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I‭ ntroduction :‬

‭As we saw in this scene, everyone has their own eating habits.‬
‭But, it’s important to follow the healthy eating guidelines to have the necessary food intake to be in good‬
‭There are differences between English and French recommendations. However, they are not very far apart.‬
‭Here, we present the French standards."‬

‭ orps :‬
‭A balanced diet helps to meet the body's nutritional needs to ensure well-being on a daily basis. To achieve‬
‭this, there are different food groups that are important to combine. These different nutrients are divided‬
‭into 2 classes: macronutrients and micronutrients.‬

I‭n macronutrients, we find carbohydrates: they have an energy and cell-building role. Carbohydrates are‬
‭found in pasta, potatoes, legumes, quinoa, etc.‬
‭There are also proteins: they play an essential role in the body's functioning, particularly in muscle‬
‭contraction. These include meat, eggs, fish, dairy products, and legumes.‬

F‭ inally, there are lipids: they also have an energy role. These include oils, butter, salmon, avocado, and nuts.‬
‭There are also micronutrients, which include vitamins, minerals, and trace elements essential for the body's‬

T‭ o assess health, there are mainly two indicators widely used. They allow diagnosing underweight,‬
‭overweight, or obesity.‬

‭ ow to appreciate the Body Mass Index (BMI)? The calculation method is to divide weight by the square of‬
‭height in meters.‬

-‭ ‬ ‭ MI Under 18,5 : underweight‬

‭-‬ ‭Between 18,5 - 24,9 : normal weight‬
‭-‬ ‭Between 25 - 29,9 overweight‬
‭-‬ ‭BMI over 30 : obese‬

‭ dditionally, waist circumference allows assessing the excess fat accumulated in the abdomen:‬
‭→ For women, the waist circumference should be less than 80 cm.‬
‭→ For men, the waist circumference should be less than 94 cm.‬

I‭t is essential to follow a balanced diet to prevent the development of metabolic complications (such as‬
‭diabetes, increased cholesterol...) and cardiovascular risks, as well as to reduce the risk of developing‬

‭To stay healthy, our recommendations are as follows:‬

‭ .‬ 5
1 ‭ servings of fruits and vegetables per day:‬‭They‬‭can be fresh, canned, or frozen.‬
‭2.‬ ‭A source of protein 1 to 2 times a day:‬‭This can include‬‭meat, fish, eggs, legumes, or dairy products.‬
‭3.‬ ‭Water:‬‭Approximately 1.5 liters per day. It is important‬‭to increase water intake in case of heat or‬
‭physical activity, but not to exceed 3 liters.‬
‭4.‬ ‭Daily physical activity:‬‭Walking to get bread, doing‬‭household chores, or even dancing.‬
‭In practice, an ideal distribution throughout the day would be as follows:‬
‭-‬ ‭Breakfast‬‭: 1 beverage, 1 fruit, 1 dairy product,‬‭1 complex carbohydrate‬
‭-‬ ‭Lunch‬‭: a portion of meats or substitutes, one to‬‭three portion of starchy food and two or more‬
‭portion of vegetables‬
‭-‬ ‭Mid afternoon snack‬‭: a fruit or a handful of unsalted‬‭nuts‬
‭-‬ ‭Dinner‬‭: like lunch‬
‭-‬ ‭1,5 litres of water‬

‭Conclusion :‬

T‭ herefore, it is important to pay attention to one's diet, but it is also essential to indulge oneself. Indeed, a‬
‭permanent dietary constraint can have an impact on mental well-being.‬

‭The key is to balance intake over the week and engage in regular physical activity.‬

‭ n se remet à table avec nos serres-têtes :‬


‭Louann‬‭: Alors les filles, cette conférence ? Vous‬‭avez tout compris ?‬

‭So, ladies, this conference? Did you understand everything?‬

‭Anne-Cécile‬‭: Cette conférence était super. Promis,‬‭l'année prochaine je fais dry january !‬
‭That conference was great. I promise, next year I'm doing dry january!‬

‭Julie‬‭: Ok à partir de maintenant je prendrai seulement‬‭2 steaks au lieu de 3 dans mon burger.‬
‭Okay, from now on, I'll only have 2 steaks in my burger instead of 3.‬

‭Virginie‬‭: Ah Julie, tu as encore des progrès à faire‬‭!‬

‭Oh Julie, you still have some progress to make!‬

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