Lord Maiterya Love Initiations TM

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Lord Maiterya Love InitiationsTM




2011, By Mahadevi Healing ~ All Rights Reserved.
Lord Maiterya Love InitiationsTM

Lord Maiterya Love InitiationsTM come to assist you at this time in your life
journey to move forward to the next phase in your spiritual journey and
Lord Maiterya is the present Logos of our planet step forward to assist you.
He gives divine blessings, and guidance, empowering you by strengthing your
connection with the divine, your higher spiritual being, your life purpose and
commitment to planetary service.
You are a planetary server; each step you make forward in your personal
ascension assists all others. Your progress sends ripples of light across the web
of light around planet Earth.

Initiation 1 - Lord Maiterya Clearing Shakti Initiation

Lord Maiterya Clearing Shakti Initiation energies will clear you from all blockages,
stagnations, low self esteem, lack of faith in your work or progress, any
limitations and blocks you put around yourself that prevent you from moving to
the next phase in your Ascesnion ladder to higher places, vibrations and wisdom.

Before you receive your initiations its good to surround your self with protection
and light you can call your guides and angels in Eternal Light, Archangel Michael
or any other masters, archangels and angels to protect you during the initiations.

To receive the initiation find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for half
hour approximately or more depend how much you are open to receive at the

2011, By Mahadevi Healing ~ All Rights Reserved.
Say aloud or in your mind:
"I now accept fully Lord Maiterya Clearing Shakti Initiation as sent out by
my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source".

After you receive the Initiation you can activate it each time you feel need to work
with the energies of this initiation. Say aloud or with your mind with strong
intention, you can dircet the energies to anything that you want to clear in any
level you wish: "Lord Maiterya Clearing Shakti Initiation Energies Activate,
Now! Thank you."

Lord Maiterya clearing Shakti prepare you to receive stronger connection to

Lord Maiterya energies and guidance.

Initiation 2 - Lord Maiterya Crown Initiation

The Eternal Light will connect your crown chakra with Lord Maiterya the Logos of
our Planet who oversees the planetary spiritual ascension of our Earth and
You will receive divine assistance and guidance and will be empowered in your
daily life and spiritual life. Your faith in yourself and your path will increase.
Lord Maiterya energies will uplift you to higher vibrations.

To receive the initiation find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for half
hour approximately or more depend how much you are open to receive at the

Say aloud or in your mind: "I now accept fully Lord Maiterya Crown Initiation
as sent out by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred Source".

2011, By Mahadevi Healing ~ All Rights Reserved.
After you receive the Initiation you can activate it each time you feel need to work
with the energies of this initiation. Say aloud or with your mind with strong
intention focusing on your crown chakra: "Lord Maiterya Crown Initiation
Energies Activate, Now! Thank you."

After the clearing and the crown initiation your Heart is prepared to receive the
Love of Lord Maiterya.

Initiation 3 - Lord Maiterya Love Shakti Initiation

Here you will be initiate to Lord Maiterya Love Shakti.

Love is the key that opens the door to ascend higher. Love to yourself, love to
others. Love opens your heart, removes all fears and lack of faith in yourself and
path. Love connects you back to source to the Eternal Light Beyond the Light , to
the fire that sparks in the Sun which resides in your heart.
The fire of Love will blaze and remove all fears and blocks on your path in
ascension. You will receive the Love of Lord Maiterya.
This Love will open your heart to change to receive divine help.
Love will make your life flow in the direction of the divine plan that designed
especially for you. Love will heal all your wounds. You will be able to trust again
the path you walk and to manifest your higher dreams on Earth.

To receive the initiation find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for half
hour approximately or more depend how much you are open to receive at the

Say aloud or in your mind: "I now accept fully Lord Maiterya Love Shakti
Initiation as sent out by my teacher and made perfect by Eternal Sacred

2011, By Mahadevi Healing ~ All Rights Reserved.
After you receive the Initiation you can activate it each time you feel need to work
with the energies of this initiation. Say aloud or with your mind with strong
intention focusing on your hearth chakra: "Lord Maiterya Love Shakti initiation
energies activate, Now! thank you."

