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Part 1 : Letter/Email (less than 80 words)
Part 2 : Directed Writing (125-150 words)
Part 3 : Report/Review/article/story (200-250
*All parts are 20 marks each
*It does not matter if your total word count
exceeded the limit set, no marks will be

Part 1
Example 1 (email)

Imagine that Simon is a friend of yours and has sent you the email.
Write an email responding to Simon, but refusing his invitation.
Subject:Party invitation

Hello Simon,
It’s been such a long time since we last wrote to each other. Thanks for
inviting me, but unfortunately, I have bad news. I won’t be able to make
it because my grandfather fell ill a few days ago, my family will be
visiting my grandfather this Saturday. Sorry mate, I swear I will make it
up to you!

By the way, congratulations on getting a new laptop! You promised you

would show me the new music you’ve been working on, now I’ll be able
to see your new masterpiece!

Here’s an update on what’s happening in my life. My new school is

great! I’ve made new friends and they welcome me with open arms.
They also helped me to catch up on my school work! I’ll introduce you
to them next time, I guarantee you will like them a lot, especially this
one friend I have that shares the same hobby as you!

I’ll stop here for now. Say hi for me to everyone! Bye!

*MUST respond to all questions asked
*MUST use cohesive devices such as Firstly, second of all, by the way,
*for part 1, 3-4 paragraphs are enough
*support your point with one or two reasons

Example 2 (Letter)

Andrew will also be visiting your city / town and has sent you the letter
in activity A. Read his letter and write an informal letter responding to
Andrew in activity E above.

Hi Andrew,

I’m so excited to hear that you and your family will be visiting my
country this August! We’ll be able to catch up on the things we’ve
First of all, we won’t be going on a holiday this August, so of course it
will be convenient for us. My parents also insist that you should stay
with us, why look for a hostel when your dear friend is just living near
the station. Not only is it convenient, you’ll also be able to save up the
cost for accommodation. Since you’re coming by train, I suggest that we
meet up at my father’s cafe. I'm usually there on weekdays to help out.
All you have to do is walk straight along Royal Avenue and then turn to
your left when you reach the end of the road. My father’s cafe is just
right around the corner.

Also, how could I forget about your obsession with photography?

There’s an ancient palace left behind by the royal family 200 years ago
that has now turned into a tourist site. It’s really famous and it’s only 30
minutes away from my house. I just know that you will combust from
excitement when we reach there!

That’s all for now. I still have homeworks left to do. Bye!

*MUST respond to all questions asked
*MUST use cohesive devices such as Firstly, second of all, by the way,
*support your point with one or two reasons

Example 3(Letter)

Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper expressing your views on

the issue described in the article above.

Dear Editor,

I am a concerned resident and I am writing in response to your

newspaper regarding the issue of litter. This is due to the fact that litter
has caused damage to our city’s image and it must be dealt with.

First of all, I would like to give my opinion about the sources of litter.
Litter came from the actions of irresponsible drivers as they’re too lazy
to even bother about the consequences of their actions. In this case,
throwing junks out through the window of their car is deemed more
‘effective’. In addition, there is a lack of dustmen to collect rubbish
that’s compiling day after day. There’s only so much work one can do in
a large city filled with indescribable amounts of litter.

So, the solution that will best cure this disastrous situation is to form
strict fines for people who drop litter. The reason is because punishment
is the best reminder for those who repeated their ignorant act of harm to
the surrounding. Besides that, I believe an environmental awareness
education is required to open people’s eyes and be conscious towards
their actions. Thus, avoiding littering as a result.

In conclusion, every person in the city plays an important role in keeping

the city clean, be it the mayor or the residents. Only then will the city be
free from junks and trash.

A concerned resident

Part 2
Example 1
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of desktop and laptop
computers. Write your ideas into a text of four short paragraphs. Which
do you prefer? Connectives to introduce similar and contrasting ideas (
furthermore, in addition, also, as well as. on the other hand, apart from
this, however)must be used in the description.

