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The following is the themed I have in my website https://allvacationdreams.


-Spanish flag is missing with the migration and need add (home page right size corner)
-Twitter icon need fix on home page, it seems logo twitter was lost.
On the property page, I have the following issues that need to be fixed:
- In the back end of the themed need add a space to show in the quote the processing fee, which is part
of the mandatory fees, this processing fee is in a percentage and it’s taxable.
-At the time of the quote additional product are display; the texts per/day - per/stay need to place at the
side and in the same row of the price.

-At the front in the quote the calculations need displayed with two decimals,
Correct: $1,540.87
Incorrect: $1,540.8
- Need a clear representa;on of pricing, including two decimals where applicable.
- At the front the calcula;ons in the quote are not showing accurate. The taxes should be calculated over all
the mandatory charges which showing bellow. If client select addi;onal services, these addi;onal also are
subject to the tax. Taxes are set in a percentage in the back end of the themed and not all the proper;es have
the same percentage of tax.
Mandatory Fees
1.)- Rental
2.)- Housekeeping Fee
3.)- Property Protec;on Fee
4.)- Processing Fee (this line need add on the back of the themed)
5.)- Taxes

At the front need align the amount show of the deposit and for the balance amount.

- To see the back end go to

- Login with Margaret and password: 2024admin_@
Go to visit site and on the right corner besides Margaret, select My Lis1ngs, in the search
look at for Marbel property, and edit the property, in the price area. The property
protec1on fee is in the row of a security deposit, the en1re 1tle should be replaced in
the code, can’t do using loco translate.

At the front end bellow the Remaining Balance need add the accepta1on by click of the
terms and condi1on and privacy policy, (this was lost with the migra1on) the client must
by click accept to move forward. This feature should be included as well at the final of
the check-out page.

At the from bellow the buMon Book now, the widget calls us need to connect to open face 1me

instead a pop-up contact form.

- As soon customers select Book now, we'd like them to seamlessly transition to a
check out page like the one has the top villas.
- This is a competitor by selecting a property for rent in destination Florida, Orlando
- I want a custom check out page equal like this.
- The terms and condici1ons and the privacy policies need to display and the client must
to accept by click both, in order to move forward and complete with a payment.
- ANer the comple11on of the payment, should be able to print the reserva1on or
download in a PDF. (this feature comes with the themed)
Bellow, is an screnshoot of the compe1tor showing the check out page. No1ce, the
check out page need show and content all the mandatory fees and the addi1onals the
client can select at the itme to quote.

- ANer the customer finished to complete with their informa1on, the page looks like this:

ANer press con1nue, the page should look like this:

Each reserva1on checks out showing the acceptance by click either the rental agreement and
the accepta1on of the terms and condi1ons as show the screenshot, should be able to keep a
copy of the en1re check out page in the back and able to print out. In another words, need a
backup of the client check out to prove client accept rental agreement and the terms and
condi1ons by clicking.

The social icons on property page it seems the color associated with each of them had
been disappear and twitter need replace for the correct logo associated. The icon for
Facebook direct to a Facebook page but doesn’t show the image of the properties, need
At the time to do this sheet, this is what I see:


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