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ORGANIZE – All French pieces on the map start disorganized and OFF-ROAD MARCH – Move up to three pieces to an adjacent

adjacent MANEUVER ATTACK – Can be made from the reserve or from

cannot attack. They may march between positions within their enemy-unoccupied reserve, or within their own locale. Selected the approach into the locale opposite by crossing an approach that
locale and can block maneuver attacks, but they cannot march out pieces must move together. CAVALRY CONTINUATION is permitted. is either unblocked or only partially blocked by enemy pieces. The
of their locale. Exception: On the 6:00 AM round (only), French Pieces from reserve may only march to block an approach of the attack must include infantry if the defense approach is cavalry-
pieces cannot block approaches by any means. locale they occupy if the locale opposite is enemy occupied. The obstructing.
French pieces may be forced to RETREAT but this does not end their march can be made at no command cost if it does not result in 1. Attack Declaration – Indicate up to three attacking pieces and
disorganization restrictions. If a retreat or march puts organized more friendly pieces in the approach than needed to fully block it. the attack direction. All attacking pieces must occupy the
and disorganized pieces in the same locale, all pieces become same position and must all attack in the same direction.
immediately disorganized and subject to the restrictions.
1. If there are fewer than three organized French pieces on the
map, the action organizes a single piece. If there are three or
more organized French pieces on the map, the action can
organize two pieces. They do not have to be in the same
2. It is not permitted to organize some of the pieces in a locale.
Enough actions must be taken to organize them all.
3. Pieces can be organized and perform another action at cost.
2. Defense Response – If the attack is from the attack reserve,
ARTILLERY BOMBARDMENT (no command cost) – A two-action, the defender can choose to respond with units from the
two-turn process: bombardment is declared in one turn and defense reserve and advance them to the defense approach.
completed in the next turn. They cannot choose more responding pieces than there are
attacking pieces.
Can be made only from an approach into the locale opposite the
approach. Enemy pieces can be anywhere in the attacked locale.
The attack is not permitted if there is an artillery penalty in the
approach opposite the artillery’s approach.
A bombardment declaration can be cancelled before completion ROAD MARCH – Move one piece in reserve up to three reserves
without cost or penalty. It is automatically canceled if, for any connected by continuous, unbroken road observing traffic limits.
reason, the artillery leaves its declaration position. If a piece marches entirely on main roads, from start to finish, it
1. Bombardment Declaration – Turn the artillery face-up. can be made at no command cost. CAVALRY CONTINUATION is only 3. Result Determination – The defender wins if the attack is
permitted to an approach connected by road. blocked, otherwise the attacker wins. Attack is blocked if:
NOTE: A cavalry piece in reserve can road march ‘zero’ • Defense approach is fully blocked, or
crossings and then use continuation (at no command cost) to • Defense approach is partly blocked and (1) there is
follow a main road to an approach in its locale. exactly one attacking piece and (2) this is the first
Pieces marching by road cannot march through the same crossing maneuver attack across approach this turn.
in different directions in the same turn. And, apart from cavalry, a
piece cannot enter an enemy-occupied locale.
A cavalry piece can attempt to step into an enemy-occupied locale.
It is immediately resolved as a MANEUVER ATTACK. The road march
can continue only after a win by the attacker (and can include
2. Bombardment Completion – Defender chooses one of their additional maneuver attacks).
pieces in the attacked locale to be reduced. The first choice A road crossing cannot be used for more than one road maneuver
must be made from the approach opposite the artillery, then attack a turn. 4. Attack Completion
from the reserve, and then from elsewhere in the locale. • If the attacker won: All the defender’s pieces in the
defense locale must RETREAT. All attacking pieces
advance into the attacked locale reserve. CAVALRY
CONTINUATION is permitted.
• If the defender won: Defender’s pieces remain in place.
If the attack was from the approach, attacking pieces
remain in place. If the attack was from the reserve,
attacking pieces can advance, all or none, to the attack
A winning defender commits one morale token to the defense
locale, or two morale tokens if (1) the defense approach is
The defender loses one morale token for each reduction. wide and there are multiple attacking pieces and (2) it is the
The artillery should be left face-up until the end of bombardment. first maneuver attack across approach this turn.
ASSAULT – An assault is an attempt to take an adjacent locale To conduct, the defender briefly reveals the artillery piece to 7. Reduction Calculation
from the approach opposite an enemy-occupied approach. the attacker. Attacker chooses one leading piece to reduce. • Each side takes one reduction for each enemy leading
1. Assault Declaration – Indicate attack approach for the assault. • The attacker takes one additional reduction for each
surviving counter-attacking cavalry piece.
• On an attacker loss, if the absolute value of the result is
equal to or greater than the total current strength of the
attacker’s leading pieces, then add 1 to the attacker’s
reduction total if there is 1 attacker leading piece, and 2
if there are 2 attacker leading pieces.

