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Green computing case studies in Nigeria

Educational Institutions
Green computing initiatives in educational institutions are crucial for promoting sustainability and
environmental responsibility among students, staff, and the wider community. In Nigeria, several universities
and schools have adopted green computing practices to reduce their environmental footprint, conserve energy,
and foster a culture of sustainability. Here are some notable case studies of green computing in Nigerian
educational institutions:
1. University of Lagos (UNILAG): Energy-Efficient IT Infrastructure
Overview: The University of Lagos (UNILAG) has implemented several green computing initiatives to
enhance energy efficiency and promote sustainable practices across its campus.
 Energy-Efficient Data Centers: UNILAG has upgraded its data centers to use energy-efficient
cooling systems and power management technologies, reducing energy consumption.
 Virtualization: The university has adopted server virtualization to minimize the number of physical
servers, leading to lower energy usage and cooling requirements.
 Green Procurement: UNILAG prioritizes purchasing energy-efficient computers, printers, and other
IT equipment to reduce power consumption.
 Reduced Energy Consumption: Significant reduction in energy usage due to the implementation of
energy-efficient technologies and server virtualization.
 Cost Savings: Lower operational costs from reduced energy bills and hardware expenses.
 Environmental Impact: Decreased carbon footprint and improved sustainability on campus.
2. Covenant University: Renewable Energy and E-Waste Management
Overview: Covenant University is a private institution in Nigeria that has been proactive in integrating green
computing practices into its operations.
 Solar Power: The university has installed solar panels to power its IT infrastructure and reduce
reliance on grid electricity.
 E-Waste Management: Covenant University has implemented a comprehensive e-waste management
program to recycle and properly dispose of electronic waste.
 Green Computing Labs: Establishment of energy-efficient computer labs with low-power computers
and smart power management systems.
 Energy Savings: Significant energy savings due to the use of solar power and energy-efficient IT
 Sustainable Practices: Enhanced recycling and proper disposal of e-waste, reducing environmental
 Educational Impact: Increased awareness and education on green computing among students and
3. Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU): Sustainable Campus Initiatives
Overview: Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) has implemented various sustainability initiatives, including
green computing, to promote an eco-friendly campus.
 Energy-Efficient Lighting and Equipment: The university has replaced traditional lighting with
energy-efficient LED lighting and promotes the use of energy-efficient IT equipment.
 Paperless Administration: OAU has moved towards a paperless administration by digitizing records
and processes, reducing paper waste.

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 Renewable Energy Projects: The university is exploring renewable energy projects, such as solar
power, to support its IT infrastructure.
 Reduced Energy Use: Decreased energy consumption through the use of energy-efficient
technologies and renewable energy projects.
 Cost Reduction: Lowered operational costs due to energy savings and reduced paper usage.
 Sustainability Awareness: Improved awareness and adoption of sustainable practices among students
and staff.
4. Lagos State University (LASU): E-Learning and Digital Transformation
Overview: Lagos State University (LASU) has embraced green computing through its e-learning and digital
transformation initiatives, reducing the need for physical resources and promoting sustainable IT practices.
 E-Learning Platforms: LASU has implemented e-learning platforms to reduce the need for printed
materials, thereby saving paper and other resources.
 Digital Administration: The university has digitized administrative processes to minimize paper
usage and enhance efficiency.
 Energy-Efficient IT Solutions: Adoption of energy-efficient IT equipment and smart power
management in computer labs and offices.
 Resource Savings: Significant reduction in paper usage and resource consumption due to e-learning
and digital administration.
 Energy Efficiency: Lower energy consumption through the use of energy-efficient IT solutions.
 Enhanced Learning: Improved access to learning materials and resources through digital platforms.
5. Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA): Green IT and Renewable Energy
Overview: The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) has incorporated green computing and
renewable energy initiatives to foster a sustainable campus environment.
 Renewable Energy: Installation of solar panels to power computer labs and reduce dependency on
non-renewable energy sources.
 Green Computing Awareness: Conducting workshops and seminars to educate students and staff on
the importance of green computing and sustainable IT practices.
 Energy Management: Implementation of energy management systems to monitor and optimize
energy usage across campus IT infrastructure.
 Energy Reduction: Decreased energy consumption and reliance on grid power due to solar
 Educational Impact: Increased awareness and knowledge of green computing practices among the
university community.
 Environmental Benefits: Reduced carbon footprint and enhanced sustainability efforts on campus.
These case studies highlight the efforts of Nigerian educational institutions in adopting green computing
practices to promote sustainability, reduce environmental impact, and educate future generations on the
importance of environmental responsibility.

