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Clip One: Undying Fidelity

“Okay, so I’ve decided that you’ll watch two clips in total plus one bonus clip
either also from the future or from the past but I’ll decide on that later and
also the trailer of the movie.” Dev explained to them and they all nodded
their heads in understanding.
“I must warn you though, this first one is gonna be incredibly sad especially
for the royal Asgardians.” Everyone tensed at that wondering who and what it
was going to be about, “If you need tissues, they’re under your seat.”
With that being said, the first clip came on and everyone fell silent once
Asgardian PA: This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are
under assault, I repeat, we are under assault-
Everyone froze at that before Thor bellowed out in a loud voice, “A
He turned to look at his parents and brother with tears in his eyes. Odin was
surprised but deep inside him, he could guess how this happened but refused
to say anything in case he was wrong. The all-mother simply had her hands
covering her mouth in shock and Loki, well he just had a blank expression on
his face not letting anyone see his internal turmoil.
Jane quietly brought the man she loved into her arms in silent comfort as the
clip continued.
Asgardian PA: The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid
from any vessel within range. We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. Our
crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here.
This is not a Warcraft. I repeat, this is not a Warcraft!
The Asgardians looked on with fear, sadness and confusion as to how this
happened. Everyone else were just shocked as they are one of the strongest
people in the galaxy and yet this seemed to happen to them in the future.
Thor personally felt troubled as it seemed like he failed his people in the
Inside the ship, Ebony Maw walks among the dead bodies of the
Asgardians. Heimdall, badly wounded, reaches out as if it would stop
Maw as he passes, but doesn’t. Maw steps over them as he speaks.
Gamora, Nebula and Loki all tensed at the same time causing questioning
glances to be thrown their way as they wondered who that was.
Ebony Maw: Hear me, and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being
saved by the Great Titan…You may think this is suffering…No. It is
Everyone raised their eyebrows at that. Salvation? They’re pretty sure that
what’s happening is nothing near salvation and more leaning towards
Ebony Maw: Universal scales tip toward balance because of your
sacrifice. Smile…
Everyone scoffed and rolled their eyes. Smile? He expects them to smile as
they get murdered and call it a sacrifice? This dude’s definitely unhinged.
Corvus Glaive stabs one of the lingering Asgardians.
Ebony Maw: For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos.
Everyone was confused as they wondered who that was except for Loki,
Nebula and Gamora but decided to hold their questions off till the video was
Loki stands with the Black Order. He watches Thanos, shrouded in
darkness and light, a vague silhouette.
This did not help with their confusion as Thor turned to face Loki from
Jane’s hold questioningly but Loki simply ignored him like he didn’t notice.
Thanos: I know what it’s like to lose. To feel so desperately that you’re
right…yet to fail, nonetheless.
He lifts Thor by the neck of his breastplate as Thor struggles feebly.
Everyone were once again shocked as to how strong this guy was. Odin and
Frigga while obviously being concerned for their son were also wondering
how his hair got so short, same with Thor who looked on in horror.
Thanos: It’s frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. I ask you, to what end?
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now, it’s here.
Or should I say…I AM.
Thanos holds up his hand to reveal the Infinity Gauntlet, which already
hosts the violet Power stone.
Dr. Strange and the guardians all gasp out in shock making everyone turn to
face them.
“That’s one of the infinity stones, they’re six in total and powerful beyond
measure, unparalleled in their destructive capabilities. If he has it, then no
good’s coming out of it for sure.” Strange explained while the guardians
nodded along.
“Yeah and we’re pretty sure we gave the power stone to the Nova Corps after
we stopped Ronan from destroying Xandar.” Quill explained.
“You defeated Ronan?” Carol asked in shock and surprise as she knew how
hard the Kree were to beat.
Fury who knew how hard it was to impress Carol looked at the guardians
impressed that someone could make her speechless for once while Carol
rolled her eyes knowing what he was thinking.
Thor: You talk too much.
