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Annexure ‘‘AAB-CD-01’



Course Code: M K T G 2 0 1 2 0 0 2 3 3

Credit Units: 03

Level: UG (*L- Lecture *T – Tutorial *P – Practical *SW – Self work

*FW – Field work *PSDA - Professional Skill Development Activities)

Course Objectives: Understanding Customer Relationship Management has become a marketing “mantra” of businesses over the past one decade. Consumers are hooked to their choices for all 365 days in a year. There is a huge need to
encash these consumes insights. Henceforth, adoption and implementation of CRM systems truly depicts a transition of the organizations from product-centric to a more customer-centric approach. The objective of businesses is no longer to
just acquire customers and battle competition in making customers switch, but the objective is one of acquisition followed by development and retention, especially of those customers a business deems ``best”. This course also aims to learn
the application of technology to CRM practices.

Prerequisites: Students should have the understanding of the concepts of marketing.

Course Contents/Syllabus:

Descriptors/Topics Weightage (%)

1 Module I: Introduction
Descriptors/Topics 20
Definition of CRM
Purpose and benefits of CRM, Cross-selling and Up-Selling
Types of CRM- CRM MODEL- IDIC Model, QCi Model, CRM Value Chain, Payne’s Five Forces, Gartner Competency Model.
Relationship Building Strategies
Building Customer Relationship Management by Customer Retention Stages of Retention
Understanding Strategies to Prevent Defection and Recover Customers.
Introduction and Objectives of a CRM Process
4C’s (Elements) of CRM Process

2 Module II Managing Customer Relationship

Descriptors/Topics 20
Introduction ( Pre Industrial Age, Industrial Age, Service Economy Age, Knowledge Economy Age), Key Principles of Relationship Marketing.
Managing the customer as an asset, Customer Touch points
Customer privacy.
3 Module III : Managing different stages of CRM
Descriptors/Topics 20
Customer Acquisition Strategies, Customer Retention Strategies
The add-on-selling, Customer Equity Customer Metrics
Customer loyalty Life time value
The value of measuring customer satisfaction, Conflicts and Customer Complaint Management
4 Module IV: Issues and Challenges in Implementation of CRM
Descriptors/Topics 20
CRM Implementation Road Map, CRM Roadblocks (4P’s),
Potential Rewards from CRM Implementation
Future of CRM.
5 Module V : Emerging trends in CRM
ECRM, Conversational AI-Powered CRM, Integrating Data from Multiple Channels and handling big data, IoT in CRM for proactive, predictive and prescriptive 20
customer service, Increase of Mobile CRM usage,
CRM Software Systems(CRM software such as Oracle Siebal CRM , SAP,, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and Sugar CRM) with Wearables, Social CRM, Cloud-
based CRM, Hyper- individualization

List of Experiments (if any):

Course Learning Outcomes:

CLO1: The course would be able to make the students understand the concepts and practice of CRM both from the theory and practical aspects

CLO2: The concepts and applications from the real life case studies will help identify opportunities, which can be successfully applied for long term profitability
CLO3: The course would help the student to be able to analyze and apply their knowledge in understanding the technological aspects involved in CRM.

CLO4: The course would enable the student to be able to appraise the concepts of CRM into business situations.

CLO5: The course would enable student to understand the emerging trends in CRM
CLO6: The course would enable the students to develop recent understanding towards CRM.

Mapping of Course learning outcomes (CLOs) with Graduate Attributes (GA).

Course Learning Outcomes CLO1 CLO2 CLO3 CLO4 CLO5 CLO6

Graduate Attributes √

Knowledge and Expertise of Business Environment and Management √

Self-directed and Active learning √

Research and Enquiry √

Information & Communication Technology Skills √

Critical thinking and Problem-Solving Abilities √

Effective Business Communication
Creativity, Innovation & Reflective Thinking √
Analytical & Decision-Making Ability √

Leadership and Behaviour Skills √

Multicultural Understanding & Global Outlook √

Integrity, Ethics and Professional Conduct √

Social Networking Skills & Emotional intelligence √

Employability and Entrepreneurship √

Lifelong Learning

Environment and sustainability √

Pedagogy for Course Delivery: This class will be taught using a mix of theory and the case methods. All students must attend the two/three hour plenary lecture each week. This session will cover important course content and be
illustrated by case examples. Lectures

Case Study Discussion

Group Discussion

List of Professional Skill Development Activities (PSDA):

1) The student would be required to visit a retail outlet and study the CRM practices used in that outlet. The presentation of the same to begiven in the class.

2) Write a real-life experience wherein you faced a problem or had a complaint during the purchase of a product/ service (in any sector e.g. Hospitality, retail, e-commerce , telecommunication, banking etc) The write –
up should be in a caselet format emphasizing on following parameters:

 Issue ( a brief background of the problem/ grievance faced)

 Process of complaint management

 Your experience

 Resolution of complaint ( salesforce behavior, time taken, compensation given etc)

 How it changed your perception about the organization and your reaction.

The caselet should be of 1500-2000 words.

3) Do a comparative analysis of the features and adavantages of various CRM software such as Oracle Siebel CRM , SAP,, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Sugar CRM. Which one of these CRM
software do you think is best for a) a small retails shop; b) a big automobile firm; c) a big restaurant chain. Justify.

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

40 60

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment
End Term Examination
(Drop down) ANCE

Weightage (%) 10 10 5 10 5 60

Bloom’s Level Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Course Learning Outcomes CLO1: CLO2: CLO3: CLO4: CLO5: CLO 6:

Assessment type/PSDA



Assignment √ √ √

Class test √ √

Text Books/ References Books:

1. William, G. Zikmund, Raymund McLeod Jr.; Faye W. Gilbert (2003). Customer Relationships Management. Wiley.
2. Mohammed, H. Peeru and a Sagadevan (2004). Customer Relationship Management. Vikas Publishing House, Delhi.
3. Paul Greenberge (2005). CRM-Essential Customer Strategies for the 21st Century. Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Ronald S, 2001, Accelerating Customer Relationships, Swift, PHI’
5. Mullick N.H., 2016, Customer Relationship Management, Oxford University Press.
Journals to be referred:
6. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (Inderscience)
7. Business Process Management Journal (Emerald)

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