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How to sell anything to anyone, anytime!




The Hidden Secret of Selling

that most people

don’t know

Worked on and put together by

Mike Adeyemi

The King of Video Designs and Craft

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How to sell anything to anyone, anytime!


This book is protected by all copyright laws. You do not have the rights to re-edit it, sell it or
give away to any person or people.

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How to sell anything to anyone, anytime!

This book was designed to be as simple as possible.

So without trying to impress you with the overall design of the book, let’s get straight into what

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How to sell anything to anyone, anytime!

Complete teasers compilations from Wednesday 4th of September 2019 to Saturday 7th of September
2019 (4 days with Mike Adeyemi)

Teaser 1

Nothing is too expensive; it all depends on how you sell it and who you are selling it to

Teaser 2

Sales are made successfully when you can identify people's exact problems, propose them a good
solution and make them see reasons to pay however how much you are charging them. All your
customers think you are too expensive until you make them see what expensive truly means

Teaser 3

Buyers buy with emotions and justify their purchase with logic. So don't sell your products, sell the

Teaser 4

In selling, be more interested in getting the prospect emotional than you are in filling them with
information about your products or services

Teaser 5

In sales, while dealing with prospects, the one asking the questions is the one in charge of the
conversation. The one in charge of the conversation is the one who dictates what eventually happens.
As a sales leader, be the one asking the questions while your prospects answer you. Don't be
answerable to them

Teaser 6

Prospects lie all the time. Usually when they say, "I'll get back to you", it's just a polite way of saying
"I can't do this with you. But a sales leader knows how to handle such situations.

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Teaser 7

Nobody likes to be sold or feel sold. But we all want to own. So don't sell to your prospects, make
them buy to own

Teaser 8

The most powerful word in sales is the word "You". Use it more often while trying to persuade people.
People want to always feel important. They want to know what an offer has for them.

Teaser 9

A sales leader himself/herself must speak like one who is so convinced about what he/she offers to sell.
If you don't speak sure of what you sell, your prospects will subconsciously discern it and not buy what
you offer even if it's the best product or service. Always speak like you are so sure

Teaser 10

A sale is a win-win game. Your prospects must benefit as well as you. Never deceive others into what
will not favour them. It's a sales leader's code.

Teaser 11

The secret of high ticket sales is to never be attached to the sale. A sale you are too desperate to
win cannot be won.

Teaser 12

If you must win a sales deal or a business contract, be in charge of the conversation. Do less of the
talking; let your prospects do about 70% of the talking. The one doing less of the talking is the one
in charge.

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Teaser 13

Qualifying your prospects means gathering all possible information about them that will help you in
winning the sale. Before naming a price for your prospects to pay, do well to know how capable they
are by asking them enough relevant questions.

Teaser 14

For those in service business, never give your prospects a definite price when they ask you how much a
service could cost, instead tell them it depends on what they want and give them a wide range and
ask them if it's within their budgets.

Teaser 15

When you sell for others what they cannot sell themselves, you qualify to be called a sales leader.

Teaser 16

Every business is profitable business, just know how to sell.

Teaser 17

Selling cannot be separated from life. Every day, someone is trying to sell you something or you are
trying to sell somebody something. It could be a product, a service, an idea or a belief. In each case, you
must be a great sales man to win each time.

Teaser 18

When your prospects say, "'re too expensive!" Never make the mistake of trying to justify
yourself or being defensive. Your job is to take their eyes off the price unto the value your product or
service offers.

Teaser 19

No matter how cheap your products or services are, there are some people who will still always think
you are expensive. Bringing down your price may not be the solution

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Teaser 20

In selling, reality is not reality. Perception is reality. You are what you prospects think you are and not
what you really are. So if you appear small, you will be treated small. You must be well branded!

Teaser 21

The most important thing in selling anything to anyone is genuinely solving their problems. Listen
genuinely to them and sympathize with them. Even if they can't afford to pay you, you can recommend
someone else to them who may be able to solve their problems on a low budget. Also, educate them on
how they might be able to make a good choice. But always make them understand that you are the best

Teaser 22

In selling and also in life generally, people don't care how much you know until they know how much
you care.

Teaser 23

The more "No's" you get in selling, the more successful you will become. Don’t be afraid of rejections.
Don’t let the fear of been rejected keep you at the same spot.

Teaser 24

When you double the number of new people you talk to per day about your products and services,
you double you amount of income

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1. The Art of Selling.

2. Why Sell.
3. Psychology of Persuasion.
4. Psychology of selling.
5. How to generate leads.
6. Art of qualifying a prospect.
7. Types of buyers.
8. How to propose a price bid and negotiate and still make big profits.
9. Handling objections.
10. Closing the sale.

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Definition of key terms

1. Prospect: Someone you are trying to persuade to buy from you. They are, in other words, your
*Potential Customers*

2. Lead: Someone who saw your advertisement and was interested and is checking you out to find out
more information about your products and services.

3. Target Audience: The category of people who are your ideal customers and usually falls under the
category of those who need your services the most. They are the people you target with your advert.

4. Qualify: This means to gather information about your prospects usually by asking them questions
and finding out what they really want. This will help you know who your prospect really is and recognize
their problems, determine how best you can help them solve those problems and how much you
should charge them.

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You are reading this ebook now because you want to change something, learn something, improve
on something, and develop something that will ultimately affect your life and your income level.

I can guarantee that anyone who will be daring enough to use the information provided in this booklet
will never remain the same financially.

Always remember that success is a product of hard work ; hard work that comes from the right
knowledge application. And successful entrepreneurs have to keep learning and relearning in order
to both attain success and retain it.

Now I need to write this out in capital letters....


Yes, you just heard it right!

The most important skill you need in life to become extremely successful is how to sell!

Okay, with that said, let's get into what selling is quickly...

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Just before we kick off into what the scope of selling is, there's something you will need to know
about this whole selling thing...

And what's that?

It is that every day, selling occurs in your own life. It's either you are trying to sell someone something
or someone is trying to sell you something. And this happens every day. So, we cannot separate selling
from life. You don’t need to have a business owner before you know the importance of selling. Even
without a business, you are already a seller but perhaps not just an excellent seller (A sales leader!)

Now what can be sold varies across different areas of life. It could be a product, a service, an idea, a
belief, a faith, a doctrine, an argument, a perspective, a way of life etc.

Anything that is geared at making others take action is simply termed Selling. So in simple terms,
anything can be sold! I mean ANYTHING!

And that's what the Art of Selling is all about...

Trying to persuade other people to take an action, take a step or to do something at your initiative. In
order words, making people do what you want them to do by making them see the need to do it.

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Selling is a core part of our entire lives. And for the sake of emphasis, if you really want to be successful
in life, you will need to be a great sales leader.