In this era, technology has thrived greatly, different varieties of

gadgets have been developed such as laptops, desktop computers and
others to satisfy people’s needs. Everyone has their preference. As for
me, a laptop would be my pick. This is because a laptop is light in
weight and small in size which makes it portable and easier to bring
wherever I want. Besides that, a laptop comes with fewer cables
compared to a desktop computer. That means it takes up little of my
room, that’ll make cleaning up my room much easier for me.

Though in contrast to its advantages, a laptop also has some

drawbacks. For example, due to its small size and lightweight, it makes a
laptop much easier to steal. It also has a smaller screen size which would
be unpleasant for those who love to game. They will need to squint their
eyes while playing games and that could cause damage to their
eyes.Plus, a laptop needs time to charge as it runs on battery power.

A desktop computer has its advantages as well, like a bigger screen

and a large memory, suitable for those who have a ton of files that need
to be uploaded. It is also very durable. Most desktop computers can last
more than 5 years! Its disadvantages are having more cables and being
heavy. Additionally, it is also non-portable!

So, a laptop is more suitable for people like me who don't play games
and likes neat room.
*for part 2, it is best to write 4 paragraphs
*MUST use cohesive devices

Example 2
Write the essay in 4 paragraphs. What are the pros and cons of team
sports? Remember to start with an introductory paragraph and conclude
with general statements and opinions in your concluding paragraph. The
two body paragraphs must be on advantages and disadvantages of team

Are you all for one or one for all? Different people lean towards
different ways when it comes to sports, such as an introverted person
usually chooses to play individual sports or none at all, while people
who’re a social butterfly will definitely choose team sports. Those who
choose team sports usually think that it only benefits them, however they
need to note that team sports have both their pros and cons as well.
Firstly, the advantages of team sport is its ability to deepen the bond
between the players of the game. Team sports require good teamwork
between its players in order to score a good game. So, players need to
train for endless hours to build the chemistry between them. As a result,
it strengthens the relationship between them. Next, team sport allows
one to learn to cooperate with another. They will learn what it means to
work together and develop comradery instead of becoming a lone wolf.
Besides that, team sport is good for socializing with another person.
Through this, they can learn to deal with different types of people.

When there is good, there is a bad side. Other than its pros, team sports
has its cons. The disadvantage of team sport is there may be a bad apple
among the team members. Sometimes, there are people who are selfish
and don't contribute to the team. They refuse to listen to others and will
eventually lead to the downfall of the team. Other than this, a team that
has many members will be bound to have a clash of opinion. This is due
to the fact that every person is different and some value their pride
which leads to them refusing to back down from the argument.

In conclusion, team sports have many advantages and disadvantages.

That’s why one needs to learn to balance it so as to not leave a negative
impact on the team.

Part 3
Example 1 (Story)
An international magazine has organised a short story competition and
you have decided to enter. The competition rules say that the story must
begin or end with the following words: Susan will never forget what
happened that day.
Write an interesting thriller story consisting of at least 200 words.

“Hurray, our test is finally over!”yelled Susan who was relieved that
the tormenting period of her final exam in university had passed. “Let’s
have a celebration at the Steak House! It’s all on me,”said Lily, Susan’s
friend. “Yay,let’s go!”The rest of her friends all cheered.

During their celebration in the Steak House, Susan and her friends
were on cloud nine. They chatted and cheered for their final year at
university. The moment was heartwarming when Susan noticed that her
glass was shaking. She brushed it off thinking that it was her mind
playing tricks on her due to her uncontainable excitement and effects of
the alcohol. She then resumed her conversation with her friends.