Thanos: The Tesseract, or your brother’s head. I assume you have a
The Black Order heft their weapons and smirk.
Everyone who had met Thor knew how powerful he was but couldn’t help
but worry, their minds going back to Dev’s warning.
Loki: Oh, I do. Kill away!
At that he received a lot of glares and a disapproving frown from Frigga. Jane
simply brought herself closer to Thor who rolled his eyes at his brother’s
words though deep down it hurt that his brother would do that. The
descendants simply watched with shock not knowing how to react since they
didn’t know these people.
Thanos’ face expresses surprise briefly before he presses the gauntlet to
Thor’s left temple. The Power Stone glows brightly as Thor screams
Everyone flinched at the sound. Jane and Frigga both having tears in their
eyes at this point though they held them back which Thor noticed as he gave
both of them a kiss on the forehead which made them and everyone else who
witnessed the sweet scene crack a smile.
Loki starts losing his cool demeanor almost immediately as Thor suffers,
and breaks after only a few moments.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief with Thor smiling at the fact that his
brother doesn’t hate him as much as he thought, Loki rolling his eyes at his
brother’s expression and Frigga smiling proudly at her boys.
Thor: We don’t have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard.
The Asgardians jaws dropped, Asgard was destroyed?
Loki glances at Thor like he knows something that he doesn’t. he lifts his
right hand into the air and the Tesseract reveals itself.
Thor: You really are the worst brother.
Loki holds out the cube and walks towards Thanos.
Loki: I assure you brother…the sun will shine on us once again.
They were all confused as to what that could mean while Thor smiled at his
Fury turned to Loki, “Is that some kind of secret code?” He asked to which
Loki shrugged in response.
Thanos: Your optimism is misplaced Asgardian.
Loki: Well, for one thing, I’m not Asgardian. And for another…we have
a Hulk.
Tony rolled his eyes with a smirk, “You stole my line.”
The Avengers just wondered when Bruce got to space and that too willingly
to Loki.
Thanos looks to his right just a green and very angry mass of green
slams into him. Loki dives for Thor, pulling them both out of the way as
the Tesseract skitters across the floor, and the Hulk pummels Thanos,
forcing him backwards and shoving him into the wall of the ship. Maw
stops Cull Obsidian from interfering.
Sighs of relief were heard all through as they all cheered while others like
Gamora, Nebula, Loki, Natasha, Fury, Maria and Clint were wary for
different reasons. Gamora, her sister and Loki were wary because they knew
how strong Thanos was having seen it firsthand while the spies were wary
because they’d seen him lift a literal god with just one hand not straining at
all and though knowing how strong the Hulk was couldn’t help but worry.
Maw: Let him have his fun.
And just like that the cheering stopped.
Thanos pries the Hulk’s hands away an expression of surprise and fear
crossing his green face. After several hard blows, Thanos picks up the
Hulk and slams him to the deck, defeated.
Thor slams a metal bar across Thanos’ back to no avail before being
kicked across the deck by Thanos and is promptly bound in metal debris
by Ebony Maw to keep him from interfering further.
Heimdall: Allfather…let the dark magic flow through me one last…time.
Heimdall summons the Bifrost, which carries the Hulk away; he meets
Thor’s eye.
The avengers cast seemed relieved that Bruce was safe while also wishing
that Thor and maybe…Loki? could have gone with him.
Thanos: That was a mistake.
Thanos borrows Corvus’s glaive and stabs Heimdall through the heart,
twisting the blade in the wound.
Thor: NO!
Thor bowed his head in mourning of his dear friend, “You died an honorable
death, friend.” He whispered to himself.
Thor: You’re going to die for that.
The avengers nodded their heads, yes he will die for that and so much more.
Ebony Maw shuts Thor’s mouth with his telekinesis before he kneels in
front of Thanos.
Maw: My humble personage…bows before your grandeur. No other
being has ever had the might, nay the nobility, to wield not one, but two
Infinity Stones. The universe lies within your grasp.
