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Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

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Signature POWIs for DFIG under LVRT conditions: Analysis, experiments

and recommendations☆
Jie Ren a, Yang Wang a, Zixuan Zheng a, *, Xianyong Xiao a, Yi Zou a, Yi Zong b, Chunjun Huang b
College of Electrical Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
Center for Electric Power and Energy, Technical University of Denmark, 4000 Roskilde, Denmark


Keywords: As one of the important characteristics of voltage sags, the point on wave of initiation (POWI) has been widely
Doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) studied in its influence on sag sensitive devices. However, it is less mentioned in the research and test standards
low-voltage ride-through (LVRT) related to the low voltage ride through (LVRT) of doubly fed inductor generators (DFIGs). To fill this gap, a
point on wave of initiation (POWI)
comprehensive study for the influence of POWIs together with the phase angle jump (PAJ) is carried out in this
phase angle jump (PAJ)
paper. Taking rotor current as the evaluation index, mechanism analysis and experimental verifications are
conducted under different asymmetrical sags. The results demonstrate that POWIs affect the LVRT response
through the transient dc stator flux and rotor current. The two POWIs with the greatest and lightest impact
within half a cycle are defined as the signature POWIs, which depends on the sag type, sag magnitude and PAJ.
Analysis under the signature POWIs, especially the most severe POWI, can more accurately evaluate the LVRT
response of DFIGs. Besides, the PAJ will have a significant detrimental impact together with the POWI, man­
ifested as the increase of the negative ac and transient dc rotor current. Suggestions for improving the LVRT
testing standard are further put forward, that performing tests within the range of ± 15◦ around the most severe

and duration [8]. However, the PAJ and POWI associated with a voltage
1. Introduction sag also has a significant detrimental impact on the transient response of
DFIGs. It means the test conditions may be somewhat lenient. As a result,
Voltage sags are inevitable disturbance events in the power system. wind turbines that have passed the existing LVRT test may still fail to
For voltage sags due to faults, four types will appear at the point of ride through the sag disturbance in practice. Thus it is necessary to
coupling (PCC) of the wind farm [1]. As one of the typical sag sensitive consider the PAJ and POWI of voltage sags in the LVRT analysis of
equipment, doubly fed induction generators (DFIGs) will experience DFIGs, and explore the more comprehensive LVRT test specifications.
serious overshoots in the rotor current and dc-link voltage under voltage For their effect on other sensitive industrial installation, such as AC-
sag events [2–4], which further threatens the safety and stability of wind Contactors[9] and induction motors[10], the PAJ and POWI have been
generation systems. Correspondingly, countries around the world have widely studied in the analytical analysis, laboratory tests and standard
issues grid codes which specify the requirements of the low voltage ride development field [9–12], which indicate the feasibility of above
through (LVRT) performance of DFIGs [5,6]. research on wind turbines.
The important characteristics of voltage sags include the sag type, PAJ has been adopted as an important characteristics of voltage sags
sag magnitude, sag duration, phase angle jump (PAJ) and point on wave by IEEE std 1564-2014 and IEC 61000-4-30 [12]. This feature represents
of initiation (POWI) [7]. Among them, the first three characteristics are the angular change of the voltage sag vector when the source impedance
the most basic. For the mechanism analysis, LVRT scheme design and and the feeder impedance have different X/R ratios. Under symmetrical
LVRT test standards of the DFIG, related researches mainly simplify the sags, there are some work investigating the impact of PAJ on DFIG
terminal voltage based on these three characteristics. Take Chinese grid [13–16]. PAJ will impose larger rotor electromotive-force (EMF) and
code as an example, the wind turbine is required to be tested under rotor current, resulting in more challenges on the LVRT. Under asym­
three-phase and two-phase voltage sags with the specified magnitude metrical sags, both the PCC voltage vectors and the electromagnetic

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51907134.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (Z. Zheng), (C. Huang).
Received 8 June 2021; Received in revised form 7 August 2021; Accepted 13 September 2021
Available online 9 October 2021
0142-0615/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

Table 1
Nomenclature Voltage sag types in the wind power system.
Fault Voltage sag types
Bus 1(PCC) Bus 2 Bus 3(DFIG)
u, i, ψ Voltage, current, and flux space vectors.
3Φ A A A
ωs, ωm, ωr Synchronous, rotor and slip angular frequency.
Φ-g B C* D*
Rs, Rr Stator, rotor resistance. Φ-Φ C D C
L s, L r Stator, rotor self-inductance. 2Φ-g E F G
Lm Magnetizing inductance
t, tf Time and the time when the faults occur

s, r Stator and rotor windings.

s, r, dq Stator, rotor and synchronous rotation reference frames
+, -, 0 Positive, negative and zero sequences

Fig. 1. Diagram of the faulted system integrated with wind power.

