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# My Journey to GMAT Focus 100 Percentile After Getting Rejected by ISB
# https://www.youtube.com/watch/iH3mT-W0MrM

00:00:02.280 hello everyone welcome back to another

00:00:04.400 episode of GMAT success stories where we
00:00:06.879 uncover the inspiring journeys of
00:00:08.960 individuals who have conquered the GMAT
00:00:10.840 exam but today before we begin I want to
00:00:13.559 talk about the biggest Adcom event of
00:00:16.119 2024 organized by gmad club which is
00:00:19.199 happening just in three weeks yes I'm
00:00:21.439 talking about the MBA Spotlight the
00:00:23.840 biggest virtual MBA Fair where you can
00:00:26.119 connect with over 100 adcoms ask
00:00:28.840 questions and make make a great first
00:00:30.920 impression that could significantly
00:00:32.840 boost your admission chances in R1 check
00:00:35.559 out the live chat window or the
00:00:37.520 description box for the registration
00:00:39.440 links spots are limited and they are
00:00:41.879 filling super fast so I would suggest
00:00:44.000 you register if you haven't done so
00:00:46.000 already uh so all right let's get dive
00:00:48.879 uh let's get into the video uh so today
00:00:51.719 we have PE with us he's a petroleum
00:00:54.079 engineer from ISM dhanbad currently
00:00:56.600 working in the oil and energy sector uh
00:01:00.039 P recently scored about uh 37 Three uh
00:01:03.120 sorry 735 in the focus Edition hitting
00:01:06.200 the 100 percentile on his fourth attempt
00:01:09.320 after preparing on and off for the GMAT
00:01:11.560 for the last two years today he's here
00:01:13.840 with us to share his journey and avoid
00:01:16.240 and tell you the mistakes that you need
00:01:18.200 to avoid and so let's just get start get
00:01:21.840 started uh all right thank you for
00:01:24.439 joining us P today uh we are excited to
00:01:27.240 hear about your journey so why don't you
00:01:30.119 start by sharing how your GMA
00:01:32.439 preparation
00:01:34.240 began okay first of all thanks a lot for
00:01:37.200 hosting me on this platform so this is
00:01:39.119 the place where everyone starts their
00:01:40.880 GMAT preparation and uh being featured
00:01:43.720 on that website it's a honor uh so my
00:01:46.759 GMAT Journey began uh like most people
00:01:51.040 because I tried for cat that didn't
00:01:53.159 happen for me and till that time I
00:01:55.560 already had a three years of workex and
00:01:57.039 I was like okay now what next and then
00:01:59.520 probably GMAT becomes that option so it
00:02:02.159 was a very generic getting into that but
00:02:05.039 yeah the past two years have been on and
00:02:07.439 off like a good right to say at
00:02:13.280 least awesome so uh why don't you also
00:02:17.160 tell us how did you uh you know get on
00:02:19.800 the GMAT journey and why did you decide
00:02:22.800 to take the GMAT the first placeas right
00:02:26.080 so most of the schools like obviously uh
00:02:29.200 for that matter ISP I'm Amad like all
00:02:31.160 the one- year courses in India and all
00:02:32.599 the reputed courses abroad GMAT is their
00:02:34.760 preference and uh something connected
00:02:37.599 with me because the very first time I
00:02:39.599 solved CR question that was something
00:02:41.360 very interesting for me I find CR very
00:02:44.239 intriguing and I have spent multiple
00:02:47.680 like hours solving CR and trying to
00:02:50.319 develop new ways and methods to think
00:02:52.120 about it and how to go about it so I
00:02:54.120 think that was where it clicked for me
00:02:56.280 like if you compare GMAT with G so CR
00:02:59.000 was that thing that said okay this is
00:03:00.920 what let we should do it and yeah the
00:03:06.959 journey awesome uh so uh can you share
00:03:11.120 uh what all insights you gained over the
00:03:13.319 past years of preparing for the GMAT how
00:03:16.159 many attempts did you uh take I mean I
00:03:18.120 already mentioned you had four attempts
00:03:19.840 but you can just mention go about it
00:03:21.519 like give us some uh you know insights
00:03:23.680 about your entire journey two years
00:03:25.799 Journey right so to start with the very
00:03:28.519 first time I gave GM I got a score of
00:03:30.680 650 so that was a not very thought of
00:03:34.040 attempt it was a very so to say
00:03:36.560 overconfident attempt that let's just go
00:03:38.680 and give post that what I did was a
00:03:42.319 mistake a mistake that I did was I
00:03:44.319 enrolled myself in multiple multiple
00:03:46.000 coachings like uh I don't think there's
00:03:48.120 any coaching in the market that I have
00:03:49.400 not enrolled myself in and I was jumping
00:03:52.079 from one to another every time and
00:03:54.640 analogy that I like to give about it is
00:03:56.760 uh imagine that you're in a plane the
00:03:58.280 plane is about to take off before
00:04:00.000 reaching its cruising altitude it goes
00:04:01.680 through clouds and there is turbulence
00:04:03.840 you cannot go down on every turbulence
00:04:06.040 you have to stay with the plane and you
00:04:08.760 have to live through that turbulence so
00:04:11.159 a mistake that I was doing whenever it
00:04:13.840 used to get hard like I used to get easy
00:04:15.799 questions right medium questions right
00:04:17.519 and as in when it came to hard questions
00:04:19.639 and I was not getting them right instead
00:04:21.839 of focusing on my methods I was of the
00:04:24.400 thought okay I think I need a different
00:04:26.240 coaching so that is a mistake that I did
00:04:29.120 time and again
00:04:30.520 uh so first I got a 710 then again I
00:04:33.199 thought okay there's something missing I
00:04:34.600 should retake another coaching or
00:04:36.320 something again that did not work I just
00:04:38.479 got a 720 post that uh I applied to ISB
00:04:42.160 in September last year and then I was
00:04:44.919 weight listed and on uh I was we listed
00:04:48.120 in round one forti one and on 1 March
00:04:51.639 that weight list was shifted from q1 I
00:04:54.039 was dropped to Q4 so that sort of gave
00:04:57.400 me indication okay maybe it won't happen
00:04:59.320 this year so I started studying like
00:05:01.600 revising my notes and solving questions
00:05:03.479 from GMAT club and on 30th March I got
00:05:07.320 my final rejection and on 27th April I
00:05:09.960 had the score so yeah that was a good
00:05:12.400 turnaround for me and I'm very proud of
00:05:14.639 myself for that of course of course uh
00:05:17.560 so you scored 650 710 and 720 in your
00:05:21.400 initial attempts and in the final
00:05:22.759 attempt you got a 735 which is 100% so
00:05:26.400 what what was your strategy how did you
00:05:28.319 change your approach and what was the
00:05:30.199 biggest uh change that you did to get
00:05:32.520 this call yeah the biggest change was a
