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. 3mmar’s oral Morphology 0106 39 700 30 !"#$/!"!


Deciduous teeth

F.B: Morphology-Book #42

Secretary: 0106 39 700 30 , Dr. 3mmar
chapter 4 Deciduous teeth ( 1 lecture . )
. 3mmar’s oral Morphology 0106 39 700 30 !"#$/!"!"

- Deciduous teeth -
à Differences between permanent , Deciduous teeth :-
1- General difference : deciduous teeth differ from the permanent in the following
1. Dental formula :
2. 20 in number .
3. no premolars.
4. they are smaller in size & more consistent in shape & whitish-whiter or bluish-white ( less transparent )
than permanent teeth which is
yellowish-white to grayish white .
5. Enamel of deciduous teeth is less mineralized , more permeable so its easily worn down .
6. Enamel , dentin of deciduous are thin
7. Pulp of deciduous is proportionally larger , the pulp horns are longer .
8. they have marked constriction at the cervix so the enamel seem to bulge
rather than gradually tapering so the crown appear bulbous ( onion ) .
8. Cervical ridge is more prominent .
9. crown is shorter inciso-cervical relative to to root ( crown root ratio is 1 : 2 ).
10. crown is wider M-D relative to I-C length , even MD > IC in upper A , upper D .


2- difference in anterior teeth :

1. No mamelons .

2. No depressions on the labial surface of the crown .


3. No imbrication lines ( perikymata ) at cervical third .


4. C.R , cinglum is more prominent( due to neck constriction )


5. Root is narrow M-D .


6. In upper central : M-D width of crown is greater than C-I length.


7. in lower incisors ; incisal edge lying in line with long axis (no ling inclination) ,
they are wider lab-ling than their permanent incisors

8. in upper canine ; cusp tip is shifted distally so M-slope > D-slope

while D-slope is longer in lower canine .
9. on lingual surface of upper canine ; Tubercle : located at center of ling ridge where cinglum merge with ling ridge

chapter 4 Deciduous teeth ( lecture 1 from 2 lectures )

. 3mmar’s oral Morphology 0106 39 700 30 !"#$/!"!"

3- difference in Posterior teeth :

1. Molars occlusal surfaces are shallow ( cusps are not pointed , their slopes meet at very wide obtuse angle
so the cusps are short & ridges are not prominent & depressions are not deep ) ..

2. rarely have buccal or lingual Dev. Groove however there is just depression between cusps

3. Molars crowa are shorter Cervico-occlusal , even in upper D the mesio-distal width > cervico-occlusal high .

4. Furcation area is near the cervical line so there is no easily defined root trunk .

5. Roots are thinner , selender , appear longer ( so they easier to fracture during extraction ) .
6. Roots are widely separated (diverge or flared ) to provide space for the developing premolars .


à Chronology , sequence of eruption

Lower order Upper order
A 6m 1 7.5 m 1
B 7m 2 9m 2
C 16 m 4 19 m 4
D 12 m 3 14 m 3
E 20 m 5 24 m 5

à occlusal relation between upper , lower 2nd deciduous molars ( E ) ,

their effect on occlusal relation bt upper , lower 1st permanent molars ( 6 ) .
1. Flush-terminal plane( 30% ) : the distal surfaces of upper , lower E are in the same vertical line .
6 erupt in end-to end , will shift into class 1

2. Mesial-Step terminal plane( 60%) : the distal surface of lower E is mesial to distal surface of upper E .
6 erupt directly into class 1 but its may lead to class 3

3. Distal-Step terminal plane( 10% ) : the distal surface of lower E is distal to distal surface of upper E .
6 erupt directly into class 2


chapter 4 Deciduous teeth ( lecture 1 from 2 lectures )

. 3mmar’s oral Morphology 0106 39 700 30 !"#$/!"!"

à Spaces between Deciduous teeth :-

1- Primate space
Def. It’s a space space located mesial to upper C , distal to lower C

Import. - utilized in reliving the crowding in the permanent teeth ,

absence of primate space may cause crowding

2- Leeway space
its the space result from difference bt combined
Def. M-D width of deciduous canines , molars
& their successors .

cause M-D width of deciduous molars > MD width of premolars .

- in Maxilla its 0.9mm for each side = 1.8mm for total arch .
- in Mandible its 1.7 for each segment = 3.4mm for total arch .
1- in Maxilla : its utilized for relieve the crowding of permanent upper incisors .

