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Domain : E-Commerce - Flow

 Project size : (Around 20 team members) Large Team

 Size : 11 - Developers,6 Testers (6- Backend Developer,5- Front End Developer,4- Manual
Tester and 2 Automation Tester),1-Team Lead ,1-
 SM,1-BA (Not mandatory to mention in your CV)

 Sprint : 2 weeks (1st June 22 till 14th June 22-example)

 Bug reporting tool : Jira

 Test cases writing techniques : Black Box technique (BVA, EP,etc)

 Critical bugs---??

 US-As per the complexity and length of the US then we take in sprint (US3-US4-US5-US6-
us7-us8 etc)

 Process-Agile-Scrum

 Sequence-Dev-QA-Stage/preprod/uat--production/live

 Challenges/Risk-
◦ 1.Getting build late from developers(This discuss in scrum meeting and then we get it)
◦ 2.Requirement change sometimes(Not frequest-once in 4 -5 month thats doable)
◦ 3.Sometimes not enough time to execute regression suit (Sanity suit run )

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