00:05:36.160 change in mindset to be very Frank and
00:05:39.000 that is I think what differentiates
00:05:40.840 someone so like what I believe on any
00:05:43.440 given day uh if anyone who has studied
00:05:47.240 for gtic who has done his course and
00:05:49.120 everything is given the same questions
00:05:51.240 in an untimed environment they would be
00:05:53.280 able to solve it like uh I think someone
00:05:55.919 would be able to solve it with a higher
00:05:57.840 accuracy than me also right so it all
00:06:01.039 boils down to how do you control your
00:06:03.479 nerves on the exam day how calm you are
00:06:06.400 so these were the few insights I had
00:06:08.199 about myself while solving walks and
00:06:10.479 while solving questions that what are my
00:06:12.400 strengths what are my weaknesses and
00:06:14.400 focusing very deeply on those uh
00:06:16.520 spending so there were days when I just
00:06:18.639 solved one CR question in the entire day
00:06:21.560 but the idea was to get into the depth
00:06:23.880 of it like I will not just simply let it
00:06:26.319 go so of like a very actionable thing
00:06:29.440 that people can take away from this
00:06:31.120 video is whenever you're solving a CR or
00:06:33.199 RC question think of them as a set of
00:06:35.840 five true and false question so against
00:06:38.240 each option write why do you think it's
00:06:40.199 true why do you think it's false and
00:06:41.680 write down like do not just think write
00:06:44.319 it why exactly are you eliminating it
00:06:46.120 why exactly are you choosing it and that
00:06:48.479 exercise once you have done with say 30
00:06:50.919 to 40 questions you are thinking will
00:06:54.400 drastically improve and I think that is
00:06:57.319 what something I did different in my
00:06:58.960 preparation
00:07:00.080 and that is showing in the result that
00:07:02.680 99th percenti in ver so yeah that was
00:07:05.680 one of the biggest
00:07:07.080 things all right uh so can you elaborate
00:07:09.720 on your mock test strategy and how you
00:07:11.800 analyzed your performance right so uh
00:07:15.000 for mock what I realized very early on
00:07:17.680 that GMAT can be divided into two steps
00:07:20.240 like the first step is where you fill in
00:07:22.120 your knowledge gaps so there are few
00:07:24.599 Concepts that you need to know like what
00:07:26.919 a assumption is in the first place what
00:07:28.840 a strengthening question is in the first
00:07:30.479 place uh for Di What percentages are
00:07:33.639 there what is the meaning of standard
00:07:34.840 deviation mean so there are basic
00:07:37.000 concept that you must know to crack this
00:07:39.360 exam so the first stage for me was to
00:07:42.319 fill in my knowledge Gap how did I test
00:07:45.639 that there is no knowledge Gap was that
00:07:48.159 when on 1 March or 2D March I gave the
00:07:51.159 official mark one for Focus Edition what
00:07:53.639 I did was I uh gave it in untimed manner
00:07:57.520 what I basically mean is I took a
00:07:59.039 question took a screenshot and then
00:08:01.159 solved it then again move to next
00:08:03.520 question pause the test so there was no
00:08:05.440 time pressure at such and I was able to
00:08:07.479 score 675 so which basically for me
00:08:10.319 translated to P okay there is no as such
00:08:13.000 knowledge Gap but there's still you
00:08:15.360 canot you not able to do it in a timed
00:08:16.840 environment so let us focus on that so
00:08:20.000 moving from there what I realized that
00:08:22.319 Quant is okay I really do not have much
00:08:24.440 of knowledge Gap in Quant uh probably
00:08:27.319 because uh in the J days you have
00:08:29.080 already read all these concept and in
00:08:30.919 much greater depth and detail uh for
00:08:33.279 anyone who is struggling in Quant I
00:08:35.080 would actually suggest you that you
00:08:38.000 should like bifurcate the topics like
00:08:40.159 what are the topics available and for
00:08:41.919 each topic you should be very clear why
00:08:45.480 such formulas exist say for example
00:08:48.839 there's this uh thing like just a very
00:08:50.720 simple example that if you have two
00:08:52.880 equation and two variables you can solve
00:08:54.560 it but what are the edge cases of this
00:08:56.800 thing if those two lines are parallel
00:08:58.640 you cannot actually solve it so such
00:09:00.040 things you really need to focus on those
00:09:01.920 minute details and that is what GMAT
00:09:04.040 tests uh one mistake that I used to do
00:09:06.959 in Quant in all my attempts throughout
00:09:09.120 like uh was silly mistakes basically how
00:09:12.760 do I say it reading a word wrong if
00:09:15.560 they're asking for Speed I am
00:09:17.360 calculating distance some these sort of
00:09:19.600 mistakes which boil down to not reading
00:09:22.360 every word so what I did on my exam day
00:09:24.760 was I put up uh on my writing pad read
00:09:28.480 every word and I put in front of my
00:09:30.000 screen so that I'm able to read each and
00:09:32.000 every word so this is few of the
00:09:34.000 Practical things that I did that people
00:09:36.480 can copy in their own preparation moving
00:09:39.160 on to mock uh while giving mock I
00:09:41.519 realized for Di I was never able to
00:09:44.640 complete all those 20 Questions uh in
00:09:47.519 that timed manner so that's the biggest
00:09:49.920 challenge of di as of right now but then
00:09:52.440 as in when I was searching for articles
00:09:54.279 I think I found one on GMAT Club itself
00:09:56.600 it was about how GMAT is adaptive test
00:09:59.120 and how it matters that the first 10 to
00:10:02.240 11 questions you should get right rather
00:10:05.120 than so if you get the first two
00:10:07.079 questions wrong versus the last two
00:10:08.360 questions wrong there's a big difference
00:10:10.360 in the score so uh the idea was that I
00:10:14.240 had this mindset that I will be solving
00:10:16.120 only 18 questions on the exam day
00:10:18.800 because in none of the mocks I was ever
00:10:21.040 able to solve all the questions so that
00:10:24.079 was a takeaway from mock so the idea of
00:10:26.839 giving a mock is one to s in a timed
00:10:29.760 environment for that much amount of time
00:10:31.399 and pressure and secondly be very
00:10:33.800 introspective that what you're doing and
00:10:36.440 what are your strengths what are your
00:10:37.519 weaknesses like in one Mark I try to
00:10:40.399 start it with di section like the order
00:10:42.760 in which you need to give so say there
00:10:44.160 are three sections and you have a total
00:10:45.760 of six choices how you can give your
00:10:48.040 exam so that becomes very important what
00:10:51.000 I think like for me what works and I
00:10:52.880 think it work for most of the people
00:10:54.320 would be give want di in one block and
00:10:58.920 then a 10minute break so either it can