The next thing she knew, the ground was shaking violently, glasses
and plates fell down and the unsettling feeling in her was telling her to
run. Then, it all hit her like a truck. “An earthquake!”she shouted out. At
the same time, the sirens blared. The people around them started
shouting and cries were heard. The scene in front of Susan sent a chill
down her spine and froze her in place. A slightly shaking voice sounded
beside Susan and pulled her out of her trance. “We have to run!”shouted

Everywhere they ran, chaos and disasters followed. People were

pushing each other in panic and parts of buildings were tumbling down.
Suddenly, “Ah!” somebody cried out in pain, Susan turned around and
noticed it’s one of her friends who fell down and sprained her legs. The
unexpected situation caused the girls to be overwhelmed and terrified.
Just then, Lady Luck decided to have sympathy for them. “Are you girls
alright?” asked a firm and calming voice that soothed their racing hearts.
The girls saw the uniform the man was wearing and was immediately
relieved, “a police! We’re saved!”, they thought in unison.

The police brought them to a nearby shelter with the other refugees.
The scenes from earlier were still playing in Susan’s mind, haunting her
like a plaque. Susan will never forget what happened that day.
*for story, a captivating story is required for high marks
*good grammar and vocabulary
*not recommended as more time is required for plot as compared to
other choices

Example 2 (Review)
You recently saw this advertisement on a website.

Reviews wanted!
A Place to Visit in Malaysia

We are looking for reviews of interesting places in Malaysia. Your

review should tell us why you think the place is interesting. Tell us what
it is like, what kind of activities can be carried out there and the cost.
Would you recommend this place to other people your age?

We will publish the best reviews on the website.

Write your review.

Looking for a place to travel to fill your endless boredom? In that case,
I know just the right place that will relinquish your thirst for adventure
and that is Ipoh. Ipoh is known as the ‘City of Hills’ due to mountains
surrounding the city at its center. It is a perfect to-go place for any nature

First up, the top of your list should be destinations for your trip that I’m
sure every traveller pays the most attention to. Well, personally, Kek Lok
Tong is one of the most memorable spots for me. It is a temple set
amidst huge limestone caves consisting of a number of metal Buddhist
and Taoist statues. Another highlight is the fairytale-like gardens inside
the cave. Another famous tourist spot would be Kellie’s Castle, an
unfinished, gothic and ruined mansion of a Scottish Planter. It is
believed to be haunted by many, to all the thrill seekers out there, it’s
your time to shine!

The follow up would be the mouth-watering dishes of Ipoh. I’ve tried

many infamous cuisines during my time there and truth to be told, the
taste never disappoints. There’s the bean sprout chicken with its tender
meat and crunchy bean sprouts that adds to its flavour, Ipoh white coffee
that fills the entire store with its rich aroma, sweet caramel egg custard
with its jelly-like texture and many more. Those are just the tip of the

Lastly, traditions are what makes a place worthwhile and Ipoh is

exactly a place filled with it. Everywhere you go, you can’t help but
notice the diversity of the people who live there. There’s Chinese,
Malay, Indian, each with its own uniqueness and traditions to uphold.
For the Chinese people, they celebrate Chinese New Year, while the
Malays celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri. The Indians celebrate Hari

All in all, Ipoh is an interesting place to visit, it will give you great
satisfaction during your time there. Trust me and you won’t regret it!

*review is the most popular question(most recommended)

*for part 3, 5 paragraphs are enough
*review requires a lot of adjectives for sight, smell, taste, sound
*MUST use cohesive devices

Example 3(Review)
Write a review of an interesting film you have watched. What makes this
film interesting? What is a unique feature of the film? Will you
recommend this film to others?

A Silent Place
A Silent Place is an American post-apocalyptic film directed by John
Krasinski, which he also acted in as one of the main characters. The
horror film stars Emily Blunt as Evelyn Abbott, the lead actress and the
mother of three children that strive for survival and to protect her family
in an apocalyptic world.

The film is set 89 days after the chaos, when most of Earth’s population
has been wiped out by sightless creatures with hypersensitive hearing. It
narrates the story of a family that struggles to survive in this ruined
world while being forced to communicate in sign language to keep the
creatures at bay. Its highlight would be the discovery of the family’s
location by the ruthless creatures, where the heart-breaking scene when
the father(John Krasinski’s role) sacrificed his life in order to fend for
his children’s safety took place.

