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Divisions of groups:

will divide our group into 4 sub groups

G1 – 2 men
G2 – 2 men
G3 – 2 men
G4 – 2 men

1. As the convoy crosses he temple at 1700 hrs. one of us will halt the convoy and inform them about the
problem, G1 will accompany the injured and with the help of convoy will take them to the hospital at Lalpur
village. They will reach there by 1800 hrs.
2. Will borrow some men and a vehicle from convoy and G2 along with own vehicle will move to the
yamuna bridge via betia village. one of us will stop at betia village and inform the police there about the
whole situation. and ask them to inform the bomb diffusing authorities (army units) and to tell them to reach
as fast as possible at yamuna bridge. The other one will go the village head men informing him the problem
and will save him at 17.35
3. Meanwhile G3 will go to road track junction via the river bridge and will stop the vehicle of GOC and
will inform him the problem. They will reach at 17.45 by civil bus.
Then G2 along with his vehicle and the police officials will locate the bomb at bridge and with the help of
bomb diffusing authorities will diffuse the bomb. They will complete the task by 17.50 hrs.
4. Now G4 will come along with injured pony with the help of damaged jeep or 3 ton to village betia and
hospitalise the pony to the vet and after that. They will be later joined by the G2 and police officials and and
nab the terrorists.
They will complete the task by 18.30hrs.
5. after completing all of their tasks they will meet at the temple by 19.00hrs. and return to the Lalpur.
You are a group of students (as many as in the group) of Shyamgarh college returning from Dinapur after
winning the Dinapur District Volley Ball Championship. The victory celebrations in your college are to start
at 7.30 PM. As you mini -bus stopped at the petrol pump – cum – garage to get the headlights of the minibus
repaired, you saw the attendant lying in a pool of blood. He told you that some anti – social elements had
beaten him up and left him dead before looting all the cash and cutting off the telephone wires. He had
managed to overhear their conversation. They planned to exchange large consignment of drugs in return for
Arms from a foreigner near the Rock at 6.45 PM. They had also removed the fish plates of both railway
tracks on the bridge. You know that an express train crosses the bridge at 6.30 PM. Also two of their men
were hiding near the ferry to kill Tota Ram of Badli Village who was a police informer. The ferry has a
motor boat with a speed of 20 Kmph which the two men have planned to use for their escape later. After
telling this the pump attendant falls unconscious. Just then one of your friends comes running from the mini-
bus and tells you that he has to take the mini – bus back to the office of Dinapur College where your Silver
Trophy and the medals have been left behind. The time now is 5.30 PM. What will you do?

1. G1 will go on minivan by road to shyampur hospital. They will get the medical aid to attendant and drop
him back to petrol pump at 6.45 pm
2. G2 and will go on ferry via creek to Coast guard hut. They will alert the coast guard about fish plate
removal and drug consignment. With his help they will alert railway authority to stop the train at 6.10 pm.
They will return to pump at 6.55 pm.
3. G3 will go on foot via kachha rasta and go along with G2 on ferry to Badli village. They will alert totaram
and co-operate with police to catch the 2 people near ferry at 6.10 pm and return at 6.45 pm to pump.
4. G4 will go on attendant’s bike via road to dinpur college. They will take the medals and come back to
petrol pump at 6.30 pm.
At 7:00pm, all of them will meet at petrol pump and go ahead on minibus to reach the college and attend the
victory function.