00:11:01.160 be Quant 10-minute break verbal this is
00:11:03.920 what I did or it can be uh verbal 10
00:11:07.440 minute break Quant di so this is
00:11:09.480 something again this can be a practical
00:11:11.079 takeaway from this video that people
00:11:12.760 should think about uh moving onto verbal
00:11:16.560 a h also Focus Edition has this thing
00:11:19.680 that where you can review your questions
00:11:21.680 right so in the mock you actually need
00:11:24.720 to figure out for yourself that are you
00:11:26.360 actually able to review it like are you
00:11:28.600 able to reach to the end of it so for me
00:11:31.160 it was that in Quant I was able to reach
00:11:33.600 to the last question and still have two
00:11:35.240 to three minutes in hand that I could
00:11:36.959 use to review but in verbal and Di in
00:11:39.639 none of the mocks I had that time so it
00:11:43.480 was a pre decided in my mind that none
00:11:45.880 of the question in di or verbal on the
00:11:47.760 actual exam I will Mark for review
00:11:50.959 because that adds a layer of security
00:11:54.720 which is a false thing because I'm not
00:11:56.880 able to reach back there but it gives me
00:11:59.120 a a false sense of security that okay
00:12:00.880 maybe maybe so to avoid those traps is
00:12:04.240 one thing so yeah that is basically
00:12:07.920 about my mock uh the again the idea of
00:12:10.760 mock should be to know yourself how are
00:12:13.519 you performing uh and you should only
00:12:15.560 and only give mocks when you are sure
00:12:17.720 that all your knowledge gaps are filled
00:12:19.680 and knowledge Gap you can judge by
00:12:21.639 giving a mock in untimed manner so yeah
00:12:24.680 that is
00:12:26.639 that awesome I think these are such
00:12:29.240 amazing strategies and tips that you
00:12:30.839 just shared on that note I would request
00:12:33.399 the viewers to hit the like button if
00:12:35.160 you are enjoying this video and uh let
00:12:37.880 us know if you have any more questions
00:12:39.880 for peos and we are happy to answer uh
00:12:43.120 all right um moving on um p uh we need
00:12:47.560 some final tips and advice from you I
00:12:49.720 know you have already shared some
00:12:50.920 amazing strategies but if you have any
00:12:53.160 more final tips and advices for the uh
00:12:56.160 students that are looking to take the
00:12:57.800 GMAT
00:12:59.519 I think the like for the exam day exam
00:13:02.120 day like that the D day when you are
00:13:03.600 going to enter the exam uh you should be
00:13:06.680 very uh calm in your head like and I
00:13:09.760 know it's easier said than done so a
00:13:12.480 thing that I use and I think it's again
00:13:14.440 a very practical thing that you can take
00:13:15.639 away is whenever a thought comes a
00:13:18.199 negative thought whatever like maybe if
00:13:20.839 I plunk again the exam what would happen
00:13:23.160 what if it's very tough all these sort
00:13:25.079 of questions that come in your head just
00:13:26.959 tell to yourself that we'll think about
00:13:28.519 it later just tell keep on telling your
00:13:30.839 mind that okay we'll think about it
00:13:32.000 later we'll think about it later and
00:13:33.600 that is something I actually
00:13:34.920 continuously did on my exam day to stop
00:13:37.600 overthinking uh second thing is the
00:13:40.680 importance of reading every word so
00:13:42.839 while revising my notes and error logs I
00:13:45.279 had made this a point for me that if I
00:13:48.079 get eight questions wrong four of them
00:13:50.320 were because of not reading every word
00:13:52.839 so as I said earlier in the video that
00:13:54.839 uh read every word like put that on a
00:13:56.759 piece of paper and put that in front of
00:13:58.199 your computer so that you do not miss
00:14:01.079 those questions those small leakages do
00:14:03.120 not happen in your actual exam and yeah
00:14:06.959 that should be it uh but and rest it's
00:14:11.320 all comes down to how well are you able
00:14:13.160 to think on that
00:14:15.480 day uh all right uh so we have a lot of
00:14:18.959 questions coming in for you pios uh I'll
00:14:21.440 just start going through them one by one
00:14:24.440 um all right so NES asks when was the
00:14:29.160 first attempt how was how many months
00:14:31.560 back before the fourth one so first
00:14:34.240 attempt was in the year
00:14:36.440 2022 uh September or October I do not
00:14:40.279 exactly remember uh then the second
00:14:42.920 attempt was in June 2023 third was in
00:14:47.440 September 2023 and the fourth attempt
00:14:50.199 was uh in 27th April this year so uh and
00:14:54.320 this was not a continuous thing uh so
00:14:56.240 one again a very actionable takeaway is
00:14:58.839 that if you have decided to appear for
00:15:00.839 GMAT it's very important that you have a
00:15:03.120 momentum for GMAT because finally GMAT
00:15:05.560 is an aptitude test and aptitude is
00:15:07.720 nothing but how well do you exercise
00:15:10.279 your mind how well are you able to think
00:15:12.759 right so you need to have a momentum say
00:15:15.320 for example if you decide to give GMAT
00:15:17.160 block your next 90 to 100 days only and
00:15:19.480 only for GMAT and I get as working
00:15:21.639 professionals at times the workload is
00:15:23.639 very heavy on those days just make sure
00:15:26.720 that you are solving at least one
00:15:28.279 question just do not leave touch with
00:15:30.680 GMAT uh that is one very actionable tip
00:15:33.680 and a mistake that I did due to which it
00:15:35.880 took so
00:15:37.800 long right uh all right next question
00:15:41.279 from Mani how did you go from one
00:15:44.240 difficulty level to another what did you
00:15:46.639 uh do when questions got hard and you
00:15:48.680 couldn't get them
00:15:50.240 right uh like in the exam or in
00:15:53.639 preparation I think during preparation
00:15:55.240 it means right yeah yeah so
00:15:59.959 oh I changed the
00:16:02.360 coaching that is what I was
00:16:04.920 doing okay
00:16:07.800 so yeah that was a mistake do not do
00:16:10.399 that so what I would suggest here is do
00:16:13.279 not think of questions in term of uh
00:16:16.319 difficulty because in the actual exam uh
00:16:18.519 the questions don't come with a
00:16:19.920 difficulty meter right so do not think
00:16:22.160 about questions this way uh for say for
00:16:25.279 example in context of verbal think of
00:16:28.079 question only in terms of what are they
00:16:30.160 trying to test so when you write down
00:16:32.759 your answers you will know what is that
00:16:36.199 you're missing so basically there are
00:16:37.639 themes in critical reasoning cause and
00:16:39.399 effect causation correlation these are
00:16:41.399 the broad themes so try and grasp those
00:16:44.920 themes that becomes very important and
00:16:47.160 that you'll be able to do when you write