response of DFIGs are more complicated, but the related work is rela­
tively few.
POWI is an important single-phase characteristics, which represents
the phase angle of the voltage waveform when the sag occurs [9]. This
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit for a phase-to-phase fault.
feature will affect the transient response of DFIG together with PAJ and
the sag amplitude under the asymmetrical sags [1]. Simulation results in
[13] indicated that POWI have an impact on the rotor current and dc- 2. Characteristics of voltage sags
link voltage of DFIGs. The two POWIs with the largest and smallest
impact on the wind turbine, are 0◦ or 90◦ when ignoring the PAJ [17]. 2.1. Voltage sag types of the wind power system
However, the above conclusion is no longer applicable for the actual
voltage sag with the PAJ. There is a lack of detailed theoretical analysis Fig. 1 illustrates the voltage-divider model of a wind energy con­
and experimental verifications of the combined influence for the POWI version system under the fault [7,14], where uG represents the grid
and PAJ on the dynamic response of DFIG. The calculation and change voltage; Zs = Rs + jXs is the source impedance, which is usually equiv­
rule of the POWIs with the greatest impact are also not clear currently. alent to a pure reactance. Zf = Rf + jXf is the feeder impedance which is
To fill the above gap, the authors have conducted a comprehensive the impedance between the PCC and the fault location. It can be written
study on the impact of PAJ under the symmetrical sag [16]. Taking rotor as Zf = zL with z the impedance of the feeder per unit length and L the
current as the evaluation index of LVRT capability, mechanism analysis distance between the fault and the PCC [7].
and laboratory tests have been carried out. In addition, a suggestion to When different types of short-circuit faults occur in the power sys­
consider PAJ in the LVRT test specifications and devices has been put tem, the corresponding voltage sags will happen at the PCC of the wind
forward. As the continuation of the above work, this paper introduces farm, as shown in the first column of Table 1. During the propagation of
the effect of the POWI together with PAJ under different asymmetrical voltage sags, the zero sequence voltage of the terminal of DFIG is filtered
sags. The main contributions include 1) the general expression of the out by the two Y/Δ transformers. Thus the three-phase voltage vector
rotor current considering the multiple characteristics of asymmetrical and the sag type will change, as shown in the third column of Table 1
sags is given; 2) the definition and calculation method of the signature [1,13].
POWIs considering impedance angles is put forward; 3) the rigorous Since the types of asymmetrical sag are various, the analysis and
analytical derivation about the influence of POWI with PAJ is proposed derivation below will focus on the phase-to-phase fault which has the
and verified by comparative experiments; 4) a recommendation to add most serious impact on the DFIG [14]. For other types of asymmetrical
the most severe POWI to the LVRT test standard is given. sag, only the corresponding calculation and validation results will be
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 ex­ discussed, because the proposed method is also applicable.
plains the definition and calculation of the sag magnitude, PAJ and
POWI under asymmetrical sags. In Section 3, the influence mechanism 2.2. Voltage vector of the type C voltage sag
of POWI and PAJ on DFIG is analyzed through the analytical calculation
of the stator-flux and the rotor-current. The calculation method and According to the voltage-divider model, the positive- and negative-
change rule of the signature POWIs is proposed; Experimental verifica­ sequence networks are connected in parallel under a phase-to-phase
tions are then conducted in Section 4 to support the theoretical analysis. fault (between phases b and c), and the zero-sequence voltages and
Finally, Section 5 recommends a suggestion to add the POWI in the currents are zero, as shown in Fig. 2 [7].
LVRT test of DFIGs. The sequence voltages at the PCC are

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

+ Z+ −
f + Zs + Zf

upcc_a = uG_a
f + Z f + Z s + Z −s
− +

Z −s (1)
u−pcc_a = − uG_a
f + Z −
f + Z+
s + Zs

u0pcc = 0

Since the wind power generation system is a three-phase symmetri­

cal power system, the positive- and negative-sequence impedance of Zs
and Zf are normally about equal [7,13,14]. Thus (1) can be written as (2) Fig. 3. Phasor diagram for the characteristic sag magnitude and PAJ.
under Zs+ ≈ Zs- = Zs,Zf+ ≈ Zf- = Zf.
( )
1 Zs 1 1 λejα
u+pcc_a = (1− )u G_a = + uG_a
2 Zf + Zs 2 2 1 + λejα
( ) (2)
1 Zs 1 1 λejα
u−pcc_a = uG_a = − uG_a
2 Zf + Zs 2 2 1 + λejα
The voltage vector can be further expressed as (3) and (4) based on
Fig. 4. Relation between the characteristic PAJ and the sag magnitude.
{ ( )
U1 ejωs t t < tf
upcc = +
+ j(ωs t+Δφ ) − ( ) (3)
u+ −
pcc + upcc = U2 e + U2− e− j(ωs t+Δφ ) t⩾tf

⃒ ⃒
⃒1 1 λejα ⃒ jα
U2+ = ⃒⃒ + ⃒ Δφ+ = arg(1 + 1 λe )
jα ⃒
2 2 1 + λe 2 2 1 + λejα
⃒ ⃒ (4)
⃒1 1 λejα ⃒ jα
U2− = ⃒⃒ − ⃒ Δφ− = arg(1 − 1 λe )
jα ⃒
2 2 1 + λe 2 2 1 + λejα

where U1 represents the magnitude of terminal voltage before the fault;

U2+ and U2- represent the magnitude of the positive- and negative-
sequence voltage after the fault; Δφ+, Δφ- represent the phase angle
change of them.
In (2)–(4), λ = |Zf|/|Zs| is the relative fault distance, which depends
on the fault location; α is defined as the impedance angle which can be
calculated as the angle difference between the feeder impedance (Zf) and
the system impedance (Zs), as shown in (5).
Xf Xs Fig. 5. Relation between the sequence voltages and the sag magnitude under
α = arctan( ) − arctan( ) (5)
Rf Rs the type C sag.

The sequence voltages in (2) can also be converted to the three-phase

reference frame as √̅̅̅ λejα λejα ( )
upcc_bc = − j 3 uG_a = uG_b − uG_c (8)
upcc_a = uG_a 1 + λejα 1 + λejα
( √̅̅̅
1 j 3 λejα
) The characteristic sag magnitude and the characteristic PAJ are
upcc_b = − − uG_a defined as the absolute value and argument of the characteristic com­
2 2 1 + λejα (6)
( √̅̅̅ ) plex voltage. Assuming that the grid voltage uG is 1 p.u, the character­
upcc_c = − +
1 j 3 λejα
uG_a istic sag magnitude and the characteristic PAJ are shown in (9) and the
phasor diagram for their calculation is shown in Fig. 3.

