Biswas 2019

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A Predictive Supervisory Controller for an HEV

Operating in a Zero Emission Zone

Dhrupad Biswas 1, Susenjit Ghosh 1, Somnath Sengupta 2, Siddhartha Mukhopadhyay 1
Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India, 2 Advanced Technology
Development Centre., Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India

Abstract— Low Emission Zones have been designated in the [8] [9] and is also a useful strategy to provide suboptimal
European Union where entry of vehicles causing high emission commands using a model of the automotive system under
is regulated. However, existing energy management based various circumstances. ECMS is a commonly used control
control strategies for HEVs do not consider such constraints strategy of the SC for instantaneous fuel and electric energy
while computing the optimal torque split ratio (TSR). In this
minimization of the vehicle.
paper, a predictive energy management strategy for a route
having a Zero Emission Zone (ZEZ) is proposed. Under this The driving range of electric vehicles is a concern and
strategy, the required SOC at the entry point of ZEZ for the research has been reported on enhancing this range through
HEV to cross it in EV mode is estimated where emission is also regenerative braking coupled with techniques such as torque
reduced gradually to zero at its entry. To achieve this, a cost
function is designed considering the equivalent fuel
control switching algorithms [12]. Another important issue in
consumption rates for different torque speed combinations and vehicles is the problem of emission, which is a growing
the relative distance of the vehicle from the entry point of the concern in cities. More than 200 cities and towns over Europe
ZEZ. This cost function is minimized under various constraints are trying to maintain air quality by imposing some
of parameters to satisfy the net tractive torque demand to finally regulations on the vehicle emissions [13] [14] in places like
yield the required TSR at each instant. Results obtained using a city center, hospitals and other crowded places. These regions
validated HEV model in simulation environment under drive are referred as low emission zones (LEZ), ultra-low emission
cycles having a ZEZ demonstrate the effectiveness of the zone (ULEZ) or zero emission zones (ZEZ) [13] [15] based
proposed strategy when evaluated under various performance on the extent of allowable emission levels. Only EVs or HEVs
parameters. The performance of HEV under different ambient
temperatures has also been studied.
operating at EV mode are allowed to enter the ZEZ.
Supervisory controllers reported in the existing literature [1-
Keywords— HEV;Emission;Zero Emission Zone;Supervisory 12] have not considered such area specific constraints on
Controller;Prediction Based Energy Management emission. It is worthwhile to note that, very few papers have
done off-line optimal control strategy allowing joint
I. INTRODUCTION minimization of emissions and fuel consumption [16].
In HEVs, a Supervisory Controller (SC) implements a Consequently, these control strategies cannot guarantee that a
torque split strategy to minimize the energy consumption and vehicle would reach the entry point of ZEZ with a sufficiently
emission, among other useful functionalities. To follow a high SOC to successfully traverse the ZEZ without emission.
specific drive cycle, this controller takes the driver’s A prediction based modified equivalent fuel minimization
accelerator pedal demand as input, processes it by considering strategy (MECMS) was used in [17] to provide optimal torque
other information (vehicle speed, battery temperature, SOC, split for minimization of fuel and electric energy consumption
efficient operating points of engine and motor, etc.) and problem considering additional future requirements of varying
provides optimal torques splits that can be used by each of the grade/terrain. The work presented in this paper provides a new
propulsion sources to meet the demand. Various control supervisory control strategy, extending the strategy proposed
strategies are there in literature for optimal generation of in [17], by not only minimizing the energy consumption at
torque split. Heuristic control techniques such as rule based each instant using ECMS but also taking a predictive measure
control [1-2], fuzzy logic control [3], neural network [4] based to maintain the SOC near a particular level for anticipation of
strategies are often employed. Another approach of deriving future EV mode demand during the traversal of a ZEZ. This
torque split ratio is based on static optimization methods [5]. work additionally ensures reduction in emission of HEV near
In the static optimization strategy, the instantaneous power the entry of ZEZ by monotonically decreasing emission in
required by each energy source to contribute to the net torque advance before the start of ZEZ and gradually increasing from
demand throughout the drive cycle is converted into the exit.
equivalent amount of fuel consumption rates. Thus, overall This paper has been organized into five sections. Section
fuel consumption can be calculated and is used as a cost II contains the detailed description of the considered HEV’s
function for static optimization in which the optimal torque architecture and supervisory controller’s operation. Section III
split is calculated for the whole route a-priori. The next level
analyses the scenario of the problem, and develops the
of control strategies includes dynamic optimization methods proposed strategy by deriving the mathematical formulation
[7]. Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (ECMS) of the optimization problem which optimally switches the
[6] is a well-known dynamic optimization strategy which vehicle between modes, predicts the SOC value which the
gives the instantaneous torque split contributed by each vehicle must attain at the time of entering ZEZ and also
energy sources. ECMS has the ability to result in solution
predicts the instant of start of employing the proposed
which can be targeted to be optimal. For these methods, the
Modified ECMS. Section IV describes the simulation
optimal torque split is calculated at runtime. Model Predictive environment and demonstrates the results obtained from the
Control is one dynamic optimization method used in HEVs simulation. Conclusion of the study is given in Section V.