Now that’s just false, was Loki’s first thought. He had had both the scepter
and the tesseract at the same time so that’s just a plain lie.
Thanos crushes the Tesseract, revealing the blue Space Stone. He blows
some of the fractals away, fingering the Stone between his thumb and
index, before placing it on the gauntlet, and is momentarily rocked by
the surge of the energy.
Thanos: There are two more Stones on Earth. Find them, my children,
and bring them to me on Titan.
Proxima Midnight: Father, we will not fail you.
Both Nebula and Gamora bowed their head in regret, remembering a time
when they had both said those exact words.
Loki emerges from behind the Black Order.
Loki: If I might interject…if you’re going to Earth, you might want a
guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena.
And cue the glares from everyone who had recently gone through the whole
Chitauri army in Loki’s direction, Clint’s being the worst.
Thanos: If you consider failure experience.
Wait…this guy was the one who sent Loki to Earth? Everyone looked
shocked at that discovery while Loki simply avoided their gaze.
Loki: I consider experience, experience. Almighty Thanos, I…Loki…
Prince of Asgard…Odinson…The rightful king of Jotunheim…God of
Mischief…do hereby pledge to you, my undying fidelity.
Everyone paused. Undying…wait…? did Loki…?
Thor squints and notices a dagger materialize in Loki’s hand. Loki
braces himself, thrusts upward with lightning speed and attempts to stab
Thanos, but is frozen in place by the Space Stone’s power before the
point could hit flesh.
Thanos: “Undying…” You should choose your words more carefully.
Frigga against her royal mannerism breaks as she let out a loud sob realizing
what was about to happen to her son. Loki whilst frowning simply went and
hugged his mother keeping her close to his chest as she cried while everyone
watched the sad but sweet scene with half smiles on their faces realizing that
maybe Loki wasn’t as bad they had initially thought, though with New York
flashing in their minds were still wary of him and his actions.
Thanos twists the dagger out of Loki’s hand with his right hand, then
takes hold of Loki’s neck with the gauntlet and lifts him to eye level. Loki
struggles, kicking, as his throat is squeezed. He makes eye contact with
Thor before he increases the pressure on Loki’s neck.
Loki: You will…never be…a god.
Thor who had tears streaming down his face turned to face Loki, letting out a
watery laugh as he shook his head smiling at Loki who still had Frigga in his
arms. No, he will never be a god.
Thanos smiles at him, crushes Loki’s neck, killing him.
For a second there’s complete silence in the theater before Thor got out of
Jane’s hold and went to hug his brother and mother. Everyone smiled at the
scene in front of them while Odin seemed proud of the family he had as he
smiled while watching them.
Thanos walks over and drops Loki’s body in front of Thor.
Thanos: No resurrections this time.
Thanos raises the gauntlet, sends violet Power fire through the remains
of the Statesman, and uses the Space Stone to teleport away with the
Black Order.
Thor: No…Loki…
Thor is released from his bonds and immediately crawls over to Loki’s
body laying his head down on Loki’s chest as he sheds tears for all that
he has lost while the ship explodes.
Everyone whose lost someone, which was pretty much almost every single
person in that room, looked at him with understanding. He had lost his
brother, best friend and his parents. No doubt that was tough while also
dealing with the destruction of his home and the death of his people.
Loki felt a little happy at the scene whether or not he just witnessed his death,
the fact that Thor still loved him and was mourning him even after all he did
making him indescribably happy.
“Who was that?” Clint asked.
“Thanos.” Dev said with a dark look on her face while Nebula, Gamora, Loki
tensed at the name.
“That guy just killed a literal god and took down The Hulk like it was
nothing, we’re gonna need a whole lot more than ‘Thanos’.” Clint
deadpanned with a raised eyebrow.
“Just relax and watch the clips, and all will be revealed.” Dev told him.
“So basically just a longer version of ‘No Spoilers’.” Sam snorted while
Bucky rolled his eyes in fondness of the man who was sitting beside him.
“Call it whatever you want Samuel.” She said with a roll of her eyes.

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