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Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Management

MBA 3rd Semester

Total Credits: 3
Lectures/ Tutorial per week : 3/0
External: 60, Internal: 40

MBMM-04 Brand Management

Objectives: The focus of this course is on strategic decisions about how a company
can build and manage its products so that they are profitable to the company and at the
same time adequately meet target customers’ needs and wants. As you work through
the course you should expect to achieve the following:
Understanding of foundations of brand management and the process, Evaluating the
consumer decision process for brands, in products, services and for retailers, Knowing
the brand positioning techniques, Relating to the current issues in branding

Course Contents:
Product Management: Product concept, product levels , product life cycle ,Product
mix and product line decisions, Product positioning, Product diversification and
New product planning and development, marketing mix decisions for the new
product, Innovation diffusion and consumer adoption process
Understanding Brands: Concept of brand, Evolution of brands, brand perspectives.
Anatomy of a brand. Competition and brand, Brand Power, Value addition through
branding, building strong brands. Brand Image, Brand Personality, Brand Positioning:
methods of positioning, elements of positioning, successful and unsuccessful
positioning. Developing International Brands: Pre-requisites and process; Country-of-
origin effects and global branding; Building Indian brands for global markets.
Brand Leveraging & Brand Performance- Establishing a brand equity management
system, measuring sources of brand equity and consumer mindset, Co-branding,
celebrity endorsement. Designing & Sustaining Branding Strategies- Brand hierarchy,
Branding strategy, Brand extension and brand transfer- Managing brand over time.
Stages of Concept Management, Brand Revitalization Strategies.

Note: Case Studies and current/ latest trends to be compulsorily included in the above said
curriculum with minimum of 1 case per Unit.

Course Outcomes:
04.1 To understand the concept of product, levels, positioning, and diversification using various examples
04.2 To understand the process of developing a new product
MBMM- To understand the concept of brands and brand elements and to apply it to the brands available in
04.3 the current scenario
MBMM- To understand the concepto of Brand Levaraging and Brand Performance and the stages of concept
04.4 management

Suggested readings:

1. Keller, Parmeswaran and Jacob, Strategic Brand Management, Pearson India

2. Moorthy, Y.L.R., Brand Management – The Indian Context, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
3. Elliott& Percy,Strategic Brand Management, Oxford University Press
4. Mathur, UC, Product & Brand Management, Excel Books

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