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On Non-Commuting Graph of Dihedral Groups

Prepeared by: Shno Farhad Muhammed

University of Salahaddin, Physics Department, College of Education Shaqlawa



In this work, we illustrate and collect some results about non -Commuting Graph of dihedral groups. Find the
degree of vertices, the number of edges and providing some examples to explain our results and collections.
Keywords: Non- abelian graph, degree of vertex, the size of E( Γ G ¿ and energy of Γ G .
1. Introduction

I n the last two decades, the study properties of graphs became an interest too many
researchers to discuss the algebraic structures for instance, in [1] Abdollahi and Akbari
worked about the theoretical graph. The non- abelian graph on D2 n have been studied by
Talebi in [2]. Dihedral group is defined as a group of rotations and reflections for n- polygon
and is denoted by D2 n. The order of a dihedral group is 2 n where n ∈ Z and D2 n is defined as:
D2 n ≅ ⟨ x , y : xn = y 2=1 , yxy=x−1 ⟩ . The dihedral group D2 n has 2n elements which are listed as:

D2 n= {1 , x , x 2 ,… , x n−1 , y , xy , x 2 y , … , x n−1 y }. Ghayekhloo and Salimi also discuss about

properties of the dihedral graph in [3]. Jahandideh and Sarmin invested some results about
edges and degree of vertex of it in [4]. Suppose that G is a finite non-abelian group and Z(G)
represent it’s a center. A non-commuting graph of G is denoted by Γ G , where the vertices of
Γ G are G- Z(G) and two distinct vertices x and y adjacent if they don’t commute, that is
xy ≠ yx . Since Z(G) is equal {1} if n=2 k +1 where k ∈ Z otherwise Z(G) is equal {1, x 2 }. The

vertex set and edges set of non-commuting graph are denoted by V (Γ G ) and E(Γ ¿¿ G)¿
2. Some basic definitions
Definition 2.1 [6]
A finite alternating sequence is called a u−v walk of Γ G , this alternating sequence
represented by u=u0 , e1 ,u 1 , … , e n ,un =v . It is consists of vertices and edges starting from u
and ending with v where e i=ui−1 ui fori=1 , 2 ,… n . This u−v walk is called closed path if u=v
Definition 2.2 [6]

A non-trivial closed path is called cycle and symbol by C
Definition 2.3 [7]
Two distinct vertices u and v of a graph Γ G are said to be connected vertices if and only if
there exist at least one path joining them.
Definition 2.4 [6]
A connected graph of Γ G is a graph if every two distinct vertices are connected.
Definition 2.5 [6]
The length of the minimum u−v paths of Γ G is called the distance between two distinct
vertices x and y , symbol by d ( x , y ) .
Definition 2.6 [6]
The eccentricity of a vertex x in a connected graph Γ G is symbol by e (x) and defined by
e ( x ) =Max {d ( x , y ) : ∀ y ∈V ( Γ G )}.
Definition 2.7 [7]
The diameter of a graph Γ G is dented by diam( Γ G ) is defined by
diam ( Γ G )=Max {e ( x ) : ∀ x ∈ V (Γ G) }.
Definition 2.8 [7]
The girth of a graph Γ G is the length of the shortest cycle in Γ G and symbol by g(Γ ¿¿ G). ¿
Definition 2.9 [8]
The characteristic polynomial of the determinant of βI −C is a polynomial with variable β of
degree m whenever C is an m by m matrix.
Definition 2.10 [8]
The equation det ( βI −C )=0 is called the characteristic equation ofC of degree n. And
β 1 , … , β n are called eigenvalues of the characteristic equation.
Definition 2.11 [2]
Let X ⊑V (Γ G ) then X is called clique whenever in the induce subgraph of X every two
distinct vertices are adjacent and clique number of Γ G is symbol by ω ( Γ G ) and defined by
ω ( Γ G ) =¿ X∨¿ .
Definition 2.12 [2]
If the induced subgraph of X has no edges a subset X of the vertices of Γ G is said to be an
independent set. The maximum size of independent set of vertices is called the independence
number of Γ G and symbol byα ( Γ G ).
Definition 2.13 [2]