2 2 1 + λe
⃒ ⃒ ( )
⃒ λejα ⃒ λejα
2.3. Definitions of voltage sag magnitude and PAJ Upcc = ⃒⃒ ⃒ Δφ = arg
⃒ (9)
1 + λejα 1 + λejα
From (6), the magnitude and phase angle of the three-phase voltage For a system with given impedance angles, the relation between the
vector may be quite different under asymmetrical voltage sags, which characteristic sag magnitude and the characteristic PAJ can be calcu­
increases the difficulty of the unified sag definition. A classic solution is lated, as shown in Fig. 4. This paper focuses on the typical impedance
to introduce the characteristic complex voltage [7], which is also used in angle, including 0 (the most common value for transmission systems),
the voltage sag specifications of the LVRT test standard。 − 20◦ (the typical value for distribution systems), and − 60◦ (the mini­
The expression of characteristic complex voltage at the PCC is shown mum value for wind farms located offshore with submarine/under­
in (7), where subscripts “x” is the characteristic phase. The characteristic ground AC cables) [7,13–16].
complex voltage is the phase voltage of the faulted phase under the type For each voltage sag, its three-phase voltage vectors can be expressed
A, B, E sag. Under type C sag, it represents the line voltage between the by the formula containing the characteristic complex voltage. In other
two faulted phases, because of (8) [7]. words, a specific voltage sag event can be described through the sag
type, the characteristic sag magnitude and the characteristic PAJ. Take
Zf λejα
upcc_x = uG_x = uG_x (7) type C sag as an example, the characteristic PAJ is 0◦ at a system with the
Zf + Zs 1 + λejα
impedance angle of 0, according to Fig. 4. Thus a 0.5 p.u. type C sag with
Δφ = 0◦ represents a voltage sag with ua = 1∠0◦ , ub = 0.66∠− 139◦ , uc =
0.66∠139◦ , according to (4) and (9). Similarly, a 0.5 p.u. type C sag with

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

Lm d r d
urr = ψ + (Rr + σ Lr )irr (16)
Ls dt s dt

Fig. 6. Equivalent circuit of the DFIG rotor winding. where σ = 1 − L2m/(LsLr).

Based on (16), the rotor equivalent circuit of DFIG can be derived as
Δφ = − 34◦ represents a voltage sag with ua = 1∠0◦ , ub = 0.83∠-154◦ , uc Fig. 6, which is the foundation of the rotor current analysis. In this
= 0.44∠126◦ , which occurs in the system with the impedance angles of section, a general expression of the rotor current including multiple
− 60◦ . characteristics of voltage sags is given first. Then, through vector anal­
Based on the characteristic complex voltage, the relation between ysis of the stator flux, the influence mechanism of the POWI and PAJ on
the sequence voltages and the characteristic sag magnitude can be easily rotor current is explained. The calculation method of the signature
obtained, as shown in Fig. 5. For the convenience of expression, the POWIs is further carried out.
characteristic sag magnitude and the characteristic PAJ are called sag
magnitude and PAJ for short in the following sections. For a system with
3.1. Dynamic response of rotor current
a larger impedance angle (absolute value), the magnitude of the nega­
tive sequence voltage is larger. The positive voltage has a negative phase
The dynamic response of rotor current can be obtained through the
change along the positive rotating frame, while the negative voltage has
stator flux, the rotor-EMF (urr0) and the RSC output voltage (urr) [16].
a positive phase change along the negative rotating frame. In fact, the
According to Eqs. (11) and (13), the dynamic response of the stator
two voltage vectors rotate in the same direction.
flux can be obtained as (17).

2.4. Definitions of point on wave of initiation dψ ss dψ ss Rs s Rs Lm s

uss = Rs iss + = + ψs − i (17)
dt dt Ls Ls r
POWI corresponds to the phase angle of the pre-sag voltage,
A phase-to-phase fault between phases b and c gives a type C sag in
measured from the last positive-going zero crossing of the pre-sag
both the PCC and the terminal of DFIG according to Table 1. The stator
voltage [9]. As a single-phase characteristic, the POWI is different for
voltage of DFIG can be expressed as (3) and (4), thus the steady-state
the three-phase voltage vectors under an asymmetrical sag. This paper
stator flux can be obtained as
selects the POWI of the phase-a voltage. The reason is that the voltage

vectors in this paper is expressed in the stator αβ reference frame. ⎪

U1 ejωs t = jωs ψ ss f1 t < tf

Generally the phase-a voltage and the α axis are coincident when t = 0. ( )
uss = U + (18)
+ −
ej(ωs t+Δφ ) + U −2 e− j(ωs t+Δφ ) = jωs ψ s+ s−
sf2 + ( − jωs )ψ sf2 t ≥ tf
Therefore, the relationship between the sag occurrence time and the ⎪ 2

POWI can be easily obtained as (10).

tf = nT +
θPOW − 90◦
T (10) where ψ ssf1 represents the steady-state stator flux before the fault; ψ s+sf2
360◦ and ψ s-sf2 represent the positive and negative steady-state stator flux
where nT represents integer cycles, θPOW represents the POWI of after the fault, respectively.
phase-A voltage. Since Lm/Ls≈1 and Rs is small, the response of stator flux after the
voltage sag can be solved as (19).
3. Effect of POWI with PAJ on rotor current

j(ωs t+Δφ+ ) − ( jΔφ+ − )

2e U − e− j(ωs t+Δφ ) U1 − U +
2e 0 − U −2 e− jΔφ −
ψ ss = ψ s+ s− s
sf2 + ψ sf2 + ψ s fn = + 2 + ejωs tf + e jωs tf
e− (t− tf )/τs (19)
jωs − jωs jωs − jωs

In the stator αβ reference frame, the electromagnetic equations of where ψ ssfn is the transient dc component of the stator-flux which con­
DFIG are [2–4,13–19] sists of two parts induced by the positive and negative voltage; τs is the
stator time constant.
dψ ss
uss = Rs iss + (11) Substituting (19) into (15), the dynamic response of the rotor-EMF
after the sag is calculated as (20) (the stator αβ reference frame) and
dψ sr (21) (the rotor reference frame), where slip s = 1 − ωm/ωs with s < 0.
usr = Rr isr + − jωm ψ sr (12) ( )
dt Lm d
usr0 = − jωm ψ ss = usr0f2
+ us−r0f2 + usr0fn
ψ ss = Ls iss + Lm isr (13) Ls dt
Lm +
ψ sr = Lr isr + Lm iss (14) usr0f2
= sU 2+ ej(ωs t+Δφ )
According to Eqs. (11) and (13), the rotor voltage can be expressed in Lm j(ωs t+Δφ− )
the stator αβ reference frame and rotor reference frame as Eqs. (15) and us−r0f2 = (2 − s)U −2 e−
Lm − 1/τs − jωm [( +) ]
U1 − U 2+ ejΔφ ejωs tf + U −2 e− j(ωs tf +Δφ ) e− (t− tf )/τs