00:16:48.880 your answers same in the case of bi and
00:16:51.519 Quant what I would suggest is you should
00:16:53.160 always write very neatly while you are
00:16:55.319 solving that way you would always know
00:16:57.959 which question
00:16:59.480 uh you so if you solve a Quant question
00:17:01.600 in a very proper writing way and at last
00:17:03.959 you get it wrong so you exactly can go
00:17:06.480 back and see at which Step you went
00:17:07.959 wrong right and even on the exam day it
00:17:10.439 is very important so what I did on my
00:17:12.520 writing pad I extensively like made four
00:17:15.319 colum so I made a what do I say cross
00:17:17.919 mark in the between of the paper so it
00:17:19.679 was divided into four sections 1 2 3
00:17:21.520 four so in each page I was solving just
00:17:23.359 four questions so just in case if I had
00:17:25.520 to come back I knew where the working
00:17:27.599 was and I could pick it up from there
00:17:29.679 so that becomes very important so to
00:17:32.280 Mani to answer
00:17:34.039 it I think you should not think of
00:17:37.000 questions in term of difficulty do not
00:17:39.320 skip
00:17:40.480 coaching when things get hard and yeah
00:17:43.600 solve as many questions as diligently as
00:17:45.919 possible and always like if you take
00:17:48.440 five minutes to solve a question at
00:17:49.880 least take five minutes to understand
00:17:52.120 what other learnings were there if you
00:17:54.240 got it right and if you got it wrong
00:17:56.200 think of what did you exactly Miss so
00:17:58.640 that introspection actually becomes very
00:18:01.000 very critical uh in GMAT
00:18:04.799 case awesome uh all right so vigi asks
00:18:08.640 you about your uh study routine how did
00:18:11.640 how long did it take you to prepare how
00:18:14.360 long to spend for
00:18:16.840 Preparation okay so again not a very
00:18:19.480 direct answer uh like two years from
00:18:21.880 start to end and study routine uh so it
00:18:25.360 againi it's a job you are doing a
00:18:27.720 full-time job with you have to prepare
00:18:29.760 so there was no routine as such uh I
00:18:32.480 just used to pick up the topics that so
00:18:35.559 the first step so it's a very common
00:18:37.720 advice that before starting the prep for
00:18:39.919 GMAT give a mark the antithesis of this
00:18:42.840 was that for sentence correction you use
00:18:45.080 to know certain grammatical rules
00:18:46.799 without that you cannot actually solve
00:18:48.880 and many of us have lost touch of those
00:18:51.880 right so now sentence correction is not
00:18:54.799 there and there's not exactly anything
00:18:57.960 uh very solid hardcore that you need to
00:19:00.000 remember as such so what I used to do
00:19:02.440 that I knew okay these are the areas
00:19:04.000 where I'm weak at say for Quant I was
00:19:05.840 weak in probability PNC in di I was weak
00:19:09.520 in MSR data sufficiency uh PR and few
00:19:13.559 questions of RC so I knew these are my
00:19:15.679 weak areas and whenever I'm studying I
00:19:17.520 used to study those type of questions
00:19:20.120 whenever I used to get time so yeah not
00:19:22.280 a very hard routine and uh how long to
00:19:25.320 spend for prep 1 hour minimum every day
00:19:28.559 that you should
00:19:31.000 give yeah all right next question is I
00:19:34.960 struggle it's not a question but he's
00:19:37.240 saying that I struggle with GMAT Focus
00:19:39.919 um has a score of six
00:19:42.159 565 do you have any
00:19:44.200 advice yeah the first step should be to
00:19:46.919 uh analyze that like why did you get a
00:19:48.960 565 what are your weak areas because the
00:19:51.720 good thing with GMAT is it's a very
00:19:53.200 standardized test because the scores
00:19:55.080 remain valid for five years so the
00:19:56.640 questions are pretty much standard so
00:19:59.000 once you uh go and actually know that
00:20:02.240 which topic you are weak at so I'll tell
00:20:04.760 you a story here uh when I got my first
00:20:06.919 650 and I was very tense so I went to
00:20:08.960 one of my friend and this was the same
00:20:10.720 question more or less that I'm
00:20:11.559 struggling with GMAT what to do and she
00:20:13.880 asked me that exactly which area and I
00:20:17.280 had no answer to that like so that is
00:20:19.640 what you need to pinpoint for yourself
00:20:21.240 exactly which areas it can be 15 areas
00:20:24.080 do not worry about that but once you
00:20:25.679 have pinpointed those then you can
00:20:27.280 improve on those right so I think that
00:20:29.600 would be your first step to pinpoint
00:20:31.840 your areas where you be great all right
00:20:35.760 uh surj asks any courses you joined how
00:20:38.840 you
00:20:39.720 prepared every course every course
00:20:42.440 possible I have joined okay so yeah that
00:20:45.640 is a mistake do not do that do not jump
00:20:47.480 courses do not please do that so see my
00:20:50.200 idea is join any course all the courses
00:20:52.159 in Market are good like and take it from
00:20:54.720 me because I have taken each and every
00:20:55.960 course possible they are good uh the
00:20:59.320 the trickier part is to stay with a
00:21:01.799 course that is what I was not able to do
00:21:03.919 in my initial days uh do not uh see uh
00:21:07.480 the idea is if you do something 80% and
00:21:09.799 leave it it's no good so whichever
00:21:13.480 course you are picking and every course
00:21:15.600 I think has a free trial so take that
00:21:18.159 judge for yourself it is working for you
00:21:20.760 and then stick with it till the very end
00:21:23.279 do not leave in between and uh so I
00:21:26.760 initially till September I prepared in
00:21:28.720 various courses but this year from for
00:21:31.480 Focus Edition from March till April when
00:21:34.360 I gave the exam I did not buy any course
00:21:36.440 at such I was just uh like sticking to
00:21:39.559 my Basics and uh making sure that I go
00:21:43.880 to the depth of each and every question
00:21:45.440 that I'm solving so basically it was a
00:21:46.960 mindset shift this year and yeah course
00:21:50.279 wise join any course take the free trial
00:21:52.400 see if it works for you join it and stay
00:21:54.760 with it please stay with it do not jump
00:21:56.480 courses
00:21:59.240 awesome um all right next question uh
00:22:02.480 primary source for practicing Quan
00:22:04.600 verbal and
00:22:06.360 Di uh I think for Quant I did not
00:22:09.600 practice much uh same with di I so
00:22:13.520 basically uh there are a lot of videos
00:22:15.320 on GMAT Club itself like YouTube channel
00:22:17.720 where a lot of experts solve those
00:22:19.320 questions that is what I used for Di so
00:22:22.799 with for me specifically and see if
00:22:24.840 you're good at quants it will happen for
00:22:26.200 you also that in di you will not need as
