direction for designing natural ventilation:

● Building orientation relative to sun's path.
● Building layout and form promoting airflow.
● Topography influencing wind patterns.
● Surrounding structures affecting airflow.
● Local microclimate and climate variations.
● Outdoor air quality and pollution levels.
● Occupant comfort preferences.
● Noise mitigation and security considerations.
(ii) Suggest ways to enhance natural ventilation through optimizing window size, type, and operation

● Window Size: Increase window size to allow more airflow and facilitate better cross-ventilation.
● Window Type: Choose operable types like casement, double-hung windows for maximum
control over ventilation.
● Operability: Ensure windows are operable to adjust airflow as needed; consider adding
automated systems for convenience.
● Shading and Protection: Use external shading devices and interior blinds to manage sunlight
and heat gain without compromising ventilation.
● Design Considerations: Plan building layouts to optimize airflow paths and utilize internal open
spaces for natural ventilation corridors.
● Maintenance: Regularly maintain windows to ensure they function properly and seal effectively,
minimizing air leaks.

(iii) Suggest ways to combine natural ventilation with other strategies to create a more comfortable living

Cross-Ventilation Design: Arrange windows, doors, and openings strategically to facilitate

cross-ventilation. This allows fresh air to flow through the space, improving air quality and reducing the
need for mechanical cooling.

Stack Ventilation: Utilize the stack effect by positioning windows or vents at high and low levels of the
building. Hot air rises and escapes through upper openings, drawing in cooler air from lower openings.

Atrium ventilation: it is a method that is similar to stack ventilation. It works on a method that involves th
cool air displacing the warmer air at the lower levels, however this design is normally used on buildings tha
have multiple stories so as the section below shows fresh air is able to be incorporated at the higher level
as well. This displaces the warm air higher to a point where openings on the ceiling allow an exit. Thi
method is normally used in spaces that have a high density of users for instance hotels and offices.

Question - 4

In a building located in a temperate climate with varying solar angles throughout the year, which shading
device would be most suitable to prevent overheating in summer while allowing sunlight to penetrate
during winter?

Fixed Horizontal Shading Devices: Ideal for temperate climates with varying solar angles.
Summer Benefits: Effectively block high-angle summer sun to prevent overheating.
Winter Benefits: Allow low-angle winter sunlight to penetrate for passive solar heating.
Versatility: Can be designed to optimize shading and sunlight penetration based on building orientation
and solar exposure.
Integration: Enhances both functional solar control and architectural aesthetics.
Question - 1
An architect is designing a new building in an urban area. As a part of design considerations, issues related to
glare including direct glare, reflected glare and veiling glare are to be addressed. The goal is to create a
comfortable working environment while maximizing natural light and minimizing glare. Use the given information
and figure 1 to answer the following questions.

Figure 1 Orientation of Day light

(i) Identify the suitable design principles to be integrated for the given scenario with glare management
strategies to optimize building performance.

● Daylighting Strategies: Utilize natural light while controlling its intensity and direction through
architectural features such as light shelves, louvers, and strategically placed windows.
● Artificial Lighting Design: Implement layered lighting solutions that combine ambient, task, and
accent lighting, allowing for flexibility and control.
● Material Selection: Choose materials with appropriate surface finishes to minimize reflections
and enhance visual comfort.
● Ergonomic Design: Design workspaces and furniture layouts to optimize user comfort and
reduce the likelihood of glare.
By understanding and addressing direct, reflected, and veiling glare, designers can create environments
that enhance visual comfort, improve productivity, and contribute to the overall well-being of building

(ii) Interpret the given scenario and mention the reasons for the following glare in a building:
i) Direct glare

Direct glare occurs when a light source shines directly into the eyes, causing discomfort and reducing

ii) Reflected glare

Reflected glare occurs when light bounces off reflective surfaces such as glossy floors, walls, windows,
or computer screens, causing discomfort and visual interference.
iii) Veiling glare


Veiling glare occurs when a bright light source causes a reduction in contrast by creating a "veil" of light
over the visual field. This reduces the visibility of details in the surrounding area.

(iii) Analyze the role of computer simulations and modeling aid in glare analysis during the design phase.


Computer simulations and modeling aid in glare analysis during the design phase by predicting how
sunlight interacts with building elements. They help optimize window placements, shading strategies, and
interior materials to minimize glare, ensuring better visual comfort and energy efficiency in buildings.

Question - 2
Check out the ability by answering the following question:

A growing tech company is looking to expand its headquarters. They prioritize employee well-being and
innovation, and are considering two design options for the new building:
Option A: A traditional high-rise office tower with efficient floor plates and floor-to-ceiling windows for
panoramic views.

Option B: A multi-story building with a central atrium and open floor plan designed to encourage
collaboration and interaction.

Predict how the design of option B promotes employee well-being and leads to increased productivity.