1. Team is divided in G1 and G2 units, both of them first proceed to canal to save the drowning people, G2
unit stays, collects equipments and recaptures the seized raft. They will complete at 14.30
2. G1 unit heads to Lanka village by vehicles running on road and drops the casualties for medical help time
is now 14.45
3. Meanwhile unit G3 heads to Rajpura water head works through any vehicle coming by road, stops there
get the 3 ton. They will reach Rajpura WHW and tell them the problem. They will catch the terrorists with
the help of police and arms and amunation at 15.15
4. Meanwhile G4 will come to Lanka village and get repaired of telephone lines. They will reach reached
there at 15.00 by the one ton coming at 14.30.
5. After that G3 will meet G4 and G1 at 15.45 in Lanka village. They all 3 will go by the 1 Ton to the base
camp and reached there at 16.15
6. All 3 teams return to base camp with the 1 ton to give information to the in-charge officer.
You are 8 students from city Deer had gone for boating on the riverside. You had parked yourself on the
southern side of the river at a point A. While your friends were boating, you were going to village Tiger
to bring drinking water. While crossing the Railway line, you notice that one fish plate of
the Railway line has been found completely removed. A boy came running to inform you that he
overheard 5 terrorists planted a powerful road mine to kill the Chief Minister who will be passing in one
hour time. The terrorists were hiding in the nearby jungle. At the same time, one villager came to
inform you that a tigress has mauled 2 young girls and they are lying unconscious in the jungle. Just
then another man informs that his haystack was on fire and wanted your help. There is a Police post and
a PCO in Vill Lion. A messenger from PCO enquires your name and informs that your mother is
seriously ill and your presence is immediately required. When you start moving, you see a young
beautiful daughter of Pradhan of Vill Tiger, who was walking along with you, just slips and falls in the
ground well. But you do not know swimming. The Vill Pradhan has got 5 guns with him. The train
will pass through your location at 1600 hrs. A half an hour bus service is available between cities Deer
and Bear. A number of carts are available in Vill Fox. There is a motor boat which can travel at a speed
of 10 KM per hr. Time now is 1415 hrs. You have got a jeep with you, being a young and brave
students what will you do?

Firstly I will pull out the village pradhan girl out of well with the help of villagers of tiger village with
the help of rope and bucket. I will return to my team and tell them the entire situation till 1445. We will
make plan.
I will tell G1 of 3 students with jeep to go to police station along with gun in village lion and inform the
police about road mine in the way of CM arrival and co-operate with them and also tell them that
terrorists are hidden in the forest and also inform railway emergency no. in nearby PCO about the
fishplate removal near village lion with the help of police. This will take 15.15
Meanwhile I will go by any vehicle by road or by taking the vehicle of any villagers and go straight to
my mother and bring her to the hospital at vill Fox. This will take 15.15.
Meanwhile Team G2 of 2 students will go in the forest along with gun to save two girls mauled by
tigress and after first aid bringing them to hospital in village tiger. This will take 15.30
Meanwhile Team G3 of 2 students will also ensure to convince villagers of tiger village to put out fire of
haystack. 1 of the student will go at the railway track where fish plate is removed and use red shirt in
case of train arrives. Though authorities have already informed by team. He will also work as a reference
point for the authorities. This will take 15.30
Team G1 of 3 students will go in the forest where terrorists have hidden. With the help of villagers and
pradhan of village tiger ensure that terrorists could not run away from there until police reach as team
has been informed police about it. After planning up to 16.00 hrs all resolves to complete their mission
and meet at point A about 16.45. From where they will move to home.
You are a group of 10 students returning to your hostel at doper after a picnic at Rampur your vehicle
developed problem and you left it at garage near petrol pump and your group decided to enjoy ferry as
your jeep will be repaired by 6pm. You stopped at tea stall and having tea, one of your friends found a
rifle and accidently he fired a bullet which injured him in his shoulder. While you were thinking about
what to do, a boy came to you to seek your help as his father fell down near wheat fields from his cart
and broken his leg. As he finished a man came on cycle to you and informed that miscreant who are
hidden in shanty village, and they are going to remove fish plates of train track and also will blast a train
going from dholpur to Rampur which leaves at 4:45 and they plan to blow it at 5:30 over the bridge. And
villagers are afraid of goons so they are not informing police. just as he finished a woman came to you
and asked for help as her cow was stranded in marshy land and it is the only source if her livelihood as it
4pm now, and you need to reach hostel before 7 pm you are also provided that a bus leaves from
shampur to dholpur leaves at 5 pm. boats are also available at ferry. No telephone or mobile is working.
What you will do in such a situation?

