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Name _______________________________________________

Roll No.: _____ Div.: _____ Class Sub. Sr.No.

Date: ___________________ V English I-FA-1A

I. Write a descriptive essay on “A visit to a market place” with the help of

the key ideas given below: -

How did the plan start?

With whom did you go?

Describe the market place.

The things you brought and the fun you had there.

Your thoughts and feelings about the visit to the market place.

















II. Read the passage and answer the questions given below: -

Whether we like it or not, but it is impossible to escape falling sick. Once

sickness grips, there is no other alternative but to consult a doctor and start
taking medicines. All doctors do not follow the same system of medicines. Six
popular systems of medicine are being practiced all over the world. It is quite
interesting to study how and when our own system of medicine, ‘Ayurveda’,
came into being and got acceptability. Everyone knows that our system is
based mainly on herbs and plants. It is developed by Atreya, a physician and
a teacher at the University of Taxila. He lived in the 6th century B.C. Another
renowned local personality in the field was Susruta, who hailed from
Varanasi. He invented and developed the surgical treatment. His book
‘Susruta Samhita’ is considered as The Holy Bible in Ayurveda. He has
described in it the skillful methods of performing a number of operations.

A. Answer the following questions: -

1. Who was Atreya and where did he serve?

Ans. _______________________________________________________________________


2. Why was Susruta famous for?

Ans. _______________________________________________________________________


3. Which book is considered as The Holy Bible in Ayurveda?

Ans. _______________________________________________________________________


4. Find the words from the passage that mean:

a. famous - ______________________________

b. to come from - ______________________________

5. Match the incomplete statement to its correct counterpart.

1. Falling sick once in a while a. herbs and plants

2. Our own system of medicine b. is unavoidable

3. Ayurveda is based mainly on c. after we fall sick

4. Consulting a doctor is necessary d. is called Ayurveda

Ans. 1. _______ 2. ________3. __________4. _________

6. Write new sentences with the given phrases.

a. to consult a doctor –

b. in the 6th century –

III. Punctuate the following sentences:

a. i asked my friend ramesh when will you return my book

Ans. __________________________________________________________________________

b. pinky can we go to bandra to buy some clothes asked manisha

Ans. __________________________________________________________________________

IV. Match the idioms with the correct meanings:

1. a bed of roses a. to live within one’s income

2. to make both ends meet b. to ignore

3. to turn a deaf ear c. to discourage

4. throw cold water on something d. comfortable situation

Ans. 1 – ______, 2 – ______, 3 - ______, 4 - ________

V. Fill in the blanks with the correct homophones:

a. ______________house is not here. It is _________________(there, their)

b. The _____________ is very unpredictable today, so I wonder ____________ to

wear a jacket or carry an umbrella. (weather, whether)

VI. Find the simile in each sentence. Fill in what two things are being

a. Mannu’s car was as fast as a cheetah, maybe a little faster.

Simile –

_________________ is compared to _______________

VII. Make sentences with the following words to personify them.

a. traffic __________________________________________________________________


b. alarm clock ____________________________________________________________


VIII. Fill in the gaps with ‘How much’ and ‘How many’

a. ___________________ mud is on your pants?

b. ___________________countries are there in the world?

IX. Use the plural form of the words given in the brackets and complete
the sentences.

a. The children rushed to the field, to feed the ________________(chick)

b. We were annoyed to find all the ______________empty. (box)

X. Tick the sentence with appropriate articles:

a. This diamond ring is a expensive one. _________

b. I like to have a fruit after dinner than an ice cream. __________

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