A k -vertex coloring of a graph Γ G is an assignment of k colors to the vertices of Γ G such that
no two adjacent vertices have the same color whenever k is a positive integer. The vertex of
chromatic number χ ( Γ G ) of a graph Γ G , is the minimum k for which Γ G has a k -vertex
Definition 2.14 [2]
A set Q ⊆V (Γ G ) that contains at least one endpoint of every edge is said to be a vertex
cover of a graph Γ G . The minimum size of a vertex cover is denoted byγ ( Γ G ) .
Definition 2.15 [5]
The adjacency matrix of Γ G is dented by AM (Γ ¿¿ G)¿, consist of a square matrix of rows
and columns symbol by 1 or 0 in the position (v ¿ ¿ i, v j)¿ depending on there is an edge
between (v¿ ¿ i) ¿ and ( v j ¿ or not. If they are adjacent represent by one otherwise write zero.
Definition 2.16 [5]
The sum of absolute values of its eigenvalues is called the energy of a graph Γ G .
3. Non-Commuting Graph of Dihedral Groups
Proposition 3.1[1]
The diameter of Γ G is equal to two for any non-abelian group G. Moreover, Γ G is connected
and g(Γ G ) is equal to three.
Suppose G is non-commuting group and Γ G have two distinct vertices a and b . If there is an
edge between them then distance between two vertices is equal to one.
Suppose thatab=ba, since a , b are non-central then there exist a ' , b' ∈V ¿) such that two
vertices {a , a' } and {b , b '} are adjacent. If b and a ' or a and b ' are adjacent then the distance
between two vertices is equal to two. Otherwise the vertex a ' b' is adjacent to both a and b and
again the distance between two vertices is equal to two. If diam( Γ G ¿=1, and c be a non-
central element of G. Thus we have c=c−1 and if d is a central element, then cd is non-
central, thus from (cd )2, we get d 2=1 that’s mean G is abelian. That is a contradiction.
For each edge {a ,b } of Γ G ; {a ,b , ab } is a triangle. Hence we get the result that g(Γ G ) is equal
to three.

Example 3.1:
When n=3, then the graph will be as shown below. The diam( Γ D ) = 2, Γ D is connected and g(
6 6

Γ D ¿=¿ 3.

x x

xy y

x y

Fig 3.1: The graph of Γ D 6

Theorem 3.2
Let Γ G be a non-commuting graph of D2 n .
a- Ifn=2 k where k ∈ Z , then deg ( x i ¿=n and deg ( x i y ¿=2 n−4.
b- If n=2 k +1 where k ∈ Z , then deg ( x i) = n and deg ( x i y ¿=2 n−2.
a- Let Γ G be a non-commuting graph on D2 n ,where n is an even integer.
Since each x i incident with n vertices in the graph Γ D then deg ( x i ¿=n .

But each x i y incident with 2n-4 vertices in the graph Γ D then deg ( x i y ) = 2 n−4 .

b- Let Γ G be a non-commuting dihedral group D2 n where n is an odd integer.

Since each x i incident with n vertices in the graph Γ D then deg ( x i) = n .

But each x i y incident with 2n-2 vertices in the graph Γ D then deg ( x i y ) = 2 n−2 .

Example 3.2:
When n=6, then the graph will be as shown below. deg ( x i) = 6 and deg ( x i y ¿=8 .

x 2 4
x x x


x y x y

x y
x y
Fig 3.2: The graph of Γ D 12

Example 3.3:
When n=7, then the graph will be as shown below. Since n is an odd integer then deg ( x i) = 7
and deg ( x i y ¿=12 .

2 3 4 5 6
x x x x x x

xy y

x y 6
x y

x y
x y

x y

Fig 3.3: The graph of Γ D 14

Theorem 3.3:
Let Γ G be a non-commuting graph on D2 n ,the size of E ( Γ G ) of a group D2 nof the form:
3 n(n−2)
a- Ifn=2 k where k ∈ Z , then E ( Γ G )= .
3 n(n−1)
b- Ifn=2 k +1 where k ∈ Z , then E ( Γ G )= .
a- Let Γ G be a non-commuting graph on D2 n , ifn=2 k where k ∈ Z . Since, we have (n-2)
vertices from above part in non-commuting graph on D2 n each of them is of degree n (that’s,
the number of edges in this part is equal to n ( n−2 ) and by theorem (the number of edges in a
n(n−1) n
complete subgraph is equal to , but we have subgraph which are not
2 2
n −2 n
complete(that’s, the size of E ( Γ G ) in the below part in Γ G on D2 n equal to . The size of
3 n(n−2)
E ( Γ G ) in the graph is .
b- Let Γ G be a non-commuting graph on D2 n , ifn=2 k +1 where k ∈ Z . Since, we have (n-1)
vertices from above part in Γ G on D2 n each of them is of degree n (that’s, the number of edges
in this part is equal ton ( n−1 ). Since, we have a complete subgraph from below part in non-
commuting graph on D2 nby theorem (The size of E ( Γ G ) in a complete subgraph equal to
n(n−1) 3 n(n−1)
. The size of E ( Γ G )in the graph is .
2 2
Note that from example (3.2) and (3.3), the numbers of edges are (36) and (63), respectively.
Lemma 3.4[2]:
Let Γ G be a non-commuting graph on D2 n, we have:
a- If n is an even integer then
1- ω ( Γ G ) = +1
2- α ( Γ G ) =n−2
3- χ ( Γ G )= +1
4- γ ( Γ G ) .=n.
b- If n is an odd integer then
1- ω ( Γ G ) =n+1
2- α ( Γ G ) =n−1
3- χ ( Γ G )=n+ 1
4- γ ( Γ G ) .=n.