First of all I will stop his blood using cloths now, 2 of us take the person to hospital. We will take start at
4:15 as it will take some time to plan and take lift to the hospital. we will take lift from passing vehicles.
it will take near 15 min to cover the distance of 15km and additional 15 min to take him to hospital,
admitted the person to the hospital and treatment started. and sent a ambulance to pick up the leg broken
person and take him to hospital. This will take 4.45

2 of us + cycle + son of that person will go to wheat field and take him out so that ambulance can pick
him up. We will start at 4:15. We will move from tea stall to wheat field by using cycle and cart to cover
4 km cycle will take near 10 minutes and we will take him out on his cart in near 10 min. we will take
him to tea stall and wait for ambulance so that he can be taken to hospital and can be treated. This will
complete at 5 pm

3 of us will to villages. 1 will inform shanty village police and 2 will inform railway person at manned
railway crossing at 4:15 to police station in village and at manned crossing. 1 will take help of villagers
to reach police station using villagers motor cycle or cycle. And other two will reach ferry in running and
take boat to reach the manned crossing near temple. 1 man will use villager’s resources and in 20
minutes he can find the police station .and 2 others will cover 3 km. in 10 min. and then reaming 8 km
by boat and it will take 10 minutes as speed of current will also support us informing the concerned
person on time will resolve the issue till 4:50 pm.
2 of us + lady + villager who informed us about miscreants will take the cow out of marshy land they
will start at 4:15 will move to marshy land we will collect resources like rope, man power, some some
sticks, a wooden plank etc. and using them we will pull the cow out it will take us 5 mins to cover 2 kms
and then 10 mins to gather resources. And near 30 mins to take cow out. we will save the cow with help
of villagers. Till 5:00.

All of us will gather at tea stall till 5:20 and catch the bus and reach garage and collect our jeep and
return to the hostel before 7:00 pm.

You are 8 friends from Ranikhet went to Kalnu hills for expedition. You are staying in a small lodge at
Malroad market. You have a return train at 7.00 pm leaving for Ranikhet from Sahibabad station. You
were taking a stroll in the market when a person comes running to you and tells you there is a landslide
have occurred in Kalnu hills and many people get trapped in the landslide. He also tells you that the fish
plate of the train track has been removed near Sahibabad station because of poor maintenance. A train
passes the track at 6.30pm. In the meanwhile another person tells you that an accident occurred on
Ratnagar highway which led few people injured. There is a hospital and a NDRF team in Chaubatia
village. Carts are available at Jhakra village. It is 5:00 pm already. As being young and brave, what you
will do.

1) G1 consist of 2 members will take the vehicle or two from any of the person and go towards the
ratnagar highway to hospitalized the injured people by taking lift and then by calling ambulance from
Chaubatia village. This will take around at 5.45 pm.
2) At the same time G2 consist of 2 members will go to the NDRF by taking lift from malroad market
road tell them about the situation of the Landslides occur on kalnu hills. They along with NDRF
team will reach the place at 5.45 pm and rescue the trapped people by round 6.30 pm
3) Meanwhile G3 consist of 2 students will go to Sahibabad station tell the railway authority about the
fish plates and maintenance work will carried out and completed at about 5.30 pm
4) At the same time G4 consist of 2 students will bring the luggage of all the 8 people to the Shahibabad
by cab or vehicle and reach there at 5.40 pm and they all will meet there at 6.45 pm and go to
Ranikhet by train from 7.00pm
You are group of 8 students of Kumarpur College returning from Lalbagh after winning a Football
Competition. As your mini bus stopped at the petrol pump-cum-garage to get the headlights of the mini-bus
repaired, you saw a person lying in a pool of blood. He told you that he is a native of Rampur village and a
communal crisis broke down in Rampur village. As he came to the petrol pump to ask help of the attendant
and call police some terrorists attacked the pump and beaten him up and cut off the telephone wires. They
also took the attendant with them. He managed to hear their conversation. They planned to bomb the
Dusshera Mela at 6.00 pm. They have also planned to kill the CM who is coming for the inauguration of
ADusshera Mela at the Helipad at 5.30pm. They have also removed the fish plates near Rampur village. The
train will pass Rampur village at 6.30 pm. After telling this the man fell unconscious. Just then a man
inquires about you and tells you that your mother got dengue. Jetty facility is available at Surya canal from
4.00pm to 8.00pm. Police station and Army unit is there in Shyamli town . A PCO is also available at
Shyamli town. There are some carts available at Ramte ram village. Now the time is 4.00pm. You have got
a mini-bus with you, being a young and brave students what will you do?