978-1-5386-9310-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE
A parallel hybrid electric vehicle of P2 configuration Given the drive cycle of the vehicle and its torque split profile
having its validated simulation model [18] is considered for over the cycle, the SOC value of the battery at any future
this work. The schematic of P2 type of Parallel HEV is shown instant of the cycle can be predicted. Essentially, the
in Figure 1, where both ICE and electric motor are supervisory controller takes anticipatory actions by
contributing in the torque demand and are applied on a commanding appropriate torque set points to the ICE and
common shaft. A brief description of working modes and motor control loops, so as to build up sufficient SOC and bring
basic control actions of the HEV is discussed in this section. down the emission to zero at the entry of the ZEZ, enabling
the vehicle to traverse the ZEZ in the EV mode while
following the drive cycle. This is explained schematically
using Figure 2.
d Current Distance
SOC pattern
Emission pattern
Speed Leading Buffer Zone ࡰ࢓࢏࢔ DZEZ Trailing Buffer Zone
Zero Emission Zone

Figure 1 Parallel HEV Configuration SOCmin

An HEV can operate on different modes. In the engine D1 D2 Dref D4 D5 Distance (km)
only mode, the net torque demand is met fully by the engine (DeZEZ)
alone considering the gear ratio selected by an automatic Figure 2 Drive Cycle with the consideration of ZEZ
transmission. Similarly, in the motor only mode, the net torque In Figure 2, a fixed drive cycle of an HEV is considered
demand is met fully by the motor alone. Naturally, there is no which has a ZEZ in its path. For this work, while determining
emission in this mode. In the hybrid generating mode, the the torque demand, throughout the drive cycle, the terrain is
engine meets the required torque demand as well as drives the considered to be flat, a given rolling resistance of the road is
motor as a generator to charge the battery. In the regenerative considered to be constant and the wind velocity is zero. So,
braking mode, the braking torque results by driving the motor the torque demand can be determined by the given drive
in the generator mode to recover energy by charging the cycle.‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ is the distance from where ZEZ (shown in the
battery. In the hybrid motoring mode, the net torque is Figure 2 with the dark rectangle) starts and ‫ܦ‬௠௜௡  is the
contributed jointly by the engine and the motor. During all the minimum distance from where the SC should start
hybrid modes, an optimal Torque Split Ratio (TSR) for a given implementing the proposed strategy to build up the SOC to
speed is calculated in order to reduce the sum of fuel ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௥௘௙ . ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௥௘௙ is the minimum amount of SOC value the
consumption of the engine and the fuel consumption of the
battery must have at ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ to cross the ZEZ in EV mode. If
motor equivalent to its consumption of electrical power at the
resulting operating points of the torque-speed characteristics sufficient charge is not present, then the vehicle has to use its
by the well-known ECMS [6]. Net torque demand ሺ߬ோ் ሻis engine and will fail to cross the zone with zero emission. Also,
split optimally into the torque components to be developed by unless the emission is reduced to zero before entering the ZEZ,
the emission just before and near the ZEZ may spill over to
the engine ൫߬௘௡௚ ൯and the motor ሺ߬௠௢௧ ሻ by the SC. The SC
the ZEZ. For this reason, emission must gradually reduce to 0
