1719910653g mri

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Date 01/07/2024 . Patient Id 30163078


Referring Doctor AROY I


CLINICAL DETAILS: Pain. Post history of injury.

TECHNIQUE: Multiplanar multiecho sequences through left wrist joint were obtained.

• There is mild dorsal tilting of lunate bone.
• Mild t.hickcning and hypcrintensity of the radioscaphoid ligament seen.
• Thinning and irregularity with hyperintensity of the lateral collateral
ligaments seen.
• Minimal edema is noted on the lateral aspect of wrist joint.
• Few tiny subchondral cysts are noted in lunate and capitate bones.
• Rest of the carpals and metacarpals show normal signal characteristics.
• There is no fracture or osteonecrosis. No evidence ofjoint effusion.
• The flexor and extensor tendons are intact and show normal signal intensity.
• No evidence of fluid around the tendons.

....-r:.~ 11

Uctnsee: Sanjeevani Health and Lifestyle Private Umlted Online Reporu:

http.s://phr.apollocllnlc.com It • Home Blood Collection
(OH - U7•220WB200]fTC095 l5Sl :~-• 9432011111
23, 91633 34358 I 59
Salt Lab :DC Bk«Block-(j, 1st Floor,CltyCentre,Salt Lake,Kolkata 700 064 Phone: 033 2358-1021/W
5502 Whau.app :7604019943
NewTown :Dtf G.a~riJ,Actlon Area-18,Rajarhat.NewTown,KolkatJ- 700 156 Phone: 033 4036 550015501/
Talkies, PS;Glrlsh Park.-PO: Barabwr, KolutJ-700 007. Phone: 033 2268 0008/09, 7605035101
YIVlbnl:ndl lAd: 6, Viv!kanindl Road, Gan!Sh
E-mail; ~lt.lake@apoDoclinlc..comI n!l't'Jt.own@apollocllnlc.com I Website: www.npollosnltlake.com ; WW\v.apol.lokolkiJULcom
(Dlgllll) t MlmrrtogT-.phy t BJID • Oe..w.un • Upper GI l!nl:!oicopy
• Pain I Laur COnlo • Sup Clinic • Dental Cllnlo • MRI • CT Scan t X-Ray (Digital) t OPQ
• P\bncnmy NIDt1l Te=it • H!1:m ~•ECO
Coblolcapy • an Endoscopy• Lmraso.uog,IJ)hy • Ecllocanf.:ogmphy, Colrir Dopplnr Study , TMT (CardiL!r 6nm Tt:ltll ~
B~. HontUll!3, lllinU\!l!ogy) • Era Clinic • ~ • Consutm, • ~ • ~
• Pa:l'tl»Jj (8iodati1Shy, ~ . s.alog/, Olinbil Palhology. M.imlblology,

JJ II c1· •

• Mild dorsal tilting of lunntc.
• Purtial tear of lateral collutcrnl llgnmcnt.
• Sprain of the radloscaphoid ligament,
• No obvious c,1idence of fracture or osteonecrosis at present study.
• Tiny subchondrnl cysts In lunate nod capitute bones.
Recommended cllnicnl correlation, further management and follow up.

Dr Manish Kumar Jha

MD (Radiodiagnosis)
Consultant Radiologist
Reg. no. WBMC 77237
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It is an online interpretation of medical imoging bused on clin1enl dntn. All modern macbincs/ procedures have their own
limitation. ff there is any clinical discrepancy, this investigation nwy be repeated or reassessed by other tests. Paticnt's
identification in onlinc reporting is not established, so in no wny cun this report be utilized for any medico legal purpose.

Ucensee : S1njHY1nl Health and Ufestyle Private Limited
Online Reports :
tOH · IJ7◄l10W8200WC09S 1~5) httpst/phr.apollodlnlc.com It , Home Blood Cotlection
Sik Lab :DC Blodl.'9lock-G, 1st Aoor,CityCentr~Salt Lakt,KolkatJ 700 064 Phone; 033 2358-1021/22/23,91633 34358 / 59
¥,' 9432011111
HlwTown: DLF (sailJer~AcfionAreJ-IB,Rajarhlt.NewTown,Kolkata-700156 Phone: 0334036 5500/5501/ 5502 Whauapp:7604O19943
E..fTlbil :1a1Uat.e@apollodinlc.c.om I n~w1D'ttn@opollodlnlc..com I Wel»lle ·www.apollosnlUt1ke.c.om ; Y1ww.apoUokolkil'Ul.CDm
• Pain ' LIMf Cllnlo • Sut,11 Cl!ruo • OenW CDnlc • URI • CT Bmm • X-Ray (OlgillQ • OPG (Dl;l\BJ) • Mammography • BMD • llmsml • ~ G1 ~
• Colanalcopy ' e r r ~ • ~ Q µ h y • E ~ • Coix ~ ' SlliQ) • TMT (!Anliao 6mm Te31J • Pui?:ula,y Foo:1ian Tea • HiJlle' ~ • [00
• P ~ (Bla:hnnillry, ~ ' ~ . Ciniool P ~ , M~lilDl.ooY, ~ . ~~ lrnn~) • EV') Ch: • ~ , ~ • ~ • ~ ~

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