unidad 3 4tos semanas 1 a 8 secuencias didacticas

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Topic 1 Topic 4
What are you going to do? Review
 Talk about future plans and intentions Integrated Skills connecting ideas
 Ask for and give reasons Vocabulary:
 Talk about likes and dislikes
 Make comparisons  Accidents and emergencies:
Grammar Structure Accident, ambulace, hospital, message,
pólice, terrible, worried, X-ray, hurt,
 Going to, why? Because
 Leisure activities :
Vocabulary Barbecue, dancing ,drawing, fishing ,inline
skating, horseback riding, knitting, painting,
 Accidents and emergencies playing chess, playing the guitar, playing
hockey, playing video games, sailing,
Topic 2 skateboarding, skydiving, snowboarding,
surfing, swimming.
She loves skateboarding
Talking about likes and dislikes  Animals:
Hippo, lion, mosquito, shark, snake, cat, cow,
 Love, enjoy, not mind, not like, hate dog elephant, giraffe, horse, monkey, octopus,
Grammar Structure parrot, penguin polar bear, rabbit, sheep, tiger,
 Verb-gerund  adjectives:
Beautiful, ugly, big, small, big, large,
 leisure activities Dangerous, friendly, unfriendly, exciting,
boring, fast, slow,
Topic 3 tall, short.

• The most dangerous animal

making comparisons Grammar:
Grammar Structure  Going to, why? Because
 Verb-gerund
• Superlative adjectives: -est, most
 Superlative adjectives: -est, most
• Animals and adjectives
WEEK#1 Unit #3 MAY 27 to 31
Topic 1: what are you going to do? CLASS 1
Revisar siempre los cuadros rojos para fechas y entregas COMPILATION OF GRAMMARS
10 pts. May 30

Ver las instrucciones para realizar el

vocabulario de la unidad, hoja #2
Vocabulary 10 pts. June 10

grammar #1
Copiar la gramática en el folder a mano como la hoja de referencia que a continuación va en este documento
a) Going to / Why? /Because… B)Verb + gerund
C) superlative adjectives / est- most

Vocabulary from the unit #2

Accidents and emergencies:
Accident, ambulance, hospital, message, police, terrible, worried, X-ray, hurt,
Leisure activities:
Barbecue, dancing, drawing, fishing, inline skating, horseback riding, knitting, painting, playing chess, playing
the guitar, playing hockey, playing video games ,sailing, skateboarding, skydiving, snowboarding, surfing,
Hippo, lion, mosquito, shark, snake, cat, cow, dog, elephant, giraffe, horse, monkey, octopus, parrot, penguin,
polar bear, rabbit, sheep, tiger, whale
Beautiful, ugly, big, small, big, large, Dangerous, friendly, unfriendly, exciting, boring, fast, slow,
tall, short.
Instrucciones para el vocabulario:
Realizar un glosario con la definición de cada palara todo en inglés. 60 palabras en total en digital y enviarlo a
classroom enumerado y ordenado. Fecha: june 10
the weekend starts tomorrow and Tony is going to be very busy. Write sentences using the picture prompts and
‘going to. Example: He’s going to get up at six o’clock.
Why- because #4
Match questions 1-5 with reasons a -e and write answers beginning Because…
Activity 1 #5
Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to, in pairs
Hoja para imprimir de la unidad:
Hoja #17
WEEK#2 Unit #3 June 3 to 7th
Topic 1: what are you going to do? CLASS 2
Revisar siempre los cuadros rojos para fechas y entregas
Hoja #6 flash cards

Activity 2 (tarea de casa se califica en el periodo de clase) #6

Students make 10 flashcards of leisure activities with pictures, paste them in the folder and write why people
are doing certain things.

Activity 3 #7
Answer the following questions, where are you going? Who are you going with? What are you going to do
there? 5 min.
Activity 4 answer the questions with a partner, throw the ball write the answers #8
What are you going to do after class?
What time are you going to go to bed tonight? Etc.
Learning activities
1. 2. Classwork: read the dialogue what's the problem? #9
After reading choose the best answer


WEEK#3 Unit #3 June 10 to 14
Topic 1: what are you going to do? CLASS 3
Revisar siempre los cuadros rojos para fechas y entregas Worksheet #1 / 10 pts. June 14

3. Classwork: #10
listen to your teacher reading and answer true or false
4. Homework: write about these situations #11
What are you going to do?
5. Homework: #12
make a list of five things that you are going to do after school this week, then write 5 sentences about what you
and other students are going to do after school today.
6. Homework: #13
cut out the sentences on the sheet and paste them with the correct sentence using going to, answer: What are you
going to do tomorrow?


