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The United States Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is a federal chemicals management regulation.
Under TSCA, certain substances and substance families are reportable or restricted from distribution in U.S.
commerce. Reporting requirements or restrictions may vary by industry, product type, or substance use, and
include substances as identified in Assent's Supplier Portal declarable substance list (DSL) for the TSCA
Restrictions Module. This DSL is available for download from the Supplier Portal (for suppliers of Assent

To whom it may concern,

✘ We hereby send you information related to substances restricted or reportable under TSCA. This
communication applies to all products sold or otherwise placed on the market by Safe A & T Technology Pvt.
Ltd. prior to the signature date of this declaration.

OR, We hereby send you information related to substances restricted or reportable under TSCA. This
communication applies to all products sold or otherwise provided to [Requesting Client] prior to the signature
date of this declaration.

If no products contain any of the restricted or reportable substances, this option must be selected:
✘ Checking this box certifies that none of the products referenced above contain any substances currently
restricted or reportable under TSCA.

OR, if any products contain any restricted or reportable substances, this table must be completed.
Each product listed contains one or more restricted or reportable substances, either without exemption or with
the listed applicable exemption(s).

Product(s) Substance Name or CAS Number Concentration (%) Exemption

Name: Mr. Akash Dangat Signed:

Title: Quality Manager Date: 21.06.2024

Email: Phone: +91 7021613812

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