2- in mandible : part of this space is utilized for relieve the crowding of permanent lower incisors and
the remaining part will be utilized by the forward movment of mandibular molars .
( may correct end-to-end relationship ‘’normal in mixed dentition’’
into a normal molar relationship `class 1` in permanent dentition *discussed latter* ) .

Difference in MD width between primary teeth (A) and permanent teeth (B).
Arrows indicate the mesial movement of permanent molars after loss of primary molars ,
eruption of the second permanent premolar

chapter 4 Deciduous teeth ( lecture 1 from 2 lectures )

. 3mmar’s oral Morphology 0106 39 700 30 !"#$/!"!"

Upper A Upper B Lower A Lower B Upper C Lower C

is wide MD but still is wide MD but still slightly
Dimensions MD is wider than C.I high slightly less than CI less than CI

4. D-slope is longer than M-slope ( cusp tip shifted M ) .

max canine both C-I , M-D are much closer to each other .
3. the crown is : high C-I relative to M-D however in
more convex evenly convex

1- the crown is : slightly larger in all dimensions

M,D than than convex

1- the crown is : smaller in all dimensions

permanent central permanent central

3- DIA , MIA are more rounded hwoever


Cervical Convex root-wise Convex root-wise Convex root-wise

D-outline is shorter than M-outline .

2- the crown is : Wider CI than MD . .

( the most difference bt the two teeth ) .

2- incisal edge : has distal sloping so

1. the crown is : narrower Lab-lingual

( narrower MD & shorter CI ) .
flat , sloped toward the distal formed of
Labial S.

Incisal flat
after wear 1. M-slope: longer

( longer CI & wider MD ) .

2. the crown is : narrower M-D .

DIA is more rounded DIA , MIA are sharp 2. D-slope :
than MIA 3. cusp tip : shifted distally

DIA is more rounded

smooth , flatter than
Shape is smooth , convex
permanent incisors

4- DIA is rounded
S. anatomy

- Prominent C.R - Prominent C.R - Prominent C.R

- No mamelons - No mamelons

Depr. No dev. depressions No dev. depressions

Upper A Upper B Lower A Lower B Upper C Lower C

Dimensions the same as labial but the same as labial but the same as labial but

5- all elevations , depressions

& Outlines reverse , narrower ? reverse , narrower ? reverse , narrower ?

6- lingual fossa is little deeper

4- MRs are more prominent.

Shape smooth & smooth & smooth &

are less prominent

shifted distally .
has convexity , concavity has convexity , concavity has convexity , concavity

5- cinglum is little larger ,

5- lingual fossa is deeper
Lingual S.

Elev. 1- Prominent cinglum: 1- well defined cinglum , 1- Prominent cinglum .

S. anatomy

extend more incisal than its centeralized . 2. Prominent MMR , DMR

permanent central. 2. Less defined MMR , DMR 3. Prominent lingual ridge .
2. Prominent MMR , DMR
4. Tubercle : located at center
of ling ridge where cinglum
merge with ling ridge
Depr. lingual fossae is deeper lingual fossae is shallow ML , DL fossae

chapter 4 Deciduous teeth ( 1 lecture . )

. 3mmar’s oral Morphology 0106 39 700 30 !"#$/!"!"

Upper A Upper B Lower A Lower B Upper C Lower C

à similar permanent central but differ in: à the most outstanding features are: à Lab.Ling : thicker than max incisors.

1- Lab.Ling : is relatively wider . 1- incisal edge : is in line with center à Cervical line : lesscurved than

narrower ,
Crown is


2- Cervical line : is less curved . of the root max incisors
2- greater lab-lingual width

à similar to mesial aspect but differ in: à similar to mesial aspect but differ in: à similar to mesial aspect but differ in:
Cervical line is less curved Cervical line is less curved Cervical line is less curved

à most noticeabl feature is : à MD , Lab-Ling is nearly equal . à Geometry is rhomboid

Incisal S.



crown MD is wider tha Lab-Ling. but more rounded than
à incisal edge is straight , divide permanent canine .
à incisal edge is straight , divide the crown into 2 equal lab , ling half
crown into 2 equal lab , ling half .

à Single conical root with à Single conical roots &

longer &


apex is

rounded apex which is its convex from lab , lingual &
long relative to the crown its somehat flat from proximals
than in permanent central

chapter 4 Deciduous teeth ( lecture 1 from 2 lectures )


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