Example 3.4:
Whenn=4 , then the graph will be as shown below. Since ω ( Γ D )=3 ,α ( Γ D ) =2, χ ( Γ D ) =3 and
8 8 8

γ ( Γ D ) =4 .

x x


x y x y

Fig 3.4: The graph of Γ D 8

Example 3.5:
Whenn=5, then the graph will be as shown below. Since ω ( Γ D )=6 ,α ( Γ D )=4 , χ ( Γ D ) =6
10 10 10

and γ ( Γ D ) =5.

2 3
x x x x

xy x

x y
x y

x y

Fig 3.5: The graph of Γ D 10

4. Energy of Non-Commuting Dihedral Graphs

Proposition 4.1[5]
Assume that the order of a dihedral group is equal to 2 n and the graph is Γ D . 2n

a- If n=2 k +1 where k ∈ Z , then the eigenvalues of Γ D are of the form: with multiplicity

(n−2) if β=0 , with multiplicity (n−1) if β=−1, and β= n−1 ± 5 n −6 n+1 .
2 4
b- If n=2 k where k ∈ Z∧n> 4 , then the eigenvalues of Γ D are of the form: with multiplicity (

3 n−2 n

) if β=0 , with multiplicity ( −1) if β=−2, and β=( n −1) ± 5 n −12 n+ 4 .
2 2 2 4

Proof (a)

Suppose that D2 nbe a dihedral group of order 2n where n=2 k +1 ; k ∈ Z . Since the center Z
( D2 n ) ={ 1 } from definition of non-abelian graph the vertex-set of a graph is of the form:
V ( Γ D )= { x , x 2 , … , x n−1 , xy , x 2 y , … , x n−1 y } .
The elements x , x 2 , … , x n−1 are pairwise

commute but x i don’t commute with x i y , for all i from one to (2 n−1). But all vertices of the
form x i y are adjacent for all i from one to (2 n−1). Hence, we get the adjacency matrix of the
size ( 2 n−1 ) ×(2 n−1) given in the form:

AM ( Γ D )= 2n
[ Z
K ]
Where Z is an ( n−1 ) × ( n−1 ) zero matrix, J is an ( n−1 ) × n ones matrix and K is an n × n
matrix, in which all elements in the diagonal are zeros and the other elements are ones. Hence,
the characteristic polynomial of the adjacency matrix is a polynomial of degree ( n−1 ) which is
of the form β n−2 ( λ +1 )n−1 ¿ . We have ( 2 n−1 )−( n−1 ) zero eigenvalues and this gives β=0
with multiplicity ( n−2 ). The other eigenvalues are β=−1 with multiplicity ( n−1 ). We get that

the last eigenvalues of the form β= n−1 ± 5 n −6 n+1 calculating it by quadratic formula.
2 4
Proof (b):

{ }
Let D2 nbe dihedral group of order 2n where n=2 k ; k ∈ Z . Since, Z ( D ) = 1 , a 2 from the

definition of the non-abelian graph of a finite group then V ( Γ D 2n

) have 2 n−2 vertices. The
adjacency matrix of Γ D when n> 4 and n is even is a matrix of the size ( 2 n−2 ) by (2 n−2)

given in the form:

AM ( Γ D )=
[ Z
K ]
Where Z is an ( n−2 ) ×( n−2) zero matrix, J is an ( n−2 ) × n ones matrix and K is an n × n
matrix, all elements in the diagonal are zeros and the other elements are equal zero or one
depending to the adjacent of the vertices. Hence, the characteristic of the adjacency matrix is a
polynomial of the form β n ( β +1 ) 2 ( β 2− ( n−2 ) β−( n 2−2 n ) ) =0 and this polynomial is of the

degree( 2 n−2 ). When and n> 4 and n is even we have ( 2 n−2 )−(n−2) zero eigenvalues which
are gives from β=0 with multiplicity (n). The other eigenvalues are β=−2 with multiplicity (