Green computing initiatives in Nigeria are increasingly gaining traction as organizations and governmental
bodies recognize the importance of sustainability in IT. Here are a few notable case studies showcasing green
computing efforts within the country:
1. MainOne: Sustainable Data Center Operations

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Overview: MainOne, a leading provider of telecom services and network solutions in West Africa, has been
a pioneer in deploying green computing strategies in Nigeria, particularly within their data centers.
 Energy Efficiency: MainOne's MDXi data center in Lagos uses advanced cooling technologies and
energy-efficient power systems to minimize energy consumption.
 Renewable Energy: The company has explored the use of solar energy to supplement the power needs
of their data centers.
 Eco-friendly Design: The data center is designed to international standards with a focus on reducing
environmental impact and improving energy efficiency.
 Reduced Carbon Footprint: Significant reduction in the carbon footprint through energy-efficient
 Operational Savings: Lowered energy costs due to improved efficiency.
 Recognition: The MDXi data center has received certifications for its commitment to green IT
2. Galaxy Backbone: Government IT Infrastructure
Overview: Galaxy Backbone is a government-owned company in Nigeria providing ICT infrastructure and
services to federal ministries, departments, and agencies. The organization has implemented various green
computing initiatives to enhance sustainability.
 Virtualization: Adoption of server virtualization to reduce the number of physical servers, thereby
decreasing energy consumption and cooling requirements.
 Energy-efficient Data Centers: Implementation of energy-saving measures in their data centers,
including optimized cooling systems and power management technologies.
 E-waste Management: Partnering with certified e-waste recyclers to ensure responsible disposal of
obsolete IT equipment.
 Energy Savings: Reduced energy consumption due to server consolidation and improved data center
 Cost Efficiency: Lower operational costs resulting from reduced energy use and hardware expenses.
 Sustainability: Enhanced environmental sustainability through proper e-waste management practices.
3. MTN Nigeria: Eco-friendly Network Operations
Overview: MTN Nigeria, one of the largest telecom operators in the country, has undertaken several green
computing initiatives to minimize its environmental impact.
 Renewable Energy: Deployment of solar-powered base stations to reduce reliance on diesel
generators, thus cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions.
 Energy-efficient Equipment: Use of energy-efficient networking equipment and infrastructure to
lower energy consumption.
 Green Office Practices: Implementation of green office practices, including energy-saving lighting
and waste reduction programs.
 Reduced Emissions: Significant reduction in CO2 emissions through the use of solar energy.
 Operational Efficiency: Improved efficiency and reduced operational costs by adopting energy-
efficient technologies.
 Corporate Responsibility: Enhanced reputation as a socially responsible company committed to
 MTN Group. (n.d.). Sustainability at MTN. Retrieved from

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4. Interswitch: Sustainable Payment Solutions
Overview: Interswitch, a leading digital payment and commerce company in Nigeria, has integrated green
computing practices into its operations to support sustainability.
 Energy-efficient Data Centers: Optimization of data center operations with energy-efficient cooling
and power systems.
 Digital Solutions: Promotion of digital payment solutions to reduce the need for paper-based
transactions, thereby saving trees and reducing waste.
 Sustainable Practices: Implementation of company-wide sustainability practices, including recycling
and reducing electronic waste.
 Environmental Impact: Lower energy consumption and reduced carbon footprint due to efficient data
center operations.
 Waste Reduction: Decreased use of paper and other resources through digital solutions.
 Cost Savings: Financial savings from reduced energy usage and waste management.
5. Dangote Group: Energy Management and IT Optimization
Overview: The Dangote Group, one of Nigeria's largest conglomerates, has implemented green computing
strategies to enhance energy management and IT optimization across its operations.
 Smart Energy Management: Use of smart energy management systems to monitor and optimize
energy usage in IT operations.
 Virtualization and Consolidation: Adoption of virtualization technologies to consolidate servers and
reduce energy consumption.
 Renewable Energy Projects: Exploration of renewable energy projects, including solar power, to
support IT infrastructure.
 Energy Efficiency: Improved energy efficiency and reduced operational costs through smart energy
management and server consolidation.
 Sustainability: Progress towards corporate sustainability goals by integrating renewable energy
 Operational Excellence: Enhanced overall efficiency and reduced environmental impact.
These case studies illustrate how organizations in Nigeria are adopting green computing practices to enhance
sustainability, reduce environmental impact, and achieve operational efficiencies. By continuing to invest in
green technologies and practices, these organizations set a positive example for others to follow in the pursuit
of sustainable development

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