Your ideas, your dreams, your motives, your skills cannot inspire others until you can sell it to them

Selling does have to involve money all the time. In other words, selling something to someone does not
have to involve exchange of money or payments. If you can get someone to take actions on what
you've just shown them or told them, you have successfully sold to them.

For instance, if your friends and planning to take shawarma for dinner initially but you were able to
persuade them to eat a less expensive food instead, then you have successfully sold them. You
sold them not to eat shawarma and that didn’t involve any direct payment to you.

If you are able to make a girl believe that you, as a man, love her and you are ready to do anything in
the world for her, you have successfully sold her.

Selling is anything that makes others do what you want them to do without manipulating them.

As a sales leader, you must understand that selling is not manipulation. Selling is not deceit. Selling is
not brainwashing. Selling is an ethical art. Selling is actually your efforts to help other people.

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Selling is helping other people reach their goals.

Hear this:

Everyone has a dream a goal, a desire, something they want to achieve.


Nobody knows exactly what they need to get to where they want. They have no clue what things
exactly will help them achieve their goals or destinations.

Human beings are very indecisive. They don't know what exactly they need in order to achieve their
goals. This is why it is your job as a business owner, a sales leader, an entrepreneur to show them
what they will need to achieve their goals and help them get it.

Until you can convince them, you cannot help them. And if you don't help them, they can't live a fulfilled

In other words, they need you to live a fulfilled life but they don't know they need you. So it is your
job to show them that they need you. Their destinies are in your hands.

Now in order to be able to persuade humans and make them realise that they need you to accomplish
their goals, you need to know what those goals are.

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These goals (could also be referred to as wants) have been simplified into 7 major categories.


1. Humans want more money

2. Humans want less stress.

3. Humans want more time.

4. Humans want more fun and entertainment.

5. Humans want safety and security.

6. Humans want better looks.

7. Humans want to be recognized by others and loved.

If you can successfully craft your business around these wants of man, you will be freaking rich!

Humans are ready to keep paying for anything that will give them those above mentioned 7
major wants/goals of man.

Are you feeling me?

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Researchers have been studying the factors that influence us to say "Yes" to the request of others
for over 60 years and there can be no doubt that there is a science to how we are persuaded.

They discovered that there are 6 principles that influence human decisions.

They are;

1. Reciprocity

2. Scarcity

3. Authority

4. Consistency

5. Liking

6. Consensus.

Understanding these principles and applying them in an ethical manner can significantly increase
the chances that someone else will say yes to us.

Let's take a closer look.

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This principle states that people are obliged to give to others the form of behavior gift or service
that they have received first


If a friend invites you to their party, there's an obligation fee to invite them to a future party you are
hosting. If someone does you a favour, you owe that person a favour and people are more likely to
say Yes to those that they owe.

The key to making this principle work for you is to ensure that you be the first to give and that what
you give is personalized (i.e makes the person feel special) and it must be unexpected. One way to
apply this in your business or vocation is to come up with ideas that allows you give things to people
first, making them realize it, thank you for it before you ever try making them pay for your products and

So what you want to do now is think of a way you can begin to apply this principle in your life
and business. Give to others first before asking others to give you.


This principle states that people want MORE of those things they have LESS of. In other words, people
want more of what is difficult to get or is less available.


Let's assume you sell classic shoes. And these shoes appeal to everyone but you have an unlimited
supply of those shoes everywhere around the world. People will not feel the urgency to buy it now
because they will feel they can always get it tomorrow. And what people don't want to buy now, they
may never buy. That’s because many other things are also competing for that money in their hands.
But the moment people know that there are only 50 pairs that are suddenly available all over the
world, the need to get it now increases. They know they don't have so much time to think about it. It's
either get it now or never.

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The key to making this principle work for you is to deliberately reduce the supply of anything you
want people to place value on and let them know you only have limited supply of it. If they don't get it
fast, someone else will. It is not enough to tell them the benefits of your products or services, also tell
them what is unique about you and what they stand to lose if they fail to consider your proposal.

Quote corner

What is too common and available cannot be valued


This principle states that people will follow the lead of credible knowledgeable experts.


Doctors and physiotherapists are able to persuade their patients to comply with recommended
exercise programs if they display their medical diplomas on the walls of their offices.

The key to making this principle work for you is to first display to others what makes you a
credible knowledgeable authority before you make your influence attempt.

Remember from the teasers, I said reality is not reality. Perception is reality. You are what
your customers think you are and not what your really are. You must brand yourself well.

Another way to make this work for you especially in a business setting is to proof how much you
know by organizing free trainings or educating your niche about how to do some of what you do. And
mind you, let me quickly let you know that one of the fastest ways to grow any business is to have an

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educative arm that teaches others what you do or exposes them to the basics of what you do from
time to time.


This principle states that people like to be consistent with the things they have previously said or done.

In other words, people will do for you anything you ask them to do provided they have previously done
for you something similar to it. This is activated by looking for something small that they can easily do
for you which is looks similar to something you will later ask them to do for you.


When I was contacted by people about adding them to the training group created for this sales course, I
gave them what looked like a small gift in form of teasers which they found helpful. When I asked them
to help repost our flyer and link on their WhatsApp status, one of the things that influenced their
decision to say yes was that they considered the teasers (small gifts) I had been giving them and how
helpful that had been to them so they felt there was no big deal in sharing my link. (That was me using
the Principle of Reciprocity on them). Many of them who reposted the flyer and links on their WhatsApp
status would also do something similar for me again tomorrow if asked to because it is consistent with
what you have done for me before (Principle of Consistency).

The key to making this principle work for you is to ask others to do something very little for you that
will be similar to whatever bigger thing you want them to do for you in the future. Note that you are
not the one doing anymore, you are asking them to do something small for you. If they do for you that
which you ask them to do, then you have a guarantee that they will do for you again in the future
anything similar to what they’ve done for you before. Ensure what you are asking them to do initially
doesn't involve a lot of stress and you are not just coming from nowhere to ask them for a favour. Make
sure that before you ask them to do anything for you, you must have done something helpful to them
first using the principle of reciprocity.

Do something they will Ask them to do for Ask them to do anything

for you and they will do it
find helpful for them you something small
first using the principle but similar to what provided it is consistent
of reciprocity. you will ask them do with what they have done
for you before
for you in the future.

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This principle states that people prefer to say yes to those that they like. When people like you, they are
more likely to say yes to your requests.

But what causes one person to like another?

Persuasion science tells us that there are 3 important factors;

1. We like people who are similar to us.

2. We like people who pay us compliments

3. We like people who cooperate with us towards mutual goals.


I love Yoghurts and I take it almost every day (Perhaps one of the reasons people say I'm so fresh ). So on
my way home every night, I buy it. There is always this particular woman I buy my Yoghurts from. The
first person I check before checking others is her. No matter the number of Yoghurt sellers I meet on the
road, I make sure I don't buy from them until I get to her. Why? How was she able to win my
commitment to her?

