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I. Grammar (to be done in Language notebook)

Q1 You already know that pronouns are words that are used in place of nouns. Now, read these
sentences and fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

a) I am sure I left my purse here. Now I cannot find _______.

b) Don't look for Rajesh and Dev._______ have already gone home.

c) Tina looks so pleased. _____ has been selected for the main part in the school play.

d) Karan missed the football trials today.____ has been called tomorrow.

Q2. Underline the adverbs in the given sentences.

a) I went to watch that movie twice

b) Neena is extremely tired after the long journey.

c) Sushma walked slowly.

d) He will go to Canada soon.

Q2. Read Unit 1 Celebrations and Unit 2 Hobbies of My English Reader and complete the

Q3. “ I saw that bad handwriting was considered as a sign of imperfect education”-Mahatma

Practice 20 pages of good handwriting (to be done in Language notebook).

Q4. What would you like to do when you grow up?

Make this on an A4 size coloured sheet (to be kept in portfolio) . You may take help from the
given phrases.
Q5. Look at the following pictures(for reference only) carefully. Make a brochure on 3 most
cruel sports involving animals and their consequences on animals.( You can take any three of
your choice). Paste pictures and make it attractive.

Q6. Read the GOOD READING BONUS book Swami and Friends by R.K Narayan.


You recently visited Andaman and Nicobar Islands with your family and were mesmerized with
the serene beauty of the place. From beaches, to sea waves, to greenery, to architecture-
everything was breathtakingly beautiful. It reminded you of the poem Leisure from your
Literature textbook. The poet says that the world is full of natural beauty, but us, humans, are
always running after materialistic pleasures and have no time to just be satisfied in the lap of

Write a letter to your friend, who is also your classmate, telling him/ her about the experience
you had and how you related it with the message of the poet in the poem “Leisure”.

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