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Pitch Deck

Table of Contents

01 Introduction
02 Team
03 Problem Statement
04 Innovation
05 Product & Company Strength Solution
06 Market Landscape
07 Business Model & Strategy
08 Budget
09 Customer Segment / Competition
10 Project Milestone
11 Socio-Economic Impact
Business Idea
"Step into the future hassle-free: rent electronic
components with no cost, no hassle, and no
journey required!"
About RentElect
Mission RentElect is the ultimate solution for students
seeking electronic components. Our online
platform provides easy access to our extensive
Our mission is to provide aspiring students in
repositories, allowing hassle-free renting and
various educational Institutions a hassle-free
providing valuable educational resources for
process for electronic component acquisition.
each component. With RentElect, students can
explore, learn, and innovate—all without the
Vision need to travel in search of components.

Our vision is to establish a vast repository across

various institutions and provide extensive
resources for students to learn from.

01 Introduction
Meet our Team

Adithyakarthik M M Harshith Lt. Rohini Thrimurthy

Team Lead Operations Lead Asst. Professor, BNMIT
2nd Year, dept. AIML, BNMIT 2nd Year, dept. AIML, BNMIT

02 Team
03 Problem Statement
What are we trying
to solve?
Students passionate about hobby electronics often find
themselves traveling long distances to acquire electronic
components. This journey entails significant capital
expenditure and the risk of wasting components after a
single use.

Why is it important
to solve?
Why now? Solving this problem is crucial because it not only saves
students valuable time and resources but also eliminates
Solving this problem now barriers to their exploration and experimentation in the
streamlines access to electronics, field of electronics. By providing a convenient solution for
saving time and resources for accessing electronic components without the need for
students eager to innovate. extensive travel and financial investment, we empower
students to pursue their interests more efficiently and
Cheap rental services in campus employing a near
autonomous rental system, and an extensive
educational guide repository to help all students with
their respective requirements.

04 Innovation
Readiness Level & Current Status
The following is our idea’s readiness levels

Ideation / Wireframe Design / Idea Validation

Our Idea is currently in the Wireframe
Design Process.

Development / Proof of Concept / Patent

Our Idea is under development and
will be ready to test soon.

Technology Readiness Level

Our Idea currently stands at TRL 4
level with Development readiness.

05 Product & Company Strength Solution

A Snippet of our page
39,04,000 Students
TAM Students

Market Landscape SAM

TAM – Engineering Students Across SOM
SAM – Engineering Students Across
SOM – Engineering Students 2053
Enrolled in BNMIT as of 2024 Students

06 Market Landscape

Value Proposition:
Offering a convenient and cost-effective solution for college students to access IoT electronic
parts on a rental basis, reducing the upfront cost of purchasing and providing flexibility for
different project durations.

Target Customer:
College students engaged in IoT passion projects or coursework, seeking affordable access to
electronic components without the burden of ownership.

07 Business Model & Strategy


Key Activities:
Sourcing and Inventory Management: Procuring IoT electronic parts from students,
wholesalers, and manufacturers to maintain a diverse and sufficient inventory.

Documentation and Packaging: Creating comprehensive documentation and packaging for

each part, ensuring ease of use and understanding for students.

Rental Management: Managing the rental process, including scheduling, payments, and
returns, to ensure a seamless experience for students.

Key Resources:
Inventory: Maintaining a diverse and up-to-date inventory of IoT electronic parts to meet the varying
needs of students.
Technology Platform: Developing and maintaining an efficient and user-friendly platform for inventory
management, rental transactions, and customer interactions.

Key Partnerships:
Students and Wholesalers: Collaborating with students and wholesalers to source IoT electronic parts
and expand the inventory.
Colleges and Universities: Partnering with educational institutions to establish local inventory hubs on
campus for ease of accessibility to students.