The very first time I bought yoghurt from her, I was so tired. I just finished working long hours on a video
I was creating for a client. When I got to her stand, there was this warm smile I saw on her face. She
welcomed me and gave a compliment. She then asked how my day was in Yoruba, "Bawo ni day yin?".
My heart melted. After buying the Yoghurts and I was about to go, she said, "Eni nice night" (i.e have a
nice night). She does like that each time I go there. She was able to win my heart. As simple as that
might seem, it got me committed to her. That's the principle of liking.

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The key to making this principle work for you is before entering a negotiation with someone, ensure
to build rapport with them and exchange some personal information briefly. Then proceed into the


This principle states that when people are uncertain about something, they will look to the actions
and behaviors of others to determine their own.


Have you ever tried searching for information online especially on YouTube?

For me, one of the things that majorly influence my decision on which video to watch is how many views
and likes the video already has and sometimes what people have to say about it. I also apply this when I
want to download applications on play store. I look out for the comments of others first before going
ahead to download the app.

The key to making this principle work for you is to give statistical analysis of people who use your
services and how satisfied they get after using it. You could also go further to collect reviews from
those who have once patronized you and show it on your website or places where others can easily see
it. If you don't have reviews yet maybe because you are just new into the business, you can get your
family and friends to write you a review that validates you.

So those are the 6 principles of persuasion and begin to put them to use.

Memorize them if you can. You will be above others in whatever you do.

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There are a couple of things you must understand as you sell.

1. People don't buy because of logic. People buy because of emotions and they justify with logic.

I showed you above the 7 major wants of man. (Check back if you missed it).

Those are exactly the reasons why people buy. And those reasons are emotional. People buy because of
how what they are buying will make them feel and how it will influence their lives or how they will be
perceived by others as a result of making the purchase. EMOTIONS!

The mistake many of you make while selling is this,

You try to sell people on the features of your products or services....

"Oh my product can do this, it can do that, it can make you fly, you can bend the screen, it can last.
We made it with Tetraoxosulphate (iv) acid.... Blablablablabla."


Nobody cares what you made your products with; at least not at first. The only thing they care about
first is how it can affect their lives and bring the change they’ve always wanted, then they now justify
their emotional decisions with those logical reasons you provide.

So the trick is to appeal to their emotions first before appeal to their logic.

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Now the way to spark the emotional side of people is to sell them the benefits of your products/service
first and not the features first. Tell them how much their lives will become better when they make a
decision for your product or services. As much as possible give them a lot of promises you know you can
fulfill. Your mouth just has to be sweet. Yes! Your mouth must be sugar-coated. But make sure you are
only making promises you can fulfill.


Sell them the benefits of your products and not the product itself

2. People usually don't buy their way into something, they buy their way out of something

In other words, people usually buy something because of a problem they want solved. They want to
buy their way out of their problem.

So the question to ask yourself is, what problem are you helping them solve? That's exactly what they
will pay you for. And if you can successfully master the 7 basic wants of man, you won't find this
section difficult. You must know their pain point. (We will get more into this under the section that
says Qualifying your Prospects)

3. People don't buy product and services, they buy stories.

No matter the products or services you sell, realize that there are hundreds and hundreds of them in the
market already. So how do you get your market to buy from you instead of others? How do stand out?
How do you add emotions to what you sell and sell premium?

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What's the difference between a N20 Biro and a N50,000 pen? How do you make a person buy a 50k pen
instead of a N20 Biro?

The answer is Stories

Stories are what are responsible for emotions. The better stories you tell, the more you can
influence people in buying.

Don't just say buy my product or service. Don't just give them information about your products,
instead tell them a convincing story!

When you add story to an item, the value suddenly increases.

So what you want to do is find ways of incorporating stories of what people could be facing into your
advert copy. Tell them of how your product or service is what could save them. Get them to do a lot of
imaginations in their heads. The more imaginative you get them through stories, the more engaged
with you they will be and the more likely they are to say yes to what you offer.

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Consider this

When you are selling your products or services and you have just one choice or one option. When
someone looks at your offer, all the consumer can think of is, "Do I want to buy this or do I not want to
buy this?".

So it is a yes or no response.

They are thinking.. "Can I afford this, or do I have the budget for this?"

They are focusing on price.

However, if you give then two choices A and B of the same type of product or service: Choice A is
smaller compared to choice B. More often, your consumers are not so focusing on whether or not
they should buy from you, they are now thinking..., "Which one should I buy?"

Usually, 80% go for the smaller sizes while 20% go for the larger sizes because most people like to
play safe and pick the ones they could save money on.

However when you give them 3 options, A, B and C, you multiply the effect.

A= Small size (often called Silver package).

Usually cheap and very affordable

B= Large Size (often called Gold Package)

A little expensive but still affordable

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C= Extra-large size (often called Platinum Package)

Very expensive and almost unaffordable for most people

The focus of whoever is using this strategy is always to get most of the customers to go for Choice B.

You would notice that this strategy is always well utilized at the movie cinemas where pop corns
are offered for sale in various sizes and also in airplanes.

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When we talk of generating leads, we are simply talking of getting more potential customers to stop at
your door. You are simply getting more people to want to know more and buy more of what you offer
for sale be it a product or a service.

Generating leads is the dream of everyone in business. You want to have more people you talk to about
your business or more people who ask you what you do. And as a matter of importance, you want to
generate leads every day because you want to sell every day in order to make money every day.

There are two broad ways of generating leads. Under these two ways, there are various sorts of
methods and approaches that work. I cannot talk exhaustively on all the approaches but I will give a
perfect summary under each category

Understand that in life, there could be many ways that enters one market. But the reality is, you don't
have to know all the ways. Just know a couple of ways that works and stick to them. Don't spend all the
time you should be using practicing and winning sales to be getting new ways while you haven't utilized
the ones you know.

The two broad ways are

1. Attracting your leads.

This in simple term mean doing something that your leads will notice which in turn will bring them to
you to ask you about what you do or make further enquiries. This can be achieved through your
marketing efforts, your offers and the free education you give your niche. For instance, someone who
sells body cream and cosmetics could begin to organize free tutorials on social media on how people can
recognize their skin types and know which kind of cream is best for them or how they can combine their
make ups and get the best results.

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I want to emphasize again that in today's business age; you cannot separate education from business
success. If you want to be successful in business, then you have to start teaching people on subjects
related to your field for free. Then you can now ask them to contact you if they need more information
on what you taught them or if they need someone to do what you taught for them instead of them
doing it themselves.