allocates the appropriate hybrid working mode and generates at ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ from a certain distance (D2 here) in advance while
signals for other subsystems connected to it. Equation (1)
approaching ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ . This may be called a leading buffer zone.
gives the relationship of TSR with various torques.
Similarly, while leaving the ZEZ the vehicle should not start
߬ோ் ൌ ߬௘௡௚ ൅ ߬௠௢௧ ; ܴܶܵ ൌ ߬௘௡௚ Τ߬ோ் (1) emitting significantly, immediately following the end of the
ZEZ. Therefore, emission must build up gradually from 0 up
߬௠௢௧ ൌ ሺͳ െ ܴܶܵሻ ൈ ߬ோ் ;߬௘௡௚ ൌ ܴܶܵ ൈ ߬ோ் to a certain distance (D5 here) depending on the drive cycle
Various working modes of HEV based on the value of and it may be called a trailing buffer zone. These leading and
TSR are tabulated in Table. 1. trailing buffer zones are marked in Figure 2. The red curve in
Figure 2 shows a representative emission pattern over the
Table 1 Working Modes of HEVs based on TSR value ෢ ௥௘௙ is the estimate of the true state of
entire drive cycle. ܱܵ‫ܥ‬
TSR Value Mode charge necessary to cross the ZEZ in Electric Only mode,
TSR=0 Motor Only Mode namely, ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௥௘௙ . It is computed using length of ZEZ,
0<TSR<1 Hybrid Motoring Mode namely,‫ܦ‬௓ா௓ and the net torque demand derived from the
TSR=1 Engine Only mode driving cycle and the energy models for the vehicle
TSR>1 Hybrid Generating Mode subsystems like the battery and drivetrain. It is assumed that
the vehicle will run on normal ECMS [6] mode outside the
III. PROPOSED CONTROL STRATEGY CONSIDERING region ‫ܦ‬ଵ ൫‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ െ ‫ܦ‬௠௜௡ ൯ to ‫ܦ‬ହ to minimize the overall energy
ZERO EMISSION ZONE consumption. Between ‫ܦ‬ଵ and ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ , the prediction based
In this section, a method for satisfying the zero emission Modified Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy
requirement within the ZEZ, while optimizing equivalent fuel (M-ECMS) (from [17]) will be used to ensure sufficient SOC
consumption using a modified version of ECMS to follow a at the entry of ZEZ. In the leading emission zone (between
given drive cycle over the route, under the dynamic ‫ܦ‬ଶ and ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ ), a strategy with further modification is used so
constraints of the power train, is presented.
෢ ௥௘௙ and tapering of
that both the restoration of SOC to ܱܵ‫ܥ‬ in Figure 3) and ‫ܫ‬ଷ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ is the instantaneous current of the
emission to zero are achieved. Similarly, in the trailing battery during the execution of the proposed M-ECMS
emission zone (between ‫ܦ‬ସ and ‫ܦ‬ହ ), a similar strategy is (States II and III in Figure 3) to maintain the SOC at
executed resulting in instantaneous minimization of ෢ ௥௘௙ at ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ . ‫ܦ‬
ܱܵ‫ܥ‬ ෡௠௜௡ , the estimation of ‫ܦ‬௠௜௡ is dependent on
equivalent fuel consumption and with a constrained rate of several things like driving cycle of the vehicle, ܱܵ‫ܥ‬෢ ௥௘௙ and
increase in emission. The values of ‫ܦ‬ଶ and ‫ܦ‬ହ are assumed current SOC value.
to be given.
In the proposed strategy, the SC operates in 5 operating The Pseudo Code to estimate ‫ܦ‬௠௜௡ using proposed method:
modes. These modes and their transitions marked with guard ෣ ࢘ࢋࢌ ൯
Procedure Calculate ࡰ࢓࢏࢔ ൫ࡵ૛ ǡ ࡵ૜ ǡ ࢂǡ ࡿࡻ࡯ǡ ࡿࡻ࡯
conditions based on distance thresholds, are represented by a
State Machine [19] shown in Figure 3 and Table 2. Input i, denotes the ith instant of time;
Counter variable j=1;

