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RWBY Combat Ready: Homebrew Rules, Upgrades, Concepts



Tactical conversation is impossible with overwhelming odds. When the number of minions exceeds the
number of sideline players, all players must play their cards face down and reveal them only once
everyone has played. Sub-bosses count for 2 when this rule is in effect.

Lightly Dusted

Dust is a useful resource, why isn’t everyone using it? When the Dust Heist scenario is not in play, every
successful defeat of a minion awards a dust token to the sideline player who defeated it. Each player can
hold up to 2 dust tokens. A dust token can be used to add +1 damage to your next attack (does not
increase fury track). When the active hero is bashed by the villain, all accrued dust tokens are then given
to the villain to add +2 damage to their next two attacks. If under a player’s control, they can choose
when to use them. (Defeat of multiple minions in one attack only awards 1 dust token.)

Call Someone Stronger

Why is a grunt calling a weaker grunt? When a minion activates ‘Call’ the added minion has a +1 speed
and damage token.

Friendly Fire

If you got hit, how did you dodge that? ‘Area Blast’ effects now hit any players who failed their attacks,
draws included. Resting players cannot be hit by this effect.

Next Strike Momentum

You hit once, hit again! When the villain or active player makes a successful attack, they gain +1 speed to
their next strike. Bonus only extends to the second strike.

Minion Shield

Too many grunts are in the way! The villain cannot go below 1 Aura until all minions are defeated, sub-
bosses included. Scenario’s ‘Sabotage’, “Snipers’, ‘Death Stalker’ count towards this rule.

Completely Surrounded

There’s too many and they just keep coming! If all the minion cards are on the field and more are
required, the heroes automatically lose the game.

Upgrade: 20 XP

2nd Charge: 20 XP


Upgrade: Semblance now adds +2 speed to next attack and +1 damage if they fail. Let’s player draw 1
card regardless of result.

Dust Effect: Spend a dust token to add +1 speed to attack.


Upgrade: Semblance can now add +1 speed to any hero’s next attack and choose an attack card out of
the deck upon success.

Dust Effect: Spend a dust token to do make next attack an Ice attack.


Upgrade: Any damage that would have been taken as a result of the combat round is added to your next
attack damage.

Dust Effect: Spend a dust token to inflict -1 speed or -1 damage to villain’s bonus.


Upgrade: Spend 1 Aura to add an extra +1 Speed and +1 Damage.

Dust Effect: Spend a dust token to make next attack add 1 to fury track.


Upgrade: After the targets card is revealed, return Penny’s attack and choose a card from the deck to
replace it.

Dust Effect: Spend a dust token to activate the support effect of card.

Experienced Recovery

Experienced can be used to recover aura. 1 to 1 exchange for the first villain, 2 to 1 for the second
villain, and 3 to 1 for the third villain. If damage goes past 0 aura, experienced can be used to recover
health once per villain encounter.

Second Wind

5 experience collectively can be spent to revive a downed hero once a duel (One experience must come
from the downed hero). When revived, roll a ten-sided die to determine recovered aura.

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