00:22:29.120 much of information as you need a
00:22:31.480 mindset how to solve those questions in
00:22:33.760 a exam in an exam time manner when you
00:22:36.039 have that pressure so that is what
00:22:39.039 worked for me for verbal I have used
00:22:41.799 GMAT Club extensively like I think I
00:22:44.760 have solved more than 200 300 questions
00:22:46.679 on GMAT Club itself for verbal time and
00:22:49.240 again so yeah that is the thing with uh
00:22:52.880 verbal on GMAT Club is you have to stick
00:22:55.400 to few of the expert answers and see
00:22:59.279 those questions where those experts have
00:23:00.720 answered so you have a consistency in
00:23:02.159 the explanation and you're able to
00:23:04.240 understand so there are some pretty good
00:23:06.279 Educators on like the experts on Gat
00:23:09.039 Club where they mention their thought of
00:23:11.320 how they are solving so that becomes a
00:23:13.159 very great learning
00:23:15.679 opportunity awesome uh all right um
00:23:19.080 moving on to the next question what was
00:23:20.799 your RC strategy given that we have only
00:23:23.440 two to three minutes to read the passage
00:23:26.080 and then go for the questions okay
00:23:29.240 uh so again do not think of it in terms
00:23:32.039 of time I'd say why uh RC strategy for
00:23:34.960 me like starting with beginning was to
00:23:36.799 be good at CR first what I understood
00:23:39.159 very early in my preparation was that RC
00:23:41.200 is nothing but expanded CR CR you have
00:23:43.240 one passage here you have three passage
00:23:44.840 there they have one hard question here
00:23:46.120 they have three medium to hard question
00:23:47.880 so more or less it's the same thing so
00:23:50.120 Focus first on CR and to focus on CR you
00:23:52.640 should just write down like think of CR
00:23:54.600 and RC has five true and false question
00:23:56.600 that I mentioned in the start so so that
00:23:59.279 is what I did for my RC as well when I
00:24:01.919 was trying to solve in my learning phase
00:24:04.279 exactly mentioning why I'm eliminating a
00:24:06.600 a particular option or exactly why I'm
00:24:08.279 selecting a particular option and then
00:24:10.279 going back and actually spending too
00:24:13.240 much time on analyzing it if I'm getting
00:24:15.480 it right or wrong then see what happens
00:24:19.039 if uh I like you can message me I can
00:24:21.279 share with you my uh ESR like the report
00:24:24.240 you would see that just reading the
00:24:26.880 first question and uh reading entire
00:24:28.720 passage and solving the first question
00:24:30.960 it used to take me four to five minutes
00:24:33.440 any like the first question of RC right
00:24:35.880 so do not worry about time you need to
00:24:38.640 worry about confidence so in your
00:24:40.440 practice session like before exam and
00:24:42.520 you're practicing before mocks you
00:24:44.399 should be confident that if you are
00:24:46.399 given an RC of eight questions you would
00:24:49.320 be able to solve six to seven that
00:24:51.720 confidence you should have so what
00:24:53.919 happens in exam due to time pressure at
00:24:56.600 times we do not give our full attention
00:24:59.120 because of lack of confidence you are
00:25:00.960 spending say five minutes in a question
00:25:03.120 and you're not confident that you'll be
00:25:04.600 able to solve it so you rush through it
00:25:07.480 the first step is to gain a confidence
00:25:09.440 and that is where I say the first step
00:25:11.080 is to fill your knowledge Gap to be sure
00:25:13.399 that there is nothing knowledge wise
00:25:15.320 that you are lacking thus you'll have
00:25:17.320 the confidence in exam that even if a
00:25:19.360 question is taking five minutes You' be
00:25:21.200 able to solve it a parallel to RC is MSR
00:25:25.600 and Di like the first question uh in
00:25:28.840 di of MSR I took 6.5 minutes to solve
00:25:32.480 just one question but I was very sure
00:25:34.760 that I doing the steps right So
00:25:37.080 eventually the next two questions will
00:25:38.960 take less time and overall on an average
00:25:40.960 it will be managed so for RC also the
00:25:43.360 idea is to be very thorough when you're
00:25:45.720 reading for the first time even if it's
00:25:47.200 taking four minutes for you do not worry
00:25:49.520 because after that four minutes you'll
00:25:51.200 spend 2 minute on sing the first
00:25:52.720 question but the next two questions you
00:25:54.120 would solve very quickly if you have
00:25:55.840 understood the RC well so yeah do not
00:25:58.799 take time pressure uh think of it in
00:26:00.440 terms of filling the knowledge Gap first
00:26:02.039 and once you have done that then come on
00:26:04.120 the timed
00:26:06.039 environment great advice uh moving on uh
00:26:09.840 vigi says I scored 7:40 in mock but just
00:26:12.960 6:30 in the actual Test please advise on
00:26:15.840 how to build
00:26:17.159 confidence confidence is just you have
00:26:19.559 to just repeat it again and again so
00:26:22.080 that's the only way of building
00:26:23.240 confidence in anything you have to give
00:26:25.520 multiple marks so like for me in my
00:26:28.320 Focus Edition when I used to give in the
00:26:30.039 classic edition my all the mock SC like
00:26:32.520 I give around 20 mock uh every weekend
00:26:36.520 like that was a routine every weekend I
00:26:37.760 would wake up on a Sunday and give a
00:26:39.240 mock so my scores always used to lie
00:26:42.159 between 700 to 740 so uh that was pretty
00:26:45.679 consistent there and on my both the
00:26:47.399 exams I got 710 and 720 so you need to
00:26:50.559 give more marks basically and uh see
00:26:53.120 what the trend is there's this thumb
00:26:55.039 rule that you should give at least three
00:26:57.440 marks you you should give your exam
00:26:59.039 after you have got your desired score in
00:27:00.919 at least three marck consecutively so
00:27:03.240 that is one thumb rule you can follow
00:27:04.559 you got 714 one of the marks try giving
00:27:06.760 a few of marks and see how things happen
00:27:09.919 but yeah practice is the only way to
00:27:11.399 build confidence nothing else there is
00:27:13.320 no magic
00:27:15.600 formula uh true that uh next one from
00:27:19.640 anushri I'm a bit weak in RC and data
00:27:23.399 and sight sometimes I just feel lost
00:27:25.679 please suggest
00:27:27.000 something oh so you feel lost because of
00:27:30.159 time pressure I can bet that if I give
00:27:32.559 you the same di question and can I give
00:27:34.240 you the entire day like you have just
00:27:36.600 this one question and you have the
00:27:37.640 entire day to solve it you would be able
00:27:39.440 to solve it you're feeling lost because
00:27:41.840 you are taking time pressure so do not
00:27:43.880 take that pick that question up because
00:27:46.080 there is no rocket science in GMAT these