Meditation to assist Earth Ascension

Activate the energies of Lord Maiterya Love Shakti.

Call upon Lord Maiterya and the Masters to send the Love Shakti and the Eternal
Light Beyond the Light Sun into Earth. See Earth showered with Light. See the
Light expand and fill all the Earth, the inner Earth and around the Earth in Space.
Send with intention the Love and Light energies to places on Earth who need
help. See the Earth filled with Golden blue light and pink love. Thank Lord
Maiterya and the Ascended Masters for their help.
You can hold Earth in your hands while you do the meditation like in prayer in
front of your heart.

2011, By Mahadevi Healing ~ All Rights Reserved.
Initiation 4 - Lord Maiterya Higher Spiritual Being Divine Alignment

Here you will be aligned by the Energy of Lord Maiterya with your higher spiritual
being and with the higher divine plan for you. This alignment will empower you to
acomplish what you came to do here on Earth.
You are in divine alignment with your heart desire, your life purpose, your higher
spiritual being and the divine plan for you. You will receive divine guidance and
support to do your service to the planet as whole.
Lord Maiterya Love connects you to the Light of Spirit so that you have strong
connection with spirit and to be guided by spirit to acheive ascension while you
are alive on Earth.
This initiation will assist the planet ascension as whole. When you are in divine
alignement with your higher spiritual being and the divine plan for you, you assist
the whole Earth in her ascension toward the Eternal Light.

To receive the initiation find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed for half
hour approximately or more depend how much you are open to receive at the
Say aloud or in your mind: "I now accept fully Lord Maiterya Higher Spiritual
Being Divine Alignment Initiation as sent out by my teacher and made
perfect by Eternal Sacred Source".

After you receive the Initiation you can activate it each time you feel need to work
with the energies of this initiation. Say aloud or with your mind with strong
intention: "Lord Maiterya Higher Spiritual Being Divine Alignment Initiation
Energies Activate, Now! Thank you".

2011, By Mahadevi Healing ~ All Rights Reserved.
To pass the Initiations
In Person
Surround yourself with protection call your guides and angels to be with you
Call Lord Maiterya and the Ascended Masters of Shamballa to be with you
Place your hands above the shoulders or crown of the initiate and say:
"I ask The Great Central Sun the Source of All, Lord Maiterya and the Ascended
Masters Of Shamballa, all my helping healing ones in the Light of Eternal Sacred
Source to attune (name) to (name of initiation). I ask that (name) he/she may
receive the highest pure energies of (name of initiation) for his/her highest
spiritual good. "

Distant - Using the method of Chi Ball

I ask my energy team, my helping healing guardians in the Light of Eternal
Sacred source, to bring me a Sphere of Light.
I ask the Great Central Sun, the Source of All, Lord Maiterya and the Ascended
Masters of Shamblla, all my helping healing ones in the Light of Eternal Sacred
Source to send (name of initiation) for (name of student) into the Sphere of
Eternal Light.
I ask that (name of student) he/she may get the highest pure energies of
(name of initiation) for his/her highest spiritual good.
I ask that it be sealed and carried to (name of student)

List of Initiations
please provide it seperately in this original order:
Initiation 1 - Lord Maiterya Clearing Shakti initiation
Initiation 2 - Lord Maiterya Crown Initiation
Initiation 3 - Lord Maiterya Love Shakti initiation
Initiation 4 - Lord Maiterya Higher Spiritual Being Divine Alignment

Love & Light

Ofira Levi
2011, By Mahadevi Healing ~ All Rights Reserved.
Lord Maiterya Love InitiationsTM channelled and manual written by
Ofira Levi ~ August 2011 ~ All Rights Reserved. All Photos I own
lifetime license to use commercially.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that always helps and never harms.
If you are ill, please see your physician. Reiki works hand in hand with
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2011, By Mahadevi Healing ~ All Rights Reserved.




2011, By Mahadevi Healing ~ All Rights Reserved.

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