( ) [ ( )] usr0fn =
Lm d d Ls jωs
usr = − jωm ψ ss + Rr + σLr − jωm isr (15)
Ls dt
dt (20)

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

jωm t
urr0 = usr0 e− = urr0f2
+ ur−r0f2 + urr0fn
Lm +
= sU 2+ ej(sωs t+Δφ )
Lm j[(2− s)ωs t+Δφ− ]
ur−r0f2 = (2 − s)U −2 e−
Lm [( +) ]
(s − 1) U1 − U 2+ ejΔφ ejωs tf + U −2 e− j(ωs tf +Δφ ) e− (t− tf )/τs e−

jωm t
urr0fn =
The rotor-EMF (urr0)
in (21) includes three components 1) the pos­
itive steady-state ac component rotating at the slip frequency ωr; 2) the
negative steady-state ac component rotating reversely at the slip fre­
quency ωm + ωs 3) the transient dc component rotating reversely at the
rotor frequency ωm. Thus the dynamic response at the rotor current in
(16) can be decomposed into three equations based on the superposition
d r+
(Rr + σLr i = ur+ r+
rf2 − ur0f2
dt rf2
d r−
(Rr + σLr i = ur−rf2 − ur−r0f2 (22)
dt rf2
d r
(Rr + σ Lr i = urrfn − urr0fn
dt rfn
Substituting (21) into (22), the rotor current of those three equations
can be solved in turn as (23)–(25).
[ +
1 urrf2+ Lm sU2+ ej(ωr t+Δφ )
rf2 = − + A1 e− (t− tf )/τr (23a)
σLr 1/τr + jω+rf2 Ls 1/τr +jωr
[ ( ) ]
j(ωr tf +Δφ+ )
1 ur + t Lm sU +
A1 = ir_ref0 ejωr tf − / rf2 f − (23b)
σLr 1 τr + jω+ Ls 1/τr + jωr

{ −
1 ur−rf2 Lm (2 − s)U −2 e− j[(2− s)ωs t+Δφ ]
ir−rf2 = / − + A2 e− (t− tf )/τr
σ Lr 1 τr + jω−rf2 Ls 1/τr − j(2 − s)ωs

{ ( ) }
Lm (2 − s)U −2 e− j[(2− s)ωs tf +Δφ ]

1 ur− tf
A2 = 0 − / rf2 − (24b)
σLr 1 τr + jω−rf2 Ls 1/τr − j(2 − s)ωs

1 urrfn
irrfn = / + A3 e− (t− tf )/τr
σ Lr 1 τr + jωrfn

[( +) ]
Lm (1 − s) U1 − U 2+ ejΔφ ejωs tf + U −2 e− j(ωs tf +Δφ ) e− (t− tf )/τs e− jωm t

+ Fig. 7. Detailed vector illustration for the stator flux with the influence of PAJ
σ Lr Ls 1/τr − 1/τs − jωm
and POWI under the type C sag.

[( ) jωr t ]
( )
1 urrfn tf
+ jΔφ+
Lm (1 − s) U1 − U 2 e e f + U −2 e− j[(2− s)ωs tf +Δφ− ]
A3 = 0 − / +
σ Lr 1 τr + jωrfn σLr Ls 1/τr − 1/τs − jωm (25b)

corresponding to the rotor EMF in (21), the RSC output voltage also
In (23)–(25), τr = σLr/Rr is the rotor time constant; ir_ref0 is the rotor includes the positive steady-state ac component (ur+rf2), the negative
current before the fault. Since most RSC controls are linear, the RSC steady-state ac component (ur-rf2) and the transient dc component
output voltage will not generate new frequency components. Therefore, (urrfn). The specific expressions of above three voltage components rely

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

Fig. 9. The transient dc stator flux under the type C sag.

Fig. 8. The steady-state stator flux under the type C sag.

to be much smaller other components which can be ignored in the

on the RSC control strategy adopted, with the frequency of ωr+rf2, ωr-rf2
following analysis [16].
and ωrrfn.
By omitting 1/τs and 1/τr in denominators [13–16], the full response
of the rotor current is obtained as (26). Both the steady-state and tran­ 3.2. Signature POWIs considering PAJ
sient components of the rotor current have negative sequence compo­
sition under asymmetrical sags. The total response of the rotor current According to (19), Eqs. (21) and (26), the influence of the multiple
can be divided into four parts. characteristics of voltage sags on the DFIG’s rotor current is funda­
( ) mentally determined by its stator flux response. In other words, the in­
irr t⩾tf =irrf2+ +ir−rf2 +irrfn +irrfnr fluence mechanism of sag characteristics on the rotor current can be
Lm + j(ωr t+Δφ + ) obtained through the vector analysis of the stator flux.
urrf2+ − sU e
Ls 2 Fig. 7 is the detailed vector illustration for the stator flux under the
irrf2+ = type C sag. The case where the impedance angle is 0 is shown in blue.
jωr σLr
The case for the actual sag with PAJ is shown in red.
Lm −
ur−rf2 − (2− s)U −2 e− j[(2− s)ωs t+Δφ ]

ir−rf2 =
Ls 1) Response of the steady-state stator flux
− j(2− s)ωs σ Lr
Lm [( +) ] The steady-state trajectory of stator flux act as an ellipse under
(1− s) U1 − U 2+ ejΔφ ejωs tf +U −2 e− j(ωs tf +Δφ ) e− (t− tf )/τs e−