00:27:47.760 are very pretty simple question maximum
00:27:49.960 they go two level of thinking that is it
00:27:53.240 that is very easy to achieve if you do
00:27:55.039 not take the time pressure do not take
00:27:56.679 the time pressure initially uh reach
00:27:58.880 that level of accuracy first and from
00:28:01.360 there you would easily be able to get
00:28:03.440 through it both for RC and Di uh just
00:28:07.039 solve one question every day do not
00:28:08.519 solve much more than that but for that
00:28:10.640 one question give your everything that
00:28:12.519 you have like think thoroughly do not
00:28:14.559 see the answers do not see the solutions
00:28:16.919 just sit with that question for as long
00:28:19.679 as possible till you yourself are not
00:28:21.840 convinced that yes this is what I'm
00:28:23.559 thinking this is what I'm thinking right
00:28:25.440 that's the reason I'm trying to tell
00:28:26.840 again and again for RC think of the five
00:28:29.240 questions as five true and false
00:28:30.640 question and against each question write
00:28:32.760 true or false and why true or why false
00:28:35.840 that would be a great starting
00:28:38.360 point hope that helps great advice
00:28:42.799 um next question from sidhant how
00:28:45.519 accurate can the mock experience be
00:28:47.279 compared to the actual
00:28:49.240 GMAT um I think it's pretty much
00:28:52.399 accurate uh like all the focus Edition
00:28:54.399 marks that I gave uh so I gave F and the
00:28:57.399 good thing with Focus addition is you
00:28:59.360 have mark one and two you can repeat
00:29:01.600 them Mark three and four and you can
00:29:03.080 again repeat them so effectively I give
00:29:05.200 eight marks and the scores were like I
00:29:07.799 did not got 735 very honestly in the
00:29:10.799 mocks the highest in mock I saw was 7005
00:29:13.559 695 685 so this was the range that I was
00:29:16.840 getting so yeah it's pretty accurate I
00:29:21.200 think all right
00:29:25.039 um all right uh so VG asks how to manage
00:29:29.799 time in verbal
00:29:31.320 section again as the first step if you
00:29:34.440 have reached the accuracy of 80% in
00:29:36.159 untimed manner then this problem will
00:29:39.039 not come automatically so that the first
00:29:41.279 step should be that and uh if you are
00:29:43.559 struggling really a lot so think of like
00:29:46.320 remove last three questions say for
00:29:48.399 example that 23 questions in verbal
00:29:50.240 think that you only have to solve 20
00:29:51.679 questions and for the last three
00:29:53.320 questions just randomly Mark anything
00:29:55.519 because GMAT doesn't really punish you
00:29:56.960 for getting the last three questions
00:29:58.200 wrong so you can use that to your
00:30:00.120 advantage
00:30:01.440 there awesome uh all right uh which
00:30:05.120 websites you did you use to take a mock
00:30:08.279 test apart from GMAT official U so like
00:30:11.840 in the classic edition I have used
00:30:14.240 almost all the free marks available on
00:30:17.159 all the coaching uh and official and for
00:30:20.200 Focus I give only the official Mock and
00:30:22.799 I think that should suffice you really
00:30:25.240 because the thing with is that these are
00:30:27.200 adaptive mock and very close to what
00:30:29.880 actual gmad it would take place so my
00:30:32.159 the the strategy of leaving the last two
00:30:33.960 questions I have actually tested them in
00:30:36.039 the marks that how much my score affects
00:30:39.480 so you should I think you should always
00:30:41.519 and always give official marks I swear
00:30:44.240 by them all right uh so few of the
00:30:47.039 people are asking how can they connect
00:30:48.559 with you maybe you can drop in your
00:30:49.919 LinkedIn or something uh how do I
00:30:54.639 drop so it's basically Pi y us4 y uh
00:30:59.519 everywhere on Instagram LinkedIn and
00:31:01.440 mail ID is us14 ymail.com can you type
00:31:05.720 that in the chat box please yes uh just
00:31:08.320 give a
00:31:10.240 minute actually I'm from my tablet so I
00:31:12.559 not able
00:31:14.679 to it's
00:31:17.039 p 14 numeric 14 R
00:31:20.519 ymail.com
00:31:26.919 all all right cool uh let's get on with
00:31:31.320 the comments um where was I all right uh
00:31:35.639 Sur asks did you run short of time on
00:31:38.279 any of the sections on your test day
00:31:40.480 yeah
00:31:42.639 di I was never able to complete the 20
00:31:45.039 questions so yeah I marked the 18th
00:31:46.480 question last two question I just put
00:31:48.440 anything and just let it be H it's very
00:31:50.399 important that you attempt all the
00:31:51.799 question do not leave any question G
00:31:53.360 punishes you a lot if you leave a
00:31:55.000 question do not leave a question
00:31:58.120 uh awesome
00:32:00.159 um then we have
00:32:02.840 a we have nales uh he asks my mark
00:32:06.159 scores are decreasing even though I can
00:32:08.159 solve questions better now in GMAT Club
00:32:10.240 OG resource any tips he got a
00:32:13.720 595 in the first time 58 I think there
00:32:16.919 are major knowledge gaps that you have
00:32:19.200 uh again it comes down to like divide
00:32:22.000 your entire syllabus into like
00:32:24.360 actionable Insight say for example if
00:32:26.880 you are thinking CR think of CR in terms
00:32:28.880 of assumption question string question
00:32:30.519 weekend question so there are 10 types
00:32:32.639 of question in CR right then RC there
00:32:34.960 are broadly two to three types of RCs so
00:32:38.159 and then for Di for Quant so in
00:32:40.880 everything you should make a Excel
00:32:42.399 maintain it and exactly see what you're
00:32:44.440 getting wrong and then spend a lot of
00:32:46.919 time in that till the time you're not
00:32:48.320 able to reach 80% accuracy and post that
00:32:51.880 go for mock do not go for mock very
00:32:54.799 initially doesn't really help just give
00:32:57.200 the first mock in untimed manner to
00:32:59.159 understand your knowledge gaps and post
00:33:01.159 that fill your knowledge gaps and then
00:33:04.159 again at the end move to
00:33:07.080 marks all right
00:33:09.960 um what time of the day was your exam
00:33:12.840 and what did you do on the day until the
00:33:15.440 exam okay so uh my exam was supposed to
00:33:18.720 start from 10:30 I woke up at 9 that day
00:33:22.200 and I was just trying to keep myself
00:33:24.120 calm that day and uh whatever like uh
00:33:26.960 whatever thought used to come in my mind
00:33:28.880 I was just like you do not worry about
00:33:30.720 it we think about it just four hours
00:33:32.880 later just delay just give your mind
00:33:35.240 that think about it later that is what I
00:33:38.080 was doing till the exam time and even
00:33:39.519 during the exam time so that becomes
00:33:41.799 very important you should uh have a