I II ‫ݐ‬௞ ൌ ‫ݐ‬௜ ;
‫ݐ‬ሺ݆ሻ ൌ ‫ݐ‬௜ ;
‫݈݄݁݅ݓ‬൫‫ݐ‬௞ ൑ ‫ݐ‬௥௘௙ ൯
௧ ି௦௜௚௡൫ூమ ሺ௧ሻ൯ ூమ ሺ௧ሻ
ܱܵ‫ܥ‬൫‫ݐ‬௥௘௙ ൯ ൌ ܱܵ‫ܥ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬௜ ሻ െ ‫׬‬௧ ೖ ߟ௖ ݀‫ ݐ‬െ
೔ ொ೙೚೘
Figure 3 Description of Proposed Scheme Using State Machine ௧ೝ೐೑ ି௦௜௚௡൫ூయ ሺ௧ሻ൯ ூయ ሺ௧ሻ
Form ‫׬‬௧ ߟ௖ ݀‫;ݐ‬
ೖ ொ೙೚೘
Table 2 Operating Modes at Different States depicted in Figure 3.
෢ ௥௘௙ ൯
݂݅൫ܱܵ‫ܥ‬൫‫ݐ‬௥௘௙ ൯ ൒ ܱܵ‫ܥ‬
State Operating Mode
I Normal ECMS Mode ‫ݐ‬ሺ݆ሻ ൌ ‫ݐ‬௞ ;
II MECMS (SOC Guarantee)
‫ݐ‬௞ ൌ ‫ݐ‬௞ ൅ ο‫;ݐ‬
III MECMS (SOC and Emission Guarantee)
݆ ൌ ݆ ൅ ͳ;
IV EV Mode only
V ECMS (with Emission only Guarantee)
Equation (2) shows the expression of net torque demand [6] end
at a time instant for a fixed drive cycle which can be related
to the instantaneous current drawn by motor. end
௧ ௧ ‫ݐ‬௠௜௡ ൌ ݉ܽ‫ݔ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ

ൌ ‫ݎ‬௪௛ ൈ ‫ܨ‬௓ா௓

௧ ௗ௏ ఘ
෡௠௜௡ ൌ ‫׬‬௧ೝ೐೑ ܸሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ݀‫ݐ‬