2. Going after your potential clients.

This simply means that you deliberately go after your possible clients yourself. If they don't come to you
where you are, then you go to them where they are and you talk to them about what you offer there in
a way that they will find engaging and interactive. This can be achieved through professional "cold
calling". A lot of people use this technique. They chat up or call people randomly and begin to tell them
about their products and services. I see a lot of that around on Instagram. But many of them do it
wrongly. That approach sucks if you don't know how to do it properly. There is a way to do cold calling
without sucking at it.

I can teach you the art of professional cold calling. It is a very effective way of getting customers without
paying for any marketing services. If you are interested, you can book a one on one session with me and
I will teach you all you need to know about it in a structural form for just 2,500 naira. That's not even up
to an hundredth of the money you will make from using the concepts I will teach you.

Before I move on, I would love to let you know something.

To gain something, you must be willing to lose something and pay some sacrifices. These sacrifices are
nothing compared to what you stand to gain as reward. I believe strongly that to actually make money
the way you want it, then you must be ready to lose, or in actual terms, invest, some money first. That's
the way things work. Money is what makes money. Most especially the money well applied under the

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right guidance. The degree to which you are willing to go all out for your business or whatever you do
is the degree to which you will see results.

If you don't sacrifice for your dreams, then your dreams become your sacrifice.

In generating (attracting) leads, these 7 things must be in place.

1. A well-defined message (Your product or your service)

This refers to what you have that genuinely solves people's problems. You have no business in business
if you are not offering anything of value. The question you should always ask yourself here is that if you
were your customer, can you buy what you are selling? If the answer is yes, then what you are offering
can truly be sold.

2. A market research that will tell you who exactly your ideal customers are.

This is the most important fundamental thing you must take note of. YOUR IDEAL CUSTOMER. You have
to know who exactly can and will buy what you sell. What category of people can afford you and what
category really needs what you sell.

The beginning of failure is trying to advertise yourself to everybody. The fact is this... Not everybody
needs you! So why give yourself headache over trying to convince everybody. There's is nothing as
wasteful in business as advertising to the wrong audience. Such moves cannot generate any sales. I
made this mistake when I started off in business. I always tried advertising my services to students on
my university campus but I never got sales from them. What I sell (video marketing) was too expensive
for a student to afford. So no matter what I said to persuade them to buy from me, they cannot just do
it. Not because they hated me, they just couldn’t afford it.

See, nothing of value that you sell is too expensive; it all depends on who you are advertising to.

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If you can get your ideal customers right and advertise directly to them, then you are now in business
because until you can make money in business, you have no business in business.

By the way, my company (Aim High Cinematics and Digital Marketing Solutions) offers free market
survey for whoever might be interested. You can contact us today if you are interested in knowing who
you should be targeting with your business and promotion campaigns.

3. A mouthwatering offer that can serve as a bait to draw your audience.

In business, especially in a world where hundreds of people are already doing what you are doing, you
need and offer that will make you stand out and attractive to your potential customers. This is
something new companies, businesses and start-ups cannot evade. You need something to draw the
attention of people to what you sell and that is what is called an offer.

A good example of an offer is a huge discount on what you sell, a free education on what you sell, a free
eBook that enlightens your niche, offering to give them part of your products or services for free (e.g my
company gives a free market survey for businesses) etc.

You can decide to be very creative with your offer. Yours may be the popular "Buy two and get one free"
or anything else. All you need to do is think and come up with something.

Now, after they have been drawn by your mouth watering offer, what you want to do next is what is
called "Upselling". What that simply means is that once they love what you offered them and you
perceive they are willing to benefit from it again; you can then offer them something else that you
would charge them for.

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A practical example is still my company.

If after conducting our free market survey for a particular brand or company we see a need to help them
with their effective marketing. We can upsell them by informing them about other services we offer that
can help them target and reach their ideal audience best and we show them that we are the ones they
need. If they agree that we help them, then we charge them fairly for it. That is what upselling is.

Another example is this.

If you have a course you want to sell online and you want people to buy it, one thing you can do is offer
part of the course for free. Assuming your course has 7 parts; you can offer the first part for free and
then get people to sign up for it. If they love it and would love to continue then they can then pay for
the rest. This is the strategy many software companies use when they tell you they are giving you a
period of free trial. Some 7 days free trial, some 30 days free trial. If you then love the software and
would love to keep using it after the trial period is over, then you would need to pay for it.

4. A convincing script that gets people aware of your message (i.e your products or services) and your
offer (something that appeals to them). This is usually called a sales copy or Copy writing.

I stated earlier that people don't buy products and services, they buy stories. A good sales copy or
advertisement script is what sells you. It is a well-crafted story that portrays you well to your audience
in ways they cannot overlook.

Copy writing is an art. An art that not just any Tom, Dick and Harry can do.

It takes time of practice and training to be an effective copy writer that writes sales copy that truly sells.
Many people think that the mere fact that they can write in English means that they should do their own

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copy writing. Copy writing is not letter writing or essay composition. If it is not properly done is a way
that evokes a lot of emotions from the readers, it's a wasted effort! No hard feeling. It’s just the bitter

It is sad how many people pay to promote sales copies that can't convince a cow not to talk of a human
being. There is a way to write that can make whoever is reading your texts read to the end without
getting bored or disinterested in what you are communicating. It doesn't matter how long you sales
copy is, as long as it is interesting and the readers are still captivated, it's a great one!

Professional sales copy is very important for your business. And it is an art you too can learn. You need
to learn it if you must really sell the way you want it.

By the way, at Aim High Cinematics and Digital Marketing Solutions, we offer professional copy writing
services as well. It's cheap and affordable. You can get a good sales copy (one that truly sells your
business) at a price that suits your budget.

5. A medium that best portrays your message in clear and memorable ways.

After writing your sales copy, what next?

You need a medium that best communicates and interprets your message in very clear and memorable
ways. In other words, you need to portray your information in ways that your audience can understand
and remember. You need a picture that best illustrates your message. You need what could be called a
"Graphics design". Nothing speaks louder than a picture. It's easier to understand and it is easier to
remember. But the best way to achieve the goals of reaching your audience best and portraying your
brand's excellence is through a professional video.

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If a picture is worth more than 1,000 words, then a video is worth more than 100,000 words.

Videos are very engaging and stimulating. It has a way of causing the viewing audience to stay glued to
your information until they've seen it all. Your audience will no longer have to dump your texts because
they are too lazy to read but can now have access to the same information by watching a more
convenient video that removes the stress of reading for them and still get your information passed
across them in very clear, memorable and illustrative ways.

At Aim High Cinematics, our main goal is the success of your business. And our primary craft is to carve
out for you your professional video specially formulated for your business. It is clean and modern.
Contact me now if you think you may need our help. Of course, you do!

6. A marketing and advertising strategy.

This is the stage where you get to stage what you've spent a good time cooking for your ideal audience
to them where they can see it.