00:33:43.880 strategy in place that what is the
00:33:46.279 section section order that you be
00:33:48.039 attempting this is one mistake I did
00:33:50.240 while driving to the examin examination
00:33:52.440 center I was trying to call one of my
00:33:53.960 friend and asking him that in which
00:33:55.840 order should I attempt which was a very
00:33:58.519 big mistake you should not do that uh
00:34:00.840 pick any of the two that I said Quant di
00:34:03.760 10 minute break verbal or verbal
00:34:05.440 10minute break qu di I would hardly
00:34:08.918 advise against going for any other order
00:34:11.280 apart from these
00:34:13.239 two great um all right next
00:34:19.280 question uh have you finished the GMAT
00:34:21.800 official question bank and if yes what's
00:34:23.760 your opinion about the questions
00:34:25.800 there uh specifically I did not uh do
00:34:29.719 that so I was soling from GMAT Club just
00:34:32.079 sitting with difficulty at 7005 to 800
00:34:35.320 like specifically I did not and uh again
00:34:38.839 see uh I would strongly uh suggest do
00:34:42.079 not go in that direction of judging the
00:34:43.760 question there is like you will not
00:34:46.040 actually gain anything from this uh all
00:34:48.918 you should focus on pick a question copy
00:34:51.040 paste in your word document solve those
00:34:53.199 questions and see what you can learn
00:34:54.839 from it even if the question is easy and
00:34:57.119 you got it wrong you can still learn
00:34:58.400 from it uh even if a hard question you
00:35:01.320 got it right you can still learn from it
00:35:02.880 just focus on that there's no much value
00:35:06.680 in comparing questions from different
00:35:09.359 sources that doesn't really add any
00:35:10.960 value to your preparation so I strongly
00:35:12.640 advise against
00:35:15.520 this awesome sorry if that comes out a
00:35:18.280 bit rude but yeah uh so next question
00:35:21.839 from where have you solved Quant so very
00:35:25.040 honestly I have not solved Quant from
00:35:27.359 multip or many sources because I was
00:35:29.480 kind of confident about my ability of
00:35:31.440 Quant there are just two topics PNC and
00:35:34.240 probability that I was weak at so I
00:35:36.400 studied the basics and then solved
00:35:38.440 question from GMAT Club just to be sure
00:35:41.480 that okay I'm able to get those right
00:35:44.119 that is it uh will not be able to help
00:35:46.960 much there but the again the idea is
00:35:49.079 pretty simple when you're solving Quant
00:35:50.720 write it down and solve it if you get it
00:35:52.720 wrong go back and see what exactly did
00:35:54.440 you do wrong and then just make a Excel
00:35:56.720 or a diary some like some sort of error
00:35:58.920 log error log need not be fancy but just
00:36:01.920 something that why did you get it wrong
00:36:03.800 exactly for me most of the qu like the
00:36:06.520 answer to why I got it wrong was that I
00:36:08.560 did not read it
00:36:10.200 properly also Insight that I had about
00:36:13.040 myself regarding Quant was that I get
00:36:15.720 Quant questions wrong only when I'm
00:36:17.480 mentally fatigued so that was the reason
00:36:19.640 for me to pick Quant and Di first then
00:36:22.040 take attend break and then verbal so
00:36:24.599 it's very important that uh it doesn't
00:36:27.119 really matter where do you solve it
00:36:28.800 matters how do you solve and what
00:36:30.880 insights about yourself are you able to
00:36:33.000 derive from it so GMAT Club is a good
00:36:35.319 enough source to solve like GMAT Club is
00:36:37.680 the I think the best source for GMAT
00:36:39.480 like you have everything
00:36:41.000 here true that uh so guys if you are
00:36:45.119 finding Pia's insights very helpful
00:36:47.440 please uh support show your support and
00:36:50.119 hit the Subscribe and the like button uh
00:36:53.319 all right uh we will move on to our next
00:36:55.800 question
00:36:57.680 how did you manage your time during the
00:36:59.599 exam I struggled to complete all
00:37:02.400 questions uh so in Quant I did not in di
00:37:06.160 I used to struggle the my solution was
00:37:08.400 simply that I'll forget the last two
00:37:10.000 question I'll solve just the 18 question
00:37:12.079 so you can use that GMAT doesn't really
00:37:14.800 punish you to getting the last two
00:37:16.400 question wrong so think of your exam as
00:37:19.720 a say di only 18 question in Quant you
00:37:22.960 have Quant actually punishes you a lot
00:37:24.800 because actually Quant what has happened
00:37:27.240 that uh with data sufficiency not there
00:37:29.800 anymore Quant you actually need to
00:37:32.079 practice there's no other way in di you
00:37:34.040 can eliminate the last two question
00:37:35.680 because in Quant I got just one question
00:37:38.119 wrong and I got a 94th percentile so
00:37:41.520 that shows that there are a lot lot of
00:37:43.800 people have got all the questions right
00:37:45.760 so in Quant you need and to study like
00:37:48.280 there's no other way in Quant for Di and
00:37:51.200 verbal you can skip the last two
00:37:52.720 questions in your head that you're only
00:37:54.040 solving 18 question and 21 question that
00:37:56.800 way and and huh uh during exam you
00:37:59.520 should track your time
00:38:01.960 broadly with with that what I mean is
00:38:04.720 divide your time into 15 minute segments
00:38:07.200 uh for so it's a total 45 minute test
00:38:09.200 for each segment right and say in di you
00:38:12.319 have 20 questions so my idea was that
00:38:14.160 I'd be solving 18 questions only but but
00:38:16.079 every 15th minute Mark I used to see
00:38:18.319 that okay where am I uh on the time
00:38:20.760 frame like on the question am I on
00:38:21.960 question number sixth seventh or eth if
00:38:23.880 I'm there it's all right if I'm not
00:38:25.640 there then I need to rush do not uh
00:38:28.680 track your time on every three or four
00:38:30.839 questions that actually uh kills your
00:38:34.000 confidence do not do that because there
00:38:35.599 are some questions that are supposed to
00:38:37.359 take that time so just broadly monitor
00:38:39.720 your time on a 15 minute Horizon that on
00:38:42.440 every 15 minute mark on which question
00:38:44.520 you are and that should be uh more or
00:38:47.200 less on the one3 one3 mark yeah all
00:38:51.119 right that
00:38:53.000 help all right uh next question was uh
00:38:56.160 Focus Edition easier than jassic
00:38:59.440 Edition both have their own integrities
00:39:01.960 very honestly a sentence correction was
00:39:04.040 something that uh actually I was never
00:39:06.800 able to understand and be very good with
00:39:09.079 it so I was glad that sentence
00:39:11.359 correction is no more there and but
00:39:13.680 there are other difficulties
00:39:15.119 difficulties like solving di in the time
