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qT'T |rflT q+fi/TRAVELLING ALLOWANGE JOURNAL *. q. .1r g€ sr. */* 1677
qi 69 qqi iii 69 gs&
fTqc irs€ yufua i/ Rule by whidr go/emed_ GA 3r SRC'G 1677
G 69 F/G 69 F'A
{rrEr/Branch_ qFd/fqf,uDivisiorrDistt 5t*malHea@uarters at-
H zrq 6rqi Er qia, Fr++ sn i *H qtr ci'[ TqI i r

Journal ol duties performed fnr which allowance for ts claimed

riYr{/Station (fi@@
Cri .YR ETiT'T rr{t.4I qqq xTrtqr qqz
Month & Oate 6qlt6 Time left Time i6. rit. ?.= trra qEII iEI T{,T an r*rfteiu&r Refercnce to
Tra in arrived Kms. DayrNight Obiect ofiourney Rate f6qt r"r litem 20 in Schedule
No. 1l/From -20
T6/To Distance for which
nveyanco is
2 4 8 9 12
1 5 6

C.R.P 00-1 3-0046-8,0O,000 Forms--w-i-b-1 0-1 3 F.9.'r. /P.T.O
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 I 10 11 12

{ sqrfuE o'rdr tf"
sq{m i{qfu $ ctflr, firs$ HEs lea C
'rqr tH + 6ri i E{A w 5eroe €vra i er6{ 'rcr
qr r{s qfrrsr{t + tdqFt/qTflFi/F{d-
q6{lqrgqFi * qreT
+1 3tk sC 5ca qr{ qr sronl sr*q fifu qr qrfd sr6,n * eri q{ qr,r q.r{ 61 qfu'qT <1 ,r4lTS * 4
{ rqrFra ora { Fs C{E qrq q{ 61 rrff cEI aql fu(tc *slt { frs+ H rs Fc-o q qm qnT/ifufi rrr qirn rrqr t, ffi 'rtS e}d + 6ti q $ r/ti{s qirT qr 3rq qrfreirdF {fr'f qrrqr t

I hereby certify that the above mentioned was absent on du ty from his headquarter's station during the perlod charged for in this bill on railway
business and thatthe officer performed the joumey by Rail/Sea/Road/Air and was allowed/not allowed free pass orlocomotion at the expenses ofGovernment localfund or
Govt. of lndia -s{
I ceftiry that no TA/DA or any other remuneration has been drawn fom any other source an respecl of the joumeys perfonned on duty pass and also forthe haltsforwhich TFJDA has
been claimed in this bill.

tr-nr qirFi erd orftr*rfi 6r Fqlrr{

fir eerwftal Countersrgned ftr+rfi rqfi{ort/Con trotling Ofticer dt itd4-sqa/ Head of Office Signature of Officer/Claimng T. A.

fuq1 ,-ffir'oH*6t krlwwnmoffv{ml rrfl *f, tR cr vqrFra fur qgr qfrt fu'gw vm v w*t u< c{ qnrfi+d lhqr t rr4 4 qr cS r

Note :- On transfer from one Raitw?y to another, certfcate wheher or not a free pess of Locomotton at Govemment expenses was allowed, or not should be recoded on T. A. Bills

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