You have done your market research, written a winning script, made graphics designs and videos. The
next thing is to market and advertise. Marketing allows you to reach people beyond your own sphere.
It allows you to reach people very far away across the city, state, country, continent and across the
globe. If you don’t market, you will only be reaching just 3% of your total market size according to the
rules of the Buyer’s Pyramid.

With the improved technology in marketing today, it has become rather easy to reach your ideal
audience through advanced targeting functionalities. Various platforms serve has channels through
which your audience can be reached. Such platforms include: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube,
LinkedIn, etc. This is referred to as Digital Marketing.

Interestingly, it has become very cheap to advertise on these platforms. With just 500 naira a day, you
can still advertise on Facebook and reach up to 2,000 people in your niche. When you compare that to
how much you spend running a radio or television jingle or placing a bill board, and also compare the

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results they generate, you will discover that Digital Marketing performs way better compared to Guerilla
marketing (the use of radio, TV, handbills, bill boards).

And mind you, your ideal customers are now spending most of their time online. Many of them rarely
check bill boards anymore while in vehicles. A research conducted reveals that most times, most people
are usually on their phones and on social media while travelling in a vehicle.

So chances are that your ideal customers are not even seeing your bill board adverts on the road.

The key to success in marketing is going where your customers are.

I have established that without marketing (most especially online) your business cannot reach its full

And Digital Marketing is another delicate one too because if you do not employ the services of an expert
who can help you target your audience precisely, publish a good advertisement campaign, monitor it's
progress and performance, optimize it where necessary, and deliver the results, you may realize that
you are wasting money again trying to do everything yourself or by employing the wrong hands.

When you want to think Digital Marketing, think of me. Think of my company. Think of Aim High
Cinematics and Digital Marketing Solutions. Let's play your marketing game for you and put an end to
your business struggles. This is what we do best. We have done it for many others and it worked. It will
work for you too.

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7. Closing the sales.

The last thing on this list would be closing the sale.

When your advertisement efforts begin to generate results and you can already see people coming to
make further enquiries, you have successfully started generating leads. Your whole effort is now paying

But all these victories can be lost in the twinkle of an eye if you don't know how to close a sale (i.e
make a prospect buy from you). This is exactly why this book was written…to help you close the sales
better when your potential customers come looking for you.

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Your prospect is someone you are in a negotiation with on what you offer for sale.

To qualify a prospect means to get enough information about the prospect which will in turn help you to
know the prospect's exact problems, know the exact solutions and be able to charge a good price for it.

When you generate a lead, the first thing you want to do is to get enough information about them.
You want to know what they want to solve, how much they can afford to pay in a quest to solve that
problem, how urgent solving that problem is to them, which kind of a buyer they are etc.

The one single way to get this done on someone you've not met before but is showing interest in what
you offer is to ask them enough relevant questions.

The questions you ask them are dependent on each person. Just flow and make sure you are asking
enough relevant questions. Never jump into any conclusions about your prospects. Be sure to ask them
about every single thing that crosses your mind. Ask them what they really want exactly. Ask them if
they've had that kind of issue before. Ask them if they've contacted other people to solve the problem,
ask them what those people told them. Ask them what quality would mean to them.

In short, be a DOCTOR!

Do what a doctor does... Diagnose them!

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Before you make any affirmative statement, make sure you have asked them enough relevant questions
related to your field.

One thing you want to avoid is answering your prospects questions. NEVER ANSWER YOUR PROSPECTS
QUESTIONS. The moment your prospects ask you questions and you are trying to answer them; you
enter what is called the "Justification mode". And you can never win in a justification mode. Always
remember that the person asking the questions is the one in charge of the conversation and the one in
charge of the conversation is the one who prevails in the conversation.

Let your prospects be the ones to answer their own questions. When they ask you a question, don't
answer that question. What you want to do instead is make a short statement that turns down the and
then return the question back to them for them to answer themselves.


Mr Prospect: Hey, How much do you charge for your videos?

You: I don't know. It depends on what you want. What exactly do you want?

Mr Prospect: Okay. What I want is........

You see that?

Tai Chi! Right?

We returned the effect.

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Your job is to get them talking as much as possible. At least they must do 70% of the talking while you
do more of listening and following, giving feedback and doing less than 30% of the talking.

Never make a statement they can hold you for until towards the end of the conversation. Be as discreet
as possible.

Also, there is a code of selling that says the more time your prospects spend with you while discussing
whether or not they want to buy from you, the more likely they are to buy from you. So get them
talking as much as you can and be careful not to make any statements they can hold you for.

If they are talking and they got to a point where they stopped talking and ask you a question and
perhaps you don't know what to say next, what you want to do is give them a summary of what they've
told you so far and then ask them a question on one of the statements they made.

You can say something like this after they ask you a question you are not yet prepared for.

"Mr. Prospect, if I got you clearly, what I think you are saying is so and so and so. Am I right? (The
prospect says yes). So when you said this and this what exactly were you trying to say?"

Keep them talking and avoid answering their questions as much as possible (at least until just before the
conversation ends. Until then, don't answer any questions they throw at you).

It is all the information you gather from them that will help you give them a very good answer.

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Be as attentive as possible. If possible, have a book and pen where you jot down some key points in
what they tell you as they speak.

Be sure not to ask them a question they've already answer unless you are asking for further clarity in
that aspect.

The more information you gather about your prospects, the higher your chances of closing the sale.

One thing you also want to ensure throughout the conversation is that your prospect feels that you are
sympathizing with them.

At the beginning of the conversation, avoid every talk that has to do with money and focus on
understanding the client's problems.

But before your conservation even starts at all (like the beginning before the beginning. Lol), ask them
frankly if they have a budget for what they are interested in by simply saying,

"Do you have a budget for this?"

A budget does not have to be written down, it could just be a mental note that they are willing to pay
for it if needs be. This is important in order to avoid time wasters who don't intend to pay you no matter
how good the offer sounds or who are hoping you will do the job for free. The moment you start with
that, you are making them aware that this thing, you are getting paid for it.

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Immediately you are sure about the fact that they have some money somewhere they could pay if
needs be then you can now shift all the focus away from money and get straight down to the problem
they want to solve.

Try as much as possible to show them that you feel their pains. People don’t care how much you know
until they know how much you care. Don't be like a robot without emotions. Let your emotional side be
seen throughout the conversation.


Never make a mistake of bringing emotions into naming your price. When it comes to pricing be as
frank as possible. That’s because as long as it comes to money, your prospects will always lie to you.
Don't fall for those lies.

If you did your qualifying job well enough, you should be able to predict what a client can pay for a
service before telling them any amount. Never believe what they tell you about money as long as you
have done your investigations well through qualifying.

Also, one thing you must take note of is this...

Never charge a person beyond their capacity. And never charge a person below their capacity.

Charge each client based on their capacity.

Don't charge for the job you do, charge the client's capacity.

