Human Biology Personal Statement

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Below is an example of a professionally written human biology personal statement, you are advised
not to copy it word for word, but instead to use it as a guide.


"I am a forward thinking and much experienced student who possess drive, ambition and ability.
Already having a deep understanding of the biological techniques and knowledge of the life-science
study of human beings, I am now looking for a professional education that focuses on employability,
personal development and equips me for the twenty-first century. Academically speaking I consider
myself to be an imaginative, intelligent and results orientated person, I say this without wishing to
sound arrogant.

I want to study biology because to me it’s an exciting area of study that underpins many of the
important advances that have transformed the quality of human life. I am particularly interested in
learning more about how the human body functions in health, the processes that lead to disorders
in cellular function and methods of detecting and treating disease.

Human biology can open many doors to successful careers in various fields of medicine and graduate
study. This degree provides the scientific basis for a career in a range of related fields, including
biomedical research, teaching, sports science, healthcare and promotion, or the biotechnology
industries. It will equip me with the subject knowledge and transferable skills that I can apply to a
whole range of roles, from a clinical perfusion scientist to a medical event’s organiser.

At college this was one of the most popular subjects, and I was lucky to get a place on the course. I
really enjoyed my time at college; apart from the academic aspect of the experience I met some of
my best friends there. On the course I got my first experience of lab work, where I had an
opportunity to apply in a practical way what I had learnt in lectures.

On the theory side I got a comprehensive introduction to the study of living things, their structure
and anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, ecology, genetics, nutrition etc. Overall I found it to be a
fascinating subject and got a basic understanding of why we look and behave the way we do, and
why we fall ill. My college experience is what drove me to study this subject at university.
At present I am employed by on a part time basis as a research assistant at a private medical
company. Although most of my work is administrative and office based, I am also occasionally
involved in the technical side of things, i.e. preparing samples for assays, carrying out various assays
and analysing and summarising the data of projects. Under the guidance of supervisors I am involved
in the design of successful programmes of investigation, and also setting up, conducting and
recording the outcomes of the research. Other duties I perform include analysing data using
appropriate statistical techniques and packages and then preparing written summaries of the work.

My long term ambition is to use the qualification, specialist skills and knowledge I gain from this
course as a foundation for work in research in university or biopharmaceutical industry laboratories,
clinical trials, scientific writing or teaching.

The most important thing for me when choosing to apply to you university was your reputation; I did
my research and checked out the league tables and decided to put your institution on my short list.
What sealed the decision was for my visiting the campus on an open day and seeing it for what it
really was. I was particularly impressed by the mix of old traditional buildings next to the cool
modern ones, this really gave me the feeling that I could study at your university for the duration of
my course. I also had a look around your library and found it to be top notch; it had the latest articles
and publication, right through to medial books written 100 years ago. In conclusion I feel that your
university is one of the most innovative and exciting in the country, and I would be privileged to
study there."

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