WEEK#4 Unit #3 June 17 to 21
Topic 2: she loves skateboarding CLASS 4
Revisar siempre los cuadros rojos para fechas y entregas Do copies #1 and #2
Hoja #15 en clase presentación
Grammar (recap)
Verb + gerund
Complete with the correct form of the verb
Activity 1 leisure activities (grupos de 6, traer un pliego de papel bond y sus graficas más grandes)
in class make a poster about leisure activities, in a piece of bond paper Match the pictures with these words. And
present to the class with the words: example: I hate snowboarding.
Love, enjoy, not mind, not like, hate,
Activity 2 #16
Look at the chart and complete the sentences.
Activity 3 (es la única impresión de esta unidad esta en tu semana 1 para imprimir) #17
print the worksheet, answer it and bring it to class
Do copies #1 and #2


WEEK#5 Unit #3 June 24 to 28 mid-year vacations

July 2 to 5
Topic 2: she loves skateboarding CLASS 5
Revisar siempre los cuadros rojos para fechas y entregas Vacaciones….
Tarea en classroom #22 20 pts July 1
Worksheet #2 july 5 10 pts

Activity 4 #18
answer the questions in groups of 4 in each folder
Learning activities
1. Classwork: #19
in pairs, students cut the pictures about the vocabulary of leisure activities:
paste the photos of the activities write the correct word on the lines and
A) write the definition B) translate the word
2. Classwork: #20
why…? because write questions about what the students are doing, then answer them using going to and these
3. Classwork #21
match the verbs with different colors, the list A with the words and phrases in list B

4.Homework: interview in the app https://new.express.adobe.com/tools/animate-from-audio

students interview 2 of their family members or friends and ask them what leisure activities they like, or dislike.
Record their answers and send them to classroom date: July 1
WEEK#6 Unit #3 July 8 to 12
Topic 2: she loves skateboarding CLASS 6
Revisar siempre los cuadros rojos para fechas y entregas .
Talleres 10-11

5. Homework: write sentences using going to #23

He/ call home
He is going to call home.
Topic 3: The most dangerous animal
superlative adjectives / est- most
Complete with the superlative form of the adjectives
Activity 1 #25
Complete the table for each animal. Look at the example first.
Activity 2 #26
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the superlative adjectives in parentheses.


WEEK#7 Unit #3 July 15 to 19
Topic 3: The most dangerous animal CLASS 7
Revisar siempre los cuadros rojos para fechas y entregas .
Activity 3 #27
Write the superlative adjectives.
Activity 4 #28
Investigate and check to complete the chart
Learning activities
1. Classwork: #29
read the animal facts and answer the 4 questions
2. Classwork: #30
complete the sentences


WEEK#8 Unit #3 July 22 to 26 and to 29 to august 2
Topic 3: The most dangerous animal CLASS 8
Revisar siempre los cuadros rojos para fechas y entregas Booklet revise July 29
Project 20 pts. August 1-2
3. Classwork: #31
in pairs bring pictures of these animals
4. classwork: Walk around the class and do a class survey #32
do a class survey.
5.Homework: in groups of 4 find world records write them in the folder for each one of the group #33
• in these categories:
• Find out one superlative fact for each category
Going to, why…’, because, verb +gerund, superlative adjectives: est, most
Accidents and emergencies
Leisure activities
COMPILATION OF GRAMMARS / Copiar la gramática en el folder a mano como la hoja de referencia

Apellidos, Nombres:

Grado: Sección:

Gramática unidad #3

a) Going to / Why? /Because…

B) Verb + gerund
C) superlative adjectives / est- most

A mano, hojas con líneas

1. Como se entrega:

2. Valor de la asignación:

Jueves 30 de mayo a primera hora llevarlos sin falta a la sala de

maestros, gracias
3. Fecha de entrega (nota, si hay 2 trabajos iguales se anularán automáticamente, o si está
en formato Word también se anularán los puntos.)

