Two way ANOVA Q9

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Name: Rohini Maharjan

Roll Number: 23061024

Subject: Probability & Statistics lab

Q9. Solution of Two Way ANOVA

Working expression:


MSR = 𝑛−1

MSE = (𝑚−1)(𝑛−1)

Working procedure:
Analyze → General linear model → Univariate → Put values in the dependent variable →
Put localities and salesmen in fixed factors → Click model → Go to custom → localities
and salesmen in factor and covariates send to model → Type main effects → Sum of
square type III → continue → click post Hoc → Send localities and salesmen in factors in
Post Hoc tests for → click LSD → continue → Ok → Copy only ANOVA table in word file

SPSS Output
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: Values of localities and salesman

Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Corrected Model 1697.000a 7 242.429 7.030 .002
Intercept 7527.200 1 7527.200 218.285 .001
Salesmen 829.200 3 276.400 8.015 .003
localities 867.800 4 216.950 6.291 .006
Error 413.800 12 34.483
Total 9638.000 20
Corrected Total 2110.800 19
a. R Squared = .804 (Adjusted R Squared = .690)

Testing procedure:
Setting up Hypothesis

H0R: The salesmen do not differ in their abilities of salesmanship and

HOC: The locality hasn’t any influence on the sales of items
H1R: The salesmen differ in their abilities of salesmanship and
H1c: The locality has influence on the sales of items

Level of significance
α = 0.05

For salesmen, p = 0.003 < α = 0.05, Hence we accept H1 and H0 is rejected
For localities, p = 0.006 < α = 0.05, Hence we accept H1 and H0 is rejected

Hence, we conclude that the salesmen differ in their abilities of salesmanship and the locality has
influence on the sales of items

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