5. Defense Counterattack – Defender has the option to name

counter-attacking pieces from among their assault pieces and
2. Defense Pieces Declaration – All of the defender’s pieces in
the defense approach are considered assault pieces. From turn them face-up:
their assault pieces, defender can select leading pieces and • Piece cannot also be a leading piece.
turn them face-up as follows: • In a narrow approach, 1 piece; wide approach, 1-2.
• In a narrow approach, 0-1 pieces; wide approach, 0-2. • Two counter-attacking pieces must be of the same type.
• Two leading pieces must be of the same type. • Cavalry cannot counter if defense approach obstructing.
• Cavalry cannot lead if defense approach is obstructing. • Each piece must have a strength of two or more.
Counter-attacking pieces immediately takes as many
reductions as there are attacking leading pieces, dividing
reductions evenly.
8. Reduction Assessment
• Reductions are applied evenly to leading pieces first.
• If reductions are greater than the total strength of
leading pieces, apply the excess to other assault pieces.

3. Attack Pieces Declaration – Indicate which pieces will be the

assault pieces then select leading pieces and turn them face-
up as follows:
• In a narrow approach, 1 piece; wide approach, 1-2.
• Two leading pieces must be of the same type.
• Cavalry cannot lead if defense approach is obstructing. 6. Result Calculation
• Each leading piece must have a strength of two or more. • Total the strengths of attacker’s leading pieces, and
• -1 for each infantry or cavalry penalty in the defense 9. Assault Completion
approach that matches, and • If the attacker won: All the defender’s pieces in the
• Subtract total strength of defender’s leading pieces, and locale must RETREAT. All the attacker’s assault pieces
• Subtract total strength of the counterattack. advance into the defense reserve. No entry into this
locale can be made by ROAD MARCH later this same turn.
Attacker wins on a result greater than zero. The defender wins CAVALRY CONTINUATION is permitted.
on a result less than or equal to zero. • If the defender won: All pieces remain in place. No
marches or attacks can be made across the same
approach for the rest of this turn.

A winning defender commits one morale token to the defense

locale for each defender piece chosen to lead the defense, and
4. Artillery Defense – Defender can choose to conduct an one morale for each piece chosen to counterattack.
artillery defense if all the following conditions apply:
The loser in an assault loses one morale token for each
• Defender’s assault pieces include an artillery piece. reduction (including any artillery defense and counterattack
• The artillery is not a leading piece. reductions).
• The artillery piece did not declare or complete a
bombardment attack in the defender’s previous turn. At the end of the assault, all revealed faces are again hidden.
• There is no artillery penalty in the attack approach.
TRIOMPHE À MARENGO Play Summary CAVALRY CONTINUATION – To use, a piece’s face must be briefly
revealed to the opposing player to show that it is cavalry.
At the start of each army’s turn, any morale tokens the army ROAD MARCH that ends in reserve, cavalry can advance to block an
has on the time track for that turn are moved to uncommitted approach in which the locale opposite is enemy-occupied.
A player performs approach clean-up for their pieces at the
start of their turn. If a piece is blocking an approach, and the
locale opposite that approach is not enemy occupied, then
the approach is cleaned up by moving the piece back into the
reserve in its own locale.
A player gets a total of 3 COMMANDS per turn. Most actions
require that a command be expended to perform. Exceptions
are off-road marches that qualify as defensive marches, road This does not expend a command unless it is used to split up pieces
marches on main roads, and all bombardment actions. A between multiple destination positions. In that case, each
piece can only participate in one action per turn. The only additional destination expends an additional command.
exception to this is the ORGANIZE action.
No more than three pieces can ever participate in a single
action. Even lower limits apply to ROAD MARCHES (one piece) RETREAT – Resulting from a defender loss in a maneuver attack or
and to ORGANIZE actions (one or two pieces). assault, the defender must retreat all pieces in that locale.
IV. MORALE CLEAN-UP 1. Reduction Assessment – Defender reveals the pieces face-up
At the end of each army’s turn, the army performs morale then applies reductions to their pieces as follows:
clean-up for its own morale as follows: • First artillery in any position is eliminated.
• Then, in each approach, pieces blocking approach take a
1. For each locale where the army has committed morale total of one reduction if the approach is narrow, and a
tokens and the locale is enemy-occupied, or where the total of two reductions if the approach is wide.
locale is unoccupied and the last piece to enter the • Finally, infantry pieces in reserve take a total of one
locale was enemy, the tokens in that locale are lost. reduction, unless the retreat cause was an attack across
2. For each locale where the army has committed morale a wide approach with multiple surviving attacking pieces
tokens and where none of the adjacent locales are advancing into the locale, in which case they take a total
enemy-occupied, the army’s tokens in the locale are of two reductions.
returned to uncommitted morale. • In reserve, cavalry never take retreat reductions.
3. If it is a French turn prior to 4:00PM, the French player • The defender loses one morale for each reduction.
can choose one committed morale token and return it to 2. Retreat Pieces – All pieces in the locale are retreated into
uncommitted morale. A token is not eligible to be chosen reserve areas of adjacent locales:
for return if during the prior enemy turn it was • The defender chooses where each piece will go.
transferred from being committed to one locale to being • Pieces cannot retreat into a locale from which the attack
committed to a different locale. came, nor into an enemy-occupied locale, nor exceed
locale capacity.
• Of the three types of approach directions (east, west,
and unmarked) the French cannot retreat west nor the
Austrians east unless no other alternatives are available.
• Any pieces that have no locale to retreat are reduced
until eliminated, suffering the loss of one morale for
each reduction.
• Austrians (only) must commit one morale to locale for
each Austrian piece they retreat out of the locale.
After all pieces are retreated, their faces are again hidden.

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