A. What is Going to
B. What is why?
Qué investigar: esto en C. What is because
inglés y en español para D. What is verb +gerund
que se entiende de una E. What are superlative adjectives / est- most
mejor manera. F. How we form each one of them in a sentence
G. How do we use each one of them

Give 5 examples, of each

1. Going to
Ejemplos 5 de cada uno: 2. why?
5. Los ejemplos solo en 3. because
inglés 4. verb +gerund
5. superlative adjectives / est- most

Los ejemplos de oraciones los hacen ustedes no se copien de

internet, ya con la investigación bien hecha podrán hacerlo
ustedes perfectamente. No hay límite de hojas, pero toda la
información que se pide tiene que estar completa y ordenada.
Importante: el trabajo lo tienen que hacer ustedes mismos no
pedir a ninguna persona ajena la elaboración del mismo.
Vocabulary from the unit #2
Instrucciones para el vocabulario:
Realizar un glosario con la definición de cada palabra todo en inglés. 60 palabras en total en digital y enviarlo a
classroom enumerado y ordenado. Fecha: June 10
Accidents and emergencies:
Accident, ambulance, hospital, message, police, terrible, worried, X-ray, hurt,
Leisure activities:
Barbecue, dancing, drawing, fishing, inline skating, horseback riding, knitting, painting, playing chess, playing
the guitar, playing hockey, playing video games, sailing, skateboarding, skydiving, snowboarding, surfing,
Hippo, lion, mosquito, shark, snake, cat, cow, dog, elephant, giraffe, horse, monkey, octopus, parrot, penguin,
polar bear, rabbit, sheep, tiger, whale
Beautiful, ugly, big, small, big, large, Dangerous, friendly, unfriendly, exciting, boring, fast, slow,
tall, short.
The weekend starts tomorrow and Tony is going to be very busy. Write sentences using the picture prompts and
‘going to. Example: He’s going to get up at six o’clock.


Why- because #4
Match questions 1-5 with reasons a -e and write answers beginning Because…
1. Why is Ron sitting at his computer? _____
2. Why Maria and Ana walking into a store? ______
3. Why is Karla in a shoe store? ______
4. Why is Mr. Smith buying a ticket? _______
5. Why are Roberto and Juan going to the sports center? _____

a. She´s going to buy some sneakers.

b. They´re going to play tennis
c. He´s going to send an e-mail.
d. They are going to buy something.
e. He´s going to catch a plane.

Activity 1 #5
Complete the sentences with the correct form of be going to, in pairs
1 I hurt my leg yesterday. The doctor ___________ give me an X-ray.

2 I’m sick in bed. My mom ___________ get me some medicine.

3 Next year, we want to start a new hobby. We ___________ try skydiving.

4 You don’t look well. Take this medicine or you ___________ not ___________ feel better.

5 ___________ they ___________ go to the park this afternoon? Let’s go with them.

6 My parents said I can have a pet cat next year. I ___________ name it “Snowy” if it’s white.

7 We ___________ not ___________ go to the party tomorrow because we ___________ get up early

the next day.

8 There ___________ be a lot of people at the mall today because it’s Saturday.
Activity 2 (tarea en casa se califica en el periodo de clase) #6
Elegir 10 actividades que quieran, graficar las flashcards en papel construcción, pegarlas en las hojas del folder
6 en un lado y 4 en el otro, escribir una oración debajo de cada una : why people are doing certain things. (por
qué la gente hace ciertas cosas)
Activity 3 (tarea en casa se califica en el periodo de clase) #7
Answer the following questions,
Contesta las siguientes preguntas, grafícalas, después pégalas aquí ejemplo:
1. What are you going to do after class? I´m going to sleep

2. What time are you going to go to bed tonight?

3. What time are you going to get up tomorrow morning?
4. What are you going to do tomorrow afternoon?
5. What are you going to eat for dinner tonight?
6. What are you going to do for fun next weekend?
Activity 4 Answer the following questions #8
where are you going? Who are you going with? What are you going to do there? 5 min.

1.-2.Classwork: read the dialogue what's the problem? After reading circle the best answer #9
Adam are you okay Roberto why are you looking worried?
Roberto there's a text from my mom it's about my dad.
Adam what's wrong with him?
Roberto he had an accident at work he hurt his leg and they called an
Adam that's terrible, is he going to be all right?
Roberto well he's in the hospital and they are going to x-ray his leg but my
mother wants me to go back to Acapulco.
Adam what are you going to do?
Roberto what do you think?
Rosa oh no! you are not going to be at the barbecue on Sunday!
Adam Rosa!
Roberto excuse me I'm going to call home now

1. How did Roberto's mother

communicate with him? 3.what is Roberto going to do now?

a. by cell phone a. call home

b. by text message b. go back home
c. by email D c. go to a barbecue
d. by online chat d. send a text message