One of the most unique features of the film is there’s little to none
dialogue in the movie due to the characters conversing in sign language,
but this doesn’t hinder the audience from falling deep into the plot.
Besides this, the acting in the movie is top notch, as evidenced from
the father’s face that’s full of love and sadness towards his children as he
said his last goodbye and welcome death.

I found this film very fascinating. Throughout the film, there are many
unexpected events and twists that will keep the audience at the edge of
their seat. It’s a box-office hit and definitely should be watched by many.

Example 4(Article)
Write an article about a nature reserve or a place of natural beauty for a
Travel and Nature Magazine. You need to include vivid descriptions of
the place, what attracts visitors to it and special features of the place.
Give your impressions of the place and describe your feelings. Give
your article a catchy title. Develop your ideas by including relevant
details and examples.

Discover the Beauty of Pulau Langkawi

Are you looking for a place to wind down the hustle and bustle of the
urban city? Well, Pulau Langkawi which is renowned for the enormous
eagle statue which spreads its wings amidst the various shades of blue
would definitely fulfill your needs.
Life that flourish, bottomless abyss of pristine seawater, gentle breeze
that wraps around the inhabitants of the island, that’s the sight that’ll
imprint on your mind throughout the trip. Not to mention the most
exciting activity that is the underwater sport known as snorkelling. With
your first step into the ice-cold water, what awaits you is the wondrous
world of aquatic species. You’ll have a golden opportunity to feast your
eyes upon the magnificent view.

As Langkawi is located near the seaside, there is a variety of seafood

that you can enjoy. All of them are freshly caught by the fisherman.
Seafood such as crab, lobster and squid are all sold at an affordable
price. These mouth-watering cuisines are sure to relieve your hunger and
exhaustion. There are also lots of duty-free shops where you can get
some haul such as preservative seafood and homemade sea salt.

Pulau Langkawi, this magical and mesmerizing place brings you to a

comfort zone. Witnessing the golden ball of orange lining with the
border of the horizon leads to a breathtaking view. Why not plan a trip to
this paradise? I guarantee you will definitely not regret it!
*article have the same writing style and format as review
*lots of adjectives are needed
*engage with your readers with phrases such as why not…, you’ll

Example 5(Report)
Your teacher has asked you to write a report about your classroom and
suggest ways in which you can make it more pleasant. Your report must
consist of at least 250 words. Report writing requires formal language
and one way of doing this is by using the Passive Voice, hence you must
remember to use some passive structures in your report. Remember to
give an appropriate heading for each paragraph. Happy writing!

To:Miss Ng
Subject:Classroom Remodification

1 Introduction
This report focuses on the features of our classroom, which needed to be
improved to make the classroom as a whole, more pleasant for the
2 Air Flow
It is a fact that the temperature in the classroom becomes much higher
when the weather is sunny. Due to this cause, installation of air
conditioners are suggested to prevent the students from getting distracted
by the heat. Repairment of some of the old fans are also required to
provide better air flow and avoid any unnecessary squeaky sound made
by the fans.

3 Classroom Walls
Besides that, the walls of the classroom have become worn down with
the passing of time. Bits and pieces of dry paints had fallen to the floor.
So, the walls need to be painted again to remove the feeling of ‘old’ and
instead of plain white paint, unique patterns such as stripes can be
applied to the walls to give the classroom a more lively feel.

4 Variety of Equipments
Tables can be replaced by foldable tables that provide more space for the
students to do their work while the chairs can be changed into those
more comfortable ones, which come with small cushions. Apart from
that, tablets can also be added to the classroom to provide more
interesting teaching ways for the students to capture their interest.

5 Conclusion
To sum up, I believe if the above recommendations are carried out, our
classroom will become an even better place for study.
*memorise the format
*each paragraph will be named with a summary of what’s the paragraph
is about

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