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For example

I read a story of MTN contacting a young photographer for a shoot. This young photographer had always
charged his clients around a 150,000 range. So he felt since it was MTN, he should raise his price and
charge them 1.5million. Nice right? Smart boy!

Well, MTN thought that he was too cheap and gave the job to someone that charged 60million naira.

You see that?

Don't charge for your job. Charge you client's capacity. At the same time, have your Minimum level of
engagement (MLE- An amount you cannot go below in any negotiation). Having a MLE is important if
you want to build a good reputation that attracts big brands. Learn to refuse any amount of money that
is too low an offer for you. Say no politely to those offers. Don’t be someone who takes everything that
shows up. Place a value on yourself. But at the same time too, grow progressively into it. Don't bite
more than you can really chew per time.

With this said, I've already answered how much you should charge for what you offer.

For those who sell products, one of the major price determinants is your cost of production and how
much your competitors are charging for something of the same quality as yours. So what you want to do
is charge a little lower than your competitors charge.

The leverage people who sell products have is the number of people that buys their commodities. There
leverage is number. But it's a different model for a service business. What is usually considered first is
price per unit service before the number.

Products leverage on numbers of purchase primarily. Price is only a secondary factor.

Services leverage on prices primarily. Number of purchase is only a secondary factor.

You get the difference?

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Please note that most of the things mentioned here in this section are more applicable to those in the
service business whose prices are not fixed. For those in the products business whose prices are already
fixed, you can also find this applicable when you have a range of products your prospects can buy from.
When you clearly understand their exact problems well, you can be able to suggest your other products
which may also be of help to them as well and they will buy.

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There are four types of buyers you will come across in your entire business journey.

Not every type of buyer is who you want to sell to. There are those you want to embrace and there are
those you want to avoid by all means.

At this point, let me mention something very important to you. And that is


In other words, don't afraid to lose a sale. Don't be afraid to let anybody go if they don’t have what it
takes to do business with you.

Because if you are too afraid of letting any prospect go, they will see it and take advantage of that and
begin to offer you ridiculous prices.

The four types of buyer categories

1. The Price Buyers.

2. The Indecisive buyers

3. The Know it all buyers

4. The value buyers.

You want to keep the first two away as politely as possible and keep the last two close as much as

The day you begin to try to sell to every Tom, Dick and Harry, that's the day your business begins to
crumble. Don't make that mistake ever.

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Now let's get into what these buyers mean.

1. Price Buyers: These are buyers who are more price conscious than quality conscious. They are looking
for the cheapest. They don't care the quality of your service. All they want to hear is that they can buy
something that costs 15k for 1k5 with you. They are common everywhere. One of the most common
indicators of these kind of buyers is that the first thing they ask you is.. "Bros, how much is it" or "How
much do you do it?” Even if you try to make them talk to you about why they need it first, they will take
offence and try to tell you all they want to know is the price. AVOID THESE KINDS OF CUSTOMERS BY


Because they will only frustrate your life!

These kinds of buyers have a specialty in naming very ridiculous prices and trying to make you feel guilty
for not accepting their prices. They will tell you so and so does it for them at that price and ask you why
you can’t. They tell you that you are too expensive. They tell you one million and one things they want
to use money for.

The truth is you owe them nothing!

I had an encounter with one of them like that at a time who asked me how much I make videos of a
particular sort with duration of 5 minutes long. After discussing and knowing what exactly she wanted, I
gave her my range. She said I was too expensive. I remembered I told her the video would cost between
45k to 20k. That was the range I gave her.

To me, I even pitied her, because the kind of job she wanted to do should cost more than that normally.

The next thing she said was the last person she worked with did a video of 10 minutes for her for 5k why
can't I collect that amount too. She was trying to make me feel guilty.

I simply asked her a simple question, "Do you still have that person's number?"

She said yes.

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Then I said, "Why not call the person again and ask him to do the video for you?"

“At least if you were satisfied with the last job he did for you, I’m sure we won’t be having this

She blurted out in laughter.

She said that was smart of me. She said she loved my jobs and she felt she could try me out.

Now, imagine I was attached to the sale. I would have taken that job for 5k and then be killing myself.

I already had enough experiences of taking inconvenient jobs like that blaming myself for it.

Funny enough, these kinds of buyers are usually difficult to please. They don't easily get satisfied. They
will pay you peanut money for a job and expect to have Donald Trump's kind of treatment. They
complain about this and that. They begin to ask you a lot of questions like, "Unku, why didn't you put
this and this? Why is this not there? Why is this here?” They complain too much.

To avoid their frustration, dump them before they dump you. Don't allow them make you feel guilty for
any reason. But make sure you part with them on a good note. Give them free advice on how they kind
find what they want at the price they want it. In fact, if you know anyone else who will be willing to work
for them at that price, you can refer them to that person and maybe get a commission for the referral
from the person you referred them to.

Show them you are trying to help them and the best way you can help them is to help them get what
they want at their price without you getting directly involved in business with them. Give them your free
advice politely and set them on their way.

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And please take note; never listen to anyone who tells you to do something for them at a ridiculous
price with an offer to promote you to others. Usually in my experience, such people are scammers!
They will promote nothing! They are simply playing on your emotions and your need for more
customers especially when they know that you are still growing in business. Don't allow them take
advantage of you. Simply tell them that you have where you get your clients from and that they don't
need to bother themselves with how you promote yourself.

2. The Indecisive Buyers

These ones just want to waste your precious time. They don't have an intention to buy from you. They
lack a sense of urgency. They will tell you they are just checking you out. They will tell you they don't
have the money yet but they just want to find out how much it costs. They will tell you they will get back
to you later. They will tell you they have other options. There are just indecisive. They don't know what
they want. Usually, these kind of buyers will waste your time.

What you want to tell these kinds of buyers is this, "Call me last!" or "Call me when you are ready!"

They said they are still checking around right? They are looking for other options. Simply tell them to call
you last after they might have finished their survey.

But before setting them on their journey, give them helpful tips that can help them make the right
decisions. Help them with hoe they can know who is genuine and who is not. Help them know how to
recognize a fake product from a genuine product.

Always make sure that whoever comes in contact with you has a good impression of you. Give people
value every chance you get.

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Now, I want to point out something very important to you.

Listen up.

Not every buyer who tells you they will get back to you is an indecisive buyer. The reason they might be
telling you this might be

1. They are not the ones who will make the final decisions about the purchase. They have someone else
they want to discuss with first.

2. You have not qualified them properly and as a result you:

a. offered them something beyond their capacity.

b. haven't given them enough reasons to buy now.

3. They know what you have to offer deserves how much you placed on it but they simply don't have
that money. Usually in this case, a buyer says "I'll get back to you" as a polite way of actually saying, "I
don't have the resources for this and I don't want to look ridiculous to you". In this case, as a sales
leader, you must get straight at it. Don't allow them to keep you posted. Ask them directly,

"Why do you want to get back to me?"

