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Chapter Four


4.1 Introduction

Provide a brief overview of the purpose of System Analysis and Requirement Modeling.

Emphasize the importance of this phase in the software development life cycle.

4.2 Overview of the Current System

Start by describing the current system's functionality.

Utilize system analysis modeling tools such as flow charts, DFDs (Data Flow Diagrams), and
UML (Unified Modeling Language) to visually represent the system's architecture.

Include a high-level explanation of how each modeling tool contributes to understanding the
current system.

4.3 Data Collection Methods

Detail the methods used to gather facts and data about the current system.

Discuss the tools or techniques employed, such as surveys, interviews, observations, and
document analysis.

Highlight the importance of obtaining accurate and comprehensive information for effective
system analysis.

4.4 Analysis of Gathered Data

Present the findings from the data collection methods.

Discuss any challenges faced during the data analysis process and how they were addressed.

Explain the significance of the analyzed data in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of
the current system.

4.5 Requirement Definitions and Modeling of the Current System

Provide a clear definition of system requirements based on the analyzed data.

Use modeling techniques like Use Cases to illustrate the functional requirements.
Incorporate UML diagrams, such as class diagrams or sequence diagrams, to represent the
relationships and interactions within the current system.

4.6 Transition to Project Requirements

Introduce the need for transitioning from the current system to the proposed project.

Discuss any shortcomings or limitations identified in the current system that necessitate the
development of the new software application.

4.7 Requirement Definitions and Specifications of the Project

Clearly define the requirements for the new software application.

Utilize various modeling tools to illustrate the desired functionalities and features of the

Specify any new requirements that address the shortcomings identified in the current system.

4.8 Traceability Matrix

Develop a traceability matrix to establish the link between the requirements and the modeling
tools used.

Show how each requirement is addressed by the chosen modeling technique and how it aligns
with the overall project goals.

4.9 Validation and Verification of Requirements

Discuss the methods employed to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the requirements.

Highlight any validation techniques used, such as reviews, inspections, or prototypes.

Emphasize the importance of verification to ensure that the proposed software will meet the
specified requirements.

4.10 Conclusion

Summarize the key points discussed in the chapter.

Reinforce the significance of system analysis and requirement modeling in shaping the success
of the software development project.

4.11 References

Include all the references and sources used for data collection, analysis, and modeling.

4.12 Appendices

Attach any supplementary materials, such as detailed diagrams, additional data, or transcripts
from interviews, to provide a comprehensive understanding of the system analysis and
requirement modeling process.

Ensure that the chapter flows logically, with a clear progression from the current system
analysis to the definition and specification of project requirements. Use headings and
subheadings to organize information effectively, and include visuals like diagrams and charts
to enhance clarity. Regularly refer back to the project's objectives to maintain a focus on
meeting the identified needs and addressing the shortcomings of the current system.

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