2. where is Roberto's father?

a. at home
b. at work
c. in the hospital
d. in New York

3. Classwork: #10
listen to your teacher reading and answer true or false

Roberto I talked to my mom and…

Adam what did she say?
Roberto well that's leg is okay it isn't broken; he is it going to leave the hospital tonight Adam Great!
when are you going to see him?
Roberto my father doesn't want me to go home early
Adam you mean…
Roberto yes, I'm going to stay here
Adam fantastic! and I know someone who´s going to be very happy!

answer true or false

1. Roberto talked to his father ______

2. His father isn't going to stay in the hospital_____

3. his father wants him to go early____

4. Roberto is going to stay in New York ____

5. Rosa isn't going to be very happy____

4. Homework: write about these situations 3 lines min. #11
What are you going to do?
1. You find a cell phone on the street

2. You get a gift that you don’t like

3. You miss the school bus

5. Homework: #12
make a list of five things that you are going to do after school this week, then write 5 sentences about what you
and other students are going to do after school today.
6. Homework: #13
cut out the sentences on the sheet and paste them with the correct sentence using going to, answer: What are
you going to do tomorrow?



Complete with the correct form of the verb
1. Ricardo loves __________volleyball (play)
2. He also likes__________( swim)
3. Do you like horseback________ ? (ride)
4. I don't mind __________. ( cook)
5. we love__________. ( skateboard)
6. Who hates__________ chess? ( play)
7. my friends enjoy __________. (sail)
8. lots of boys don't like__________. ( dance)

Activity 1 leisure activities # 15

(grupos de 6, traer un pliego de papel bond y sus graficas más grandes estas son de referencia pueden usar las
que quieran)
in class make a poster about leisure activities, in a piece of bond paper Match the pictures with these words.
And present to the class with the words: example: I hate snowboarding.
Love, enjoy, not mind, not like, hate

dancing drawing fishing knitting painting playing chess playing

ice hockey skateboarding skydiving snowboarding surfing

Activity 2 #16
Look at the chart and complete the sentences.
1 l lo__________ horseback riding.

2 You d__________ m__________ __________.

3 He li__________ __________.

4 She h__________ __________.

5 It d__________ l__________ __________.

6 We l__________ __________.

7 They h__________ __________ __________ __________.

Activity 3 (es la única impresión de esta unidad está en tu semana 1 para imprimir) #17
print the worksheet, answer it and bring it to class

Trabaja copias #1 and #2

Activity 4 answer the questions groups of 4 in each folder #18


1.Classwork: #19
in pairs, students cut the pictures about the vocabulary of leisure activities:
paste the photos of the activities write the correct word on the lines and
A) write the definition B) translate the word
2.Classwork: #20
why…? because write questions about what the students are doing, then answer them using going to and these
Do homework go running go skateboarding go swimming go shopping play tennis
watch a movie take a guitar lesson

1. Karla/ hold a movie ticket ex: why is Karla holding a movie ticket? Because she is going to watch a movie.

2. Juan and Roberto/ wear tennis clothes _______________________________________________

3. Maria/ hold a bag ________________________________________________________________

4. Adam/ Carry a skateboard _________________________________________________________

5. Doris/ carry a guitar ______________________________________________________________

6. Rosa/ hold some books ___________________________________________________________

7. Roberto/ wear sneakers __________________________________________________________

8. Mara and Doris/carry Swimming things ____________________________________________

3.Classwork #21
match the verbs with different colors, the list A with the words and phrases in list B

1 Call Worried
2 Have An ambulance
3 Speak to Someone´s leg
4 Look Someone
5 Watch A contest
6 Wear Shorts
7 Win An accident
8 X-ray A dvd

4.Homework: interview in the app https://new.express.adobe.com/tools/animate-from-audio

( entrevista a 2 familiares o amigos, preguntarles sobre sus actividades que les gustan #22
y que no les gustan . grabar sus respuestas en la aplicación y enviarlo a classroom)
students interview 2 of their family members or friends and ask them what leisure activities they like, or dislike.
Record their answers and send them to classroom Fecha: July 1
Ex. What do you like doing? Do you like….? What else do you like doing? Where do you
go… (skateboarding, sailing, swimming)

5.Homework: write sentences using going to #23

He/ call home
He is going to call home.