"What's stopping us from doing business today?"

"Is it the money?"

If they say, "Ehrmm, yes. It's the money. I don't have that cash now". You just got to the root of the
problem. You can then ask them, "What if we come up with a plan for you to pay on installments, will
that change anything?" Bam! And you move on from there.

In business, never be nonchalant. Never give your business a mediocre approach. Never give it an
"anytime they want" approach. You must create a sense of urgency for your prospects to do business
with you today. Give them every reason why they must do it today. Compel them. Charge them. Move

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them. Motivate them to do business with you today. You must have that sense of urgency. Don't allow
them to do it when they want, make them do it NOW!

What your prospects don't see a need to buy today, they may never buy! Period!

And that's because there are many other things competing for the money in their hands. Many others.
So if you don't get them to do business today, they may never do it again because they could end up
spending that money on something else.

Above all, the reason you want them to do business with you today is to help them make their lives
better today. Today is their day of salvation. As long as they have the money on ground, nothing stops
them from buying today! Don't miss it!

3. The "Know-it-all" Buyers.

These kinds of buyers know exactly what they want. Sometimes, they even have an idea of how much
they should be spending. They have a rough estimate of the price. They have an idea of what it will take
you to deliver the job. Sometimes they can even get the job done themselves but for one reason or
another they can't do it themselves.

When you discover these kinds of buyers, what you want to do is agree with everything they say.
Compliment their knowledge of the subject. Tell them you are impressed with how much they know.
Commend them for knowing so much about what you offer. Just agree with everything they say. Back to

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These are the kinds of buyers you want to charge properly and give the exact price for something.
Usually, these kinds of buyers don't mention ridiculous prices, they know what it takes to get the job
done and they are willing to pay. Although sometimes they could mention a ridiculous price just to test
you to know if you really know what you are doing. This is bait! Don't fall for it! Prove to them that you
are capable. Understand them well. Ask them questions about portions that are not clear to you. Make
sure you understand what they want well.

4. The Value Buyers.

These are the best kind of buyers you always want to have. They simply understand quality. They are the
caliber of people who buy premium stuffs. They use expensive thing. They live a luxurious life. They
simply want the best. Money is not their problem. They don't even want to be stressed at all. They just
want to tell you what they want, send you your money and you get it done for them. They are more
results oriented than money oriented. They are more concerned about the results. As long as what they
are paying for will give them what they want, they don't care how much they pay for it.

The way you want to treat these kind of buyers when you recognize them is

a. Don't think about money first. Understand what they want and tell them you can deliver.

b. Don't waste their time. Spend half of the time you would have spent with other types of buyers with

c. Be able to offer them advice in form of comments where necessary. This will proof to them that you
know what you are doing.

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The first thing you want to know is that never be afraid of naming big prices. In fact, it's safer for you
that way. That's because if you name big prices you can always come down on it without eating into
your margin. But if you start off with naming a small price, chances are that you will be eating into your
margin and at the end of the day not may profits. Prospects always want to you think them bigger than
they really are. So they will not take any offence if you mention a big price to them. The worst they can
do is try and bid it down. But it's possible for a prospect to be offended if you think them low by naming
a ridiculous price yourself.

Bear it in mind that prospects will always negotiate prices no matter how much you call your products or
services for them. If you call wares 150,000 in situation where you margin is 65,000; a buyer can bid it
down to 90,000. But if you call your wares 75,000 in same case, the next thing you will hear is 40,000.
Then you yourself will now be offended they took you so cheap and low. So start off with big prices and
then give enough margins so that your prospects don't beat down into it.


Price bracketing is a very important selling psychological strategy for naming a price to you clients and
this is tailored down to those in service business.

The way is works is by giving your customers a price range. Until you put own to paper and the exact
calculations, don't give your prospects a definite price. What you want to give them instead is a range.
Don't make the mistake of ever telling them you will get back to them before you can give them a price.
Give them a price right there the first time. And when you are giving them a price, give them a range.

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A range has two numbers. The maximum range value and the minimum range value.

(e.g 100k to 50k is an example of a range. 100k is the maximum value in this range while 50k is the
minimum value)

Now while naming your range, three things you want to do are these

1. Let your minimum price named be way above your profit margin. For instance if you profit margin
starts from 15k, the minimum you want to mention is something like 50k.

2. Let the gap between your minimum range value and your maximum range value be wide enough. For
example, for a job of 15k, you might want to say something like 100k to 50k.

3. While naming your range, name the maximum value first before naming the minimum. For instance in
a 100k to 50k range, ensure that the first thing you mention is 100k before mentioning 50k. Don't say
50k to 100k. That's wrong. Say 100k to 50k. When you do this, you set a peak in the mind of your
customers at the mention of the higher price, but by the time you mention the lower price, you give
them an immediate relief. So that way you have set a standard in their minds and you have also given
them a guarantee that they don't have to be scared.

So when they ask you to give them a price after telling you all their problems and everything they want
you to solve for them, what you would say is.

"Okay, I clearly understand what you want to do now. You want to do this and that. A similar project like
yours would usually cost something between 100k to 50k"

What you have just done is called price bracketing.

Now it doesn't stop there, you immediately want to follow up with a question like this...

"Is that within your budget?" or

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"does that look like something you can afford?"

Usually what the prospect will say is that they can't afford that. Expect them to tell you they can't afford

Then ask them this question next,

"How much can you afford?"

They might say something like, "Well, I don't know where to start from"

Encourage them to say something. Tell them if they mention a price you cannot work you will let them

(In your sales, always act as though you are the one doing them a favour)

So let's assume your client mentions 25k.

Do something like this

"25k??? "

"That's ridiculous. You cannot do that kind of thing you described for 25k"

"OK. What if I come up with something around 40k for you, will that be okay?"

"I will try and see how that can work"

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Remember your MLE is 15k. So anything above 15k is still fine for you. But be sure they can't truly pay
the amount you suggested before you ever introduce any other drop in the price.

The truth is this. Most prospects are liars. They tell you they can't afford something and meanwhile,
that's only a lie. Prospects lie all the time. So until you are sure they are not lying. Never bring down
your price.

That's how price bracketing works.

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Sometimes, the buyer types overlap. You could have a mixture of the 4 buyer types in one person.
Which is why it is important you filter all buyers to be sure you really know what category they belong.
Most buyers always appear as price buyers at first until you have carefully qualified them. So always be
careful not to jump into conclusions.

Usually these intersections of buyer types give rise to objections and negations from your prospects to
what you are saying. Once there is an objection, it is your job to clear out the objections and help them
find the category of buyers they really belong to.

There are various types of objections you would face from time to time but I will only mention the most
common ones. You don't need to memorize them, you just need to be able to identify them and handle
when they show up.

