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Pathshala Nepal

Effects and causes of Ghumto

Bipina Poudel 3 years ago

Short notes on Ghumto pratha.

1 Answer
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Bipina Poudel 3 years ago

Ghumto Pratha is the system covering head by

married woman is called gumto system. The literal
meaning of Gumto is veil which is used to cover the
face by married women in order not to show their
faces to other males expert their is
unnecessary burden to the women which is against
human right. it is also called gender discrimination.

The effects and problems of Ghumto pratha

Condition of gender discrimination in the society.

Violation of women's right and freedom.
Effects in human right as well as.
Less participation of women in decision making
and development works in the society.
Woman are always backward in social, economic
and political sectors.
Hamper in personality development of the women.

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