00:39:17.640 and the level of verbal I think CR and
00:39:19.800 RC I think has increased a bit I don't
00:39:23.400 not know I'm not certain but I think it
00:39:25.079 has increased a bit Quant again it's
00:39:26.800 very challenging to get all the
00:39:28.000 questions right so yeah uh I think like
00:39:31.440 finally again I don't think this
00:39:33.200 question you should think about it much
00:39:34.800 because you cannot give classic now you
00:39:36.319 have to give focus and uh what
00:39:38.560 ultimately matters is what percentile
00:39:40.240 you
00:39:42.079 get yeah uh all right so uh can you
00:39:45.200 share some tips for using the ER log
00:39:47.960 okay so this is okay I understand from
00:39:50.280 where this question is coming from how
00:39:51.960 to maintain that Excel how to do that I
00:39:55.440 have never maintained the Excel I have
00:39:57.480 right was never able to so I just used
00:40:00.520 to write in my notes what are the core
00:40:03.520 Reasons I'm getting it wrong if it is a
00:40:06.040 knowledge Gap I used to just simply fill
00:40:07.839 it if it is a mindset Gap and with
00:40:11.040 mindset what I mean is at times I used
00:40:13.359 to skip few words in CR or RC I was not
00:40:15.480 able to read every word that was one of
00:40:17.680 the biggest insight for me while solving
00:40:19.760 error logs while maintaining my error
00:40:21.240 log or whatever for me my error log was
00:40:23.640 just one page that is it so when you so
00:40:28.440 uh the idea should be very simple if you
00:40:29.800 get a question wrong see why did you get
00:40:32.000 it wrong that is very important if it's
00:40:33.880 a knowledge Gap go right away and study
00:40:36.319 that do not wait for a week or even for
00:40:39.800 a day just go and study that topic and
00:40:42.839 if it is a mindset problem for example
00:40:47.319 skipping few words not reading every
00:40:49.160 words properly skipping few options so
00:40:51.520 if those kind of things you're doing
00:40:52.720 then you need to change your mindset
00:40:54.480 deliberately setting yeah that is is my
00:40:57.560 two cent on maintaining a
00:41:00.160 log okay awesome um all right Dr says I
00:41:05.079 take 10 TW 12 minutes in untimed to get
00:41:09.400 80% accuracy in 705 plus CR questions
00:41:12.960 but then timed Falls to
00:41:16.480 50% H so do not so you're not ready yet
00:41:19.560 for the time thing you should practice
00:41:21.400 more that's you you on the right path
00:41:24.760 solve more there
00:41:28.079 okay awesome uh NES congrat is
00:41:31.359 congratulating you for the excellent
00:41:33.000 score and he wants to know where are you
00:41:34.560 going for
00:41:35.680 college I have no clue as of right now
00:41:38.440 it's just two I think three weeks ago I
00:41:40.599 got the score I'm still uh doing the
00:41:43.680 research because for me I just wanted to
00:41:46.560 go to ISP this year that didn't happen
00:41:48.920 so now I need to reframe my strategy uh
00:41:52.079 I'd be definitely applying to ISP that
00:41:54.119 is one of my dream schools
00:41:57.880 great uh okay VJ asks how are you able
00:42:01.680 to manage full-time work with GMAT prep
00:42:04.480 I was not that's the reason it took two
00:42:07.000 years right so it is tough obviously uh
00:42:11.440 again uh you have to be very clear why
00:42:14.079 you want to do it so that a motivation
00:42:16.000 comes but then again it is supposed to
00:42:18.200 be uh like you are supposed to struggle
00:42:20.680 with this if you are struggling it's
00:42:21.839 very natural do not very much on that
00:42:24.160 just uh focus on getting the topics
00:42:26.280 right topics in control and just do not
00:42:29.359 leave touch with GMAT uh give at least
00:42:32.040 solve one question per day if it's a
00:42:33.599 very hectic day do that that is very
00:42:35.720 important the momentum part becomes very
00:42:37.559 important for GMAT so you have to have
00:42:39.680 momentum there's no other
00:42:41.559 way so P how did your day look like when
00:42:44.880 you were preparing for GMAT while
00:42:46.599 working
00:42:48.079 full-time uh
00:42:50.079 so when I used to come back from office
00:42:52.680 by six I used to come back and then I
00:42:55.160 used to sleep for a bit like so all that
00:42:57.960 that I have a fresh mind when I'm
00:42:59.359 studying and then I used to wake up at 8
00:43:01.760 or 9 and then I used to study for 2 to
00:43:03.720 three hours so that was the ideal day
00:43:07.000 and this used to happen a lot less
00:43:09.520 mostly it was on the move I was trying
00:43:11.400 to just solve one question just get that
00:43:13.200 one question right for that one day most
00:43:16.079 of the days went like that and on
00:43:17.960 weekends I used to give Mark on the
00:43:20.599 later stages of my preparation right all
00:43:24.040 right uh guys if you have any more
00:43:25.880 questions please uh drop into the chat
00:43:28.480 and we will be happy to answer uh we
00:43:30.599 will be taking another question uh from
00:43:33.000 the comment section Anuj asks which
00:43:35.520 books or practice questions you use for
00:43:38.000 your
00:43:39.079 preparation uh no specific book I have
00:43:42.280 not read any book for my GMAT practice
00:43:44.680 questions were mostly from uh GMAT Club
00:43:47.680 you can find a lot and lot of question
00:43:50.800 uh again I'll reiterate uh it is not
00:43:53.440 much about which questions you solve but
00:43:56.000 about how you solve those questions and
00:43:58.079 how much depth are you going in those
00:43:59.680 questions and think of it can you teach
00:44:03.839 that solution to someone that is the
00:44:05.920 depth in which you need to solve
00:44:07.599 questions in from any source that you
00:44:09.960 are solving you should always Focus for
00:44:12.559 depth in any question that you're
00:44:16.240 solving awesome um yeah so I think with
00:44:19.920 that we have come to an end of this uh
00:44:22.800 podcast or uh interview with poos it was
00:44:26.160 a great uh conversation P um thanks for
00:44:29.680 joining us and to our viewers I hope you
00:44:33.119 guys have registered to the MBA virtual
00:44:35.559 event uh it's happening on June 11th and
00:44:38.720 12th so do uh register yourselves to get
00:44:41.800 amazing resources and get a one-on-one
00:44:44.280 chance of you know talking to the at
00:44:46.440 coms uh giving a first impression I
00:44:48.880 think that will be very helpful I'm sure
00:44:50.720 it was helpful for me to get a lot of
00:44:52.920 app free waivers uh last year when I was
00:44:55.359 applying so um do check that out and
00:44:58.640 thanks for joining in thanks P for uh
00:45:01.319 talking to us today and we'll see you in
00:45:04.160 the next
00:45:05.240 one thank you thank you thank you
00:45:07.559 everyone

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