1. Unspoken Objections:

The buyer has concerns with the offer but doesn't tell you anything. They are just mute and quiet.

That usually happens when you are doing too much of the talking.

The way to handle that is to allow you prospects do more of the talking. Ask them open ended questions
like who, why, where, what, how, why, when etc. As they talk more, they will begin to expose their
unspoken objections and then you can sort those objections out.

2. Excuses.

"Well, this is too expensive"

"How can I be sure it will serve me? I don't want to waste money"

"I'm not planning for that now" etc

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How to sell anything to anyone, anytime!

These are examples of excuses that prospects could come up with to avoid buying from you.

A good way to handle this objection is by smiling, being calm and saying something like this.

"Mr. Prospect, most people felt the same way when I first spoke with them about this. But now, they
have become our best customers and they recommend us to their friends and families."

3. Malicious Objections:

These are objections that are a result of a person's normal behavior or way of life. Perhaps the person is
naturally difficult or is having a bad day or is not happy about something. This kind of objections has
nothing to do with you or what you offer.

The way to handle such objections is to be as calm as possible and understand that those objections are
not directed at you. Take charge of the conversation by asking questions and making the prospect talk
more about their needs.

4. Subjective or personal objections.

This objection is characterized by the prospect coming directly at you and directly attacking you with
their objections. This arises when your conversation is more of me, me and me conscious. In other
words, it happens when you talk too much about yourself than you are talking about the prospect.

The way to handle this is to make the conversation more focused on your prospects and what is in the
deal for them. Ask them enough relevant questions about themselves. Make sure they are relevant to
the sale. Tell them what they stand to gain from the deal and emphasize it.

The most important word in sales in the word "You".

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How to sell anything to anyone, anytime!

So in your selling, incorporate the use of the word "You" more often in your conversations.

5. Objective or factual objections.

This is the kind of objection where the buyer still has some insecurity about using your product or
service. They are not yet sure all the promises you made them can be fulfilled.

They want more evidence that you can satisfy them indeed. They want to know if you product has the
right constituents that will make it satisfy them.

For a service business, your prospect may say

"But I don't see the type of job I want in your portfolio"

The way to handle that is to let them know that many of the people you and worked for and are
satisfied to didn't see their jobs in your portfolio and still got what they wanted. Theirs cannot be an

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This is the climax of it all; the point where the prospect agrees to buy and be your customer. An
agreement is reached and the transactions are made.

Well, it Nigeria, it would be important to keep in mind that no sale has been closed yet until the buyer
makes payment. That's your only guarantee that indeed a sale has been closed.

Just before I end this book, I want to share a few things from a book written by the author of "Think and
Grow Rich", Napoleon Hill. In his book titled, "How to sell your way through life”, he gave some very
important suggestions on closing sales. Read carefully;

1. Do not permit your prospect to lead you away from your sales plan by engaging in argument over
nonessentials or extraneous subjects. If your prospect insists upon breaking in while you are talking and
tries to direct the conversation so as to build up a defensive alibi for not buying, let him go along until he
exhausts himself; then tactfully switch him back to your own trend of thought the moment he hesitates.
Go right along and develop your own thoughts to the climax. This is absolutely essential. Either the
salesman or the prospect dominates. It makes a great difference to the salesman which one does the

2. Anticipate negative questions and objections that you feel exist in your prospect’s mind, and beat him
to it. Ask and answer these questions yourself. Never bring up negative questions unless you are sure
that your prospect has them in his mind. In selling, it pays to let sleeping dogs lie.

3. Always assume that your prospect is going to buy, no matter what he does or says to indicate the
contrary, and let him know by every word and every movement that you expect him to buy. If you
weaken on this point, you are beaten at the outset because your buyer may be shrewd enough to
observe that you are not sure of yourself. If he does, he will use this as an alibi with which to give you a

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negative answer when you try to close. The Master Salesman never waivers for a moment and never
shows the white feather, regardless of how clever the prospect may be at setting traps for the purpose of
causing the salesman to weaken. Some of them are quite as clever at leading the salesman off the scent
as the Master Salesman is at sticking to the trail of his argument. Be on the lookout for this sort of tactic,
and be prepared to negotiate successfully through opposition of this nature.

4. Assume the attitude that your buyer is right; that he knows his business. Any suggestion that you may
make by direct statement or by innuendo that you are smarter than he will be sure to antagonize him,
although he may not show his antagonism openly. The majority of mediocre salesmen make the mistake
of trying to impress their prospect with their superior knowledge. This is usually poor salesmanship. It
has cost more than one salesman the opportunity of making a sale.

5. When naming the amount of the purchase, set the figure high. It is better to come down in the
amount, if you find that necessary, than it is to set the amount too low and then find yourself with no
margin on which to trade when closing time comes. It is far better to start high and compromise by
coming down than it is to start low and then try to build up. Even if the figure you name is out of the
prospect’s financial range, your assumption of his ability to buy at the larger amount will not offend him.
If, however, you make the mistake of underestimating his financial ability, you may offend. It has
happened many times.

6. Use the question method to induce your prospect to commit himself on vital points out of which you
intend to build your sales presentation. Then, refer to those points as his own ideas! This is among the
most effective of sales tactics, since a man will naturally uphold any statement that he has made (or
thinks he has made).

7. If your prospective buyer says he wishes to consult his banker or his lawyer or his wife or some
acquaintance whose opinion he values, congratulate him on his good judgment and his exercise of
caution, then begin at once to plant in his mind, through tactful suggestion, that while bankers may
know the money-lending business, lawyers may understand the technicalities of the law, wives and
friends may be well informed and loyal, the fact still remains that no one of them is apt to know as much
about the wares you are offering as you yourself know. You have all the facts, while others have not and
are not apt to take sufficient time or have sufficient interest to procure them. Moreover, plant the
thought in the prospect’s mind that, after all, he knows his own mind and his own business better than
any other person.

8. Avoid permitting your prospect to think the matter over unless he has a very logical reason for the
delay. When he springs that sort of alibi, pin him down and help him do the necessary thinking right then
and there. Remember, an ounce of persistence at this point is worth a ton of cure afterward. The truth is

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most sales that are lost could have been saved had the salesman been persistent for a few minutes

I hope you have immensely benefited from this ebook compilation and elaboration. If you have any
further questions on any concept discussed in this book, feel free to call me or chat me up on WhatsApp
on +234(0)8139720877 and I will give you the right audience.

One last word as I end this book,

No matter where you find yourself in life and no matter what you do, always find ways of adding true
value to people. This secret to the top is doing big things in small places. A customer you treat well
today will recommend you tomorrow.

Thanks for purchasing my ebook. Don’t stop investing in yourself.

Yours in service,

Mike Adeyemi

The King of Video Designs and craft

CEO, Aim High Cinematics and Digital Marketing Solutions.

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