1. They/ have a barbecue

2. What/you/wear

3. I/wear my new jeans

4. What/he/do

5. He/not/stay in New York

6. She/talk to him?

7. We/not/ be late

8. They/not/forget him


Complete with the superlative form of the adjectives
1. The________ bird is the Falcon. (fast)

2. The _________ snake is the Indian cobra. (dangerous)

3. Is the hippo the ___________ animal in the world? (big)

4. Which band do you like most? Which is the ________? (good)

5. I hate it. It was the ________ movie I saw this year. (bad)

6. which is the _______animal in the world? (exciting)

Activity 1 #25
Complete the table for each animal. Look at the example first.
Actions Size
(walk, run, swim, fly, climb) (big, small, tall, short, long, bigger/smaller than, etc.)

0 cat walk, run, climb smaller than a dog, bigger than a rabbit

1 elephant

2 monkey

3 penguin

4 polar bear

5 whale

6 snake

Activity 2 #26
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the superlative adjectives in parentheses.
1 Eliza is pretty. She is ______________. (beautiful) girl in our class.
2 The animal that ate the person was very large. Maybe it was a shark or ______________ animal in the world
– a whale. (big)
3 The cheetah is ______________ land animal in the world, but the falcon is faster. (fast)
4 Don’t go near a polar bear; it can kill you – it’s one of ______________ animals in the world. (dangerous)
5 Some people think that fishing is one of ______________ hobbies ever because you sometimes wait hours
before catching a fish. (boring)

Activity 3 #27
Write the superlative adjectives.

Adjective Superlative
1 beautiful __________________
2 ugly __________________
3 big __________________
4 small __________________
5 dangerous __________________
6 friendly __________________
7 exciting __________________
8 boring __________________
9 fast __________________
10 slow __________________
Activity 4 #28
Investigate and check to complete the chart
woolly mammoth elephant ordinary tiger sabre-
toothed tiger

lived in colder place

longer hair

larger ears

longer teeth

shorter tail

1. Classwork: #29
read the animal facts and answer the 4 questions
Most people know that on land the cheetah is the fastest animal, as well as one of the most beautiful. It
can run at 1 1 2 kilometers an hour, but only for a few hundred meters, in the ocean, the sailfish is the
fastest fish it can swim at 110 km an hour. That's only two kilometers an hour slower than the cheetah.
In the air, the Falcon is the fastest bird, with a speed of 100 km an hour in level flight. But when it dives
down, it flies and an amazing 389 km an hour.
So, the cheetah is a little faster than the sailfish but the fastest of all is the falcon. And which is the most
dangerous animals in the world?
We are all scared of sharks, but they don't kill many people. And hippos kill more people than lions. In
India and Sri Lanka, the most dangerous animal is the snake, the Indian cobra. This snake kills over
50,000 people a year. But the most dangerous animal in the world is an insect, the mosquito.
Mosquito bites can give you malaria. The World Health Organization says what about 250 million
people a year get Malaria, one million people mostly children in hot countries, die of the disease.
Scientists say that the malaria killed half the people who ever lived.

Amazing animal facts

1. which is the fastest land animal? ______________________________________________
2. which is the fastest animal in the ocean? ________________________________________
3. which is the fastest animal in the air? __________________________________________
4. which is the fastest animal of all? _____________________________________________
2. Classwork: #30
complete the sentences
1. The__________ land animal can run at 112 km an hour.

2. The fastest _________can swim at 110 km an hour.

3. When it dives, the ________ is the _________of all.

4. The Indian cobra isn't the ________ dangerous animal in the world.

5. Mosquitoes are ________ because their bites can give you malaria.

6. That's why mosquitoes are ________________________they animals in the world.

3. Classwork: #31
in pairs bring pictures of these animals
cat, cow, dog elephant, giraffe, horse, monkey, octopus, parrot, penguin polar bear, rabbit, sheep, tiger, whale.
And write a sentence using superlatives of these adjectives, Beautiful, ugly, big,
small, Dangerous, friendly, exciting, boring, fast, slow, tall, short.

4. classwork: Walk around the class and do a class survey #32

do a class survey.
What kinds of pets does the class have?
What are the most popular pets, and what is the most popular pet´s
the most popular pets in our class are……
the second most popular pets are………
5.Homework: in groups of 4 find world records write them in the folder for each one of the group #33
 in these categories: people, sports, geography, history, animals,
transportation, movies, music.
 Find out one superlative fact for each category:
The biggest, the coldest, the most expensive, the fastest, the highest, the hottest, the longest, the oldest,
the smallest the tallest

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