jωm t
urrfn + asymmetrical sags. The positive and negative composition of the steady-
irrfn =
− jωm σ Lr state stator flux rotate in opposite directions. The major axis of the el­
lipse is the sum of them magnitudes, which means the two compositions
irrfnr =A e− (t− tf )/τr are superimposed in the same direction. Conversely, the minor axis of
[ ( ) ( ) ( )] the ellipse indicates that these two components cancel out in opposite
Ur_ref0 ejωr tf 1 urrf2+ tf ur−rf2 tf urrfn tf
directions. Assuming that the impedance angle is 0, the major axis of the
A≈ − + +
jωr σ Lr σLr jωr − j(2− s)ωs − jωm ellipse coincides with the α axis.
(26) Under the actual sag considering the impedance angle, the steady-
state trajectory has an angular deviation about (Δφ ++Δφ -)/2. The
major axis of the ellipse is 2 (|ψ s+sf |+| ψ s-sf|), while its minor axis is 2
1) First term: the positive steady-state ac component rotating at the slip
(|ψ s+sf |-| ψ s-sf|). As shown in Fig. 8, since the system with a larger
frequency ωr. This component is affected by the positive stator
impedance angle will generate a larger negative stator voltage, the el­
voltage. According to Fig. 5 (a), the system impedance angle has little
lipse will become more slender. POWI will not affect the magnitude of
effect on the positive steady-state current.
steady-state stator flux.
2) Second term: the negative steady-state ac component rotating
reversely at the slip frequency ωm + ωs ((2-s)ωs). This component is
2) Response of the transient dc stator flux
affected by the negative stator voltage. According to Fig. 5 (b), a
larger negative steady-state current will be induced when the system
According to the third term of (19), the response of the transient dc
impedance angle is larger.
stator flux is the superposition of its positive and negative sequence
3) Third term: the transient dc component rotating reversely at the
components. The superposition process is determined by the impedance
rotor frequency ωm. This term is determined by the transient dc
angle and the moment when the sag occurs, that is, the sag magnitude,
component of the stator flux and decays with the stator time constant
τs. The sag magnitude, PAJ and POWI will work together on this
As shown in Fig. 7(a), the maximum transient dc stator flux corre­
component to affect the response of the rotor current. The related
sponds to the case that the dc flux induced by the positive and negative
mechanism will be analyzed in detail below.
voltages is superimposed in the same direction. The most severe POWI is
4) Fourth term: the decaying dc component attenuates at the rotor time
defined as the POW under this condition, which can be calculated in
constant τr. This term depends on the change of the RSC output
(27). The expression of maximum transient dc stator flux is shown in
voltage before and after the sag. In most cases, its value is considered

⎧ ⎡ ⎤ ⎫ ⎛ ⎞
⎪ ⎪/
⎨ sin( − Δφ +
) × U + ⎬
⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎜ ⎟
θmax = − asin⎣√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ ⎦ + Δφ− 2 + 90◦ ⎝270◦ ⎠

( )2 ⎪
⎭ (27)
(U1 )2 + U + 2 − 2U 1 U +
2 cos(Δφ +

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

Fig. 10. Calculation results of stator flux under a 0.5 p.u. type C sag (tf = 0.1 s).

Fig. 12. Calculation results of rotor current under a 0.5 pu type C sag (tf =
0.1 s).

According to Fig. 7, there are two most severe POWIs and two
lightest POWIs in one cycle. They are collectively defined as the signa­
ture POWIs. In this paper, only the two within a half cycle will be dis­
cussed. As shown in Fig. 9(a), there is a smaller signature POWI under a
larger sag magnitude or impedance angle for the type C sag. In addition,
a larger dc stator flux will be induced under a larger impedance angle, as
shown in Fig. 9(b). For the special case where the impedance angle is 0,
the signature POWIs are 0◦ (180◦ ) and 90◦ [17].
For type C sags, the peak value of the stator flux after the sag is
greater than or equal to 1p.u. Geometrically, the major axis of the ellipse
in Fig. 7 (the steady-state stator flux after the sag) is greater than or
Fig. 11. Calculation results of rotor-EMF under a 0.5 p.u. type C sag (tf = 0.1 s).
equal to the diameter of the circle (the steady-state stator flux before the
sag). The transient dc stator flux decays slowly compared with the
rotation speed of the steady-state flux. Thus the signature POWIs for the
( )
transient dc stator flux calculated by Eqs. (27) and (29) are also those of
− j Δφ− +θmax − π2
ψ s
sfn max = Bmax e e− (t− tf )/τs the stator flux and rotor current response. Approximately, the lightest
( )2 (28) POWI corresponds to the tangent point or intersection point of the el­
(U1 )2 + U + 2 − 2U1 U + 2 cos(Δφ ) + U 2
+ −
lipse and the circle in the major axis direction. The most severe POWI
Bmax =
jωs corresponds to the tangent point in the minor axis direction.
In order to verify that the PAJ and POWI have similar effects on the
On the contrary, as shown in Fig. 7(b), the minimum transient dc rotor current and stator flux of the DFIG, the numerical calculations of
stator flux corresponds to the case that its positive and negative com­ rotor current are carried out. For a certain RSC control strategy, the rotor
ponents are in the opposite direction. The lightest POWI and the mini­ current can be solved based on (26) by substituting the specific
mum transient dc stator flux can be calculated in Eqs. (29) and (30). expression of the rotor output voltage (urrf2+, urrf2-, urrfn). Same as [16],
θmin = θmax ± 90◦ (29) this section takes the most common basic stator-voltage-oriented vector
control [18] as an example, the related parameters are shown in Ap­
( )
− j Δφ− +θmin − π2
pendix A.
ψ ssfn = Bmin e
min e− (t− tf )/τs According to Eqs. (27) and (29), the signature POWIs are θmax =
( )2 (30) 90◦ ,θmin = 180◦ when impedance angle α = 0◦ for a 0.5p.u. type C sag,
U −2 − (U1 )2 + U + 2 − 2U1 U + 2 cos(Δφ )
and θmax = 64◦ ,θmin = 154◦ when α = -60◦ . The calculation results of
Bmin = stator flux, rotor-EMF and rotor current are shown in Fig. 10–12, which
verify the correctness of the signature POWIs. Comparing results under

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

Fig. 13. Peak value of the rotor current under different sag magnitudes, POWIs and impedance angles for type C sags.

