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Name: Krestine M.

Velos Subject: Speech and Theatre Arts

Course and Year: BSEd English 2A Date Submitted: February 19, 2024
I. Speech Outline

Traveling Affects Life and Personality

Journeying Beyond Borders: Travel, Life and Personality
Most people think that traveling is only a matter of exploring one place from another. What
they do not know is that traveling goes beyond just visiting and spending money to go to distinct
places. As a matter of fact, traveling is a medium for self-discovery and personal growth. A pleasant
day to everyone! I am Krestine Velos and today, I will share unchanging truths about how traveling
positively affects our sense of being “human” at the same time I will further some of my experiences
in connection to how traveling changed my life and personality as well.

There are four notable impacts on traveling to life and personality. These are (1) Traveling is a
stepping stone to appreciate life and life itself. (2) Traveling expands our comfort zone. (3) Traveling
boost independence. And (4) Traveling manifest positive energy. To start with, I want to walk through
my memory lane, life for me last year was tough. Burnout became my friend to the point that I was so
unproductive. As a struggling student, of course, I thought of a way to get this out of my system and
bless my soul because Cebu Normal University gave me a spot for a quick travel in Dumaguete,
Negros Oriental. My stay there allowed me to see the silver lining of traveling. I realized that while I
was there, I managed to appreciate aesthetics of nature. In this vein, I gave myself enough time to
reflect on my past actions. Hence, I, during that time knew that I somehow learned to “understand”
myself. So, traveling is a nice stepping stone to appreciate what you have in your life and life itself.
Secondly, traveling expands our comfort zone for the reason being; we are pushed to stay in a new
place with zero friends or family. This circumstance may be disadvantageous at first however days
later it will boost confidence to make travelers socialize with other people. Thirdly, traveling boosts
independence. Independence is seen when we bring important necessities to sustain ourselves
throughout the vacation period. Further, our way of planning is enhanced. Essentially, independence
thrive when it challenges every individual to survive a new place with limited resources. Lastly,
traveling manifest positive energy. Even before our arrival to the destination, positive hormones are
release when for example we pack our things, there is “anticipation” or “excitement” that we look
forward to exploring the places. Aside from that, the adventures, connection with nature, and sharing
experiences with other travelers make a good environment for motivation. As such, positive and good
environment is nurtured.

In corroboration, the process of traveling is perceived as expensive and is only about
entertainment. However, people should also see that traveling has its value and its importance. As
what I had mentioned, traveling affects our sense of being “human” and in-order to actualize this is to
acknowledge the values and impacts of traveling first.
“To God be the Glory”

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