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DIPLOMA/EE/ODD/Sem-3rd/2nd Internal/EE/S3/EMI/2020-21

Pailan Technical Campus

Department of Electrical Engineering
2nd Internal Examination
Subject: - Electrical Measuring Instrument Subject Code: - EE/S3/EMI
Time: - 60 Minutes F.M: - 20
Stream: - EE 2nd Year (2019-2022) Semester: - 3rd

Group- A
(Short Answer Type Question)
1.Fill in the blanks of the following with appropriate terms :-

i) In a 3 phse power measurement by two wattmeter method both the wattmeters have identical
readings. The power factor of the load was………………………………………

ii) a 3 phse power measurement by two wattmeter method reading of one of the wattmeter is zero. The
power factor of the load was………………………………………

iii)A dynamometer type wattmeter has ………………………… type of scale.

iv) The minimum number of wattmeter required to measure power in an unbalanced three wire system

v) Resistance can be measured by …………………. Meters.

Group- B
(Long Answer Type Question)
Answer any three
2. Discuss about the errors in a electrodynamometer wattmeter due to pressure coil inductance with figure.
Also explain how it can be minimized.
3. Explain the effect of power factor on wattmeter reading for three phase power measurement by two
wattmeter method.
4. Explain the measurement of reactive power for a 3 phase star connected load with suitable diagram.
5. Why braking torque is necessary in induction type energy meters? Draw and explain how braking
arrangement is done such instruments.
6. What is creeping error in an energy meter? What are its possible causes? How can it be compensated in an
induction type energy meter?

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