−1 ¿. We get the last eigenvalues of the form: β=( n −1) ± 5 n −12 n+ 4 calculating it by
2 2 4
quadratic formula.
Example 4.1:
Whenn=9, then the graph will be as shown below.

x x

xy y

x y x y

x y
11 x y

The adjacency matrix of Γ D is 18

AM ( Γ D ) =¿ ¿

By Proposition 4.1 (a), the eigenvalues of this matrix are:

β=0 with multiplicity 7, so we have seven β=0 , then β 1 ,2 ,3 , 4 ,5 , 6 ,7 =0 and β=−1 with
multiplicity 8, so we have eight β=−1, then λ 8 ,9 ,10 , 11,12 ,13 ,14 , 15=−1 and we find other

lambda’s from the formula β= n−1 ± 5 n −6 n+1 .
2 4
β 16=13.3808 , β 17=−5.3808 .
By using this general form of the characteristic equation we get the characteristic equation of
the adjacency matrix AM ( Γ D )which is:

β 7 ( β +1 ) ( β 2−8 β−72 ) =0.


Example 4.2:
Whenn=8, then the graph will be as shown below.

x x

Since, adjacency matrix of Γ D is16

[ ]
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 11 1 11
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 11 1 11
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 11 1 11
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 11 1 11
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 11 1 11
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 11 1 11
AM ( Γ D ) = 1 11 11 1 0 11 1 01 1 1
1 11 11 1 10 1 11 0 1 1
1 11 11 1 11 0 11 1 0 1
1 11 11 1 11 1 01 1 10
1 11 11 1 0 11 1 01 1 1
1 11 11 1 10 1 11 0 1 1
1 11 11 1 11 0 11 1 0 1
1 11 11 1 11 1 01 1 10

By Proposition 4.1 (b) the eigenvalues of this matrix are:

β=0 with multiplicity 9, so we have nine β=0 , then β 1 ,2 , 3 ,4 ,5 ,6 , 7 ,8 , 9=0and β=−2 with
multiplicity 3, so we have three β=−2 , then β 10 ,11, 12=−2 and we find other lambda’s from

the formula β=( n −1) ± 5 n −12 n+ 4 .
2 4

β 13=10.5498, β 14=−4.5498.

By using this general form of the characteristic equation we get the characteristic equation of
the adjacency matrix AM ( Γ D )which is:

β 8 ( β+1 ) ( β 2−6 β−48 ) =0.


Theorem 4.2[5]

Assume G be a dihedral group of order 2n and suppose Γ D be its non-commuting graph.


a- If n=2 k +1 ; k ∈ Z , then

ε ( Γ D ) =( n−1 )+ √ 5 n2 −6 n+1.

b- If n>4 and n=2 k ; k ∈ Z , then

ε ( Γ D ) =( n−2 )+ √ 5 n 2−12n+ 4 .

Proof (a):

Suppose that n=2 k +1 ; k ∈ Z from Proposition 4.1(a), the eigenvalues of Γ D are of the 2n

forms: β=0 its multiplicity( n−2 ), β=−1 its multiplicity ( n−1 )and β= n−1 ± 5 n −6 n+1 ,
2 4
hence from definition of energy of Γ D when n is odd we get:

| √ |
n−1 5 n −6 n+1
ε ( Γ D ) =|0|+ ( n−1 )|−1|+ β= ± =( n−1 ) + √ 5 n2−6 n+1
2 4
Which is prove of the first part of the theorem.
Proof (b):
Suppose that n>4 and n=2 k ; k ∈ Z from Proposition 4.1(a), the eigenvalues of Γ D are of the 2n

following form: β=0 which is multiplicity( n ), β=−2 which is multiplicity ( −1) and

β=( −1) ±
2 4 √
5 n2−12 n+ 4 , hence from definition of energy of Γ when n is odd we get:
D 2n

( ) | √ |
n n 5 n −12 n+ 4
ε (ΓD ) =|0|+ 2 −1 |−2|+ β=( 2 −1)± = ( n−2 ) + √ 5 n2−12 n+ 4 .

Note that from Example 4.1 when n=9 then ε ( Γ D ) =¿ ( n−1 ) + √ 5 n 2−6 n+1

ε ( Γ D ) =¿ ( 9−1 ) + √ 5(92 )−6 (9)+ 1


ε ( Γ D ) =8+ √ 352

ε ( Γ D ) =26.7616 .

And from Example 4.2 when n=8 then ε ( Γ D )=( n−2 ) + √ 5 n −12 n+4

ε ( Γ D )=(8−2)+ √ 5(8¿ ¿ 2)−12(8)+ 4 ¿


ε ( Γ D )=6+ √ 228

ε ( Γ D ) =21.0996 .

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