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On here we give out various crypto trading investment strategies to investors

And information on our trading programs

Are you an experienced trader or just a hodler?

What cryptos do you hodl now?

Are you familiar with autobot trading?

Cryptocurrency trading bots are computer programs that automatically buy and sell
various cryptocurrencies at the right time with the goal of generating daily profit

Now rather than just being an investor or self trading you can work with the use of
algo trading/automated bot systems, risk is minimal and you’ll guarantee making
your profits daily.

I can introduce you to our investor group/platform that offers automated trading
services for investors via bot trading techniques

There are less complicated ways to trade and earn even as a novice , instead of
always leaving some of your assets to the mercy of volatility and also losing your
assets to amateur trading

What crypto do you hold? You see, most people involved in cryptocurrency try to
"buy low & sell high".
That's too risky. You must have experienced it as well

Crypto mining

is what verifies and adds new cryptocurrency to the blockchain. To verify the
transaction, a hugely complex mathematical equation needs to be solved first and
this is done by the aid of highly precise hardwares knows as mining rigs

The more the mining rigs you own , the more your ability to mine more coins (the
mining rigs can be joined together to form a “farm” and this farm generates a
certain power which is called “hashpower” and that is what they run on) , there are
also a few other factors to be considered such as electricity and mining pools “ a
mining pool is a collection of miners from all over the world who own mining farms
and come together to put all their farm powers together to generate a greater
hashpower which you may call hashrate

Creating a small profitable farm is pretty expensive but you need to have one if
you want to earn from crypto mining till a solution was found for mining coins such

Individual or company owned mining farms allowed people to come and invest their
money in their mining platforms for a certain percentage daily depending on the
invested amount and allow it to run for a period of time ( it is called cloud
mining )

But then with then with the good ones comes the bad ones too, before long ,
organized crime groups each started creating fake websites to scam people and then
the need to verify if they are legit comes in place , now some companies have been
licensed but if any report is validated against them they lose their license and
the government shuts them down

In order to curb the Menace of scams , blockchain who is the leading crypto company
and also owns the technology that all crypto runs on introduced an in wallet mining
system where you can mine coins daily in your individual wallets without having to
send money to anyone

But there is a catch , it must be done only using a blockchain wallet , hence you
would have to use a blockchain wallet which is the most secured wallet in the world
, it is so secured that if you forget your password you cannot reset in any case
where your email was hacked no one can enter into it , so you must never lose
your password

They offer a joint mining operation with their pools and allow you to earn 5% daily
on the amount you put into your wallet and it runs for a period of 90days you can
move your profits from the blockchain wallet to another wallet daily but the
initial amount must not be tampered with , if you remove that amount your mining
stops..:( the good thing is that when you start mining it takes into account the
dollar value of what you put into your wallet and it does not decrease with the
price of the coin)

Binary guys a Simple post like “what’s your crypto portfolio like and what would
you like it to be like , what are you currently earning from or hodling, let’s
discuss I’ll give you free advice on what to do with what you are hodling” will
give you a few interested pals as they’ll come with enthusiasm trying to discuss
what they already do
You have to follow suite listen attentively, encourage and make them feel good at
what they are doing , then at the end you can include your offer and it will sound

For those who meet pals who would rather hodl or not agree to invest here’s a
simple text to gain their attention, just say

If you understand how things work on the crypto space, you will know hodling gives
you some profits but cannot be compared to what you will earn from mining , holding
basically works with change in price, but why would anyone wait for a change in
price when you can make daily profits from what you already have,mining them or
trading them , the major problems some persons have is that they work 9-5 and do
not have time for themselves, but they Fail to understand that they can employ the
services of a professional miners/traders like myself and then earn daily which
is also mutually beneficial as we own the mining farms/I work with or in connection
with the trade company.

Mining could give you as much as 4/6/8% roi Daily without compounding , wouldn’t
you like to hear more ? This information is free and you can decide what you would
want to with it.

If after telling them this and they continue to doubt , tell them there is a way to
earn in their own wallet without sending money to anyone , then use the viabtc
format that I posted here on them.

You can start by sending them the video

And then follow up with the format

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