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Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan (LKP) PiSTAR

General English 24
Mr. Paisal Girsang
Topic : Simple Present Tense & Present Continuous Tense
Wednesday / January 26th, 2022 (19.30 – 21.00 WIB)
Via Google Meet
By: Risnawaty Simanjuntak, S.Pd

1A Simple Present 2A Simple Past

1B Present Continuous 2B Past Continuous
1C Present Prefect 2C Past Prefect
1D Present Prefect Continuous 2D Past Prefect Continuous
3A Simple Future 4A Simple Past Future
3B Future Continuous 4B Past Future Continuous
3C Future Prefect 4C Past Future Prefect
3D Future Prefect Continuous 4D Past Future Prefect Continuous
• The present simple is used to make simple statements of fact, to talk about things that happen
repeatedly, and to describe things that are always true.
(+) S + am/is/are + Adj/Adv/N Am > I
(-) S + am/is/are + not + Adj/Adv/N
Is > He, She, It
(?) Am/Is/Are + S + Adj/Adv/N ?
Are > you, we, they
1. (+) I am student.
(-) I am not student.
(?) Am I student? Yes, I am / No, I am not (I’m not)
2. She is beautiful.
3. They are in Medan
(+) S + V1 (S/ES) + O/C
(-) S + do/does + not + V1 + O/C Do > I, you, we, they
(?) DO/DOES + S + V1 + O/C ? Does > He, She, It
1. (+) You go to school
(-) You do not go to school
(?) Do you go to school? Yes, I do / No, I don’t
2. (+) He goes to school
(-) He does not go to school.
(?) Does he go to to school? Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t.
Verb 1, (+) , third person singular (he, she, it):
- y > after consonant letter: cry = cries,
studies, carries, replies, flies,…..
After vowel letter : play = plays,
says, enjoys, employs, pays,…..
- X > fixes, relaxes, waxes,…..
- Ch > touches, watches, searches,…..
- Sh > washes, polishes, brushes,…..
- Ss > kisses, misses,…..
- O > goes, …..
Time signals : today, every _____ (day, month, year), once ___ (a week, a day)
twice___(a year, a day), every _____ (Sunday – Monday)
always, often, usually, never,….
1. General Truth (Kebenaran Umum) 2. Habit (Kebiasaan)
- She is often absent.
- The earth is round - I am sometimes late to school.
- The sun is bigger than the moon - My family is at home every sunday.
- Do you always have breakfast everyday ?
- Sea water is salty - They sometimes go to office by motorbike.
- I usually go to a cinema every Saturday evening.
- The iron sinks in water.
- The earth goes around the sun. 3. Keadaan sekarang (Present)
- He is in the living room.
- The earth rises in the east.
- I am tired.
- They are students.
- Do you understand ?
- I know his name.
Tomy : Who (am, is, are) the child over there, Ron ?
EXERCISE 1 Rony : Oh! He's my son. His name (am, is, are) Dany.
Choose to be in brackets Tomy : How old (am, is, are) he ?
to complete the following Rony : He's ten years old.
conversation and translate
Tomy : By the way, where (am, is, are) your wife ?
it into Indonesian.
Rony : She is taking our daughter to kindergarten.

F Tomy : So you've already got two children.

Rony : Right. How about you ? How many children do you have ?
A Tomy : You kidding ? I haven't got married yet.
M Rony : Really ? But you (am, is, are) already forty.
I Tomy : Maybe I (am, is, are) not lucky yet.

L Rony : When will you get married ?

Tomy : I'm not sure.
Y Rony : Do you still live at boarding house ?
Tomy : No, I don't. I live with my parents now.
Rony : Who do you live with them ?
Tony : My sister, my brothers, and my nephews.
Rony : Oh, I see.
Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Ayah adalah seorang pengacara.
12. Meja itu berwarna coklat.
2. Apakah kamu gugup ? 13. Bahasa Inggris adalah pelajaran yang
3. Mengapa kamu sedih ? mudah.
4. Apakah mereka ada di rumah ? 14. Gubuk adalah rumah kita.
15. Kita sangat rajin dalam pekerjaan ini.
5. Aku lapar dan haus.
16. Dia (pr) tidak seperti yang kamu
6. Rumahmu besar. sebelumnya.
7. Apakah kamu marah denganku ? 17. Tidak menarik dengan
8. Berapa tinggimu ? mempertunjukkannya.
18. Dia (lk) sakit setiap hari.
9. Sekretarisku cantik.
19. Seminggu ada 7 hari.
10. Rambutnya pendek. 20. Dia (lk) tidak bahagia karena sakitnya
11. Itu gunung besar itu.
Iqbal : What time (does, do) you get up everyday ?
EXERCISE 1 Maya : I wake up at five everyday.
Choose one of the two Iqbal : What (do, does) you do next ?
words in brackets so that
the conversation below is Maya : I do "Shubuh" prayer, take a bath, (has, have) breakfast, and go to school.
grammatically correct! Then Iqbal : What do you (has, have) for breakfast ?
translate it into indonesian.
Maya : I usually have rice and egg.
Iqbal : How about your brother ? (Do, Does) he have rice and egg, too ?
Maya : Yes, he does. But sometimes he (have, has) noodles.
DAILY ACTIVITIES Iqbal : How do you go to school ?
Maya : I usually go to school by bus. But once a while (sekali-kali) I go by motorbike with Tina.
Iqbal : Do you pick her up ?
Maya : No, but she (pick, picks) me up.
Iqbal : What are your activities in the evening ?
Maya : I watch television and then study.
Iqbal : What time do you go to bed ?
Maya : Not certain. If I have homework, I rarely (sleeps, sleep) before ten pm. How about you ? What do
you do in your spare time ?
Iqbal : I usually read magazine or newspaper.
Maya : Don't you sometimes play badminton ?
Iqbal : Yes, I (am, do). On Saturday evening.
Translate the following sentences into English