ൌ݉ ൅ ‫ܥ‬஽ ‫ܣ‬௙ ܸ ଶ ൅ ߤ௥௟ ݉݃ ௧ ೘೔೙
ௗ௧ ଶ ෡௠௜௡ is computed from ‫ݐ‬௠௜௡ which is estimated by
Here, ‫ܦ‬
Let, ‫ݐ‬௥௘௙ be the time taken by the vehicle to reach ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ . finding the maximum time from the current time instant
෢ ௥௘௙ is calculated by adding the SOC required to be
ܱܵ‫ܥ‬ (hence, minimum time from‫ݐ‬௥௘௙ ) to maintain the required
maintained at the end of ZEZ, denoted by ܱܵ‫ܥ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬௘௓ா௓ ሻ with minimum SOC ൫ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௥௘௙ ൯ at the entry of ZEZ while running
the additional amount required for the vehicle to traverse the on ECMS mode. To ensure this, the SOC at ‫ݐ‬௥௘௙ is calculated
ZEZ in EV mode. The Estimate of ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௥௘௙ is obtained as each time (with incremental steps) from current time instant
described by (3). (if it is attaining ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௥௘௙ ) by varying the time duration of
proposed M-ECMS operation. ‫ܦ‬ ෡௠௜௡ is used as an input to the
෢ ௥௘௙ ൌ ܱܵ‫ܥ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬௘௓ா௓ ሻ ൅ ‫׬‬௧೐ೋಶೋ ߟ௖ି௦௜௚௡൫ூభሺ௧ሻ൯
ூభ ሺ௧ሻ
݀‫ݐ‬ (3)
௧ ೝ೐೑ ொ೙೚೘ control logic to decide the mode of operation of the vehicle
and the operating point at each time instant in the drive cycle.
where I1(t) is the instantaneous battery current in the ZEZ
considering the drive cycle. ߟ௖ is the columbic efficiency, B. Proposed Prediction based Energy Management
ܳ௡௢௠ is the nominal charge capacity of the battery, ‫ݐ‬௘௓ா௓ is Strategy Considering Future ZEZ (M-ECMS)
the time when the vehicle crosses ZEZ, ‫݊݃݅ݏ‬ሺȈሻ denotes the In conventional ECMS [6], the so called penalty function
signum function. Now ‫ܫ‬ଵ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ can be calculated from the motor (typically denoted by S) does not involve any prediction of
torque-current relationship for the specific motor and used in SOC. While the modified ECMS [17] does consider the
(3). To obtain the lower bound of SOC which must be prediction of SOC for traversal in future path requiring higher
achieved by the vehicle while entering the ZEZ we consider motor usage. The cost function in both cases follows (4).
that ܱܵ‫ܥ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬௘௓ா௓ ሻ ൌ ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௠௜௡ . In the Electric Only mode
during the traversal of ZEZ the vehicle can also undergo ‫ ܬ‬ൌ ݉ሶ௙௨௘௟ ൅ ܵ ൈ ݉ሶ௕௔௧௧ (4)
regenerative braking, thereby gaining SOC. Inside the ZEZ, For this work of reducing emissions, cost function in [17] is
if ߬ோ் ൑ ߬௠௢௧ǡ௠௔௫ , total torque demand will be supplied by further modified. The proposed strategy aims to minimize the
the motor, i.e. ߬௠௢௧ ൌ ߬ோ் . Note that if ߬ோ் ൒ ߬௠௢௧ǡ௠௔௫ , cost function at each instant considering constraints which are
the vehicle will fail to follow the drive cycle in the ZEZ, while given by (5).
in EV mode. Let ‫ܫ‬ଶ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻbe the instantaneous current of the
battery to operate the vehicle in normal ECMS mode(State I ܺ௠௜௡ ൑ ܺሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ ൑ ܺ௠௔௫ (5)
߬ோ் ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ ൌ ߬௘௡௚ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ ൅ ߬௠௢௧ ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ ADVISOR [20] [21], an industry standard open source
automotive simulation software which is developed on
Where MATLAB-SIMULINK platform. In this study a 3km (4km to
ܺ ‫ א‬൛ܱܵ‫ܥ‬ǡ ߬௠௢௧ ǡ ߬௘௡௚ ǡ ߱௠௢௧ ǡ ߱௘௡௚ ǡ ܲ௕௔௧௧ ൟ 7km) long ZEZ area within the drive cycle is considered on
an 11km long route where usage of engine is not permitted.
In each mode of operation (described in Figure 3), the cost Here, two algorithms ECMS and M-ECMS are tested on two
function can be different. S, the penalty factor for the proposed standard drive cycles, namely NEDC and US06 having ZEZ
strategy is a nonlinear cubic function of normalized SOC as in as allocated. The main objective of the work has been the
(6(a)). To limit the increase in error of SOC, an integral of the development of the proposed energy management based SC
error has also been taken into consideration as in penalty strategy, M-ECMS which is targeted to enable the HEV to
function [17] and shown in (6(b)). successfully traverse the entire span of the ZEZ without
Ͳ݂݅‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ ൑ ݀ ൑ ‫ܦ‬௘௓ா௓ emissions. The simulation results are presented in this section
‫ۓ‬ ଶ to demonstrate how the M-ECMS algorithm under various
ۖ ௗି஽ೝ೐೑
ۖ ܵଵ‫ כ‬൬ ൰ ݂݅‫ܦ‬ଶ ൑ ݀ ൑ ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ drive cycles will achieve this task. Further, while achieving
஽ೝ೐೑ ି஽మ
ܵൌ  this main objective, it can also be useful to characterize the
‫ כ ܵ ۔‬൬‫ ܭ‬െ ቀ ௗି஽ఱ ቁଶ ൰ ݂݅‫ܦ‬
ଵ ௘௓ா௓ ൑ ݀ ൑ ‫ܦ‬ହ performance of this algorithm in terms of other parameters
ۖ ஽ఱ ି஽೐ೋಶೋ
‫כ‬ ᇱ ᇱ ‫כ‬
‫ܵە‬ଵ ൈ ݂ ൫‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ൯ ൈ ߚ ൅ ܵଶ ൈ ݂൫‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ൯ ൈ ሺͳ െ ߚሻ‫݁ݏ݅ݓݎ݄݁ݐ݋‬ such as fuel consumption, SOC change, emissions and energy
consumption. Since, there are significant effects of changes
in ambient temperature on these parameters of the vehicle,
ଶൈௌை஼ିሺௌை஼೘ೌೣ ାௌை஼೘೔೙ ሻ further evaluation through simulation is done to study the
‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ൌ
ௌை஼೘ೌೣ ିௌை஼೘೔೙ effect on fuel consumption, electric energy consumption and
ଷ ௧ emission due to the variation in the ambient temperature.
݂൫‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ൯ ൌ ൫ͳ െ ‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ൯ ൅ ‫ܭ‬ூ ‫׬‬଴ ‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ݀‫ݐ‬
Both algorithms have prior information about the ZEZ but
ௌை஼ିௌை஼ unlike M-ECMS, in case of ECMS no predictive action is

‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ൌ (6(b)) taken to conserve SOC by utilizing this prior information.
ௌை஼೘ೌೣ ିௌை஼೘೔೙

ଷ ௧ Also it is assumed that engine is cold started at the beginning

݂ ᇱ ൫‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ᇱ
൯ ൌ ൫ͳ െ ‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ᇱ
൯ ൅ ‫ܭ‬ூᇱ ‫׬‬଴ ‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ݀‫ݐ‬ of the considered drive cycles.
෡ ೘೔೙൯ቁି௦௜௚௡൫ௗି஽ೝ೐೑ ൯
௦௜௚௡ቀௗି൫஽ೝ೐೑ ି஽

Here SOC denotes the current SOC value at tth time instant
and ܵଵ‫ כ‬ǡ ܵଶ‫ כ‬are the constant parameters which are tuned
based on particular scenario. The range of the variables are
ᇱ ᇱ
‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ǡ ‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ ‫ א‬ሾെͳǡ ͳሿ and ݂௣௘௡ ǡ ݂௣௘௡ ‫ א‬ሾͲǡ ʹሿ . If penalty
function S assumes a low value (which will occur when ݂௣௘௡
is very small, close to 0 or ‫ݔ‬௣௘௡ is very high being close to 1
or SOC value is close to ܱܵ‫ܥ‬௠௔௫ ), it will penalize the cost
function J such that after optimization the motor torque
contribution will increase substantially. Between ൫‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ െ
෡௠௜௡ ൯ and ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ the value of ȕ is 1 otherwise 0. When ȕ = 0
the normal ECMS (State I and State V with emission in
consideration) will be executing as the SC strategy and when
ȕ = 1 the vehicle control strategy will be operating in the M-
ECMS (State II). In between ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ to ‫ܦ‬௘௓ா௓ , the value of S is Figure 4 Vehicle Performance at NEDC Drive Cycle using only
ECMS Strategy
0 indicating less penalty on motor fuel consumption part
which leads the vehicle to run on EV mode (State IV). During Figure 4 shows the results generated using only ECMS as
the traversal from ‫ܦ‬ଶ to ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ (State III) the value of S will an energy management strategy of SC implemented on
decrease monotonically which in term indicates higher motor NEDC drive cycle. From third subplot in Figure 4 it is
usage. Whereas, during ‫ܦ‬௘௓ா௓ to ‫ܦ‬ହ (State V) S will penalize observed that when the vehicle reaches the starting point of
the cost function more as the distance of vehicle from ZEZ in ZEZ (Dref) it starts operating in EV mode (motor only mode).
trailing emission zone increases. Due to that the engine usage It is seen that the vehicle attains a minimum SOC around 4.8
will increase gradually. Based on the value of S (depends on km, so it cannot traverse the entire ZEZ in EV mode. Hence,
ȕ) particular mode of operation (between III and V) is decided. it takes help of the engine to cover the remaining distance in
With the cost function in (4) subject to constraints in (5), it ZEZ (as indicated by a nonzero engine torque in second sub
becomes a constrained minimization problem whose optimal plot as well as non-zero emission in fourth subplot during
solution will lead to the desired TSR, targeted to reduce fuel later part of ZEZ). This kind of behaviour is not acceptable.
consumption and/or emission. The battery current subplot depicts the continuous charging
(negative current) and discharging (positive current)
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS behaviour in between 4.8 km and 7 km region because of the
The proposed supervisory control strategy is implemented engine operation and regeneration of the HEV during ZEZ
using a validated HEV model (HONDA INSIGHT) in traversal.
Similarly, when the ECMS strategy is tested with US06 battery using regenerative braking is more in NEDC than in
drive cycle, it has been observed through simulation that the US06. Due to high SOC level at ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ M-ECMS does not need
SOC of the battery reaches its minimum limit at 6.4 km the help of engine during the traversal of ZEZ. It is also
during the ZEZ and takes help of engine to cover the observed in the second subplot that torque delivered from
remaining distance of ZEZ. Hence, it is concluded that engine remains zero during ZEZ and demanded torque from
