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Chapter Three:

Research Methodology

This chapter outlines the methodology employed in the study to explore

the implementation of Electronic Health Records (EHR) in a Nigerian
secondary healthcare facility. The methodology encompasses research
design, population and sample size, data collection methods, data
analysis techniques, ethical considerations, research validity, and

3.1 Research Design:

The study adopts a qualitative research design to provide an in-depth

understanding of the EHR implementation process in the selected
healthcare facility. Qualitative methods allow for the exploration of
complex phenomena, such as organizational change and stakeholder
perceptions, within their natural context.

3.2 Population and Sample Size:

The population of interest includes healthcare professionals,

administrators, and other stakeholders involved in the EHR
implementation process in the selected secondary healthcare facility.

The sample selected from the target population was 20 who viewed as
Respondent for the purpose of collecting data for the research.

A purposive sampling technique will be utilized to select participants

who possess relevant knowledge and experience related to EHR

3.3 Data Collection Methods:

Data will be collected through semi-structured interviews, focus group

discussions, and document analysis. Semi-structured interviews will
allow for in-depth exploration of participants' perspectives, experiences,
and challenges related to EHR implementation. Focus group discussions
will facilitate group interactions and generate collective insights into key
implementation issues. Document analysis will involve the review of
relevant documents, such as EHR implementation plans, policy
documents, and training materials, to provide additional context and
corroborate findings from interviews and focus groups.

3.4 Data Analysis Techniques:

Thematic analysis will be employed to analyze qualitative data collected

from interviews, focus groups, and document analysis. This approach
involves identifying patterns, themes, and categories within the data to
generate insights and draw conclusions. Data analysis will be iterative
and involve constant comparison of emerging themes to ensure data
saturation and theoretical saturation.

3.5 Ethical Considerations:

Ethical principles, including informed consent, confidentiality, and

voluntary participation, will be upheld throughout the research process.
Participants will be provided with information about the study's
purpose, procedures, and potential risks and benefits before obtaining
their consent to participate. Measures will be taken to ensure the
anonymity and confidentiality of participants' responses during data
collection, analysis, and dissemination.

3.6 Research Validity and Reliability:

To enhance the validity and reliability of the study findings, various

strategies will be employed. Triangulation of data sources and methods
will be used to corroborate findings and enhance the credibility of the
study. Member checking will involve presenting preliminary findings to
participants for validation and feedback.

Additionally, reflexivity will be maintained by documenting the

researchers' biases, assumptions, and preconceptions throughout the
research process.By employing a rigorous qualitative research
methodology, this study aims to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the implementation of Electronic Health Records in a
Nigerian secondary healthcare facility.
The chosen methods will enable the exploration of key implementation
issues, challenges, and opportunities, thereby contributing valuable
insights to the project topic and informing future EHR implementation
efforts in similar contexts.

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