Firstly Flow of blood should be stopped using First aid box in the bus and he should be sent to the army
camp in Shyamli village taking lift from passing vehicles with G1 group of 3 students. This process
starts by 4:15 pm. The distance will be around 15 km which can be covered in 30 minutes. There in
military hospital where the person gets treatment. Also inform all the details to them. One student will
go to police station and tell about communal revolt in rampur village. Other will reach pco and inform
about fish plates to the railway police. This will take around at 5.15.
At the same time G2 group consist of 2 students reach dushera mela by taking lift passing by and alert
the people about bomb before army comes. Now the time is 4:50 pm. Army by dividing into two groups
one will reach helipad by 5:20 for the rescue of CM and the other reach dushera mela to dispose the
bomb by 5.30 pm
G3 consist of 2 students will go to bridge with mini bus along with some people and stand with red cloth
to stop the train if it takes much time for the railway police to clear the fish plates.
G4 consist of me will go by any vehicle near petrol pump to admit my mother to the hospital at
Kumarpur. I will reach there at about 4.50 pm. Complete the admitting I will inform my friend to take
care of my mother until I come. I will reach the back to petrol pump at 5.45 pm. From there on we will
move on to the Kumarpur

You are a group of students coming from your small town Kalapur in a minibus going to neighbouring
district town Nimganj to appear in an Exam commencing at 11:15 a.m. after dismounting from the minibus
at village Ruppar you are waiting for the steamer to go across River Koyal. Suddenly a villager comes to
you for help and informs that an old dilapidated haveli on the outskirts of the village Ruppar has crumbled
down crushing five men, out of which two are seriously injured. He also tells that while he was working in
his field nearby, he overheard two terrotists who had planted a bomb on the Railway Bridge on River Koyal
and timed it to blow up at 10:15 a.m., when Nimganj - Kalapur passengers passes over it. He further added
that they have gone to village Chara where they plan to exchange the contraband they were carrying with
other party at 10:20 a.m. at Raju Hotel and chalk out plan to destroy a Pontoon Bridge on River Koyal
further upstream, subsequently as you were listening to this villager another shepherd comes running asking
for help to put out the fire in his hut where he stored haystack and fodder for his cattle. Some additional
information is available as follows:

1. The streamer service is twice a day and comes at 9:30 a.m. to leave for Nimganj.
2. The minibus leaves back of Kalapur at 9:20 a.m. and its speed is 40 kmph.
3. Due to some problem local communication form village Ruppar is out of order.
4. The fishery department located on River Koyal has one rowing boat with capacity of four. Maximum
speed upstream is 6 kmph and downstream is 15 kmph.
5. Down train leaves Kalapur at 10:30 a.m. to reach Nimganj at 11:00 a.m.
Time now is 9 a.m. as bold young men what action will you take?