1. Apakah kamu kadang - kadang tidur siang ?

2. Olahraga membuat kita sehat.
3. Apakah ayahmu bekerja di bank ?
4. Apakah proses belajar mengajar di kelasmu berjalan baik ?
5. Apakah kamu mempunyai rekening bank ?
6. Diah tinggal bersama orang tuanya.
7. Aku selalu makan pagi.
8. Anton mandi satu kali dan makan lima kali sehari.
9. Apakah kamu kadang - kadang mimpi buruk ?
10. Para manager itu mengadakan rapat dua kali sebulan.
11. Dunia selalu berputar setiap waktu.
12. Joni mencoba menembak seekor merpati.
13. Dia (pr) mengakui dosanya.
14. Susi mencari informasi tentang pengetahuan di internet.
15. Ibu saya mengajar anak – anak tentang binatang.
16. Kucing itu menjilat tangan kami.
17. Sinta menggoreng bakso setiap hari.
18. Anak – anak nakal itu mencoret dinding.
19. Bos saya memarahiku setiap hari.
20. Kita berdoa sebelum makan.

Tell us about your typical day. Remember to use the present simple!
Listen to a student talk about his daily routines. For questions 1 to 7, choose the correct answer.
1. What time does he wake up? 5. Where does he have lunch?
A. At 7.30.
a. In the town centre.
B. At 8.00.
C. At 7.00. b. At the school.
2. Which of these things does he NOT have for breakfast? c. At home.
A. Fruit. 6. What does he think about school food?
B. Toast and jam.
C. Juice. a. It isn't good.
3. How does he go to school? b. It's good.
A. He goes by bus. c. It's very good.
B. He goes by car.
7. What does he do when he arrives home?
C. He walks.
4. What time does he have a break for lunch? a. He relaxes.
A. At 11.00. b. He helps his mum.
B. At 12.00.
c. He has dinner.
C. At 12.40.
• Present continuous is used to talk about continued actions that are happening in the present
moment or at the time of speaking.
(+) S + am/is/are + V 1ST – ING + O/C
(-) S + am/is/are + NOT + V 1ST– ING + O/C
(?) AM/IS/ARE + S + V 1ST– ING + O/C (?)

• TIME SIGNALS : Now, right now, at this time, at this moment, at __ o’clock, at this present, etc..


1. The students are studying right now.

2. He is not wearing a hat.
3. Is she playing tennis?
1. To express an action that is in progress.
Example: - I am fishing in the river now.
- Ita is singing the nice song now.
2. To express an action that is temporary.

Example: - She is reading now but she will write soon.

- I am living in Medan at the moment.

- They are studying at Al Amien this year.

3. To express an action that is intended in the future.

Example: - We are writing again in a few week.

- I am eating soon.
- He is taking an examination next week.

4. To express an action that is repeated even though it is not happening now.

Example: - I am always losing my pen. (Saya selalu kehilangan pulpen saya)

- My watch is often breaking down. (Arloji saya sering rusak)

- They are sometimes over sleeping. (Mereka kadang – kadang tidur terlalu lama)
EXERCISE I Eko : Say En!
Change the verbs Eni : Eko! Hey, how are you?
in brackets into ing
Eko : Not bad. Long time, no see.
verb and translate
the conversation Eni : Yeah, it must be close to three years.
into Indonesian! Eko : What are you (do) here?
Eni : I am (wait) for a bus. I am going to office.
WHERE ARE YOU Eko : Where are you (work) now?
Eni : At Pertamina. How about you? Are you (go) to work, too?
Eko : No, I am (go) to the publishing house.
Eni : What for?
Eko : There is job vacancy. They need a new editor. I am (go) to apply for that position.
Eni : Have you written the application letter?
Eko : Of course I have.
Eni : Did they mention how much the salary was?
Eko : No. But it doesn't matter.
Eni : Okay. Good luck!
Eko : Thanks.
Translate the following sentences by using present continuous:

1. Saya sedang melihat kamu bernyanyi diatas panggung sekarang.

2. Kita sedang membuat kue baru di pesta ulang tahun dia (pr) sekarang.
3. Mary sedang menghadiri acara berkemah dari perusahaannya.
4. Gadis jelek dan kaya itu sedang membeli mobil yang sangat mahal sekarang.
5. Juni sedang membersihkan rumah.
6. Mereka sedang mengundang anak saya untuk bergabung di perusahaan mereka.
7. Joni sedang menunggu putranya sekarang.
8. Bukankah kamu sedang duduk disamping saya?
9. Mengapa kamu selalu menangis?
10. Berapa banyaknya air yang sedang diletakkan dalam gelas?
11. Siapa yang sedang berkelahi itu?
12. Apakah kamu sedang menulis surat untuk sahabat penamu?
13. Lihat! Anak - anak itu sedang bermain sepakbola di jalan.
14. Siapa yang sedang memperbaiki komputermu?
15. Polisi itu sedang mengejar seorang pencuri.
16. Buku apa yang sedang kamu terjemahkan?
17. Siapa yang sedang mengendarai mobil baru itu?
18. Di mana pertemuan itu sedang berlangsung?
19. Apa yang sedang kamu baca?
20. Mengapa ia melihat kamu seperti itu?
Are you good at doing lots of things at the same time? What are you doing now, apart from practising
your English?
Make these sentences into questions and change their verbs into present continuous tense. The first one is done for you.


The people jump.

•The people jump. → Are the people jumping?
2. The dog waits for his owner.

1. The man sits near the pool.

3. The woman smells her clothes.

4. An airplane flies in the sky.

6. The cats sleep.

5. The girl kisses her mother.

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