Option B, with its central atrium and open floor plan, promotes employee well-being and increases
productivity by enhancing natural light, fostering collaboration, supporting flexibility in workspace design,
improving air quality, and creating a stimulating environment conducive to creativity.

Question - 3

An urban area is planned with revitalizing a neglected neighborhood. As a part of the development project, the
aim is to enhance the peripheral areas surrounding a newly constructed building. These peripheral spaces play
a crucial role in creating a cohesive and vibrant community environment.
(i) Identify the role that lighting design play in enhancing the safety and ambiance of the peripheral field.

Lighting design in the peripheral field enhances safety by improving visibility and wayfinding,
while also enhancing ambiance through aesthetics and mood-setting. It plays a critical role in
creating inviting and secure outdoor environments.
(ii) Interpret the role that the peripheral field plays in fostering social interaction and community engagement.

The peripheral field, which encompasses the outer edges and surrounding areas of spaces or
communities, plays a significant role in fostering social interaction and community engagement by:

1. Creating Gathering Spaces: Peripheral areas often include parks, plazas, sidewalks, and
outdoor seating areas that encourage people to gather, interact, and socialize.
2. Supporting Activities: These spaces host events, markets, festivals, and recreational activities
that bring people together, fostering a sense of community and belonging.
3. Enhancing Connectivity: Well-designed peripheral areas provide connectivity between different
parts of a community, encouraging movement and interaction among residents and visitors.
4. Promoting Health and Well-being: Accessible green spaces and pedestrian-friendly
environments in the peripheral field promote physical activity, relaxation, and stress reduction,
contributing to overall community health.
5. Cultural and Civic Expression: Art installations, public art, and cultural landmarks in peripheral
areas serve as focal points for community identity and civic engagement.
6. Improving Safety and Security: Well-lit and well-maintained peripheral spaces enhance
feelings of safety and security, encouraging people to use these areas for social interaction.

(iii) Identify which pedestrian amenities that could be incorporated into the peripheral field to enhance walk

Key pedestrian amenities that could enhance walkability in the peripheral field include:

1. Sidewalks and Footpaths: Providing well-maintained paths for pedestrians.

2. Pedestrian Crosswalks: Safe crossings at intersections and traffic points.

3. Street Furniture: Benches, seating areas, and shelters for resting.

4. Street Lighting: Adequate illumination for night-time safety.

5. Landscaping: Greenery, trees, and plantings for aesthetic appeal and shade.

6. Public Art: Sculptures, murals, and installations that enhance the pedestrian experience.

These amenities improve convenience, safety, and comfort, encouraging more walking and enhancing the overall
pedestrian environment in peripheral areas.
Question - 4
Check out the ability by answering the following question:
An architect is designing a new multi-purpose building. The building will house a healthcare clinic, a conference
room, and a public library. Why is it important to consider the National Building Code (NBC) recommendations
for illumination levels in different occupancies when designing this building?


To implement these recommendations effectively, consider the following:

Lighting Design: Ensure that the lighting design accommodates the recommended illumination levels through
the use of appropriate fixtures, lamps, and control systems.
Natural Light: Maximize the use of natural light through windows, skylights, and reflective surfaces to reduce the
need for artificial lighting.
Lighting Controls: Use dimmers, occupancy sensors, and daylight sensors to adjust the lighting levels as
needed, enhancing energy efficiency.
Maintenance: Regular maintenance of lighting fixtures and lamps is essential to ensure they provide the
required illumination levels consistently.
By adhering to the recommended values of illumination levels for different occupancies as per the NBC,
designers and facility managers can create environments that are safe, comfortable, and conducive to the
activities performed in those spaces.

Question -1
A large university campus with a high population of students generates a significant amount of solid waste daily.
The waste stream includes a mix of paper products, food scraps, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans. Currently,
all waste is collected in a single bin and hauled away to a landfill. The university is looking for ways to reduce
waste and improve its sustainability practices. Use the given information and figure 1 to answer the following

Figure 1. Waste Dump

(i) Analyze the likely environmental drawbacks of the current single-stream waste disposal system.


Key environmental drawbacks of the current single-stream waste disposal system at the university

1. **Increased Landfill Waste**: All waste, including recyclables like paper, plastics, and aluminum, is
sent to landfills instead of being recycled or composted.

2. **Greenhouse Gas Emissions**: Landfills produce methane, a potent greenhouse gas, especially from
decomposing organic waste like food scraps.

3. **Resource Depletion**: Missed opportunities to conserve resources through recycling materials like
paper, plastic bottles, and aluminum cans.

4. **Loss of Recycling Potential**: Failure to recycle valuable materials that could otherwise be reused,
reducing energy consumption and environmental impacts associated with manufacturing new products.

5. **Limited Composting**: Organic waste like food scraps could be composted to enrich soil instead of
being buried in landfills, contributing to soil health and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.

6. **Transportation Emissions**: Increased carbon footprint from transporting all waste to landfills,
involving fuel consumption and emissions from collection vehicles.