Fig. 17. Calculation results of stator flux under a 0.5 p.u. type G sag (α = 0◦ ).
Fig. 14. Maximum rotor current under different sag magnitudes and imped­
ance angles for type C sags (θPOW = θmax). 2) The transient dc component of rotor current (60 Hz under the rotor
reference frame) varies with the POWIs. As seen from Fig. 12(a) and
(b), the transient dc current is the largest under the most severe
POWI and is the smallest under the lightest POWI.
3) As seen from Fig. 12(b) and (d), the impedance angle and PAJ have
little effect on the positive steady-state rotor current, but will lead to
a large negative steady-state current.
4) With the most severe POWI, the impedance angle and PAJ will
exacerbate the transient dc rotor current and stator flux, as seen from
Fig. 12(a) and (c).

Besides, the signature POWIs corresponding to the response of stator

flux, rotor-EMF and rotor current are consistent. The law of the peak
value of rotor current under different sag magnitudes, impedance angles
and POWIs further confirms the above analysis, as shown in Fig. 13. The
change rule of rotor current with POWIs is parabolic, and there are two
signature POWIs in every half cycle. The most severe POWI in Fig. 13
matches the results in Fig. 9(a).
By selecting the results under the most severe POWI, the maximum
rotor current that may occur under different sag amplitudes and
Fig. 15. The typical index of the stator flux under the type D* sag. impedance angles can be obtained, as shown in Fig. 14. The system with
different sag conditions, the sag characteristics have similar effects on a larger impedance angle will cause a larger rotor overcurrent with the
the rotor current and stator flux. The main finding are as follows:. greater impact near a 0.5p.u. sag. This law is consistent with that of the
dc stator flux in Fig. 9(b), which further proves that the rotor current
1) The positive and negative steady-state rotor current (10 Hz and 110 response is fundamentally determined by the stator flux.
Hz under the rotor reference frame) is affected by the positive and
negative stator voltage, respectively. The POWI have no effect on 3.3. Results of type D* sags
their magnitude, as well as the steady-state trajectory of stator flux
and rotor-EMF. A one-phase-ground fault (phase a) gives a type B sag at the PCC and
a type D* sag at the terminal of DFIG according to Table 1. The stator

Fig. 16. Peak value of the rotor current under different sag magnitudes, POWIs and impedance angles for type D* sags.

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

⃒ ⃒
⃒1 2 λejα ⃒ jα
U2+ = ⃒⃒ + ⃒ Δφ+ = arg(1 + 2 λe )
jα ⃒
3 3 1 + λe 3 3 1 + λejα
⃒ ⃒ (32)
⃒1 1 λejα ⃒ jα
U2− = ⃒⃒ − ⃒ Δφ− = arg(1 − 1 λe )
jα ⃒
3 3 1 + λe 3 3 1 + λejα
Figs. 17 and 18 is the calculation result for stator flux and rotor
current under a 0.5 p.u. type G sag with α = 0◦ . The type G sag is a
special case that the peak value of the stator flux after the sag is smaller
than 1 p.u. Geometrically the ellipse is inside the circle, thus there is
multiple tangent points between the two trajectories. This leads to two
special phenomena in its flux and current response. 1) The transient dc
component still exist even under the lightest POWI, as shown in Fig. 17.
2) The maximum and minimum conditions of the transient dc compo­
nent do not correspond to that of the full response of the stator flux and
rotor current.
Fig. 18. Calculation results of rotor current under a 0.5 p.u. type G sag (α The second phenomenon can be intuitively observed from Fig. 18.
= 0◦ ). θPOW = 180◦ is the case that the transient dc stator flux is smallest.
However, for a slightly larger POWI (210◦ ), the current superimposed by
the three current vector in (26) is smaller. In fact, the signature POWIs
under type G sags for the full response of rotor current will be affected by
the rotation and decay speed of the multiple current components, which
is difficult to determine the exact value. Thus from the perspective of
engineering application, the signature POWIs need to be corrected to an
angle range at this condition. The calculation method is as follows,

1) The lower limit of the signature POWIs can be obtained according to

Eqs. (27) and (29).
2) The range of the lightest POWI is can be obtained as (33) and the red
shade in Fig. 19.
Fig. 19. The region of the lightest POWI under type G sags.
Δφ+ + Δφ− U + + U2−
voltage of DFIG can be expressed as Eqs. (3) and (31). Different from θmin < θmin G < 270 − − asin( 2 ) (33)
2 U1
type C sags, its negative voltage has a negative phase change [7,14].

