EE-103 Assignment 02

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Assignment No.

EE-103 – Electrical Engineering
Deadline: 15th Apr 2024
Author 1: Name: ______________________________ CMS No.: _________________________

Author 2: Name: ______________________________ CMS No.: _________________________

Author 3: Name: ______________________________ CMS No.: _________________________

Note: Submit the solution of the assignment in hard form.

Total marks: 70

1. The current through a 10-mH inductor is shown in figure below. Determine and plot the
voltage across the inductor at 1,3, and 5 ms. [CLO1, 10 marks]

2. Obtain𝑍𝑖𝑛 for the given circuit. [CLO1, 10 marks]

For the following questions use the book Fundamentals of Electric Circuits by Alexander and
Sadiku (4th Edition)

3. Solve Problem 9.2 and 9.6 [CLO1, 10 marks]

4. Solve Problem 9.18, 9.19 [CLO1, 10 marks]

Assignment No. 2
EE-103 – Electrical Engineering
Deadline: 15th Apr 2024

5. Find capacitor voltage and inductor current along with the energy stored in the capacitor
and inductor in the given circuit under dc conditions. [CLO3, 10 marks]

6. Given that 𝑣𝑠 (𝑡) = 20 sin(100𝑡 − 40𝑜 ) in the circuit below. Determine 𝐼𝑥(𝑡) .
[CLO3, 10 marks]

7. Use nodal analysis to find V in the circuit. [CLO3, 10 marks]

Authors Contributions. Mention each author’s contribution at the end of each question (Mandatory).

Author 1.
Author 2.
Author 3.
Copying. Copying is highly discouraged and it will lead to a significant loss (90-95 %) of marks.

* Copying includes using sentences, variables, code, formats from others and AI tools. Discussion is appreciated,
but attempt the tasks on your own (which would make it look original).

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