Addressing these issues through improved waste management practices can enhance the university's
sustainability and reduce its environmental footprint significantly.
(ii) Propose waste reduction strategies to be implemented on campus to minimize the amount of solid waste

● Source Reduction: Minimizing waste generation at the source through product design, material
substitution, and consumption reduction.
● Reuse: Extending the lifespan of products and materials through reuse, repair, refurbishment, or
● Recycling: Recovering valuable materials from waste streams for reuse in manufacturing
● Energy Recovery: Harnessing the energy content of waste through thermochemical,
biochemical, or mechanical processes.
● Treatment and Disposal: Safely managing remaining waste through treatment methods such as
incineration, gasification, composting, or landfilling.

(iii) Suggest ways to ensure the long-term success of its waste management program.

Question - 2

Check out the ability by answering the following question:

A city council is discussing strategies to reduce the amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) generated by
residents. Which factor is LEAST likely to contribute to a significant decrease in MSW generation in your city?


Various factors influence the generation of municipal solid waste (MSW), including:
​ Population Density: Higher population densities typically result in greater waste generation due to
increased consumption and economic activity.
​ Economic Development: Economic prosperity often correlates with higher levels of waste generation as
people consume more goods and services.
​ Urbanization: Urban areas tend to generate more waste than rural areas due to higher population
densities and industrial activities.
​ Lifestyle and Consumption Patterns: Consumer behavior, including dietary habits, shopping
preferences, and product choices, influences the types and amounts of waste generated.
​ Technological Advances: Technological advancements may lead to the development of new products
and materials, potentially increasing waste generation.
​ Waste Management Practices: Effective waste management systems, including recycling programs,
waste-to-energy facilities, and landfill regulations, can influence waste generation rates by promoting
waste reduction and diversion.
Question - 3
A rapidly growing city is struggling to manage its ever-increasing waste stream. As the landfills are nearing
capacity, the city is exploring alternative waste management solutions. While waste reduction and recycling
programs are being implemented, they alone cannot handle the growing volume of waste. The city council is
considering energy recovery from waste facilities as a potential solution. Use the given information and figure 2
to answer the following questions.

Figure 2 Waste Management Hierarchy

(i) Identify the energy recovery technologies to be implemented in contributing to solve the waste
management challenge faced by the city.


To address the waste management challenge, the city should implement the following energy recovery
1. **Waste-to-Energy (WtE) Incineration**: Converts waste to electricity and heat, reducing landfill
2. **Anaerobic Digestion**: Produces biogas from organic waste, generating renewable energy and
3. **Gasification**: Converts waste into syngas for electricity and fuel production.
4. **Pyrolysis**: Produces bio-oil and char from organic materials, reducing waste.
5. **Landfill Gas Recovery**: Captures methane from landfills for energy, reducing greenhouse gas
These technologies align with the waste hierarchy by reducing waste, recovering energy, and minimizing
environmental impact.
(ii) Infer figure 2 and identify the missing stages 2, 3 and 5 in waste management hierarchy.

(iii) Suggest alternative waste management strategies to be considered alongside Energy recovery from
Waste facilities.


Alternative waste management strategies to consider alongside energy recovery from waste facilities:

1. **Waste Prevention and Reduction**: Implement policies and education to reduce waste at the source.
2. **Recycling Programs**: Expand and optimize recycling for paper, plastics, metals, and glass.
3. **Composting**: Establish city-wide composting for organic waste, including food scraps and yard
4. **Reuse and Repurposing**: Promote reuse initiatives and establish repair and refurbishment centers.
5. **Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)**: Hold manufacturers accountable for the end-of-life
management of products.
6. **Public Education and Engagement**: Conduct campaigns to raise awareness and engage the
community in waste reduction.
7. **Improved Waste Collection and Segregation**: Enhance infrastructure for efficient waste segregation
with separate bins for recyclables, compostables, and general waste.
Question - 4

Check out the ability by answering the following question:

A small town is looking for an environmentally friendly way to manage its organic municipal solid waste (MSW)
and generate renewable energy. The town’s waste management team is considering implementing a process
that uses microorganisms to break down the organic waste.
Which biochemical energy conversion process should the town implement to effectively manage its organic
MSW and produce renewable energy?


The town should implement **Anaerobic Digestion** to effectively manage its organic municipal solid waste
(MSW) and produce renewable energy.

**Key Points:**

1. **Process**: Anaerobic digestion uses microorganisms to break down organic waste in the absence of
2. **Outputs**: Produces biogas (primarily methane) and digestate.
3. **Energy Production**: Biogas can be used to generate electricity and heat or upgraded to renewable natural
4. **By-product**: Digestate can be used as a nutrient-rich fertilizer for agricultural purposes.
5. **Environmental Benefits**: Reduces landfill waste, decreases greenhouse gas emissions, and produces
renewable energy.

Implementing anaerobic digestion aligns with the town's goals of environmentally friendly waste management
and renewable energy generation.

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