2 1 λejα 2 1 λejα 3) The range of the most severe POWI is the lightest POWI minus 90◦ , as
U2+ = + Δφ+ = arg( + )
3 3 1 + λejα 3 3 1 + λejα shown in the shaded part of Fig. 20.
⃒ ⃒ (31)
⃒ 1 1 λejα ⃒⃒ 1 1 λejα
U2− = ⃒⃒ − + jα ⃒
Δφ− = arg(− + ) According to the calculation results of the peak rotor current peak
3 3 1 + λe 3 3 1 + λejα
value under different sag amplitudes, impedance angles and POWIs
The influence mechanism of the sag characteristics on the DFIG in (Fig. 21), the most serious POWI is in the region (Fig. 20), which con­
Section 3.2 is applicable here. The typical index of stator flux under the firms the accuracy of the above method. Under the range of the most
type D* sag is shown in Fig. 15. The law of peak rotor current under severe POWI, the difference of the peak rotor current is quite small. So
different sag characteristics is shown in Fig. 16. The signature POWIs in the POWIs calculated by (27) can still be used to estimate the most se­
Fig. 16 are consistent with the calculation result according to Eqs. (27) vere conditions of the rotor current for the type G sag.
and (29) (Fig. 15(c)). Comparing Fig. 15 with Figs. 8 and 9, Fig. 16 with To verify the calculation result, a DFIG system with the basic vector
Fig. 13, although the signature POWIs are different, the change law of control is modelled in the MATLAB/Simulink for electromagnetic tran­
the stator flux and rotor current with sag characteristics is similar. sient simulations. More details are shown in Appendix A. Through
multiple simulations with different impedance angles and POWIs under
3.4. Results of type G sags a 0.5 p.u. sag, the fitting curve of rotor current is obtained in Fig. 22. The
pattern is found to be congruent with the analytical calculations.
A two-phase-ground fault (phases b and c) gives a type E sag at the Comparing the simulation results of the most severe rotor current
PCC and a type G sag at the terminal of DFIG according to Table 1. The (Fig. 23), it can be seen that the impedance angle, sag amplitude and
stator voltage of DFIG can be expressed as Eqs. (3) and (32) [7,14]. PAJ have the same effect on the rotor current of DFIG under different sag
types. The types of faults that have a more serious impact on DFIG are, in
order, phase-to-phase faults, two-phase-to-ground faults, and single-

Fig. 20. Region of the most severe POWI under a type G sag.

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

Fig. 21. Peak value of the rotor current under different sag magnitudes, POWIs and impedance angles for type G sags.

Fig. 22. Simulation results of the peak rotor current with different POWIs and impedance angles under the 0.5 p.u. sag.

Fig.23. Simulation results of the maximum rotor current under different sag magnitude and impedance angle (θPOW = θmax).

Fig. 24. The main experimental equipment of DFIG testing.

phase-to-ground faults.

4. Experimental verification Fig. 25. FFT results for rotor current under the 0.7 p.u. type C sag.

In order to verify the analytical analysis in Section 3, experimental (4) Eqs. (31) and (32). Test specifications include different sag magni­
verification is carried out. The main equipment is shown in Fig. 24. tudes (0.6–0.8p.u.), impedance angles (α = 0◦ , − 20◦ , − 60◦ ) and POWIs
The DFIG platform uses two towing motors to simulate its mechan­ (signature POWIs calculated by Eqs. (27) and (29)). The maximum rotor
ical system (1) and the converters adopt the basic vector control (2). A current for all test specifications are shown in Table 5 in Appendix B. It
45 kVA programmable power supply is used as the power grid simulator can be clearly seen that the influence of the sag amplitude, PAJ and
as well as the voltage sag generator (4). The DFIG platform and the POWI on the rotor current are consistent in both the theoretical analysis
voltage sag generator are connected through the Y/Y transformer (3), and experimental results. Within half a cycle, there are two signature
which simulates the two Y/Δ transformers of the wind power system. POWIs that have the greatest and lightest impact on the rotor current.
The power supply sets the voltages sags according to the first column of Under the most severe POWI, the PAJ amplifies the rotor over-current
Table 1. Main parameters of the platform are shown in Appendix B. and the medium sag is most sensitive. Among the three type voltage
Comparative experiments are conducted for type C, type D* and type sags, the type C sag caused by phase-to-phase faults have the greatest
G sags respectively. The voltage sag specifications are set according to impact on the DFIG.

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

Fig. 26. Detailed test results under the 0.7 p.u. type C sag.

The FFT results and the waveform of experiment results under a 0.7 system that the tested wind turbine will be integrated to. For
p.u. type C sag are shown in Figs. 25 and 26. Compared with figures in example, for the system shown in Fig. 1, the 110 kV overhead line
Section 3, the experimental results are found to be consistent with the model is LGJ-150 and its unit impedance parameter is RL = 0.1181
theoretical analysis. The laws based on the stator flux and rotor current Ω/km, XL = 0.34 Ω/km. The source impedance Zs can be considered
are also applicable to other electrical parameters of DFIGs. The POWI as purely inductive. Thus the impedance angle of this system is
feature has no effect on the steady-state component of the electrical approximately − 20◦ according to (5) [16].
parameters of the wind turbine. The FFT results confirm that the tran­ Step 2: The PAJ (the third column of Table 2) is then determined by
sient dc current are quite different under different POWI. The PAJ im­ Fig. 4, using the sag magnitude (the first column of Table 2) and the
poses more shocks on the DFIG by intensifying the overcurrent of the impedance angle defined in Step 1.
rotor windings, the overvoltage of DC bus and the power oscillation, Step 3: The magnitude and phase angle of the positive and negative
through the negative ac and transient dc component of them (105 Hz voltage can be calculated according to the PAJ and sag magnitude.
and 55 Hz under the rotor reference frame). Then the most severe POWI can be obtained through (27). Thus the
voltage specification will include four columns. Take the − 20◦
5. Recommendations for testing standards impedance angle system as an example, the voltage sag specification
are shown in Table 2. In the specification, the calculation result of
According to the theoretical analysis in Section 3, the response of the most severe POWI is rounded off.
DFIGs is different under different POWIs. In the existing LVRT test Step 4: Finally, the wind turbine should be tested according to the
standards, the voltage sag specifications (the first two columns of specifications in Table 2. The most severe POWI, or the most severe
Table 2) do not specify POWIs, which means the POWI of the test sag is sag initiation time estimated here, is a theoretical value. Due to the
random. In the worst case, the sag happens to occur with the lightest transients in voltage sag events and multiple calculation methods for
POWI. DFIGs that pass the test will suffer a significant detrimental the POWI [12,20], it is difficult to accurately implement the POWIs
impact in actual operation, which greatly increases the risk of discon­ specification in actual tests. One solution is to conduct multiple tests
nection. Therefore, it is recommended to supplement the POWI in the within a POWI range where the wind turbine is more severely
sag test specification. affected. Refer to the relevant test standards for the low voltage sag
For low voltage sag sensitive devices, relevant test standards have
stipulated that the test should be performed every 15◦ POWIs within a Table 2
half cycle [9]. Considering that the sag generation device for wind tur­ Voltage sag specifications with PAJ and POWI.
bines is more high-power and complicated, this paper recommends Event Characteristic Sag Characteristic Characteristic
testing at the most severe POWIs. The relevant test procedure as follows voltage amplitude duration PAJ (ϕ/◦ ) POWI (θ/◦ )
is based on the sag specification with PAJ [16], and the POWI is added to (V/pu) (t/ms)

