Minutes_AFRIPRECAST-ZCIGC 17-10-23 (1)

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Location: Kicukiro District, Masaka sector

Tel: +250 791 376 259

Email: info@afriprecastltd.com
Website: www.afriprecastltd.com


1. Meeting Data

Project: Construction of Ntare School Project

Client: Ntare School Old Boys Association (NSOBA)
Contractor: AFRIPRECAST ltd
Consultant: GASABO 3D
Venue: AFRIPRECAST Masaka board room
Sarting Time: 2:20 Pm
Ending Time: 3:06 Pm

2. Agenda
1. Introduction
2. Discussion about ZCIGC remaining works
3. Way forward toward completion of works
4. AOB

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3. Discussions

No Designation Notices and Discussions

1 Introduction The meeting started at 2:20 Pm after the arrival of Mr Andy
JIANG in his quality as the General Manager with some of his
subcontractor and was chaired by Ntare school project manager
Eng. Innocent NKUSI.

He welcomed all members for turning up for this meeting and

stated that this meeting is about the completion of all remaining
works which falls under ZCIGC and his subcontractor

2 Discussion about The project manager asked ZCIGC representative, and all of his
ZCIGC remaining subcontractors present in the meeting the reason why they left the
works site without completing their works.
They explained that dropping off the site works was due to
financial issues that can not allow them to complete all remaining
3 Way forward toward The Project Manager requested to ZCIGC representative to
completion of works officially allow AFRIPRECAST Ltd to start working with ZCIGC
subcontractors directly and ZCIGC representative accepted.
The Project Manager thanked ZCIGC representative and asked
him to submit to AFRIPRECAST Ltd management and all of his
subcontractors an open book which comprise a list of all of his
Ntare School subcontractors with the below details:
a. Subcontractors’ contracts with ZCIGC.
b. Subcontractors’ physical progress.
c. Subcontractors’ payment status.

ZCIGC representative agreed that all the above documents will be

shared not later than Wednesday October 18th 2023.
The Project Manager also asked ZCIGC representative to create a
WhatsApp platform for all of his subcontractors in order to

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increase visibility in the project.
The CEO informed everybody that they should resume their works
while AFRIPRECAST Ltd is resolving their payment issues with
ZCIGC and assured ZCIGC representative that they are going to
get paid all balance once all problems with his subcontractors are
solved and the works at site are completed.
The CEO also asked ZCIGC representative to submit a list of
materials they need for completion of all remaining works so
AFRIPRECAST Ltd can support and buy them on their behalf.
The CEO concluded by reminding all the participants that all
remaining works must be complete before the end of October

4. Resolutions
1. ZCIGC has given permission to AFRIPRECAST Ltd to start managing his Ntare School
subcontractors from Tuesday October 17th 2023. This implies that their payments will be
deducted from ZCIGC remaining balances until full completion of their respective scope.
2. ZCIGC committed to share with AFRIPRECAST Ltd contracts, physical progress and payment
status of all of his Ntare school subcontractors by October 18th 2023.


Innocent NKUSI Andy JIANG

Project Manager General Manager

Done at Masaka on October 17th 2023.

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