We are a group of 10 students at Ruppar. We have to reach Nimganj by 11:15 a.m. to give exam. We are
presently waiting for steamer, and we have to tackle the following situations in the meanwhile:

1. To give first aid and evacuation to all five injured people.

2. To inform and help authorities to stop Bomb blast at Railway Bridge.
3. To nab terrorists at Village Chara.

We will handle these situations in the following manner:

G1 consist of 3 members will give first aid to injure and will borrow a jeep form Ruppar. They will take the
injured to Nimganj and admit them in hospital. The distance is 8 km so it will take 15 minutes and reach by
9.20 a.m. and admit them at 9.30 am
G2 consist of 3 members will then go to Pontoon Bridge via Chara by taking Minibus vehicle. Distance is 18
km, and it will take 25 min subsequently to reach there. Then they will inform the police authority to nab the
terrorist at raju hotel in chara. This will complete around 9.50 am. And 2 members of G2 will go with the
police authority to the pontoon bridge and defuse the explosive materials with the help of Army squad.
These will take around 10.15 am
G3 will go to other side of river koyal by boat. From there, they will reach Nimganj by 9:20 am since
distance is 10 km will inform police station at Nimganj and railway station at Nimganj and Kalapur, so that
the Nimganj Kalapur-Passenger can be delayed. This group will accompany police and bomb squad along
with G1 at Nimgang to Railway Bridge to neutralize the bomb. Distance is 10 km so in police jeep they will
reach by 9:50 am.
G4 consist of 2 members will go with the shepherd to save the fodder for his cattle and this will be
completed at 9.45 am
After completing all tasks All the groups will meet at ruppar at 10.40 am and then will go to the Nimganj by
the Police vehicle to the Nimganj as there no vehicle available and reach there at 11.00 am then give the
exam at 11.15 am


You are a group of students come from Amarpur for picnic and you are presently at Rest House near river.
After enjoying picnic you decided to go back to your location but minibus you were travelling developed
some mechanical fault and it will take approximately one hour to get it repaired. As you were thinking about
the problem a villager from Tulsi came to you and told that while he was going to his village six militants
were planning to loot village Kalsi at around 3:30 p.m.

And simultaneously two of the miscreants of the same group will go for kidnapping a rich person at village
Kali at 4:00 pm. After finishing the work, all six miscreants will come to Kirti, collect illegal items as
planned and catch the train at 4:30pm from the railway station. In the meanwhile a person approaches you,
and tell you that he has lost his monkey which is his primary livelihood and approaches you for help to
terrace the animal.

While you were listening to the villager, a local person came to you and informs you that due to land slide,
rocks have fallen on the railway track and a passenger train is likely to start from Sherpur railway station at
2:30pm causing a likely threat which may result into a train accident.

Following additional information is available :

Two boats are available near RH.
Weapons are there in village Kalsi
District HQ and city is approachable at a distance of 10km around the sketch.
Present time is 2:30 pm as brave young students what will be your course of action.

We are ten in our group and face the following problems:
To clear the railway track and save the life of passengers in train
Save the life of that person who is going to be kidnapped.
Nabbing of militants
Problem of monkeys.
Time is now 2:30 pm and will take fifteen minutes for planning and will follow the understated course of

G1 consist of 2 members will take the jeep close to the highway and will directly move towards the railway
station and will inform the railway authorities about the landslide on the railway track. These will take
around 3.15 pm

G2 consist of 4 members will also inform Sherpur as well as Lakhanpur Railway station and try to stop the
train at Sherpur railway station before 2:30 pm. The distance from rest house to railway station is
approximately 8 km and we will cover the distance in 15min. this job will be completed around 3.00 pm and
the the same students will move towards Lakhanpur and inform the police and other higher authorities about
militants around 3:45pm and will report back to the rest house.

G3 will take a jeep from the road and move to village Kalsi by mobilizing weapons and four villagers and
save the person who is likely to be kidnapped at the 3.30 pm by the miscreants through in village Kali. We
will take position, attack them and nab them and in the meanwhile we expect the police to arrive and will
hand over the miscreants to the police. Simultaneous G3 will take the boat and move towards village Kirti
and G2 will come to the village kirti by boat through stream with police with him. They will reach there at
4.15 pm. And nab the six miscreants
At the same time G4 will go with that person to find his monkey they will complete it by 3.30 pm. They all
will complete and meet at Rest House at 5.00 pm

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