the tests under two-phase sags. 1 0.90 ± 0.05 2000 ± 20 − 2±1 72 ± 15

2 0.75 ± 0.05 1705 ± 20 − 5±1 75 ± 15
3 0.50 ± 0.05 1214 ± 20 10 ± 1 80 ± 15
Step 1: The first step is to estimate the maximum possible value of the

4 0.35 ± 0.05 920 ± 20 − 13 ± 1 83 ± 15
impedance angle through the structure parameters of the power 5 0.20 ± 0.05 625 ± 20 − 16 ± 1 86 ± 15

J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

sensitive devices, it is recommended to perform multiple tests within CRediT authorship contribution statement
the range of ±15◦ around the most severe POWI, and use the
maximum current to evaluate the capability of DFIGs. It must be Jie Ren: Conceptualization, Investigation, Validation, Writing –
emphasized that this proposal is still at its initial stage. Field tests are original draft. Yang Wang: Software, Writing – review & editing,
needed in the future to test its feasibility. Visualization. Zixuan Zheng: Conceptualization, Methodology, Super­
vision, Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision. Xianyong Xiao:
6. Conclusion Supervision. Yi Zou: Supervision. Yi Zong: Supervision. Chunjun
Huang: Supervision.
This paper has presented an in-depth analysis on the current
response of DFIG under the impact of the POWI. Detailed analysis are Declaration of Competing Interest
carried out and supported by experimental verifications. The main
conclusion is summarized as follows. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
(1) When an asymmetrical voltage sag occurs, the POWI will affect the work reported in this paper.
the dynamic response of the wind turbine through the transient
stator flux and current. Within half a cycle, there are two signa­ Appendix A. Parameters and results of the simulated DFIG
ture POWIs that have the greatest and lightest impact on the rotor
current. The main specifications of the DFIG in calculation and simulation
(2) The two signature POWIs can be defined as the most severe POWI system are shown in Table 3.
and the lightest POWI, which usually differ by 90◦ . The signature The waveform of simulation results under a 0.5 p.u. type C sag is
POWIs is affected by the sag type, sag magnitudes and impedance shown in Fig. 27. There is a transition segment occurs in the actual sag
angles. A smaller signature POWIs will happen under a larger waveform, but the method proposed is still applicable. This transition
impedance angle or sag magnitude. segment is mainly manifested in causing a large glitch in the instanta­
(3) Under the most severe POWI, the influence of PAJ on the rotor neous reactive power at the initial stage of the sag [20]. The law of the
current is similar under different sag types. The PAJ intensifies simulation results are consistent with the calculation and experimental
the rotor overcurrent by increasing the negative ac and transient results.
dc component of the stator flux. The larger of the impedance
angle, the more severe of the rotor overcurrent. The PAJ has the Table 3
largest impact under the medium sag. Main specifications of the DFIG in calculation and simulation system
(4) An improved LVRT test procedure for the asymmetrical sag test [19].
conditions is recommended by incorporating the POWI. Multiple Parameter Value
tests within the range of ±15◦ around the most severe POWI are Rated power of DFIG 1.5 MW
recommended. Stator voltage/frequency 690 V/50 Hz
Rotor voltage/frequency 1725 V/10 Hz
Besides, further researches can be done based on the proposed study, Stator/rotor resistance 0.007 p.u.
0.005 p.u.
including the more accurate signature POWIs under the type G sag and
Stator/rotor leakage inductance 0.171 p.u.
the influence of the POWI on the performance of LVRT strategies. 0.156 p.u.
Magnetizing inductance 2.9 p.u.

Fig. 27. Detailed simulation results under the 0.5 p.u. type C sag.
J. Ren et al. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems 136 (2022) 107622

Table 4
Main specifications of the DFIG in tests.
Parameter Value

Rated power of DFIG 1000 W

Stator voltage/frequency 380 V/50 Hz
Rotor voltage/frequency 249 V/5 Hz
DC-link voltage/capacitance 305 V/3000μF
Stator/rotor resistance 2.1 Ω
1.1 Ω
Stator/rotor inductance 178 mH
82 mH
Turns ratio/pole 1.526/2

Table 5
Peak rotor current for test specifications (10 A in common).
Sag magni-tude (p.u.) α = 0◦ α = − 20◦ α = − 60◦
ir_min(A) θmin( )

ir_max(A) θmax( )

ir_min(A) θmin( )

ir_max(A) θmax( )

ir_min(A) θmin(◦ ) ir_max(A) θmax(◦ )

Type D* sag
0.8 13.64 90 15.76 0(180) 13.83 74 16.22 164 16.99 46 21.14 136
0.7 15.88 90 19.74 0(180) 15.81 76 19.98 166 18.64 52 26.24 142
0.6 18.26 90 23.16 0(180) 18.26 78 23.91 168 21.2 58 30.38 148
Type C sag
0.8 16.27 0(180) 21.27 90 17.55 164 22.06 74 20.76 136 25.73 46
0.7 20.28 0(180) 27.35 90 20.56 166 28.16 76 25.32 142 31.73 52
0.6 24.12 0(180) 33.27 90 24.88 168 32.48 78 28.93 148 40.28 58
Type G sag
0.8 19.74 90 20.38 74 24.76 46
0.7 24.63 90 25.69 76 31.21 52
0.6 30.42 90 30.2 78 35.59 58

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