Cost Structure:
Inventory Costs: Initial Acquisition of IoT electronic parts from students, wholesalers, and manufacturers, along
with storage and maintenance expenses.
Technology Costs: Investing in the development and maintenance of the online platform for rental management
and customer interactions.
Operational Costs: Covering expenses related to documentation, packaging, customer support, and marketing
efforts to promote the service.

Online Platform: Utilizing a dedicated website or mobile app as the primary channel for student interactions,
rentals, and membership sign-ups.
Campus Presence: Establishing physical presence or partnerships with colleges and universities to promote the
service and facilitate rentals through on-campus hubs.
08 Budget



Initial Inventory ₹60,000 - ₹80,000

As the soft launch progresses and user
demand increases, costs will be adjusted
accordingly. The eventual cost, especially Website Maintenance ₹1000+ (depending on user
dependent on institutional user base and cost base)
scalability, is anticipated to average
around ₹3,000 per group of 3 students ₹3000 per group of 3 students
for the acquisition of minimum necessary Projected cost increase
parts for a standard project. for a standard project
Revenue Streams
Offering an annual membership
program for students, providing
unlimited access to a set number of
parts along with exchange options,
generating recurring revenue.

Rental Fees
Charging rental fees based on the
duration and cost of the borrowed
parts, generating revenue with
each rental transaction.
09 Customer Segment / Competition


Regional Vendors and Institute In house

Independent Businesses Inventories
Educational institutions with their own
Local suppliers and small independent businesses
supply systems present competition, as they
offer competition by providing similar IoT products
may offer IoT components and resources
although as sales. They may have established
directly to students. Leveraging existing
customer bases and competitive pricing strategies,
relationships with students and faculty, these
posing challenges in attracting and retaining
institutions may have an advantage in
meeting student needs and preferences.
SWOC Analysis
Make a big impact with our professional slides and charts
Convenient Inventory Access: Our on-campus
hubs provide easy access to our ever-present Weaknesses:
inventory, reducing travel time for students Seasonal Demand: Business experiences
fluctuations during semester breaks and
Rental Flexibility: Students can utilize products exam seasons, affecting revenue.
for learning without high upfront costs,
enhancing affordability and accessibility. Dependency on Semester Schedule:
02 Limited usage during semester breaks
Opportunities leads to reduced business opportunities.

Growing Student Base: Increasing IoT Challenges

interest among students expands our 03 Building Trust: Establishing trust in a new
service demands focused efforts.
Career Potential: Advancements in IoT
Institutional Expansion: Scaling to other
businesses offer students career 04 institutes presents logistical and resource
Market Gap: No direct competitors in IoT
Niche Product Acquisition: Meeting demand
rentals on campuses present a significant
for specific components requires ongoing
inventory management and expansion.
10 Project Milestone
RentElect Timeline
Development Performance
completion Review
Development completed, awaiting Evaluate performance
approval for soft launch, begin after soft launch, improve
creation of Inventory upon them,

21/04/2024 22/05/2024 01/09/2024

15/05/2024 22/07/2024

Begin Development Soft Launch

Development of the Tentative date for soft Service Launch
platform being employed launch, commencement of in Service launch post
commences campus RentElect Hub. evaluations.
Socio Economic Impact
RentElect mainly deals with eliminating the need of buying IOT parts by students who only use it once or
twice and never to be touched again. This gives rise to massive amounts of E waste, which in this finite
world is a combination of depleting resources. Along with that students spend exorbitant amounts of
money in trying to procure these parts, money which once again is something students are still learning to
manage. In addition to this while trying to source the products the students waste hours together, which in
college are essential hours wasted.
All of these factors combined and multiplied by the number of students in a college, multiplied by the
number of colleges in India accumulates to a massive wastage of resources, time and money.

RentElect offers the solution to this by a simple, time tested method of renting out parts to the students in
campus. This not only prevents the students from permanently procuring parts but also helps them in
managing their time and money. In addition to this, since the reuse of parts is promoted there is little to no
wastage happening in doing so. Thus eliminating the entire problem as a whole.

11 Socio-Economic Impact
Thank you!

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