normal ECMS fails to satisfy the emission constraints during the driver is supplied solely by motor. So SOC value is
ZEZ in both NEDC and US06 drive cycles. monotonically decreasing and the emission as well as fuel
consumption is completely zero during ZEZ region as evident
from third and fourth subplots. As shown in the figures, for
both the drive cycles, the leading buffer zone is from 3.3 km
(‫ܦ‬ଶ ) to 4 km ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ from where emission starts decreasing
gradually and becomes zero at ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ . On the other hand, the
trailing buffer zone is from the 7 km (‫ܦ‬௘௓ா௓ ) to 7.5 km (‫ܦ‬ହ ).
So it is evident from the results that M-ECMS has crossed the
ZEZ successfully, exhibiting desirable performance.
It is further observed in Figure 4, 5, and 6 that SOC of the
battery rises after‫ܦ‬௘௓ா௓ . It is because of the integral term
present in eqn. (6(b)) which generates a large integral error
during the traversal of ZEZ. This affects the cost function of
both the algorithms in such a way that it operates mostly on
hybrid generation mode to maintain the reference SOC.
In all cases of Figure 4, 5 and 6, the emissions at the
starting of drive cycles is very high due to cold start of engine.
Table 3 Summary of results under different strategies and drive
Figure 5 Vehicle Performance at NEDC Drive Cycle using cycles
Proposed Modified ECMS Strategy ECMS M-ECMS
¨ SOC (Initial SOC –
32.23 33.84 41.92 35.62
Final SOC)
Fuel Consumption (liters) 0.3106 0.4702 0.2934 0.4357
Overall Energy Consumption
Battery (KJ)
566.1 519.3 741.2 629.0
Fuel(KJ) 9912.3 15004 9364.3 13904
Total Consumption (kJ) 10478.4 15523.3 10105.5 14533
Integrated Emissions
HC (gm) 0.9872 2.5661 0.9988 2.5706
CO (gm) 4.0836 9.2491 4.1434 9.1936
NOX (gm) 0.5489 2.0268 0.5691 1.9890
A summary of comparative results of different
performance parameters using the two algorithms tested with
the mentioned drive cycles is shown in Table 3. In both the
Figure 6 Vehicle Performance at US06 Drive Cycle using drive cycles, value of ¨SOC is more for M-ECMS than that
Proposed Modified ECMS Strategy of normal ECMS. This is because the vehicle started working
The results of the proposed prediction based energy on both engine and motor mode before ‫ܦ‬௘௓ா௓ with ECMS
management strategy (MECMS) tested with NEDC and algorithm whereas in case of M-ECMS the vehicle starts
US06 drive cycles are shown in Figure 5 and 6, respectively. operating on both engine and motor mode after the end of
It is observed that using the proposed M-ECMS, for NEDC ZEZ. So, M-ECMS gets less time to reduce the difference
෢ ௥௘௙ are 72.62% and
and US06 drive cycles the estimated ܱܵ‫ܥ‬ between initial and final SOC. However, the total energy

80%, respectively, while estimated ‫ܦ‬௠௜௡ are 1.9 km and 4 consumption (battery energy + fuel energy) using M-ECMS
km, respectively. For both these drive cycles, from ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ െ is less compared to the same using ECMS due to less fuel
෡௠௜௡ to ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ , the vehicle operates in the hybrid generation
‫ܦ‬ consumption in M-ECMS. From the integrated emissions
data, emissions like HC, CO, NOx are more with M-ECMS
mode, engine only mode and regenerative mode with the sole
than ECMS in NEDC because both of the algorithms do not
objective to charge the battery to attain a desired value
consider emission in its cost function. So, for both drive
ofܱܵ‫ܥ‬௥௘௙ at ‫ܦ‬௥௘௙ . This phenomenon is observed from motor
cycles, SC chooses operating points such that it reduces the
and engine torque values in second subplot of both Figure 5 fuel consumption but not the emission. In US06 drive cycle,
and 6. Here it is observed that ‫ܦ‬෡௠௜௡ for NEDC is less than
HC is more with M-ECMS but consumption of CO and NOx
that of US06, because of the US06 drive cycle which in is less with ECMS as operating points are not minimizing the
general demands higher power. So, extent of charging the emission.
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